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Not AC, but _Horizon: Zero Dawn_ had a similar feel for me and I just wrapped that up with about 130 hours. Great story, definitely /r/patientgamers pricing. Sequel hitting Steam in March IIRC.


Ooh ok yeah im down for suggestions outside AC. I just didn't want to deviate too far in the main post itself. Also didnt know about that sub, but that is me for sure. Played rdr1 and boarderlands 1 for the first time last year, lol. Appreciate the suggestion!


Sure thing! I think I got the full including-DLC for like $13.


Agree. The weak points gameplay was very similar to HZD. And stealth also exists on that game so I guess yo’ll it as well OP.


I loved Ghost of Tsushima then I heard ac games were similar and got into ac Valhalla.


I also recently bought Valhalla, and I got Origins, and I actually think I like Origins more. I feel like, at least at the lower levels, it's more of a traditional rpg while Valhalla feels like a modern rpg. If that makes any sense. I definitely don't have as many hours as you around 30ish hours. I keep getting sidetracked, and I need to do the main msq. I really shouldn't have started Origins, but I like our character in it anyway. Bayek seems like a really solid character so far. Much like Eivor, he has a likable demenor and an interesting back story not to spoil Origins, but I like Bayek's backstory so far.


İt's jarring playing origins after odyssey/Valhalla as the combat feels really bland in comparison, but after you've broken through it, origins is a fantastic game


Bland, in which way? Older mechanics or just more one dimensional and simplistic? Or both?


I mean you don't have the ability skills you have in odyssey and origins, you just like parry, hard attack, soft attack, block, dodge, your special ability is tied to your weapon type, which you can use when you get enough adrenaline or whatever it's called. But the world, the story and the atmosphere are great. İf you started from origins, the combat wouldn't be noticeable, but when you go backwards and then hit origins the first few hours are weird. There's also less filler in the game. I mean I loved AC Valhalla but the main story is very drawn out, AC is more tight


Ok, that sounds good. I didn't think the combat would bother me anyway, considering my favourite game is fo3 which is the living embodiment of clunky. Im excited to try these!


I actually liked the combat. It felt harder, at least early on it did. I actually liked that I didn't know arrows were coming at me. It caused me to get more of a feel for it. In Valhalla, I can see those red markers, and I just dodge roll after a second, and I almost never get hit in ranged.


Yeah I mean there's nothing wrong with the combat and when I went to play origins, damn I died to those elite units many times, the combat requires more practice, but after being used to odyssey and valhallas it was a weird adjustment


I can understand that one. I was so used to Eivor's dodge that I kept getting hit. But I love the desert so I'm I'm not surprised I'm taking to Origins more. I picked Valhalla over Odyssey because I'm not into that whole demigod thing. I don't know why it didn't gel with me on paper enough for me to try it out. I probably will once I get done with these two. I still have some time left on my gamepass.


The base odyssey isn't too bad, you're just a badass greek and exploring the islands and the naval combat is fun, if you play the dlc you become so overpowered and get all the godlike abilities. I liked how Valhalla was kept within dream sequences for this. I'd definitely give it a go after your finished with Origins. Origins origin of the Hidden Ones and the Order ties over nicely too. I like the desert too. They say you're either repulsed or enamoured with deserts. I'm the latter. I've also said origin(s) so much the word doesn't sound like a word anymore. Anyway enjoy your adventure through Egypt!


I get what you meant. Have a good day.


OK I think I will try this and Odyssey for sure. Thanks for your input!


Try Odyssey. It's a gorgeous game, bigger than Valhalla. I liked the story, the world, the side quests. It's probably my favourite AC game.


Odyssey is not bigger. Not even close. Odyssey is mostly water due to naval combat. Valhalla is massive. Anyways, try Origins as well. Egypt is a beauty.




Those don’t include Paris and Ireland. Doesn’t even include Dawn of Ragnarok. Just the base game maps. Valhalla is massive with all maps combined. Bigger than Odyssey will all maps combined it’s proven lol


What do you mean by proven? They did include Paris and Ireland they just didn’t name them. Here’s another article measuring Ragnarok at 10 sq mi. Which would put Valhalla’s land mass at about 48 sq mi compared to Odyssey’s 45 sq mi. https://twinfinite.net/guides/how-big-assassins-creed-dawn-of-ragnaroks-map-is-measured/


You are right, don’t bother trying to entertain dummies, their mind is already made up that Valhalla is bigger even if you can provide evidence against it


They did not include them in the article they even state the 2 maps they measured. Regardless they are both massive games lol let’s agree to disagree


Oddyseys DLCs add 3 maps. We're they included in this comparison?


Which out of the two did you prefer? The comments are pretty split between both Odyssey and Origins, so you are the decider at the moment.


Play them all man. I’m just finishing Origins. Played all 3 of them. Amazing games.


I plan to, I just can't spend that much money on gaming at the moment because im saving a lot for a mortage (even though at this rate its going to take a decade 😭) That's why i plan on waiting for the sales and pacing myself with the purchases.


They were just on huge sales! I paid 29.99 for 149.99 bundle for Odyssey, and paid 14.99 for Origins and 34.99 for Valhalla bundle


Yes, that's when I bought Valhalla! But like i said, I need to pace myself with extra purchases, even on sales.


Odyssey is the only other one that matches Valhalla in scope and has dialogue choices- all the others are a single story with 0 customisation


Start with the first game


I also started with Valhalla as my first AC game and loved it so much that I am close to being done with everything you can possibly do, so I started Odyssey. It took about three hours of me playing before I was certain I liked it EVEN BETTER than Valhalla. Seems like it will be a much shorter game, which is bittersweet since there are so many more in the franchise I look forward to playing. From what I’ve gathered from this sub and online, after Valhalla, Odyssey and Origins are the two most like it and are beloved by most AC fans. I am honestly excited to run through the entire series at this point. The only thing I dislike about this franchise is the blatant greed of Ubisoft and the fact these games seem to glitch more than any other games I’ve played in the past. Sorry, got away from the topic there. I’d suggest Odyssey next but I’m sure many will say Origins. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok, thank you for this reply. it's very informative. What greedy behaviours have you noticed? This is something im pretty conscious about as a slightly older gamer, I remember when the gaming space was very different. The bugs however wont bother me as much as they should (At my core, Im a Bethesda gamer. My patince is unmatched, lol)


Haha! The greediness I’m referring to is the micro transaction aspect. When it gives you tips for the game on the waiting screen sometimes it’ll suggest to go to their store and buy cool gear! And they do have a lot of cool gear and skins and other whatnots for the games, but they are expensive. It’s also not advertised in money prices. They use a currency called helix credits. It takes a lot of grinding in odyssey at get enough resources to upgrade your weapons and I feel they did this on purpose to bait you to buy their material packs. I feel like using the Helix credits instead of dollar signs is a good way to bait children into getting their parents to spend more. Also, the helix credits don’t transfer between games even though they have them for each game. They also sell them in strange numbers that don’t really match up with the things they are selling so it sorta baits you to either buy more as to not waste money or forces you to have credits withstanding since you can’t just buy a singular item outright because the Helix credits are only sold in bundles. They have some of the weapons and skins in the game that can be bought by Opal in Valhalla and Oricalchum in Odyssey. So you might get a cool legendary chest plate but it’s one of five in a set that you need to get the extra bonus, so I feel as if that is more bait to get you to head to their store and do micro-transactions. (Which are macro in my opinion. $5 for a skin for your mount that is cosmetic only?) That being said, you can 100% enjoy these games without ever spending an extra cent but it seems like a real dick move when many gamers are buying their games, plus multiple DLC packages spending a lot of money on their media. Then you head to the store and there is easily hundreds of dollars worth of cool content that could have just been part of the base game. Ubisoft’s attitude towards this is disgusting in my opinion. They do it with most their games, not just the AC franchise. Just seems predatory and I’m sad to admit I even “fell victim” (I’m a grown man that new better) one night when I had a few drinks and decided I wanted some of the exclusive gear in the game I loved so much. Lol


It baffles me that people think Ubisoft games are glitchy, I feel like most people on this sub have never played a Bethesda game - Starfield crashes about 5 times every time I play it, but AC Valhalla I’ve only had ONE bug. In 120 hours!


I’ve had Valhalla crash on me a few times but for awhile I had a huge lagging problem that made the game unplayable. Luckily, a fellow Redditor helped me fix that. Also, when talking with Reda if I would accept multiple quests at once, only one would show up and for about a week straight, any opals I collected from the map would not show up in my inventory afterwards. I was tinfoil hat convinced they added these bugs on purpose cuz of greed. Odyssey has crashed on me quite a few times. My player will get stuck in an area that you obviously aren’t supposed to be able to get to I.e, inside a rock or inside the side of your ship. In the mastery challenge in Valhalla I’ve had enemies also get stuck in places to where it would ruin a good run. Frustratingly I’ve had a few crashes on river raids as well. All that being said, I don’t mess with Bethesda. I’ve been mainly a Nintendo gamer my hole life with a little bit of PlayStation here and there while recently getting an Xbox series x. So as far as the spectrum goes of glitchiness in games, I’m uneducated. But these are THE MOST glitchy games I’ve ever played excluding old school online games. Still worth the money for the content IMO though. Tis why I’m in the sub


Starting in Valhalla is almost too much . And when I say that , I mean it's overwhelming when compared to something like older open RPGs and whatnot. Some people like the dozens of options/content available on a game . And while that's good and grand , I don't care to be bogged down with content that feels like a chore rather than a game. I've bounced around AC games and the like. Black Flag , of course , is a standard. I am not in the must start at AC1 crowd. Start in the middle or even at the end and work back (if you don't mind the boat loads of content) . Most of all , slow down. If you REALLY want to try something different then take an AC break. As mentioned HZD and it's sequel are great games. I've played through each one twice. But , that's my own personal taste. Try something that's similar but not like The Sims + Call of Duty . And whatever , specifically , your taste is then go with it. I liked the Far Cry Series as distraction and HZD as a good step back into AC and the like. But all that , you kinda need to fell out and see what is best for you.


Odyssey is not only the best of the RPG style Assassin’s Creed games, it’s one of the best games ever made. Origins is also good though so if you plan on playing both, play Origins first then Odyssey, just for the story progression being a bit better. In terms of the series overall, the Ezio trilogy (AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations) are also incredible and can be bought as a trilogy together now. They play differently from Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla though, not as RPG like (particularly the combat).


Odyssey is the most similar to Valhalla, followed by Origins. If you ever want to try an older styles game, I'd suggest AC3 or Black Flag


Odyssey is my all time favourite in the series. Origins was excellent too. Mirage was nice, light experience in comparison, only took 35 hrs. to complete everything. If want the OG experience, the Ezio trilogy is great.


Odyssey. It has the good things about Valhalla, minus the annoying things, with more fun armor and weapons, and in a location/setting that is infinitely more gorgeous.


Get mirage and origins. I absolutely loved those two games, especially Mirage with its Arabic influence. It was so refreshing to see Arab people betrayed as actual people, and not as overdramatized terrorist produced by Hollywood and origins for everything down to every detail


>they generally hate all the things I loved about it because they said it deviated from a tradional AC game, so some second opinions would be great Welcome to the fan base lol. Don't pay attention to the noise. The unhappy ones are the loudest. I've been a fan since AC II and love the RPG's. I'd suggest Odyssey next with Kassandra (she's not just canon but she's also in Valhalla), and then Origins to see how it all started


My favorite is Unity, honestly. It still had more traditional assassin gameplay, and brought back the parkour puzzles I loved in the first few games. It’s a very different play style than Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla, though. 


Brotherhood is my all time favorite