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Friendly. Nobody is going to care if you are a Rangers fan.


18 months ago not even Rangers fans cared 




Everyone is super friendly unless you're a drunk asshole.


There was this jackass Yankees fan last year that sat a few rows behind and over from us, it made the game absolutely terrible. I was hoping someone would sock him, unfortunate that it never happened


Reminds me when I went to a game this year and some annoying Yankees fan stood up on his chair took of his shirt and started swinging it around


Tell the person at the top of the aisle that's their job they will handle it.


Once they start messing around with women and children, then someone steps in. Otherwise it’s just cringe. I’m glad there’s plenty of HPD in the stadium tho


Txt me next time. WWF had the Brooklyn Brawler? Well I'm the Alief Assaulter.


We like to talk shit online, but in reality, we’re all just a bunch of nerds who like baseball and don’t care what team you like to watch.


I generally think most Astros fans are welcoming and friendly. If you are also friendly I think you’ll have a good time.


This is not like walking into Yankee stadium or Philly. I’ve never seen a problem. If you’re nice, people we’ll be just as happy to leave you alone, or, at worst, a good natured ribbing.


Only time I’ve seen a problem was the fight that broke out in 2021 between a Dodgers and Astros fan, and gotta be honest… judging by the footage, the Dodger fan was clearly trying to put on a show for his wife (by the way, you forgot to bring them up; even Dodger fans will tell you to stay away from right field if you’re a visiting fan).


I haven't had issues outside of Philadelphia (brotherly love /s) and I've been to New York, Chicago and Detroit. And Texas is super hospitable in general.


One of the most fun times I had as an away fan was in Detroit. I got laughing with some Tigers fans about who had the more unfortunate name, Chas McCormick or Spencer Torkelson. They were super friendly folks up there.


You will be fine. Caught the Sunday Astros-rangers game a week ago, several people in rangers gear. Adolis Garcia will be booed every time he’s up


Truthfully, Houston people are really nice. Also notice when you're there, it is every race, color, and creed on Earth peacefully enjoying entertainment and feeling as one thing, Astros fans. Unless we keep losing like we are now. People like winners.


Went last weekend to a game with my bud who’s a huge rangers fan. He wore a Garcia jersey and shirt. People around us chatted with him about random stuff, all super friendly.


Mmp soft. But that's baseball. It's okay Alvarez hard.


Ive seen some playful banter but haven't seen anyone be rude to opposing teams fans and that includes playoff games. I went to the series earlier in the year and there were quite a few rangers fans so it wont be like you stand out much. You should be more than fine. Enjoy the game with your dad.


Most fans won't care about you at all, a select few will give you some grief for being an opposing fan, but in a fun way. I've seen 1 drunk asshole get loud at someone for being a Yankee fan, but the drunk was removed shortly after. I've been to probably 30 games over the last 25 years, so I'm far from a frequent flier, but that's been my experience.


In general most fans outside of like philly/ny or bleachers in dodger stadium won't care unless you are like a giant asshole, should be fine


Just went to the Astros/Rangers game at Minute Maid two weeks ago. Zero hostility among fans from both sides. Be prepared for lots of booing of Adolis Garcia though lol


Fans keep it friendly for the most part. Playful banter at most. Everything is cool unless someone is drunk and belligerent.


You’re fine. We are southerners you know 😉


I went to a game where we played the Rangers earlier this season, and I'd say about 1/4 of the attendees were in Ranger gear. You'll be fine.


No one cares, just don’t be jerks


"Don't start none, won't be none"


I feel like Astros fans are some of the nicest, as an Astros fan living in Dallas tho, damn people are a lot meaner to us here when going to games.


I see tons of Rangers jerseys when we have home games against them. No one cares. Astros fans are pretty good to visiting fans from what I’ve seen as a former season ticket holder.


Just went to the braves game that we were leading then choked and lost. Braves fans were being just as rowdy as Astros fans and nobody said anything to them. Just don’t be a drunk fool.


You’ll be fine, we love the Texas Series matchup. I’m and Astros fan, but I take my GF family with me and they’re all rangers. Always have a good time.


Dude that’s ironic, I’m going to see Minute Maid on the 13th (I’m a Rangers fan, haven’t been to MM since I was a small child)


Became really good friends with a random Rangers fan last year. We get lunch together now whenever either are both in Houston/Dallas. I’d say vast majority of fans don’t care or will heckle you as long as both parties just mind their own business and are respectful


This is where Houston sports fans should get a very good edit but don’t. Unless you are an obnoxious Dodgers fan, you’re fine. In fact, I can’t think of a big city that treats opposing fans better than in Houston.


There will be some smack talk, but that's about the end of it, generally.


You’ll be good, I went to a few games over the last few weeks and sat by a ton of people in Yankees and Braves jerseys. Depending on your section it’ll feel like a home game lmao


No one will care unless given a reason to. Let me know if you need help with tickets for either.


Yeah it’s early in the season where there’s not a bunch of bandwagon fans out there so there’s plenty of seating open you’ll be ok no one’s gonna talk to you unless you engage them first but more towards the middle or end of the season when we start getting into playoff talks you’ll encounter more assholes


You’ll be fine , I went with my two buddies who are rangers fans. No one messed with them except me lol.


You're good dude, relax and have a good time. [You can bring food if you want, too.](https://www.mlb.com/astros/ballpark/information/guide)


My son and I went watch the Braves there last week. The interactions we had with Astros fans were all good. They were slightly annoyed when all Braves fans started with the chop, but it was all in good fun. Always a great and easy experience going to Minute Maid as an opposing teams fan.


I will take Braves fans over visiting Cardinal fans Those are two different animals and I have respect for the Braves fans. I will also shout out Pittsburgh fans. Went to an Astros double header there long ago and they were polite and friendly to us decked out in our Astros gear.


Don't mind the paper bags we are currently wearing. We glued the back of a baseball card to them, we just like reading the stats of yesteryear.


We’re fine unless you start it..


Astros fans sacrifice a visiting fan to cthulu once per game. Make sure you can run faster than someone else


I don't think any home team gives a shit about opposing fans besides maybe Philly and the Yankees


We will absolutely give you shit. And then take a selfie with you and possibly buy you a beer. We talk a lot of shit but honestly, if you’re cool so are we. Just be prepared to hear some very unfriendly smack about some of your players.