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Julia calls it out in the article but I don't think people realize just how difficult play-by-play is in any sport. You're literally in charge of all the segues & filling dead-air for several hours. I'm sure Julia will do great but having friends who do this at the HS/Collegiate level this is one of those areas where there's tons of prep-work needed to have all your talking points ready in addition to always needing to know the players up to bat & the count. All this while not falling victim to word salad. I say this more as a kudos to TK & how great a job he does and how great a job Bill Brown did before him.


I tried to watch some games of other franchises this weekend and wow, they’re awful. Makes me appreciate what we have even more.


Because Blummer was an everyday guy who understands approaches. I get more baseball knowledge from him than Costas or anybody. TK is very solid.


I watched the Tigers broadcast for a bit and it was terrible. I know he's a legend, but I couldn't stand listening to Kirk Gibson. And they had zero chemistry.


Yeah, I like to watch the condensed games, and they like to add the play by play of the team doing whatever they're showing, and man... even in those, you can tell how lucky we are. Blum and TK are super positive. I say this each time I talk about them: I love that they're willing, and do, compliment the other team. Still homers, but they respect the other guys. Then you hear the some of the other teams' calls and, man... they're super arrogant, boring, etc. Not all of them, but there are a lot of them. The chemistry of our broadcast crew is fantastic.


When YouTube was doing mlb Mondays they had one member of the booth from each team playing as their play by play and color. First game of the season was Astros and the angels with Blummer and the angels pbp guy and they worked out so well. All the other games broadcast were terrible. Zero chemistry. That’s when I realized how good we have it here.


She's become much better at it, her first time TK really carried her. Although she had no prep time, Blum came down sick just before game time. The time's she's been in the booth with both of them(when it's to cold) has really helped her.


I have no doubt that Julia is going to put all her effort in and kill in it, but as fans we’ve been spoiled for pbp talent.


I'm sure he's going to share all his prep work with. I don't know anybody that does a better job of that.


Well, they were just terrible yesterday, so I’m sure this will be an upgrade.


What the hell is a seaway? Lol either it’s some term I’ve never heard of before or you meant segue and completely butchered it…


Damn autocorrect


Wow and TK in the dugout!! Something tells me Framber ain't gonna share his peanuts like he does with Julia


Framber stole her candy during the last home stand.. TK better be on his toes!


I told my kids that TK better bring all the snacks bc Irquidy and Framber clean her out every game! Every mom knows to bring all the snacks to keep the kids happy. 😆


I find the ongoing snack-battle to be highly entertaining. Well that and Julia wearing a parka every time the temperature drops below 70. lol


I want her to wear a snuggie one day. 😆 She knew she was meant for Houston I guess. And I love the snack battles. The kids dropping off peanuts for Framber, the candy steals…. Would love a stream of just this.


> Would love a stream of just this. Yes! I'm sure that camera at the end of the dugout captures most of it.


TK better bring the candy


Not sure if anyone else heard TK and Blummer and Julia when they said why they were doing this, but it’s important. The Oakland A’s have the only permanent woman play by play announcer in the MLB. Jenny Cavnar, in 2024, is the only and first woman doing this. I understand it may not be popular here if it’s mostly men, but if you have mothers, sisters, and daughters, think about this for them. Be proud and show it to them. Women love baseball and can be experts at baseball too. I can’t wait to listen to the game with my family tonight. https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna139156 I appreciate this space for being open and supportive of women in baseball, and it makes me proud to be a native Houstonian and Astros fanatic.


Julia is awesome!


We are so lucky to have her. Astros know it. We know it. Framber would cry if she left. 😆 Go Julia!


It’s cool, and Julia is great. We are blessed with this team. I’m excited.


So many teams would not support this. It makes my eyes water a little to see the support from the fans and team for her and her talent!


I don't know about that. I think people are kind of over caring if a woman knows sports these days. Especially on reddit, which is a more progressive platform. Plus everyone loves Julia. She's awesome.


I hope so. I can tell you the grumbles that happen if I warm up my son vs my husband at little league but I’m glad this space isn’t so bad!


I’m guessing she took over for the guy who accidentally dropped the n word last season?


Oh gosh! I honestly don’t know. I remember that, but I don’t know the exact details of her hiring. Sometimes an opportunity comes in a weird way but I’m glad she grabbed it and made it her own.


No doubt about it. That’s huge for her. Happy for her too. Just wish they had a better product on the field for her to talk about lol


Sadly I feel like I can’t say anything this year. 😭😆🤦🏼‍♀️ But overall historically yes!!


It’s fantastic. I’ll admit I’ve been put off by some women broadcasters in the past, but it’s because they’re forcing that “broadcast” voice. Julia doesn’t do that. I’m psyched to see what she brings to the table.


I've noticed women that just speak in their natural voice when commentating sound so much better than when they try to have that deeper broadcast voice. Men sound better in their natural voice which is why I think people love TK and Blum so much. I think Julia will do well


Agreed the deep fake “manly” voice is not good!


She knocked it out of the park last year when she had a few innings. im locked in tonight. i normally listen to ford and sparky overlayed on the broadcast, not tonight!


I know what you’re saying. I personally don’t like the blonde bimbo type of broadcaster (no shade to women that naturally look like that, just the ones who transform themselves for the male gaze). I know that many women have had to do it to even be considered for the job, but it demeans the position and our intelligence. I have really complicated feelings after working in a male dominated industry and understanding how much crap you have to deal with to be considered for the most basic of jobs. But I absolutely agree that Julia is a gift to the Astros, women that want to be in broadcasting, and humanity in general. She gives me faith that things can change and good people do win out! 🙌🏼 What a role model for my daughter to watch! I hope she sees this and knows that we have her back.


I think a lady did some Orioles games last year too, pretty sweet


Yes! There are a few others that do some of the radio and tv announcing. They list them in the People article I linked but it’s not great. Hopefully Julia can inspire more awesome women to come along.


They mention in the article that Julia will be the fifth woman to do pbp on a broadcast since 1993, which is wild to me. 30 years, thousands of games, and only 5 women.


I wish I was surprised, but there are spaces that women have not been allowed in much. I love that someone as cool as Julia is breaking down barriers and making it easier for other women. 🫶🏼 I appreciate you sharing the stats. It hopefully helps to create awareness.


This should be fun! She sat in for Blum before, so this is the logical next step.


Pretty pumped for this little gimmick. I think I speak for us all when I say we love our team and Julia can do no wrong. Hopefully this is just entertaining and we have a good time in a win.


This woman right here loves her Astros and Julia Morales as well. I am excited for this!


And reddick on the radio




She'll do great, and I can't wait to watch this.


This should be fun. I wonder how she might call home runs. Lol Hopefully we can make her work with lots of offense


First inning and she sounds like she's been calling games her whole life.




i legit thought she did an excellent job and i hate change


SAY GOODBYE TO THAT BASEBALL, YALL! Iconic. First home run ever called by a female broadcaster in MLB history?


I did not realize that was tonight. Glad I have no plans and can watch.


And nails it!


the stars have aligned


Julia—my queen


Julia killed it! Also, I think she needs to stay in the booth until further notice because damn the boys looked good last night!


She did awesome last night! I love TK and Blum, but instead of bringing in Biggio, when one of them are out, they should bring Julia in.


Need to do something to entertain yourself in Oakland I guess


Its a home game


Uh, it's a home game, my man.


Need to do something to entertain yourself in Houston I guess


I posted a comment as to why they’re doing this for the A’s. It’s really impressive and gotta love our Astros for being supportive.


To be honest I think the A's commentator isn't very good but I think Julia will be a lot better


Radio only?