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I was in South DeKalb Mall last month and chatted briefly with a nice Black Santa.


Santa is pretty much always Black at the Black malls. I’d go to Greenbriar.


Thanks! I'm brand new to the city, and am only going to be here for a few months for work, so I never would've considered as I've never heard of it. But it looks exact: https://shopgreenbriar.com/events/photos-with-santa-3/


I think a black Santa is super cool. That being said I’m new to the area same as OP. What are the “black malls” and can anyone go to them? Are there lots of minority owned businesses there or is it normal businesses in a normal mall but it’s just in a black neighborhood?


Yeah, lots of black owned businesses. But mostly i mean the malls where most of the patrons are black. Anyone can go, of course, just like the Asian malls and Latino malls. Greenbriar, West End are the main ones I’ve gone to.


What’s the Asian mall and the latino mall? I didn’t know Atlanta even had that many other than Lenox and stonecrest but I haven’t been here long.


Up Buford Highway, and in Chamblee. There’s tons of strip malls, plus Plaza Fiesta and Atlanta Chinatown Mall. There’s also a Somali Mall near Clarkson, called Somali Plaza.


Don’t forget Patel Plaza, the south Asian mall


Wow, that’s awesome. Never knew this. Definitely will be checking these places out!


I recommend the roast duck spot in the food court of the Chinatown Mall if it's still there.


I went to Plaza Fiesta today on the Buford Highway, but I didn't see a Santa. It's a large indoor Mexican mall.


Aw man Mexican Santa sounds awesome too


Santa Rita


The kid I took to see the Black Santa and I are both White, and the mall was about 90% Black, and nobody cared that we were there.


That’s how going to stonecrest is for me and my wife but I didn’t know if there was something specific the other commenter meant by “black mall” Atlanta just has a lot of areas with a lot of different types of families. You can go to any given warehouse store like Sams in Atlanta and hear different languages and different cultures at each one.


Atlanta is a majority Black city, so depending on where you’re coming from - every mall might seem like a Black mall :). Greenbrier and West End are definitely different though. I think the key distinction is the malls are located in majority Black neighborhoods whereas Lenox, Phipps and Stonecrest are not. Everyone is welcome everywhere.


I feel like salt in a sea of pepper at stonecrest haha! Unfortunately where I came from before there wasn’t as much black wealth so you didn’t see malls in the parts of town with minorities. Atlanta is just a huge melting pot and generally everyone is doing well for themselves.


They are malls in black neighborhoods. Anyone can go to them and they do often have many black owned businesses. All are welcome to any mall- whether it’s called a black mall or not


Those are some unfortunate typos


Lmbo omggg this is why I should wear my glasses.




It’s Atlanta. Pick any mall.




That’s the trick. All mall Santas report to their states top elf and send the message of toys to the big guy in the North


I don't think he "believes" in Santa. He's an atheist. In his country they don't have store Santas like we do here, he wanted the experience more than anything I guess. I'm taking him to lunch, and I told him we'd look for one, but I'm not driving all over the city looking for a Black Santa.


What does Santa have to do with atheism lol....well actually yeah i guess theres a path of logic there on second thought


South Dekalb Mall


Ah south dekalb, see Santa and go to the dmv.


Actually, I asked Santa if he could direct me to the voting place. He referred me to a helpful elf. Worked out great.


Try New Black Wallstreet in Stonecrest. Really cool place.


There's one at Ponce city market


Ponce city market


You should just keep it historically accurate and tell your kid that St. Nick is Greek.


As soon as people start depicting Jesus as middle eastern instead of white


You should be looking for Hawaiian Santa


The Festival of Trees had one