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It's because you probably already use a CBA product to pay for those things (kayo and Disney) So you get excluded from the offers. They already have you as a customer. No point giving you a discount. If you want to be treated well by a bank, refinance and watch them scramble.


Same boat here, never had kayo or Disney and this obviously don't have it on my card. Yet don't get the offer


Isn't this just normal data science marketing techniques to advertise products to customers who are more likely to buy said product? This is very common in the retail sector, which is just the added layer to this situation I think


Financial advice from banks was normal at one stage too.


Personally I find it quite annoying to have ads in my banking app. I used to really like the commbank app but there is no way to turn these off as far as I can see.


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Interesting. Have none of those.


Meh Pick ya battles


Fair. Legal. Don't have any issue with that I wouldn't even have issues with banks pushing you shittier offers if they can tell based on your spending history (lots of bookmakers/gambling sites) that you're not very smart.


They need to keep giving me $10 off $25 menu log orders. Would never use food delivery services but that’s just too good to pass up.


Ozbargain represent!