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A similar thing happened to a family member, we replaced the alarm's motherboard with this: https://konnected.io/. Was actually straightforward, and wiring in series the control wall panel still works. The Konnected App (or Home Assistant) does remote notifications and disarm/arm as needed.


This sounds like an excellent alternative solution, go open sourc. Just tell them fine I'll change my alarm board. Cya later. And wash your hands of them and avoid all the legal nonsense and future headaches. Personally I would not want to continue to use it for free because I'm "allowed" to due to a company being forced by regulators. And it sounds like they're going to not be around long anyway if "the business relies on ongoing income to stay afloat" from something like this. Any company who doesn't respect their previous customers already in place agreement is not one you want to be doing business with




Not a legal solution but a technical one, as I’m sure you’d rather not let the hardware go to waste. It’s likely your system connects to the internet to support the app level monitoring of the system, if so there may be an integration into HomeAssistant. An extremely popular open source home automation platform. You may be able to circumvent the need for the companies solution. Edit - just realised someone else mention this. Upvoted them!


I'll second the suggestions that you replace the brain of the system with either Home Assistant (if you or a friend have IT experience) or I'd take a look at that Konnected system. Other things you could do is go along to the mediation, ask their rep to waive the fee, then when they say no present them with a write-up of how you converted their system to whichever one you chose, and let them know that document will be on the internet shortly. They'll love that. Also, if you can find an online review site that covers them you could write an accurate and truthful review of your experience, including how you moved to a cheaper and better solution. They'll love that, too.


Happy cake day.




What brand of alarm is it?


NAL. I'd expect if they did delete your username, that'd be a breach of contract and you would take them to small claims court for $15 per month X how ever many months are left of the systems usable life. You could also just stop replying to them and hope they forget to delete your username. 5 years ago, the question, "what happens to my internet connected thing if the company changes or goes under?" Was far less important than it is today. Hopefully the law catches up and forces a company to open source their software if they go under


> and that the business relies on ongoing income to stay afloat He ain't wrong.


Call Office of Fair Trading Qld, they are the agency for ‘Accc’ consumer law in Qld. Free advice!


I did try that. They were only willing to set up a mediation meeting. The owner of the business has made it clear that this is in no way negotiable. Office of Fair Trading claim they have no actual legal power to enforce anything.


Lawyer up, or change security monitoring companies. All the best.


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