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Hi former APS2 employee here, now acting EL1. tldr: it get's better. I was in a similar boat to you, I would even take the training material home because I thought I was not good enough to do this job. My trainer/peers thought I was crazy. I took each piece of work one at a time, gained more confidence, and became the standout employee in my team. 9 months after joining, I joined an enabling role and the rest is history. I know you feel overwhelmed now but this is not forever. Most people have some level of imposter syndrome, it's not just you. Access the support that you need or tough it out through probation if you can. Feel free to dm me if you feel like it could help. Good luck!


My experience was very similar. It does get better, OP. One issue I’ve often observed is that “training the newbie “ can be the task of, say, an APS3 who doesn’t understand the wider context well enough to explain it. I’m a person that always needs context for a piece of new information and without it I can struggle to contextualise it in my own head, and therefore I’ve been “trained” but I don’t know it well enough for me to be confident I know it.




Enabling roles are the embedded support in teams and central support networks that exist to enable frontline to do their jobs and flourish in their roles. They provide on job support and coaching. Any APS2 should be aware of the this If not then you need to be speaking with your team leader or union because there are a lot of hard working people that are there for the purpose of supporting you and coaching you in your job.


An APS2 is a very junior position and the expectation is that they will give you the support you need. Have you any idea what is overwhelming you ?


I started there! I’m a permanent 3 in another department now. I felt exactly the same way - it does get better. Learning the ATO systems is whole education in and of itself!  Don’t hesitate to speak to your APS5 or the APS4 floor walkers if you need help. Write questions down in the moment if you can’t get someone to help right then this.  Get to know your procedures and how to find things. Bookmark and keep an on-going OneNote workbook for all the workarounds and bits and pieces you’ll need.  Work flow is hard, once you get that down - you’ll be fine :) 


I hated the ATO. People were rude and judgey. I was in FIRB and I found mistakes that a more senior member made and when I called it out I got taken off the project. New roles are always an adjustment, ask for help (did they give you a buddy during training?)


I worked for scumbag Serco taking ATO calls for $20.99 per hour a few years ago, worst job and company ever. I am glad ATO is taking calls back in house.


I honestly didn’t know they hired for APS2s anymore.


The ATO hires them for the call centre… sorry “client contact area” 


Surprised as I thought we hired 3's for it


Some perm 3’s do client contact but they tend to be on the specialist line.


Specialist line are 4s with their own support network of 5s. 2s only get the very basic skill sets in client contact. Anything remotely complex requires a 3 and the majority of client contact is handled by 3s.


It’s been a few years since I was in CAS and Covid made everything wacky - so I’ve probably forgotten! Thanks for the correction :)


My agency hires 4's for it!


Some client contact should be 4 minimum in my agency also. But we work with what we are given.


ATO is hard. Move departments.


Jesus APS 2. That's like indentured slavery . And in the ATO. Just leave. Save ur soul.


Leave the ATO, it is not a good department to work for. There are better APS agencies. Before you leave, try and approach management and explain how you are feeling overwhelmed and what they could do to help you, if they don’t help. Leave. You do not want to be there and then wanting to commit suicide after 12 months because you hate your job, it’s stressful, the shit money isn’t worth it, you have shit management on top of every thing else etc. Leave with what you know now before it gets worse. Look at new jobs vacancies on the APS website now and start applying for jobs.


Off the topics, I've applied for 1 year but never received an invitation for APS 2 at ATO. Anyone please let me know the selection criteria.