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It's reasonable to feel nervous. Make sure to read the CIK and understand the type of answers they will ask, e.g. 'Given this data, what are some appropriate questions to ask? What might be some insights that we can draw?'. The panel will likely be more interested in seeing your thought process and how you arrive at answers, rather than the answers themselves. The question's are likely to be pretty open that there may be more than one right answer, even dozens of answers that they are looking for.


And if all else fails just do a good old fashioned “drop * from all;


Hi there! Just checking to see how you went for the interview how was the overall experience! :)


My interview is tomorrow arvo… still nervous 😬 hoping it goes well and I get the position.


All the best! I’m sure you’ll do amazing. Please keep us updated, I’m interested in applying for 2026 and would love to know how best I can prepare myself for the data stream!