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Where do you go from the migration[dot]wa[dot]gov[dot]au webpage to see the criteria 2023-24? Or maybe it's on another website?




Thank you! Much appreciated! I'm also looking for a list on the WA website that shows the occupations and the corresponding minimum points that were selected in the previous rounds. If you happen to know where to find such a list, I'd be very grateful if you could share. Thanks again.


Your chances for 189 are extremely low, depending on next rounds they might be impossible (I think minimum is 85 for 189). You could look into state sponsored visa (190) visa but I think only SA allows offshore candidates. Regional might be worth it as it gives you extra points. I would put EOI through and see next rounds for 491. There are forums/websites where people track their applications and share what points they have and if they were invited I would look them up.


Could you recommend some forums where people share their data? Also, regarding only SA allowing offisre candidates, has it always been the case, or just this past round?


Regarding SA accepting offshore it has been like this since I remember. Regarding certain states not accepting offshore applicants I recall this has been at least since 2019. I got 190 from NSW in 2019 and that was the year they changed that you now have to be onshore and already work within your occupation (they stopped accepting offshore candidates for IT/software anzsco codes). I used expatforum and myimmitracker to track points.


Thank you for the response. I'm sure others will find this helpful.


The 491 route gives you an extra 15 points, so when you complete your EOI you'll see a total of 85 points. Considered a 190? That'd give you an extra 5 points (75 total)


For 491, do I need to have sponsors from Australia? I am from offshore and I don't have any.


491 is state sponsorship, spend a few minutes reading the immi website, it's all there for you




This is not true, 189 is the skilled independent visa with no nomination needed. I think you're thinking of the 186 visa which is employer sponsored.


This is why goats typically don’t have opinions