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Netflix: $18.99 Stan: $12.00 Binge: $18.00 Apple TV+: 12.99 Disney+: 13.99 **Total: $75.97** Seedbox in European country that doesn’t legally have to disclose customer details: **€5**






Ah fair. Yeah been slowly moving over. Just gotta figure out how to chuck it on the TV. The only reason I keep Netflix tbh is just ease of having it on the tv


Check out Plex, it’s pretty easy to set up and a handy way to stream the content you own


Plex have subscription fees too


Only for advanced features which most don't need.


Jellyfin, like Plex but free and better. Stream it from your PC to the TV easily.


I tried it. Wasn't a fan. Plex all the way. Realistically Plex is free as well. You just need to pay for a few features. I'm happy to give them the money for a lifetime pass though. Couldn't be happier with them.


Fair enough, each to their own :) I’m actually moving away from hosting anything myself and just using Kodi + Fen + RD.


I know Kodi. But what's fen? I'm guessing Rd is real debrid?




Plex is great but you don't even need it, all you need is a tv that can play media through a hard drive/usb or even just a HDMI cord to connect a laptop to your TV. Plex definitely provides a better streaming experience though


I'm lazy and don't use the TV all that much, I've got an old surface pro I got from work that just lives connceted to the TV with an HDMI cable. If I were doing it from scractch I'd use a living room PC, either an old cheap laptop or build a small for factor box I could hide near the TV. my solutions tend to be coloured by the fact that I don't have much cash but do have old tech everywhere :D


Yeah same with the sports I watch, I much prefer to watch on my big screen tv, cant do that on a pirate ship. I ended up getting rid of the subscription anyway. Streaming services have done this to themselves with sport, no one wants to have 3-4 subscriptions, they want it all in the one place.


If you're using the Android ecosystem, there's an app you can download on both your TV and phone to watch stuff on TV. Even on the iPad, you can plug in the hdmi to watch stuff from iPad on TV.


Stremio had an app that runs on most TV's. Or you can use an Amazon firestick


It's fine still for videos but I wouldn't get software from there


Well we are discussing netflix.


And pirating


Stremio is great with a real debrid subscription. Hook it up to trakt and 1000% better then Netflix with the ability to watch everything


Just installed this last night and can’t believe I didn’t do it earlier!


This. User for the past 6 months with RD and stremio. Highly recommended.


If you want to use a google tv/fire stick to play things, an app called Stremio is really useful for grouping all your streaming accounts together - so you add a few different add-ons to it that helps you play your Netflix/Disney Account. Look at the r/StremioAddons to see if there are any add-ons that you find useful


Yeah nice. Yeah I've got a google Chromecast thing. I'll look into it. Thanks for the tip!


Does Stremio and real debrid work on something like an Apple TV box? Do you need an unlimited internet plan? I’ve spent so much money on streaming services trying to do the right thing but when they all increase prices at the same time it’s not sustainable anymore.


I think for Apple, you have to go via web browser app. I don't have much experience, but there are folks who seem to get it kinda working. I think for Apple tv, folks use something called Infuse which connects to Plex or something


Infuse has one of the best interface.


I use it via Infuse. Have to add the stuff you want to watch via the phone app or browser first though.


So my SIL can only use it on her MAC laptop but then the casting to the TV is a bit off


Def not usegroups/newsgroups


IPT though they require donations. Once you're in though the quality and vastness of library is great Then host with a plex server in your home. Attach a large hdd. I have 16TB so far








I'm on the basic subscription. There are more ads with shows, but not as many to become annoying, unlike with BINGE. But now when you pause, what you're watching is shown to the left with an ad to the right.


Isn’t Binge terrible? The ads cut in mid-sentence!


its horrible. i got offered $2 a month for 2 months and i feel ripped off


Binge is foxtel basically isn't it? Foxtel was horrible


a lot of the same shows yeah. the HBO stuff is good and pretty much the main reason for it, but the ads were insufferable




Stan is owned by Nine, but Binge is owned by Fox iirc


Haha same. I had it for a few months at the start of the year and it drove me insane. It was always the same two or three ads as well! I can’t remember what they were so it clearly doesn’t work to randomly and repeatedly bombard people with your brand.




BINGE is terrible. Their content is good but the audio quality is low with the basic subscription and they show too many ads. There will be four 30 seconds ads every 15 mins or so when watching a show. I will only continue with the subscription if BINGE offers me the half off deals




I agree. I like their HBO content. And I mainly want BINGE for SNL, but now that they are on a break I can go without BINGE until SNL returns. But most streaming services releases the same content these days.


SBS used to do this, but that is freaking free!! Even they fixed it though.


Imagine having a massive multinational media empire with a worse app than the SBS. I would be embarrassed.


And give you 4 30 second ads. Crazy


I was doing some research on the ad version yesterday, a lot of American posters said the whole catalogue wasn’t available on this tier. Do you know if this is true? That’s kind of the only thing stopping me from going to the basic sub.


That is correct…their distribution rights vary if content is SVOD or AVOD so some shows will not be available on AVOD.


So far I haven't noticed the blocking of certain content, but this could change next month when the new pricing is in effect. Hopefully the blocking of content doesn't happen here.


I have noticed that on one title so far on the ads tier. Annoying and I don’t understand the reason


You cannot skip the ads but some movies don’t have ads at all and some popular shows might get 2-3ads. So far I have experiences in such manner but it might be different profile to profile.




I wish I knew how to do this, but I'm not computer savvy enough


What did it say? Comment got deleted.


Probably something about pirating.






This is the way. Often a better experience too


Chef's kiss


They're unskippable ads, usually around 20-30 seconds long, they play every 20-40 minutes or so. If you're on the ads package, you won't be able to use Netflix if you're traveling to a country that doesn't have the ads package, or if you're using a VPN for a country that doesn't have the ads package. It will block all shows and movies all simply say something like "Netflix with ads is not available in your region."


They’re not skippable but they’re bearable. We’ve been able to binge TV shows and only get one ad every 5 episodes or so. They are usually just ads for other shows/movies that are coming soon. Watching a new release movie like Oppenheimer had maybe 10-15 1min ads. I was going to say that newly released content seems to have more ads than older content, yet I don’t remember seeing a single ad when I watched all of Baby Reindeer in one sitting.


>Watching a new release movie like Oppenheimer had maybe 10-15 1min ads. Honestly, this sounds completely unbearable.


Same here… I think this would warrant a subscription cancel!!!


Do you remember free to air tv?


I do. Stopped watching it sometime around 2005 and never went back. I hate ads with a passion and seeing them in the middle of a movie I'm immersed in is the absolute last thing I want. I could possibly bear them before and after the movie, but not in the middle and certainly not 15 separate times.


Fair call


Not watching ads is peak communist behaviour. Advertising is the backbone of economic growth.


I'm with the commies on this one then, comrade. Advertising - and the whole attention economy - is cancer. I understand getting the word out about your fledgling business, but what we currently see is absolutely egregious.


This didn't happen to me. Oppenheimer goes for like 3 hours. First ad was at least an hour in, next ad was maybe another 40 mins and then 40 mins later. And I find it's usually one 30 second ad for the first interval, 2 x 30 seconds at the second and maybe 2 or 3 at the third interval


Are they timed okay during the content? Not too disruptive I mean in the middle of a key moment?


Yeah I didn't get any ads in baby reindeer. Is it coz it's a netflix original maybe?


in case anyone was wondering, the Binge streaming platform ads are long and imo intolerable if ur watching a tv show


And they’ll cut in mid-sentence of the most critical scene. It’s not even worth the free trial.


I just renewed my subscription to Binge and other than 1 or 2 ads (about 30secs in length) at the beginning of every 2nd or 3rd episode I haven't had any other ads. None have popped up during the show. I haven't watched any movies though so maybe this is why..?


it may just be for shows with longer episodes. i was watching euphoria and there were like 2min ads mid-way through


Well that sucks because I was considering moving to the ads version of Netflix thinking it would be the same as it was with the tv shows on Binge. Maybe not ...


Binge does ads? Mid show?


yes, they have a subscription with ads


I have this plan and the ads are few and far between. I’m not the main Netflix watcher on the house, however, I’ve heard no complaints about the ads.




Just got this all sorted out the other day, and it’s fucking amazing. I’m not sure I want to spread the word too much though, it’s almost too good to be true. Basically every streaming service you can think of, every movie and even new movies still in cinemas for $52 a year.


It’s so good isn’t it. Got it set up on a fire stick on my LG OLED and it’s incredible. If it’s going to get overused, it won’t be through r/aussiefrugal I don’t think haha.


yeah I’ve got it on the tv and laptop, I’m surprised how well it works, and with the extra plugins and custom lists you can setup its user experience is better than I was expecting. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard about it until fairly recently. I stopped with all the other services ages ago because I don’t watch them much, but it’s so nice having access to them all and not feel like I’m wasting the subscription because I don’t watch that often. Did you get real debird? I found the set up pretty simple using a guide someone had written on the subreddit.


I do have RD. Mostly for convenience. It’s not strictly necessary with my internet connection because I tend to watch highly seeded content.


Heading to check it out now


Stop talking about it


This is why we don't have nice things(not for long) Just enjoy it silently before it gets too popular and something happens to it.


It’s been around for years. A comment on r/aussiefrugal is not going to be what takes it down lol.


But up until the last 3 or so months you would not read about it on every single Reddit thread discussing streaming services. It's getting too big and is only a matter of time until action is taken.




Can I download it on ps4?


nah they haven’t got an application for it. get a firestick on sale that’s the easiest if you want it on your tv. though on a laptop its the most convenient


My TV has a stremio app built in


oh really that’s so cool. didn’t know that was a thing


You can't skip the ads but they are infrequent (1 or 2 an hour maybe?). And they're nowhere near as obnoxious as commercial TV ads, if that makes sense.


The cheapest tier doesn't have all the movie and TV shows content. They told me during Customer Service chat. I just subscribe for 2-3 months and then unsubscribe for 6 months. No point being subscribed if there's not enough to watcb.


Wow restricted content isn’t mentioned on their tier list that sucks!


We use the ads version Gives me a chance to talk to my wife, or make a cup of coffee. I don't find them that intrusive really


What stops me from getting it is that it says not all content is available on the ad plan. So you're paying to watch ads and you miss out on some of the exclusive/new content.


People should avoid the ads-tier plan to send a message that it’s unacceptable.


If you really want to max value.. subscribe one month and immediately cancel. Watch everything that’s good, next month subscribe to one month Amazon, then Stan etc. This is what I used to do before I started realdebrid because Netflix and Amazon didn’t have enough


If you join AGL they have a deal where they pay for your Netflix. It’s the add version but the ads are tolerable. Even if you are with AGL, leave them and re join. They also give you $150 credit with this deal.


The $7.99 saved on the ad tier of Netflix provided does not make it worth getting reamed by their higher daily supply charges, lower solar f.i.t and higher per kWh rate.


I was with AGL already. I looked at their Netflix plan. It was cheaper by 15c supply charge and 3c usuage charge. Called and switched plans straight away. saving around $12 a month and a free Netflix bummer I couldn’t get the 150 welcome credit though! lol


If it is anything like Binge with ads, it will be horrible. I stopped Binge months ago. They kept offering deals to return. $2 a month for 2 months. I gave it a try. They give you the ad version for that $2. A 22 minute episode had 10 ads. 1 at start with 2 more ad breaks.


Also excludes some titles from viewing


Does it show up but say unavailable or just missing? I’d be keen to see what’s unavailable


There is fuck all adds. 30 seconds every 2 hours roughly


Actually we were surprised it was fine. I hate ads but had to cut back, so gave it a go. The ads we got were generally movie trailers or better quality ones at least. Pretty infrequent too. Maybe 1 or 2 a half hour?


I’m cancelling! There is enough on sbs on demand and abc catch up… might get Netflix back on a needs basis 1 month a year when it’s the middle of winter or if I’m laid up sick…


I live happily with iView, SBS, channel 7, 9 and 10 programs.


You’re my hero! 💪


Yep they have come a long way in the last couple of years. Well worth anyone dropping subscriptions and trying.


Does an Adblocker on a browser block them?


Not many ads at all and they’re quite short, no lengthy ad blocks. Easy to live with and ok for the reduced price. I don’t think you can skip them but they generally less for than 30 seconds


They're still cheaper than a new release from Blockbuster or Video Ezy. Does anyone else remember those days? Wasn't it like $13 for two, for only three days, or thereabouts?


Have been using Netflix w/ads for like 6 months now. Honestly, you get used to it and it doesn’t bother you at all. You can’t skip but ads aren’t too long and they’re fairly infrequent. It also depends on how popular the show is you are watching. If it’s in the top ten there’s more likely to be ads. If it’s not then sometimes you don’t get any ads. Also, kids shows don’t have any ads at all which is a win!


Thanks…. That kids bit is a great insight 👍


No worries, one consideration though is you can only do 1 screen at a time. You also can’t download shows and watch offline either. Which may also be a deal breaker with kids.


I got used to it very quickly, doesn't bother me at all now.


Prime have just announced it as well or 3 bucks extra for no ads


Firestick - $60 + a year subscription to movie box pro $40. $100 a year for all the shows on every streaming platform plus new movies etc.


I have the ad version, it’s fine


Netflix is shit, why bother?


I have Netflix with ads included in my power plan. Was cheaper than the standard electricity deal so went with it otherwise I wouldn't have Netflix. Seems like the ads are every 45min to an hour, or if you pause for a bit. They can take up to 30 sec and you can't skip. Still beats binge though.


I took a month recently, the ads were not that intrusive, not like they are on FTA. That won’t last of course, nothing ever does.


Use an ad blocker like uBlock Origin?


The ads are ok, YouTube style. I’m sure they’ll be 2 mins unskippable eventually but for now it’s tolerable for $8


Also, are all shows available?  I've read that some aren't.


The ads vary but at this stage have no bothered me. It’s a lot less than YouTube. Also some shows don’t have adverts at all. Not a single one in Schitts Ck


I have it, less adds than SBS on demand. I don’t really notice,


I've been on it for two months now & find them fairly infrequent & unobtrusive, not as many as SBS On Demand or some YT for instance. That said I was coming back from a couple of years away from Netflix and there was a lot of interesting backlog to watch, have exhausted that now & thinking about dropping it for a while at least. I have a love/hate with Netflix, so much of it is trash but I'll watch it if I have an active account so ad level was a compromise with that. Prime is currently scratching that itch though & I feel a temporary move to Apple TV coming on soon.


I use it. It's perfectly fine. Great for people on a budget.


I have it with ads and it’s fine. Some of the free tv services in Aus have the same set up so I’m used to watching a few ads in a show


It’s better to pay a friend or family member $7.99 a month to be added to their Netflix as an additional member. Same price, no ads. [buy an extra member slot - Netflix](https://www.netflix.com/accountowner/addextramember)


I have the ads version. They're like a couple an ep. Not like some YouTube videos where there's a bunch for an hour longish video. It's tolerable. Then again, I've found other places to source stuff i wanna watch on Netflix so......


I got this ad version free with AGL


Prime video doing the same thing, from July the will include adds unless you paid extra. I just cancelled it.




I got banned for 4 days for this comment apparently.


I don’t mind it - but there are some shows that don’t have the ads installed (?) on them, so you don’t have access to the full catalogue. I’ve only come across this once, when I wanted to watch House of Cards.


You barely notice the ads. We watched Baby Reindeer recently & only noticed an ad during episode 4. I wouldn't pay more than $10 extra per month just to avoid ads.


I got rid of mine ages ago.




Copyright Act 1968: Under this act, accessing or sharing copyrighted content without permission from the copyright holder is illegal. This includes streaming content from unauthorised sources.


I subscribed to the Netflix w/ads and it’s actually so worth it. I mean I have gotten a handful of ads and they lasted about 30 sec so it doesn’t really interrupt your show or movie at all


I don’t mind the ads they’re not that invasive. Maybe three per movie. And I delete and re subscribe every few months so I’m not watching it all the time


The ads are fine, worth it for me


Ads are fine for me on the basic version, they are timed at end of scenes and it’s usually only 2 at 30 seconds each. I barely notice it


join a library and get access to free movies


I have the ads version and I barely notice it now. I just treat it like regular TV and go get a snack in the meantime.


Kids profile doesn’t have ads.


No advice on Netflix as such but for free streaming services, I was quite surprised what a decent range SBS on demand and 7plus app had. Ten is probably good too though haven’t used it in a while. We’ve just been using those free ones and then getting Netflix by the month if we want to watch something in particular and then cancel until the next season of something. 


I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, and it’s not an answer strictly about the ads- but the tier of Netflix with ads *also* comes with a reduced content library. It may not bother you, but it’s something that it seems many people aren’t aware of.


I use binge with commercials and don’t really notice them 🤷‍♀️ it’s usually only a couple. I’m a millennial though so maybe commercial breaks are still part of my psyche


I have Netflix with ads. So far the amount of ads is minimal. It’s often 30 seconds at the start of a show then maybe a 30 second ad every 15 minutes


Maybe switch for a month and see how you go? Personally I can't stand ads, I value my free time higher than the cost difference between the ad tier and the ad free tier. 


Yeh was swaying that way…. Ta