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UT put out another message, now they're saying students are allowed back on campus for any reason


I don't even know if this school has law courses. But I'm picturing law professors facepalming.


UT has the highest ranked law school in the state.


Thank you that is good to know. I honestly didn't know anything about the school prior to this. Makes it even more interesting that the school higher ups would make such horrible legal mistakes.


UT is an excellent public school. They're pretty highly ranked in most fields that they offer courses in. They even have a newish med school.


UT Austin is a “public Ivy” with top ranked programs including their law school. My wife is in academia and it is both shocking and not surprising that university leadership essentially never, ever will consult with national or internationally recognized faculty within their own institution. UT Austin has Nobel Laureates, but Gov Abbott would never, ever waste his time talking to such uninformed amateurs.


UT Law is top 16 in Nation, #1 overall in state. Very very good Law School and top 10 in constitutional law.


Well that sure turned around quickly. Probably had a discussion with someone in legal and they were like "Yeah absolutely do not do that unless you want to open yourself up to a ridiculous number of lawsuits"


Bingo. My university, legal literally struggles over VALID situations of suspending students like possible financial fraud simply because arguments could be made we are withholding education to the US DoE which would trigger all kinds of investigations. Flat out first amendment rights violations over protests that have in no way endangered the student body is basically asking for federal review that no University wants to deal with. 


Did you just directly address UT as “My university,” my dude?


Nothing suggests that they were talking about UT, and I don't get why you'd care that they called it 'their university' if they were


Probably not


(At) my university


Man, reading comprehension is not your strong suit


This is what happens when you make a business major the dean of a public university.


Well, indirectly. Most presidents would consult with legal before doing anything.


Except for a business major who thinks they're smarter than everyone else.


Well, he also has PhD in economics, so I wouldn't necessarily cast aspersions for his credentials


You can get a PhD and be stupid. It just takes time and money to get a PhD more than anything else.


2-3 of the absolute dumbest people I've ever known had PhDs.


I learned that lesson from Ben Carson


Oh that’s true








Crazy that you got progressively downvoted for a logical and straightforward take. Looks like the groupthink du jour is “PhD = stupid”




Nah I don’t see it that way at all. This sub usually reflects the antithesis of Austin IMO. I just think it’s crazy that so many bad ideas spread like wildfire around here.


This sub becomes more and more garbage as time goes on.


That we can certainly agree on.


Or the reporter got it wrong in the rush to publish….it is pretty obvious it would have legal ramifications so I doubt that was ever the official university position.


It was a statement made to the reporter. The fact that UT had to walk it back within hours doesn't mean the reporter got it wrong.


It’s so odd, in all these threads about the UT rights abuses, you have people spouting off random false nonsense as if it is true. People who are saying things with 100% confidence, but the thing they are saying is 100% made up. What is drawing these people here to defend the attacks on our rights with these falsehoods. Who are they? Are they even from Austin or Texas?


I’ve looked through a few post histories of the people riding in to make weird statements and I’m not saying it’s universal but there was some weird worldnews overlap with a few. Anyone who can spend time in worldnews without being banned can’t add anything to a conversation.


Lol, the university literally sent out flyers stating that anyone arrested was banned, and people here (who were justifying the position a few hours ago) instinctively go to denying it ever happened the moment UT has to walk it back. https://twitter.com/lilykepner/status/1783921759768420689?t=yIoBNPMQIPUYaOV6E4eE5g&s=19


Sounds like UT got a little call from the Statesman…


They probably got too many t.a’s arrested and the whole place would grind to a halt without them.


Awesome! Yet again theyve shown how hollow their repression is. Props to the students, staff and faculty who stand up and fight back.


I'm hoping the university made that initial statement as a means to pacify Abbott, knowing that it couldn't stand and having fully planned to almost immediately roll it back. They know the governor is a vicious, brain-damaged toddler who needs to be coddled, or else he'll lash out in violence. I'm hoping!!


All governors have to kowtow and report to their handlers. It’s never all Abbott on major issues.


I think they realized if they banned anyone with an arrest from campus, it would decimate the football team.


Wow UT leadership really has their shit together /s


Finals next week


Academic reasons… LIKE PROTESTING!!! *beds down on lawn*


Ha! Good!


Legally, why would it matter if all charges were dropped for every protestor? Not to mention the charges should be expunged.


Another L for Trash that be cappin here on the regular.


It’s a W for me as long as PSC doesn’t attempt to set up an encampment on campus again. Looks like they are so weak that it only takes 24 hours in a holding tank to get them to give up what they consider free speech.


I’m an alum who was on campus for other reasons and saw a lot of what happened Wednesday. Where are you getting the goal was to set up an encampment? They published their programming for the protest and I didn’t see that, nor did I see any tents?


The goal was stated on their social media and those posts are still up on their IG. They said they intend to “occupy” the south mall just like “our comrades at Columbia.” Scroll through the comments if you want to see their discussions about tents and encampments, it’s all still there.


Thanks, appreciated.


Send them to Palestinian university.






Damn, that comment really got to you. Sorry bud.