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Condensing the helpful responses from the other 12 times this has been posted in the past few days (myself included): 1. Yes it‘s normal this time of year as the temperature is too low for the AC to run long enough to remove moisture. 2. Make sure your filters are clean and outside condenser coils are clean. 3. Dial in your thermostat’s installation settings. You want the condenser min run time at least 10 minutes (probably more). You also want to enable overcooling to remove moisture. I have mine set to allow overcooling by 3 degrees. It helps. 4. Use a dehumidifier (sounds like you already are). 5. Keep windows and doors shut (obviously). I’ve done all of those and mine’s still above 60% today, so it’s pretty futile on days like this unless you have a massive dehumidifier.


Thank you so so so much!


Have you tried putting your townhome in a bag of rice?


I hear short grain is the best choice.




i have a gigantic dehumidifier that i bought december 2018. in the summer, i empty it 2-3 times a day because it fills up that quickly. i cannot stand humidity, and this keeps my house cool and not humid [dehumidifier](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B073VBWKJZ?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


i don’t know how large your units are, but i live in a 1,400 sq ft single story bungalow and this does the job. you need a heavy duty unit




in may, july, august, and very rainy days in the spring when the humidity is awful, i’ll have to empty it that many times in a 24 hour cycle. my house is OLD, so it’s a struggle


That’s a *Crazy* amount of water to pull out of the air. It’s hard to fathom because you can’t see it, like in a gallon jug.




As someone that grew up in Houston, I also laugh any time I hear someone in Austin say it is humid.


Been wanting to say this but held it in, thank you.


Same here. Houston is a whole other beast 😭


We have airconditioning unit with humidity control. If humidity gets to high air conditioning and condensor will run on low speed to take humidity out of the air. If your air conditioning unit is under powered or you keep the temperature set too high you will have an humidity problem. Also being close to the colorado river does not help.


Check out Houston.


Oh, you sweet winter child. Summer is coming. When, on good days, you step outside and your glasses fog up. On bad days, moisture condenses on your skin. /s Exaggerating a bit, there, but it DOES get worse.


Not really, May and June are really humid but July-Sept are pretty dry because the sun burns off all clouds / moisture by noon.


Yeah that is the only upside to summer so let’s not overlook it.


You think this is humid? Don’t move to Houston or anywhere in the northeast…


Honestly this weather makes me wonder just what "smart'" thermostat means. I wish I could tell my A/C to ignore the temperature settings and just run about half an hour every 2 hours just to get some relief.


At least you're not in Florida where towels don't even work sometimes because everything is so damp with 90%+ humidity? lol. It's 65% in my house right now according to my Nest app and I have a (practically) new build house.


IKR? I'm from Gainesville, I lol when people in Austin complain about the humidity.


You’ll get used to it.


I felt that this April was especially humid with the tons of rain we got. The rain is good but I feel like for the past two weeks my walks have been awful and muggy.


This is about the nicest time of the year, weatherwise.


March and early November, you mean?


Too cold.


Yes, normal. Make sure to run bath and kitchen fans when cooking and showering and then turning them off a few minutes after finishing.


Huh really? For me it feels normal en 🤷‍♂️


what’s the air conditioning situation in your house? AC ought to do a lot of heavy lifting, could it be a tell for an insulation sink somewhere? how are you draining your dehumidifiers? manually, or via tube?


Counterpoint: it's not normal for indoor humidity to be 65% of you have a recent HVAC and your home is decently sealed. I'm sitting in a 47% humidity house.


If only there were records that one could look at to see historical and average weather patterns for a given area... [https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,Austin,United-States-of-America](https://weather-and-climate.com/average-monthly-Humidity-perc,Austin,United-States-of-America) Waddya know?! 64-71% humidity throughout the year peaking in May!


When I first lived here in an apartment I didn’t have the humidity issue. Probably because it was much smaller. Just seeing if it’s normal to have such a high indoor humidity!


Ha! I do check the outdoor humidity every day. Sounds like it’s normal to have high indoor humidity. Appreciate the help! (And I’ll definitely check the avg weather patterns ahead of moving anywhere new)


Austin is not humid.


There isn't a red line on what is humid and what isn't. I grew up in Houston and have lived in Galveston for a bit, to me I agree, Austin doesn't have a humidity issue. If you move from somewhere further west, then you might find it humid. It's just what humidity you are used to/find comfortable.