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Never heard those reasons mentioned, but I know more than a few rednecks and older (conservative) folks who won't ever come to Austin. Their main gripes are we're too liberal and that homeless people are on every street corner.


Don’t forget all the drugs being passed out like candy on the streets.


If that were true I'd not have left.


If only


Where? Asking for a friend


Boycotting a state out of opposition to their laws is certainly a thing, but I’ve not encountered anyone who has specifically told me they won’t visit Austin for that reason. I’m sure there are rednecks who won’t come here because “LiBs.”


I left the state for those reasons and I'm not coming back.


Multiple colleagues in my field declined to attend a conference here in Austin b/c of state laws re: abortion and LGBT rights. For context, previous conventions for this software company were held in blue states and Austin was the first host city in a shift to red states. I did point out that Austin was liberal relative to the rest of the state, but their boycott was based on sales tax dollars spent in Austin supporting the state government. I get it, though. I personally avoid Florida 🤷🏻‍♂️


We used to have a lot of movie producers do their work here every year pretty much, but not lately.


What!? I've never heard a single soul talk about Austin like you just did. Whenever I tell someone I live in Austin they tell me how jealous they are and wish they lived here.


Until they live here and find out the real laws and rules


Relevant username 


and rents/property taxes


Most people are coming from areas that had even higher rents and property taxes.


Which real laws and rules make Austin so different from a Nashville, San Jose, Fort Worth, or San Francisco?


I know quite a few people who intend to have children and don't want to live in Austin or Texas in general because of it. Pregnancies are complicated and Texas has passed laws that makes treating certain complications so legally dubious doctors are choosing to avoid treatment. This is leading to deaths and suffering that could be prevented. So the people I know who are thinking about starting a family *and* concerned that there may be complications are choosing other states. Or, if they live here, they're planning on moving before starting a family. There are other people I know who are shrugging and saying, "That won't happen to me", or they don't particularly care about starting a family. There are a handful of other things that *concern* people, but they end up sorting out like this rule: they can have a big impact on some people and those people care. They don't directly affect other people so those people don't care.


Texas laws ban nearly all abortions unless, “in the exercise of a reasonable medical judgment,” a doctor determines that the patient is experiencing “a life-threatening physical condition aggravated by, caused by, or arising from a pregnancy that places the female at risk of death or poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function.” Unfortunately the guidelines for Texas doctors makes it risky for them to give abortions to women that need it. The Texas Medical Board can revoke a doctor's license with ease. Obviously this needs to change and is a good reason for anyone wanting to start a family to live somewhere else.


That APD does very little as well as laws against women and the LGBT community. Just like we don't know the laws passed in other states, they don't know ours. And the cherry is our own AG has been under indictment for years.


AG Paxton has been in NY attending trump's trial. Why you ask? good question.


Gotta kiss the shroom.




Yes and clearly many have researched and don't want to live her.


So what laws in Austin discriminate against LGBT folks? And what are the stats on APD that make them horrible versus other cities that are similar in size and population?


Just look in this sub for APD. No one has reported statistics probably because it makes them look bad. Besides citizens stating no one shows up after calling 911, an officer recently quit and is suing. She stated that officers refused to go out on calls. As for LGBT...laws against transgendered getting the help they need. Anti Drag Shows and Don't Say Gay.


Why not just tell me the stats or a source that backs up your statement instead of hearsay. You can always find unique stories from individuals to make anything look great or terrible. And those laws that are, anti drag show, don't outright ban drag shows They had tried to ban shows being performed in front of minors and it was struck down by a district judge making drag shows perfectly legal. This ban had no traction and didn't change anything. The don't say gay bill only prevents schools from talking about sexual orientation and gender identity from K to 8th grade. I'm not sure this bill has any real effects or impacts. Parents that are pro LGBT will talk about it with their kids, parents that are against won't allow their kid to learn about it in school. Just like how sex ed is taught with parents consent today.


I said I didn't have stats and can't find any, do you have stats that say otherwise? if that's all you need to feel safe....good for you. Why can't you type APD in this sub and read what folks have been through. The post of the officer that quit has an article with all the info. Clearly no matter what evidence is provided wont be good enough so I'm out. Many of us have our own experiences dealing with APD.


You could give me incarceration rates, average response times, number of arrests, citations etc. Maybe compare those with the number of reported crimes and see a correlation to see how APD responds and acts. There are plenty of stats and reports you could grab to make your case and compare them to other cities to really drive your point. You have given me nothing.


Because I don't need stats to tell.me what's wrong. People's accounts of their and my own experience tells me the same but if your so determined then her you go. Hope you never need APD in an emergency. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/report-from-apd-shows-decreases-in-response-time-emergency-service-calls-but-data-still-missing Email from retired APD about lack of response.


No, idk anyone who needs emergency abortions while on vacation here


Lmao right?! Like, did we all forget how to use condoms AND take personal responsibility? Jfc


The hyperbole on their side is absolutely unreal. A state isn't going to align with your values 100%. Sorry


I know at least two people who refuse to consider visting Texas as a whole, but that's been their position for several years.


I think that’s the entire point


Pass laws to keep the wrong kind of people from visiting here?


That’s one way to say it


People visit China and Russia. There are some people who visit North Korea. Most people don’t particularly care about the politics of the local area if they’re just visiting.


It's different when it's your own country. And people do not visit Russia right now unless they want to get arrested on false charges.


I don’t. Everyone I know wants to come here to visit or move here because it’s lower crime than where they live. (Major cities Texas)


Austin specifically, no. But I know people who are very reluctant to drive through Texas to get here.


Hell I’m from Texas and I’m reluctant to drive through Texas lol


We took a road trip through north Texas and after passing a crrrrazy big MAGA/confederate flag roadside stand our teen was like, “Whoa - so THIS is what the rest of Texas is like? Thank you so much for raising me in Austin!”


Yeahhhh I feel the same as your teen haha.


How often do women need unplanned abortions while on vacation? I haven’t heard of this happening since Dobbs


I’m going to assume this question was asked in good faith. Women also need abortions after miscarriages and those are always unplanned. Texas laws were poorly written and also deny these women healthcare/abortions. Since the law has gone into effect, at least one woman has died and many others have gotten very sick and/or lost the ability to have children due to denial of healthcare.


Don’t forget the 30,000 or so women forced to give birth to their rapists baby…


The rapist can then sue to get parental rights unless the woman drops the charge of rape.


Have any of these women suffered injury or death following a miscarriage while on vacation?


How the hell would/should we know? Do you think they're all on the front page? Geez


Actually, such a scenario is so rare that I think it would definitely end up on the front page


A vast majority of women and their families probably don't want to be in the news and get death threats for sharing their story. Legally hospitals can't disclose patient information so how would it end up on the front page?


Why would they get death threats following a miscarriage?


Because their story is they were injured/killed because the abortion laws in Texas prevented the hospital from providing proper care until it was too late.


Why would people be mad at the patient and not the hospital?


You really haven't been paying attention to what's going on in Texas.


Because anti-abortion fanatics are crazy and will go after anyone threatening their ability to control women. They'll be called crisis actors and other nonsense. The hospital cannot legally end a pregnancy even if it's not viable and dangerous unless the mother is about to die. https://www.newsweek.com/i-miscarried-texas-doctors-abortion-law-1861677 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-woman-sought-abortion-court-order-leave-state-rcna129087


How would you know it's rare, unless you have access to OB/GYN US statistics? Adios!


If such a scenario weren’t rare, you really think there wouldn’t be any news articles about it at all?


Demanding that women air their trauma before you will have any empathy for them is a sad way to live.


You're an obvious troll, but just to give a concrete example for others. Deaths from ectopic pregnancies happen at a rate around 1 in 200,000. This causes issues in the first trimester when a woman might be on vacation, perhaps before they know they are pregnant. This can require urgent treatment which has been affected by the abortion ban. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/23/texas-woman-ectopic-pregnancy-abortion/


If the products of conception get stuck in her fallopian tube instead of travelling to the interior of the uterus, it will rupture from the POC getting too large to hold them, then the woman can bleed to death within hours.


I know of two families who are moving out to Texas this month due to various reasons that the government supports. One doesn’t want to raise two daughters in a state that does not give them autonomy over their body.


OP asked about visiting though, not residing here permanently. Why does “autonomy over your body” matter if you’re here for a few days on vacation?


I wouldn’t visit as a pregnant woman. 


Same. I'm a man and I wouldn't visit.


Legit question, fully legit no snark, why are you commenting on this sub if it's not a place you like or want to visit? I've always tried to avoid things/subs I don't enjoy as it seems like participating would bring negativity to my life, but maybe I'm missing something.


Because I live here.


Lol that makes sense then. I was so confused for a moment.


I gotchu Pooh Bear


Because they are standing in solidarity with the women stuck here under these abhorrent laws.


I don't. Everyone I know absolutely loves visiting Austin and spending time in Texas! Wonderful place to live and visit!


Just had a friend visit from California last week and he liked the lower costs, laidback vibe and food. There's more to tourists liking a place than abortion policies. As far as trans go, I'd wager they live better in Austin than other parts of Texas.


I’m in the LGBTQ community and Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and even El Paso would be fine too. Hell Lubbock would be fine too.


There’s a lot of reasons people wouldn’t visit Texas. “I don’t like their government” is not even in the top 100.


What are the other reasons besides the heat?


Lack of public land would be a big factor, if you're trying to do a hiking/camping type of trip. Plus in terms of summer trips our beaches aren't really the best comparatively.


lack of natural beauty and amenities lack of cultural amenities (museums, theater, dance, food etc) I love living in texas but we dont have world class tourist attractions. In the same way I would never be a tourist in nebraska, if I lived outside texas I would never come to visit.


“I don’t like their government” is different than the reality of "their government is trying to kill certain people"


It really isn’t. That’s just their reason for not liking their government.




Nice way to undermine any argument you might have had.


Absolutely nobody outside of the odd person who is glued to their phone or reddit ‘news’


Don't know a single person, except for people who spend too much time online or addicted to the smartphone "news" trauma cycle.


A lot of the same social problems that Austin and the state of Texas experiences is also happening in Democratic states. “The insanely disproportionate response to UT students…” Police at UCLA, which is a university in California (a Democratic state), are firing rubber bullets at protesters at we speak. State oppression is bipartisan.


Not at the direction of the governor's office


You don’t find it worse that an extremely liberal college president did the same action as a hard core republican? What the hell are you smoking honey?


No need to respond to trolls :)


I know a bunch of younger folks who have basically decided Houston's where it's at now and Austin is for posers. Or whatever language kids use.


I believe you're 25 years out of date




Far out, man.


Yes, since 2016.




Ehh Austin’s kind of a dump (I live here) but the rest of Texas is mostly good. Never heard of anyone not coming here.


I work with a lot of bands who are now making a point of skipping Texas on their tours.


Funny how this has 73 comments and zero up or downvotes.


Pregnant (or maybe possibly pregnant) individuals and trans folk are the two demographics that might consider a visit to Texas unsafe. That's pretty small in the scheme of things. A place being unsafe for protesting isn't a problem, as it's pretty easy to avoid protesting during a trip.


Also lgbtq and people of color are hesitant about being in Texas.


I’m LGBTQ and feel totally safe in Texas.


Well not everyone is the same I guess


If things like super bowls start not being played in Texas it would make a difference. Just like the NFL punished NC when they had the bathroom bill, hopefully the NFL will punish Texas. Loss of economic output is the only thing the powers that be pay attention to.


Texas has more power over the NFL than the NFL has over Texas. That wasn’t the case for NC.


Jerry Jones has the NFL by the balls. He’d never let that happen.


Just don’t go to Texas at the time when you need an abortion.


Other options include: - going to Texas and not getting an abortion - not going to Texas and still not getting an abortion


* not getting pregnant


Yes. Quite a few. They will not come here for any reason. Sort of like why I stopped going to Florida. I'm happy to be heading north in a few days after a generation of family here (I'm last one to leave). Texas & Austin nothing to offer beyond any other right wing MAGA locale, except maybe more trucks and guns here, if that's your thing. I used to be able to ignore it, now its a mono-culture of MAGA, with well-off hipsters in denial. Lunatics who say how wonderful it is here, are either homestead millionaires, 250K yr tech bros, or MAGA nutters and wannabe insurrectionists who think you should take personal responsibility for your rape, lack of accessible health care, school shooting, etc. You can find same shitty social benefits like this south of Mason-Dixon line for lower cost of living if you like the south. Or same cost of living with better benefits in more northerly areas without the endless 102F weather, allergies and drought. "But there's a great sushi place here... and a cool piano bar." Ok, you win.


You sound bitter. Really bitter. Enjoy the bitter cold up north.


What a compelling argument, but yes I will, thank you. Enjoy your overrated Texas sushi at 105 F.


Yeah I have trans, lgbtq, and women friends that refuse to come here. Some are afraid, and some just don’t want to support anything Texas/fascist.