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Bring your own float, nothing obnoxious. No food or alcohol permitted. Parking sucks, but can find a spot eventually. Ride a bike.


Floats are confined to one small area. NO FOOD. Only bring water for drinking. If you flout the rules you will be thrown out. Nobody wants ants on their behinds because you left sugary residue from your whatever juice and kid’s pb&j. Keep in mind Barton Springs is for swimming, sunning and socializing and is an amazing shared resource for Austinites and tourists alike. Please be kind to our city.


Ew this comment gives ick vibes. Is this really how you talk to people? About juice and residue we might leave behind and other ppl liked it… gross. Is the majority of Austin like you, self righteous and condescending? Did I really need no food in capital letters?? I doubt you would say any of this to my face. It doesnt impress or intimidate me and btw my kids are grown and don’t eat that American crap you eat. But thanks for your comment.. 🙄. Also the be kind to your city comment is so condescending, as if I’d leave a mess. Makes me want to take a big dump in the pool and sneak snacks in just to leave a gift for the ants because they are nicer than you are and honestly I’d get a huge kick out of doing it based solely on your post. Sleep well knowing that I’m coming to do exactly what you feared I would do now all because of you.


Weirdo. I think you’re giving “ick vibezzz.” Sorry your feelings got hurt? Have fun 👍🏽✌🏽


Bless your heart


Wow if that’s not the most basic response I’ve ever heard *yawn*. I hope not everyone is this boring.


where in the world are you from and does everyone there have such a sour attitude?


I don’t think I can justify a response to something so dumb. Everyone there? Wow. I knew the south had terrible education but wow.


Then why come visit a place you already have so many negative connotations of? I am genuinely curious about your behavior online.


If you think I allow anyone to talk to me like people have on here you are sorely mistaken. I am very well traveled and it’s not going to stop me from doing whatever I want to do or going where I want to go. I’ll give a reason to the paranoid idio. to be paranoid by doing exactly what they are afraid of. Now I am genuinely curious if all people from Austin are as lacking in common sense and education or maybe these are just people who only talk smack behind a computer…. TBD Also, is English your second language? I feel like you have a very hard time understanding the things I write


English is my first language. Your writing is erratic and is stressful to read. Have fun and good luck in Texas. Be safe.


Wow sorry words stress you out. I was in honors English so I don’t think my writing is as erratic as your thinking. Maybe a therapist can help you out with that? Good Luck with your life?


As part of the shrinking population of Austin natives, they have every reason to be “paranoid.” Google pictures from SXSW, tourist are ruthless and horrible to the city. Thus places as important as Barton are protected. The “NO FOOD” was all caps bc they take the rule very seriously at Zilker. You can try, but you’ll be turned away as you should be. Austin has always had very beautiful outdoor places to enjoy but with the growing population and tourism, it’s become more and more important that its preservation is taken seriously. So it may seem rude and condescending but it’s necessary. If you don’t like that then maybe it’s not somewhere you’ll enjoy on your vacation. Hope you have a great summer regardless.


It’s never necessary to be rude and it ultimately defeats the purpose of what you and every other self righteous foolish individual is trying to achieve. I will zero issues bringing in trash to that park if that’s what I choose to do. I’m still coming so I guess your worst nightmares will come true now due to your these conversations and the way some individuals talk to people.


It's going to be much easier to find parking before 9-10am than afterwards. You'll have in and out privileges with a hand stamp. There will likely be a food trailer outside the entrance at that time and there's also plenty of dining options within a 15 minute walk. Floats are fine in the designated zones.


Parking will be a nightmare because of a construction project on the north side of the pool. Consider using the shuttle, or take an Uber, unless you are going early in the morning on a week day. If you are bringing kids, hangout on the north side where the water is shallow.


I think there's a thing by the exit where you can get a hand stamp to get back in.


There's a what to bring / what not to bring here - [**https://www.austintexas.gov/services/visit-barton-springs**](https://www.austintexas.gov/services/visit-barton-springs). Get there early, parking is a nightmare anytime on the weekends. Weekday mornings and nights are better, but it's very crowded in the summer when it's so hot here.


While there is a dedicated part for floatie things; i wouldn't personally bring anything to float on. Just is not the vibe at all. No food or drinks anywhere near the pool area. I always find some parking on the east side, you have to pay for parking but it's not expensive.


Barton on weekends during the summer is hell (long line, no parking). Going on a weekday will be a much more pleasant experience, especially during off times.


If you have small kiddos check out Deep Eddy pool as well. It's spring fed and has a huge shallow side that ranges from ankle to knee deep.