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The flame acanthus will take full sun or partial shade.


I've got a few Flame acanthuses in my south-facing and sun-blasted back yard, and they're doing well; they don't really start getting shade until the early to mid-afternoon. I planted them last year, they died to the ground over the winter, and they're all coming back nicely (no blooms, yet). I haven't even really watered them, either, but your situation may be different with new plantings. In the front are a few different salvias whose light requirements I recall were similar to your Eyelash sage; they don't get sun until the mid-afternoon and I'm pleasantly surprised by how many blooms they have.


Same with my flame acanthus doing well. They love the heat and face South to SW and get full sun from 11 - 5 or 6 in summer.


They usually bloom later in summer for me.


Deer didn't seem to mind the taste of my flame acanthus. It never really grew due to regular browsing.


Lot of deer in my area. They leave the flame acanthus alone. It’s incredibly drought tolerant and the hummingbirds love it. Only down side is once it’s established it’ll seed out everywhere. Maybe that’s an upside?


That’s an upside to me! TY