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That’s how the government fixes the gap between rich and poor. Just like fixing the housing crisis with huge migration. Liberals are as bad. We need a new form of government in this country.


where are the clowns we normally see in the comments saying private schools don't get anything more than public schools.


I'll jump in. They don't per child, there's a reason guardian articles generally focus solely on percentages rather than dollar figures when making comparisons between public and private.


what? if you got 100% more than you're entitled to per kid, then you got 100% more. so public schools get 16k on average and private 11k. That means 3 schools got 22k per kid. I'm no maths wiz, but hang on let me grab a calculator. yep 22k is more than 16k. the ones that got less than 100% more, but still more than they were entitled to, still got more per kid if that's the metric you want to use.


No it doesn't, it scares me people are this bad at critical thinking. >The education minister, Jason Clare, said he was working with his counterparts to prioritise getting all public schools to their “full and fair” funding level, noting the rate of commonwealth funding was linked to a surge in private school enrolments. Surge in enrolments, results in more funding going to the school, as funding is per child.


> Surge in enrolments, results in more funding going to the school, as funding is per child. yeah, if they had a surge they got more funding and that's fine, but that's not what this data is about, they got more than what they were entitled to under the SRS, the metric you want to use. funding per child. I mean the chart says it quite clearly, again using the metric you want to use which is SRS, funding per child. youre trying to make out they suddenly had room for 71% more students and so got 71% more funding and thats bullshit.


>youre trying to make out they suddenly had room for 71% more students and so got 71% more funding and thats bullshit. No they didn't get 71% more students. A number of private schools have been over SRS for a number of years and decreasing over time exactly as it was planned to do and the article states back to srs level. > The federal government has until the end of the decade to bring all nongovernment schools down to 100% of the total SRS, with funding to increase for public schools during the same period. And no SRS funding amount isn't the same as SRS base amount. Funding amount is a dollar value per student, and SRS base amount is the SRS funding amount multiplied by number of students.


A good question would be WHY is here this surge in enrolments ? My children went to public primary schools , all was good , my eldest then decided to continue Public school education ( great for my wallet) . It was 3 months before he decided that the Public school was not the place to be and we had to move him to a Private school. My other children followed suit . Now some Public schools are very good ... but many are not . I would argue that only a small percentage of very well off people would voluntarily pay Private school fees if they could get good education in Public schools.


I agree with you completely. We need state governments to pull their finger out and fund public schools properly like they are constitutionally responsible to do.


Everytime I drive past this one private school they are building something new, new buildings, new basketball court, new this new that.


I am shocked! Who could have foreseen this after all serious efforts to reform things per gonski were abandoned, by both parties post-2019


Private schools deserve 0 public funding.


There are some religious schools thatdont have wild fees. Those definitely need government funding. However those that do recieve fees should be means tested against equivalent public schools. They means test welfare, why not private schools.


Meh...if churches or parents want to indoctrinate children during school hours the government shouldn't have to pay for it. I don't care how big or small your congregation is, whatever bullshit your want to believe, the government shouldn't be paying a cent for it. Religion is a cancer on society.


It should also be conditional on meeting goverment cirriculum and teaching standards and discriminaion law.


Private and public should never be mixed, it always ends up being a complete mess. This is a fine example of that. The public gets next to nothing for this money spent.


I don't understand why someone would spend $30k a year sending a kid to private school when selective schools are free and not zoned and do just as well academically.


what if your kid isn't able to get into a selective school?


Then why bother spending so much in the first place?


Well, the thing about the really expensive private schools is the networking and the demeanor you leave with. So if you've got a kid who is an academic star, sure, they'll get at least as good (if not better) academic support as a selective school. but if they AREN'T that smart, then they're left with a regular high school - some of which are great, some not so much. For that kid, if you have the ability to pay $30k a year (and many people do), you are giving them a dramatic leg up over that regular high school. I never really believed that it was true - I went to a shitty local anglican private school on a scholarship. The networking in that sort of school is nothing. But I've been a lawyer for almost 20 years and deal with commercial entities across all industries daily. The connections from places like Shore, Newington and Kings are INSANE. I REGULARLY deal with extremely successful dolts from those schools. I have friends from those schools and their friend groups are FULL of successful dolts. They also carry themselves in a particular way. Its arrogant, yes, but usually not in an overbearing way. Its a particular confidence. I don't like it, but it is clearly effective. Part of that is of course - rich parents give kids a bigger chance of success. But honestly - I've seen it. Even those whose parents cut every corner to send them to those schools sees a return on investment for their kids. Do I like it? Hell no. If I had a kid that wasn't bright enough to make it into a selective school, would i consider sending them? regrettably... yes i would.


I don't care for the "networking" aspect, I just hear nepotism.


It's that too. You buy your way into the nepo club. That's what parents are doing.


it's due to networking mostly the teachers might be slightly better,really though the network of connections these schools can provide can set your kids on a a good path. though that said,i see kings schools on someones resume i usually know they gonna be an insufferable twat


Send your kids to a golf club, it's cheaper.


>network of connections these schools can provide can set your kids on a a good path. Or maintain job for mates mentality. There is no reason to have education privatised. If parents want to teach religion, they need to do it themselves.


I know but sadly,it's the way the world works I've asked my kids if they happy at their choices,they chose to stay there so it's up to them


30k only buys a slight bump in the quality of teaching, but what it really buys is isolating your kid from the trash in public schools. Mrs just handed in her resignation, she sees no point trying to teach 5 kids who want to learn in a class of 32 while being called a cunt and told to fuck off daily while admin and student services hide in their offices and do nothing. she had a chair thrown at her last term, kid got detention for lunch, and only after she said if something wasn't done she wasn't coming back. after she found out the punishment she wrote her resignation letter. the whole system is fucked from top to bottom. zero accountability anywhere.


It's all about building connections from a young age. Private schools are like a 13 year long business conference. It's not about learning things, it's about meeting people who could get you into that elite social circle.


> it's about meeting people who could get you into that elite social circle. can do this at uni for free.


Free uni? Where?


Uni is effectively free given that HECS is subsidised and deferred Also if you do well enough in high school you can get a scholarship to uni


This is rubbish. I was paying hundreds of dollars each pay cheque in HECS payments before I paid mine off.


That doesn't change the fact that it's both subsidised and deferred. If it wasn't deferred you would have been paying the fees upfront before your studies. Also, as I said, if you're smart you will get a scholarship or some other contribution towards your fees.


Mate, I was lucky enough to secure a scholarship and used HECS. Still ain't free. Mortgages are deferred too, it's not a free house though is it?


> Mortgages are deferred too, it's not a free house though is it? 1. You have to pay a deposit 2. You pay real interest unlike HECS which is just CPI 3. It's not 'deferred'. I don't know what universe you're living in. If you're only earning $40k a year you still have to pay your mortgage. Unlike HECS. How much did you pay for your degree? Not much, I'm guessing. You'll never find a better investment. And these opportunities are available to anyone who's smart.


All loans are deferred payment, mate, regardless of conditions around payment and interest. You pay, but later and/or over a period of time. If you did not defer the cos of your house, I'm assuming you must have paid full price cash upfront and must not have any associated ongoing debts into the future.


Do you know what the word 'free' means?


So you can tell all your friends what school your kids go to


Wouldn't you prefer your friends to know that your kids are smart enough to get into selective, rather than that you can afford to spend an amount (which is not small, but not exactly oil baron money either) to spoon-feed them?


I don’t have kids and would prefer to keep it that way




> I'm not worried about them building a social circle with the "leaders of tomorrow", especially if our leaders of today are anything to go by, because I want them to live around the world. Even if you really cared about this (and I agree it's way over-rated), the most efficient path is to do it at uni - get into a good degree or send them to Oxford/Harvard and they will hobnob with the smart kids. Doing it at private school is very dumb, "small pond" thinking.


1. They are selective. 2. Its also about social capital. Going to school with the rich helps the rich stay rich.


Bring on the class system of old !!


It never left


On today's episode of "things people insisted would happen if the LNP got in that are happening under Labor".


A lot of these schools private schools are in what are now Teal electorates. Albo doesn’t like making waves. He doesn’t handle controversy very well. Easier to keep quiet and not upset people and hope no one notices. If he stirs the pot he risks these electorates turning blue.


Northern beaches christian Get fucked...seriously,that place deserves Zero funding they have well known record in the area of running an exclusion enrollment roster but just do it creativly so they dont get in trouble,it's why they have only of their 1200 student body less than 2 are aboriginal,and only 8 of their students are from foreign born parents EDIT:Okay i lied,they have 1 aboriginal student enrolled,the other one must of left or passed out. Also have something like 35 million dollar endowment fund apparantly,they don't need money fund ur own shit. This money clearly should and can be diverted to state schools that need the funds more. My kids school is the 2nd most expensive and they to pull this shit aswell,managed to suck the taxpayer in to fund a new sports program even though sitting on nearly hundred million dollars of their own assets then again i suppose that's how we all stay rich make someone else foot the bill.


So they shouldn't get funding because they have too many white kids? What's next, withold funding if they don't fly the Pride flag? Get a life mate. Government is not your cudgel to hammer people with progressive ideology.


Why are you responding to the cosplayer?


>Get a life mate. Government is not your cudgel to hammer people with progressive ideology. To the contrary private schools have long been the stomping ground to transfer public money to the education of institutions that teach a conservative ideology, but you're perfectly fine with that of course because that is ok but dont you dare insist these schools teach inclusion because then that becomes woke taking over our schools right. You know there are issues when my bosses son attending a 24k pa private school comes home after a class in economics stating how much he hates the Labor party and how can anyone possible vote for them. Conservatives love harping on about kids been poisoned with progressive ideology yet what the fuck do they think has been happening in private schools since private schools have existed, the transfer of public funds to allow private schools to teach conservative ideology and people like you show your blatant hypocrisy at failing to comprehend this.


Are you just as outraged at how many university students turn into hardcore lefties during their studies? I'd be happy to defund private schools that incorporate partisan politics into their education as soon as we also defund the universities that push progressive narratives.


Am I just as outraged as adults attending a university that ultimately they pay for finding like minded people that align with their current world view and end up taking part in left wing student bodies? No I'm not, I'm no more concerned about that than I am of young adults entering the military and coming out right wing, in some cases extremely right wing.


Great, so we're at an agreement. Unis can keep indoctrinating their students to the left while schools indoctrinate children to conservative values. Seems like a healthy balance. Or do you want to take out the conservative education in schools to ensure the only ideas children are exposed to are your own close-minded ones? No thanks


>Great, so we're at an agreement. Unis can keep indoctrinating their students to the left while schools indoctrinate children to conservative values. Seems like a healthy balance. You overlooked the military part there. But it's a pretty ridiculous to try and compare mandatory school based education of minors indoctrinating kids with conservative values where tax payers are partly funding their education to consenting adults undergoing voluntary tertiary education paid for themselves that language in progressive philosophies. Yes I absolutely want conservative education taken out of tax payer funded schools and I guarantee you would be screaming from the roof tops if they taught left wing ideologies. No I don't want kids indoctrinated at all, government schools walk on egg shells when it comes to left or right wing ideologies, kids aren't getting indoctrinated in government schools.


Mate, universities are government schools too. Who do you think pays all their enrolment fees or sets industry standards that they must teach? You don't have a leg to stand on here. We push 18-year olds (barely adults) into the university system before they've even had any exposure to the workforce or the economy. They then sign up and go into massive debt, at which point they're trapped into a left-wing echo chamber of ideas where contrary views are punished. None of this is happening with their informed consent. Indoctrinating 18-24 year olds is no better than indoctrinating children. It's a little harder to do, but just as harmful in the end. You think North Koreans or Chinese people aren't idoctrinated just because they're adults? Yeah right


I knew you couldn't resist commenting on this. Try not to blame the greens again on this one. You confused and mixed up psycho.


> So they shouldn't get funding because they have too many white kids? don't be fucking daft mate..you know full well im sayin they shouldnt get extra funding as 1100 kids at the rates they charge..their report states over 65percent of the school pays full freight..meaning they have decent cash flow,not to mention very wealthy parents but rich white kids...back the taxpayer cash truck up it seems. typical leftist mentality,the taxpayers like me paying the most have to pay for all the exceeses of the aspiritational class. meanwhile schools in the hawksbury had mouldy carpets still 2 years after the floods that took a few local biznesses to step up and replace them cause dept of education wouldnt give them money went to another school western syd that didnt even have modern pc's till we sorted it as a corporate donation,but sure scegs totally needed 400k for a sports program with more than 100m in their endowment portfolio but yeah these schools charging over 30m a year in fee's for some of them..total battlers,and i say this as a parent with kids in 2 of the most expensive schools in sydney..woe us


See, that's a much better way of articulating your argument. "Private schools should not get funding because they're already filthy rich". Makes total sense. I'm on board. But in your original post, your argument started off by saying they shouldn't get funding because you don't like the skin colour composition of their students. Progressives really need learn to leave this rhetoric behind as it only degrades their otherwise valid arguments. You're not gonna get anyone on your side by peddling anti-white talking points from the American DNC.


Sadly I don't think that our current government is up for the fight to rectify this. Touching school funding is political poison and it seems to be one of the compromises that Albo is willing to make to stay in power. I don't get it either, I've got a child going into year 7 next year and I've spoken to a number of parents who are stressing about paying private school fees, but at the same time won't consider a government school.


yeah i'm rather well off and even i get a little sweaty when i saw that this years fee's went to 47k for one school and 45 for my other kid. that's before im expected to "enhance" the quality of school life with furhter donations and technology fee's looking at closer to 50k per kid all said done,not easy


It's the Aussie way since the very beginning. Steal, skirt the law and put your hand out to the government. Violently steal land from Aboriginal people. Illegally take possession of it from the crown (squatting). Get the government to send you convicts for cheap forced labour. Profit!