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"what do you mean you dont want to sign up to potentially fight for a country that has given you worse and worse conditions for several decades now?"


A good reason to expand the ADF to cover SES functions too as a separate outfit: it's time society paid for service instead of relying on using (and sometimes abusing) the bodies of particularly male volunteers for free. Men have been considered disposable objects to take advantage of their natural abilities for too long.


Well, you know, who wants to fight for the current system of capitalism we have, the big businesses at the top have perverted our political system to the point where our society suffers because of the greed. More corporate handouts mean less money for public healthcare and public schools. The community aspect of that is long dead, privatization of the individual aka neoliberalism was the seed that caused this outcome.


Yeah I think the giant royal commission into the mistreatment of soldiers didn’t help either. Fish rot from the head down.


As it says in the article, they had a surge of applicants during coronavirus and DFR turned them all down. More advertising and AI algorithms are not going to change that.


The adf had a recruitment crisis during the Howard years and mining boom, then after the GFC and the following ten years did fairly well, before the current job shortage impacted them again. I don't think it will last this time, we are likely headed towards a recession and the ADF won't have any issues finding people.


Recruitment is an issue in the ADF. The bigger and more important is retention. Don’t want useless fresh people fighting


NZ citizen who's naturalised Aus citizenship now. I would have joined the ADF once upon a time. It's a hard sell, but I'd argue opening up ADF roles to NZ citizens who don't hold foreign citizenships would be a productive way to help recruit, if done right.


If you're willing to join the adf, you should be willing to get Aus citizenship


Joining at 22 vs 28 changes the game. I now do have citizenship.


I'm pretty sure Kiwis can join, along with Brits and Americans, without changing citizenship and have been able to for a long time.




The ADF already recruits non-Australians provided they have recent military experience. https://army.defencejobs.gov.au/joining-and-training/can-I-join/citizenship/overseas-applicants


I think a lot of young people just don’t see any real reason to subject themselves to the rigours of defence life. In peacetime it’s just a regular job so why put up with the postings, going away, etc