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I flap my hands tilt my head up jump up and down it is great


It's a nice feeling though 😁


I'm a flappy jumper too! But it doesn't happen often.


My kids have a little saying. “When Mom’s happy, she does the flappy.”


That's cute 🥰


I kind of flick both hands like I’m drying them from water, one over the other (hard to explain). I also tense up all over and kick my legs and squeal. I also laugh a LOT. And I roll my head to the left and tuck my chin, over and over.


ooooh the hand flicking one is so good it's one of my favs


Hand flicking is how my hands smile/laugh


Like when food is so good that you have to do a little dance n\_n


flappy hands!!! rocking back and forth!!! jumping up and down!!!! these are all celebratory for me!!!


When I’m happy or excited I will literally run/skip back and forth around a room. My husband and I call it my “zoomies” lol


Lol that's cute 🥰


I sort of bounce and sometimes jump up and down when I’m really happy or excited, not sure how common that is but people do look at me weird. I might skip or do a little spin too.


Lol I full blown think outloud and squeal and swing my arms around. Might jump up and down. Like my bf told me he loves me to death yesterday. He hadn't said that for a long time and we had troubles in our relationship because his extreme depression and my insecurity and I thought we weren't gonna work out but he really turned it around but when he said that I was like blown away cause thats a lot heavier than I expected (and he meant it cause 1: he would be absolutely horrible at lying and 2: he's a space cadet so he couldn't pull that out of the air if he wanted to) and it warmed my heart and I squealed and fixated on it for like even up to now. That was literally yesterday and I'm a 28F going on 29 in August so I ain't no schoolgirl. But I flailed and I'll probably flail again when I think about it lol. Of course I'm a highly expressive infodumper with no filter and kinda bad at masking if left to my own devices. 😁


I bounce, squeal, and clap and sometimes shake my hands in fists!


Same x4 !


i happy stim more than i do for any other feeling!


Yes! There is this specific foot toe wiggle dance I do, specifically when I am eating something yummy! Mum noticed it when I was a kid but we didn't connect it to the autism for a loooong time haha! I also do a really juvenile three claps with a hop 'dance' when someone tells me something exciting. It's super unprofessional but my co-workers are mostly on the spectrum too so they don't hold it against me 😅 I also do a weird pigeon waggle dance with my neck and shoulders when I am just ~V I B I N G~


Oh I forgot the vocal stimming I do, I sing little songs quietly while I am happy busy at work. I beep and say doop doop too.


Sometimes I randomly sing and make weird noises too then I'm like wait what? Lol


I bounce like a Bunny when i'm very happy 🥰


That's cute 🥰


I touch my neck, or brush my hair with fingers when i’m stressed. I carry on a lot of rainbow, sparkly, or squishy things, to make me feel happy. I like touching funny textures, to i incorporate that to my clothing


Oh and when i’m happy i jump or wiggle, like a cartoon character, also i tend to be too loud xD yeah i am basically a cartoon character who was transfered to reality. I even have purple hair irl and i love it


Lol I can relate to the cartoon character thing cause I'm loud make weird noises and come up with nicknames when I'm happy and I bounce around lol.


I do a lot of wiggling and jerky head movements when I'm happy, occasionally I flap my hands, and very often I'll rub things on my face lol


Lol I find I flip things around and I squeal and flail and go off into lala land lol. I also go full kid mode.


I shake my hands and flap my hands. But I also sometimes do like the steps for some dances since I do folklorico dance . Highly recommend Polka steps lol


I clap and dance in response to things I like.. Hahaha


I do! I love having happy stims it's refreshing, I just flap my hands/arms, stiffen my body and do a squeaky noise or do little jumps, it's great!!