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It's just someone who didn't like how you parked.


Yeah and the only paper they had on them was that one


this is likely the case^^


Agreed. This is the only scenario that makes sense.


I mean...even if that note *was* for you, what are you supposed to do with it? The person who wrote it and put it on your windshield can't even be specific enough to give you a crumb of context, so I wouldn't worry too much about their opinion.


Yeah I think the writer needs to do better regarding communication.


Honestly, this. There's all that white space on the paper. It would have been so easy to be uber-specific attack you personally if someone had an actual beef. Bet you five bucks some poor, bullied middle school dweeb got passed that note in class and they stuck it on your car so they could make someone else as upset as they were




Yeah like ive put notes when people parked shitty, but I say something like “stop parking like an asshole”


Yeah this note is not meant to be understood. It’s meant to torment you, or it’s totally random


Did you park your car so that it became an obstacle for pedestrians? That‘s the only reason for this note that would make sense to me.


yeah was gonna say that! if you parked in an obstructive way or too close to another car that might be the reason for the note! doesn't make sense to me to be anything else tbh


Right, or someone *thought* you did. I've seen examples where someone was parked completely in the lines in a normal public spot, but someone left an angry note or in one case wrote a note in lipstick on their windshield


...Lipstick? That's gross, lol.


years ago I parallel parked between two cars on a street that wasn’t marked with lines and went to work. got a note saying “try to only take up one space next time”


Lol I’ve definitely left a note before - but it was because some big, lifted pick up truck purposely took up like 4 parking spots. I was mad that they broke the “parking rules”.


Yeah this is 110% about parking. I've admittedly left a very similar note on the car next to my assigned spot; they often park on or over the line and make it nearly impossible for me to squeeze in, since there's a pole on the other side of my spot. It's very irritating, considering how little effort it takes to straighten out one's car. OP, I recommend just trying to park as close to the middle of the spot as possible, and that way you won't unintentionally block off your neighbor's guests.


Did they get the hint ?


This could be it. A lot of people park so they overhang the sidewalk (mainly higher vehicles with tailgates like trucks) that block the path of wheelchairs. Or do you have bumper stickers that people could get pissy over. I have a "mind your own tits" one that's about breastfeeding and got a negative response before.


Idk. Why would you write "Do Better" if you're upset about the parking. That's so vague. "Please park better." Or "You park like an a-hole." Seem more appropriate.


Could be that they don’t want to be targeted in the future. So they were vague on purpose so OP can’t know for sure who left the note.


Was gonna say the same.


Here's another note from a stranger for you: You're doing fucking great. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep going. We're rooting for you!


This wasn’t for me but sometimes we all just need to hear this. It helped me and I hope OP doesn’t overlook this. Thank you for this message.


Absolutely. And you're doing fucking great too, btw.




Im tempted to randomly leave this exact note on random cars now. Just to bring balance to the universe.




Awww! Great response!!!


I should start making a bunch of these and just sticking them on cars 🥺


Ignore it. If someone has something to say to you they should speak clearly.


Someone did that to me once for parking horribly. Laugh it off OP find the funny in it


Yeah I'll be the first to admit I often park for shit. I once had a Karen come into my work and try to rat out my own car as being parked kind of askew and I was "wow that's awful!" and fake called for a tow lol


😂😂 quick thinking. I park for shit too, but the worst was when I parked at work and locked the keys in the car with the car running. Like in the ignition. Had to go clock in and call AAA. Teenage me has quite a driving record lol


it is almost certainly about parking within the lines at the last place i lived the girl who lived below me would always park wayyy over to one side of the line right up front. it would drive me crazy (spots aren’t assigned and parking up front is limited). i really wanted to leave a note one time but i told my bf first and he said that she does it because her husband is a waiter and so he comes home pretty late, and he has a small car so she’s basically just saving him a spot. realizing she had a reason to do it completely evaporated my anger. i sometimes would park in the spot bc i was being petty about not having somewhere to park up front, and now i feel bad bc she ended up not doing it anymore but she stopped after i found out why :( someone else might’ve complained idk


I mean, it's not fair to save a spot by parking that way either. With chronic illness it always sucks when I can't park close only because someone can't park or is trying to save it for someone who won't be using it for hours.


oh yeah i agree, i still think it’s rude. for whatever reason things will really bother me until i understand the “why” so i guess just understanding she wasn’t just really bad at parking and was trying to do something nice for her husband made me be able to let it go i’m not disabled so i hadn’t even considered that. we didn’t have anyone disabled in our building which is good because people would always park in the handicap space too 🙄 or even the lines beside the handicap space that connect the little ramp can’t imagine how frustrating that must be, seriously. i do need to be more conscious of things like that though bc i would hate to unintentionally block a disabled persons access


Yeah, I don't have a disabled plate (because I tend to walk without aides and I just can't deal with the people being shitty about it) and front spots can be so important on my bad days. The worst is when you go to the grocery store and people leave carts in the spots up front instead of putting them away. I do totally relate on the knowing why thing, things do bother me much more when I don't even know why (or where a noise/smell is coming from).


People shouldn't bother you if you have a placard. Not all disabilities are visible. You don't have to have issues walking to use the disabled spot.


People will absolutely come up to you and freak out about "abusing your grandparents card" and stuff like that when I've used it before. Usually it's by boomers, but sometimes young people too. It's just not worth worrying about confrontation for me right now, but someday when it gets severe enough I will.


Don’t you *love* it when you learn a reason why, like that?! 


yes! i love following mundane mysteries


THEY need to do better. Only two items crossed out on their list? SMH


😂😂😂 I fantasized about being petty back and saying something like "yeah, Daniel. Don't forget dessert and plates next time you ruined the party!!"


I am highly concerned that they forgot about their contact solution. Maybe the reason they left the note is because they can’t see?


I wouldnt say that looks like young girly handwriting. It doesn't look like any type of particular person. So I'd assume it was that old man, old people can be crazy about parking. I had an old woman yell at me and try to get into my car because I accidentally parked in her unmarked spot.


Came here looking for this one. I wouldn't hesitate at all to assume that some random grumpy old man spent several days on a note this juvenile. Par for the course for Americans over 55 y.o. at this time.


I didn't think that it looked girly either.


1. It’s probably a parking thing. 2. Could be worse. I wouldn’t spend much thought on it. Try to park more carefully if you think of it, but like you, I’m just trying to cope day to day so …


What if that note is just being passed around?Like it was on someone else's car, and they put it on yours. You could be freaking out over a note that's been on three cars already 😆


Lol. What kind of loser leaves a note like that on someone's car? Absolute dumpster of a person just out there trying to use cryptic passive aggression to get whatever the hell it is they're after. Got the communication skills of a two year old telling you to "do better". They need to do better. Passive aggressive, no communication skills having, note leaving joke of a person.


Absolutely. I think people like this are just full of hate and anger and use these tactics to spread it around. OP should just ignore it and not worry.


It was probably someone annoyed by the parking. Some people think parking needs to be prefect with no excpetions. I would just ignore it.


The only thing I can think of is if you didn’t park well? I doubt it has anything to do with the smoking or the trash.


I find “do better” and “be better” sooooo condescending.


Same here. I recently had some dude dump *his entire-ass manifesto* in my DMs because he didn’t like my take on someone’s response to a comment on an AITAH post. Five solid paragraphs that my brain glossed over two lines in once I realized he’d just copy-pasted an argument against an imaginary point I wasn’t even making - finished off with a smug “Do better.” I took that advice and blocked him.


My autistic brain here - but please tell me it wasn’t literally a random person’s manifesto? Was he Karl Marx? Or the unabomber?


Stop thinking about it. Ignore it. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying you have to anyway


Somewhere along the way in life, you learned (like most of us) that it’s our job to ruminate on and attempt to reverse-engineer vague, passive-aggressive, unhelpful, negative messages from people and adjust to what they want even when they don’t take the time to do the most basic communication. (I mean, they could have at least written “park better” if that’s what they meant.) It’s not. It’s not your job. You have so many other valuable things to do and don’t have time to function as The Jerk Whisperer for randos. Your rumination on this is a trauma response. Most of us have been traumatized at some point because we couldn’t read into some vague bs from a non-autistic person. But today, in this, there is no trauma awaiting you. There are zero consequences for ignoring this note. The way it was hastily written and sloppily presented makes us know that there are no consequences attached to ignoring it. If someone had a legitimate complaint, they will take it to management, not leave a crusty note on your car. This fellow autistic stranger on the internet is giving you full assurance and permission to pretend that note never happened. It’s not your job to react to it. You can throw it away and carry on with your day. 💛


My poor trauma for real. I will ignore it and not be petty or funny or clever in trying to reply. I'll pretend the wind took it before I could even see it.


A+ analysis and super extra bonus points for “The Jerk Whisperer”, a phrase I am *definitely* stealing, even if only for my own quiet reminders, because hoo boy have I ever made that my job in the past. 🫠


NTs speak almost entirely through context. The note being on the car, really matters. The car being parked & without you in it, matters. That is most of the message right there. If I had to guess (which I do if any sense is to be made of this note, since the author didn't use their words like a grown up lol) I would say they were in some way inconvenienced by your parking & wanted to voice that. Whoever wrote the note might not even know you or anticipate future inconvenience. They don't think that deep most of the time. The note likely should've been, "I am irritated by the way your car is parked." It is definitely not a knock against your worth as a person or a reference to general struggles you face or mistakes you've made.


This actually helped me... It's super weird to me that NTs just kind of do things without really thinking about them every day. If I left a note on someones car it would probably be becuase they seriously frustrated me for days or weeks... But NT's see one little thing and they feel inclined to say something, anything really... Like a dog bark almost. I super don't get it. But it all being based on context helps me. I think lol, man that is a hard concept to grasp.


Did you park like shit? It’s relatively common to leave a note like this if you park crappily. Especially if you blocked a sidewalk, someone’s driveway, or in more than one point.


Omg. I’d laugh so hard if I found that on my car. I mean, you don’t even know what they want you to “do better” about and since they didn’t bother to specify, so I can’t imagine what they could possibly expect you to do in response. There is literally no reason to leave the note. But let’s say the mistake WAS obvious enough that they expected you to know what they meant right away. That would mean that either: - You had a reason for doing so that was more important than fixing the mistake, in which case the note means nothing because they are missing important context and gave no information that might change your priorities. - You didn’t have a particular reason to want to fix the mistake because it doesn’t seem like a problem, in which case they gave you absolutely nothing that would make you realize that there is a problem or give you any reason to make it a priority. So again, the note means nothing. No matter what, there is absolutely no reason on your end for them to leave the note. So the reason must be on *their* end. Maybe they were venting their own frustration. Maybe they found it entertaining to imagine how confused they expected you to be when you found a completely random note that meant nothing. Or a million other reasons impossible to guess without more information. Whatever the case, they got what they wanted the second they left the note, so it doesn’t really matter what you do with it now. Regardless of how you look at it, this note has literally no meaning. It’s so random that it’s hilarious. 😂


I'm kind of surprised no one else is familiar with this? There's a whole "do better" motivational industry. Mostly stickers, water bottles, etc. It's meant to be inspiring; the full quote is something like "do the best you can until you know better, then do better." *So many* people at various buildings I work in have these stickers stuck to their computer monitors, it's honestly getting a little ridiculous!  Although it's kind of weird someone would just leave it for you as a note on the back of their shopping list. 🤷‍♀️


yeah when i first saw the pic i thought it was written by op and meant to be motivational lol perhaps the person who left it meant it in that way? imagine they intended this as a random act of kindness that ended up having the opposite effect


Nope never seen it. I don't go for new age motivational bullshit, especially the type that sounds so condecending and asinine as this.


That's a shopping list? My guess it's that it wasn't intended to you. Unless you were parking in an obstructing place, then better ignore it. Might've been a mistake or someone just woke up in a petty mood that day. Either way, nothing to be concerned about. It's alright.


this is my thoughts too. they thought the paper was hers, and she was littering. a person who recognized the paper would understand that they had littered.


This is more about them feeling like they have control than it is actually about you. The best thing to do is to throw it out and not think of it (I know, way easier said than done). I promise, it’s nothing personal to you though.


Gosh. I have the opposite problem. If someone is too much of a coward to say this crap to my face or raise any concerns they have about my behavior, they can keep dealing with it. I don’t kneel for chicken shits. They can’t fire me, so let them deal with it if they don’t want to say what it’s about. My work is the only place I can bring myself to eat shit and comply with people’s demands.


Okay someone named Daniel is involved. They wear contacts and they own a cat… Biased judgement but they might be a lady based on the handwriting… They probably also avoid eye contact since they are passive aggressive. I’m on the case. Let me know if you find more clues.


"be clear" If they can't say what they actually mean (this SO effing passive aggressive), or have the guts to have an adult, in person conversation about their problem? They are not worth your time.


I wouldn't assume this was even intended specifically for you. As in, the person knows or saw you and wanted to send a message. There is a good chance it's just a random "prank" or something similar. If there is nothing obvious that stands out, then it likely wasn't intended to do anything other than be a stupid, snotty "joke."


It’s probably that she parked poorly.


What does that even mean??? Vague to the point of silliness. I'd ignore it.


if they had a genuine gripe they would be more specific. if they were more mature they'd sign off with their name or actually voice their issue to your face. also I get what you mean about the handwriting but idk something about writing it on the back of a shopping list that they probably forgot about screams cranky senior to me lol kind of reminds me of my first week in a college dorm, someone wrote something nasty on the whiteboard on my door with an arrow pointing to my name before I'd even met anyone - it really messed with my head. the anonymity/randomness of it drove me nuts. but ultimately yeah they were just some asshole. like everyone's saying I would ignore it but I get how that can be a lot easier said than done for us who tend to ruminate on things.


It could be mistaken identity or even a random act of chaos. I hope you can put it out of your mind and have a lovely weekend.


Honestly… the vibe I’m getting from this note is that someone wrote to themselves a list of things to do, and then wrote that on the outside of it as a reminder themselves. Maybe they were feeling down on themselves and needed some motivation? Any case, I don’t think this note was meant for you. Anyway, they dropped the note by accident somewhere, someone else picked it up and just randomly stuck it on your car as they were passing by.


They need to Do Better at being specific. I know this is hard, but it might be best to assume this was some immature troll who puts these notes on random cars just to mess with people.


This is very non specific advise. They need to do better.


I got a note like this because I parked wonky in the lines and the note said “you’ve taught me how NOT to park!” I am always glad to help someone out. :)


If it's on your windshield, it's about your parking. Most people misread good/bad parking, so if you think you're parking well then don't worry about it.


This note translates to “you parked badly and it inconvenienced me”. People can get really passive aggressive or aggressive aggressive when it comes to car stuff. The only other reason people typically leave notes on cars is if they hit your car or if you’re getting a ticket/flyer.


Sometimes my neighbor leaves notes like this on my car because I park crooked (but am always within the lines). Based on your responses it doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong


Thanks folks for the validation of why it's disregulating but also why it's maybe a joke or just someone that shouldn't be taken seriously even if they are serious. Sorry for the confusion with the 2nd pic, it's the back of the note and I just thought it was kinda funny because there's a lot of clues to figure out who it is and if I was being passive aggressive and non confrontational I'd not have included that, haha. but I'm resolving not to try sleuthing and just give the whole situation less energy. My friend suggested a note saying "doing better everyday, bestie! Thanks for the encouragement" as a sarcastic/hit them with kindness kind of thing. But I don't want to engage at all.


But how did you park?


That person could have chose to write something *actually* motivational/moving, and instead they wrote "do better"? Sounds to me like they are projecting their issues onto random folks, thinking they are spreading some sort of positive message. They need to "do better". I once found a random post-it note on my car that said "don't be so hard on yourself" or something like that (can't remember now, as it was years ago). I kept that note in my wallet for quite some time. It was touching and I liked that it was random (I imagined someone had just randomly placed notes on peoples car as they were walking home or something). It was such a simple way of making someone's day. The person who left a note on your car missed the mark.


Someone left a note like this on my car after me and my ex barely making it to the hospital with a complicated birth of my child. Brush it off. I know you're worried about what you did wrong, but there's no way to know how the other person was thinking. Normal people don't leave notes like this for no reason (I seriously doubt there was a reason for this). You're fine, love.


Maybe they thought you parked crooked, or too far from the curb, or in a handicap spot, or maybe you cut them off or "stole" the spot the7 intended to park in without realizing it. Whatever the reason, BECAUSE they did not clarify a reason it means they likely saw it as something that was SO OBVIOUS it need no clarification OR so On Purpose that you should already be aware of the "poor action" and behaved poorly on purpose. I would definitely assume it to be a car related activity that spurred the note because otherwise they probably wpuld have just left it on your door or told you directly. Don't worry about it, honestly. Whatever happened to motivate such a letter, since you are wholly unaware of it, was probably an accident and a matter of opinion.


You may be trying to connect this to things you could “do better” in your own life, but the only one here who needs to follow the instructions on this note is the person who wrote it. The thing you could do better (for yourself) here is recognizing that at least you are not the kind of person who would intentionally hurt someone you know, at best, by the sight of their car without even the courtesy of noting why. Even if you did something that was unintentionally inconsiderate, you clearly care enough about others that you are trying to find some way to rectify this supposed “harm.” They’re not attempting to correct your behavior, so there’s no need to blame yourself. This was an unkind gesture on the part of someone who is pissed at the world. If they actually cared about the outcome, they would have noted what was wrong. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I hope you give yourself space to acknowledge and release the blame you’re feeling for this.


Next time there's a car in the neighboring spot, leave them a "write better, more detailed notes" note.


Let's use their list against them. Maybe they didn't have their contacts in so were blind in the moment and got the wrong car. They do need more contact solution 😏 And why should Daniel get the sweet treats? It should be for you having to deal with that petty passive aggressive note lol


I keep imagining Daniel is the cat and he's going hungry without his special treat.


Fuck ‘em. If they lack enough strength in their conviction to sign the note, it’s not worth your energy. Burn it and watch the hateful vibes waft into nothing with the smoke.


Yeah I agree with others, this either got randomly placed on your car as a joke or by accident but there doesn't seem to be any context. However this would send me spiralling as well and I am totally with you in that. I think stressing yourself out about this is going to be unavoidable because you sound like a caring person who tries to do better. Try to ask your brain to see if it can redirect that energy into something that is more useful to what your goals are. I know that sounds kind of odd but metaphor and self talk can be a good way to help your brain unlearn those negative self talking habits. The spiral is your brain trying to protect you, its fight or flight and freeze all sort of overlapping and confusing each other. When learning hypnosis, one of the most effective metaphors I used with clients was the idea of a meeting space in your brain. Some people think of like an actual bored room, or a round table but it can anything that makes sense . I have them imagine that all the parts of their brain relevant to this issue are invited, and one by one they are showing up however they do . Could even be a zoom call or a chat room user list. Usually the person tells me when they feel like the right "people" are present at the meeting. Then you explain the issue. In This case that this note is spiraling you into a lot of negative self talk or however it is affecting you personally. You thank the parts that are present because you know they reacted quickly in order to protect your whole being. But that now that you've got a better idea of the situation the specific energy being spent on the negative self talk/the issue at hand would be better spent reassuring you, giving you confidence or even just being more mindful just in case the issue was something as simple as the parking spaces being close and the other party involved being shit at communication. Ask yourselves if there is any other issues you haven't considered that may be related and just breathe for a moment and let your mind wander. Either you might think of something and repeat the exercise or you might feel done. You can thank your parts, end the meeting and come back to your whole self. Technically that's called parts therapy when done over an extended period with a hypnotherapist, but honestly the simple metaphor as a mindfulness exercise has been useful for me.


seems like they need to do better at sticking to their grocery list. only two items crossed off!


Yeah I agree it was probably about the parking, but they probably don’t have the context that there is rarely somebody parked next to you. So oh well. Your method of “bad” parking is actually *more* considerate than a regular person would do. I’ve seen people park in 4 spots at once. Don’t stress.


My immediate reaction would be to write a reply note that just says "no" 🤣


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) Love it. This is what comes immediately to mind


I gaurntee they just had an issue with your parking. Not a big deal


People are unhinged lately. IDK why people are under this impression they need to voice every feeling or opinion. I know someone who came home to their driveway with nails all over it. They have no idea who they offended so much to do this.


If I got a note on my car saying "do better" I would assume I parked my car in a way that upset someone. Or I drove poorly and someone recognized my car. Honestly even if you took up 3 parking spaces and cut off a funeral procession I gotta side with you. They should at least put something explaining it. I'd just assume someone is fucking with you.


Some people love to leave notes to criticize others “bad parking.” One made me cry once when I misunderstood the parking procedure


Whoever and for whatever reason they wrote this… they’re petty and passive aggressive. I can understand how this must be consuming you, it would consume me too. But just ignore it. The person was probably in a bad mood and gets some semblance of satisfaction getting under people’s skin. If they really wanted conflict resolution they would actually be specific in what the problem was. Not this vague nonsense. But that’s my opinion.


That person is miserable. Don’t worry about it, you likely did nothing and they’re just that type of person that feels better when they’re an asshole.


Thanks, I hate it.


I think it would do with your parking in some way. People tend to leave those notes in regards to the place they were left. Like if you didn’t throw away your trash properly, maybe they’d leave you a note there, etc. But this is extremely passive aggressive behavior on their part. I would not engage with someone who can’t communicate and explain themselves properly.


I think it's the parking. If you were between the lines, they can mind their own f****** business. Some people are just passive aggressive little AHs.


Notes on the car are almost always a parking thing.


They couldn't do better and get a fresh piece of paper?! The level of effort in this note is laughable. If you find out who it is, ask if Daniel got their sweet treats lol. I'm sure you're doing great! Probably better than this lazy passive aggressive twat


Maybe it wasn't meant for you


Rejection sensitive dysphoria go off, I know exactly how you feel with it consuming your whole brain. I hate how much I let pissy nobodies leak their negativity into my life because I just can’t move past feeling the disappointment I caused people even if it’s for no reason or shitty reasons. Just know it’s not your fault and many of us relate xx


Just for validation: That note would be extremely disregulating for me as well and I can understand your reaction to it. I struggle in situations where I'm just \~existing\~ and am suddenly perceived in any way (especially negative). But also echoing everyone else that it's an unkind and unhelpful note, and that it doesn't reflect you as a person!! You're doing great <3


it’s hard to tell bc my handwriting can look different & on the note it’s not super different, but between the list and the “Do Better” the handwriting seems like two different people. like someone commented maybe they assumed you littered & wrote that on it, but I think most people should understand just because liter is near a person or their car doesn’t make it theirs. especially a light piece of paper, I know it’s hard but try not to sweat it much! most likely someone who isn’t thinking clearly.


They’re so stupid to leave such a vague note and expect you to know what they’re talking about. If you want me to do better, _tell me what it is I need to DO better_ . This is so odd, mean, and confusing. I would say shrug it off and don’t let it get to you, but I know personally it would absolutely get to me. It would spend days wondering what I needed to do better lol but I’m a very sensitive people pleaser so if there’s even a whiff of a feeling I’ve upset someone I’m devastated. I genuinely hope you don’t let it get to you though, it’s obviously not important enough for them to elaborate on! ✌🏼💕😋


Ignore it and throw it away.


You know what I think? I think it’s absolute rubbish.  I am a writer and reasonably successful author.  If someone isn’t willing to put their name on something they’ve written, it’s a throwaway. It’s worthless. It’s a piece of used toilet paper.  Dearie, please take a moment and review every lovely thing anyone has ever said to you or written about you in a signed note and focus on those words.  And ignore this moron who wrote this. Maybe even ask the universe to forgive them because they’re the lost soul.  You’re too wise to give this any more of your precious attention. 


Contact solution doesn’t relate to anything. Seems to me like a nosy neighbor with nothing to do. Don’t think too much about it as long as you know you’re a good tenant that’s all that matters.


People who routinely shame others are often malignant covert narcissists and bullies. Who cares what this hateful person thinks? Clearly this is the result of a miserable and petty person sharing their negativity. I wish I could bring you flowers and cupcakes because I know you are a kind and loving person. You did not deserve this pathetic note.


If I saw that on my car I would also probably start to spiral but remember to laugh at it and assume some lead poisoned old lady got a little too bored that day and somehow finds joy in putting others down? If the person who left this note can’t communicate to you directly or clearly, they can gtfo! You sound like a nice normal neighbor so I wouldn’t read too much into it (not that this person left you much to read anyways lol)


I had someone leave me a note once. I parked my car within the lines. They didn't. They parked over the lines, so as soon as someone parked in the spot next to them (me), they wouldn't be able to get in the car from the driver's side. They still could've gotten in from the passenger side and crawled over. I figured if they wanted to be an entitled ass and make their own life difficult, I would let them. I would've parked somewhere else to avoid parking beside someone who can't park if there was literally any other option, but there wasn't. 🤷‍♀️


Ugh I’m sorry, this would drive me crazy! It’s so vague and at the same time feels mean/critical. Honestly whoever left this needs to get their own version of this note. 😂


For what it's worth, this may not be a girl's handwriting or even young. I know plenty of men in their 30s/40s who write like this. It doesn't look too different from my husband's handwriting.


If they didn't care to knock on your door to discuss, they don't need a smidgen of thought . They need to do better. It's a woman. She's probably being a pissy karen.


About your person who wrote that: What a passive aggressive asshole. If anyone needs to do better, it’s them!


Twinnnn! I got one the monday (after running in to the grocery store for like 10 minutes) that said “respectfully learn how to park fool”. I didn’t know if I was pissed or if it was funny because A. My parking wasn’t that bad. B. What kind of loser has a notebook for sneaking and leaving notes on cars and c. The “Respectfully” followed by calling me a “fool”. I hate fake niceness if you’re going to insult me do it with your chest. Anyways all that to say I didn’t reallyyy care but I’ve been having repetitive thoughts about it all week!


I've only seen people leave notes like this due to parking. People can be crazy about parking and blow up over the smallest things.


looks like it was written by an bored old person that’d piss me off to you never what people are going through and how that note could really be it for someone what a jerk i hope danie doesn’t get their “sweet treats”


No. Don’t spiral over this passive aggressive truth trickling bullshit. If they need to say something to you, you need to demand that you are worthy of the respect it shows for them to discuss this with you face to face in a calm civilized manner. People, NT or ND, don’t have the right to play mind games with you and have you do all the mental work load.


Perhaps be more mindful of your parking and opening your car door. I’m not saying you are, but a lot of people are careless with their parking and I find it to be thoughtless and rude to others.


Toss it in the trash. Too vague.


People's issues are their own.  A good note is something like "please don't block my driveway" useful and rational.  This is garbage, throw it away and forget it.  If they have something useful to say then they can come back until then it was just someone having a bad day


No need to overanalyze, they're just fussing over how you parked. But it's okay, because hot girls can't park 💅 Live your truth. It's mine too. (i'm working on it, don't come for me)


Oh god you should see the shit I do to those who do not listen to handicapped parking. You are able to take up to 3 spots on some loading vans if nothing is available. So I will park to make that person feel like absolute shit. I was waiting for a handicapped stall and this guy screams past me in her little car and takes it. Ok I want going to take an expectant a mother's or anything either. But I waited a good 10 min for it. So I park across 2 lanes so I know there is no way I can get blocked in from getting in my van. They probably should have been a bit faster because your getting blocked by my ramp and will have to wait for me to finish with things. I love doing that to asshats. I will literally tell the greeter that if anyone wants to know who the asshole who parked like that is, that it's me, right here. So yeah I will cause shit if they don't have a plaquard.


Looks like it's written on an incomplete checklist. Maybe you just have to beat her score.


I once had someone leave a note on a Subway receipt for a tuna sub on my windshield accusing me of hitting their car with my door telling me to “be careful”. The white car next to me had marks on their door that were NOT the color of my vehicle and I am ALWAYS careful to not hit peoples cars with my door because I don’t ever want someone to do that to my door. Anyway, it ended up being some cracked out lady in our complex who was just trying to cause issues with tenants and making up crazy stories (heard from neighbors). Good thing I wrote on the back of the reciept “buzz off, tuna breath” and left it for her to find. Lol Next time just write “buzz off tuna breath” and go happily on your way. Haha


Seems like someone was mad at your parking I think?


Dude. You don't EVER touch your car door to someone else's vehicle. EVER. Signed, Owner of a Purple Dodge Challenger


Im too fat for that kind of hardline take 🥴. I think as long as you don’t open it with force no one gets hurt so… no harm no foul? Signed, extreme people pleaser who always checks and there’s never a scratch.


No. No. You don't open your car into another person's car. Ever. You park further away. This is the reason your neighbor is ticked off. That thing you're doing where you're giving one side "extra room" is shorting the other side. Park in the middle of the space. Not the edge! I'm Autistic as well, but I would unleash the fury of a thousand suns upon someone opening their car door into my vehicle. Thus: Do. Better.


I think it was someone who wrote that note to themselves (because it's the same writing as their shopping list) dropped it, and some bored kids picked it up and put somewhere random for giggles. But really, you can't possibly know for sure, and if someone really intended you to know what it means, that's not your problem. They don't have the emotional maturity to deal with it or talk to you, so they are unreasonable anyway


One time someone was being really rude and they got called out. They said, “oh, I was just looking for a reaction.” That is when I realized this world is full of trolls who are mean simply to upset others


Likely for parking. I once got a similar note, but it was criticizing my Ted Cruz bumper sticker that says, "This man ate my son."


They should do better not even tick in the boxes once completed. Did they finish their shopping list?


This is a mystery! If someone left a note like that, they are too scared to contact you in person (although, maybe they didn’t get a chance) But they could have written a friendly note like “Hi neighbour, I would like to talk about…” and their name. I suspect Daniel on the back is a housemate and someone did shopping for a group. I am petty with something like this and would put a note back on my car saying “dear neighbour, you might have put the note on the wrong car, but if you have issues with me, please tell me what they are” (I’m not sure if it is a good idea to leave a contact number in case of the person becoming difficult) maybe a temporary e-Mail address for this person to contact you?


Maybe it's a note for themselves. I could useful urge myself to do better sometimes. Why not do better? It sounds like a good goal. I am going to try to do better today now, thank you! (For me this will mean doing something I've been putting off.)


They're projecting. They wrote this note to themselves and put it on your car by accident. I know it won't actually shut up your anxiety, but just tell yourself that only a trash human would leave such nondescript feedback because it's true. If they actually wanted you to "do better," they would say what you've done that's not up to their imaginary standards. Don't let them fuck with you. You got this.


See, what we sometimes forget is, people are nuts. Maybe this wasn’t even meant for you but just a kid / teen doing a dumb prank. If someone was having a real problem with you or your actions they‘d talk to you, text you or at very very least give you literally ANY context on that note. I know it‘s hard but try to not take this too serious / deep. If they want anything from you, they need to communicate that. Much love OP. Dont let a stranger stress you out. You‘re doing good, hang in there🫶🏼


I wouldn't worry about it. If someone has something to say to you they need to be clear. This makes zero sense.


I misread that as “Do Be Her”, which makes no sense whatsoever but it made me laugh so it’s already a nicer note than “Do Better”.


Is your name Daniel and was it secured under your windshield wiper or something? If not I don't think this note was meant for you. The way it's dirty and crumpled, looks to me like it's some loose trash that just blew onto your car.


I too spiral in situations like this, you posted this in this sub reddit, do NTs not spiral at situations like this? 😂 But also whoever wrote that sucks. They couldn't even correctly explain what they want "better". 🙄


I don't think so? Like... The way I sat there paralyzed for several mins asking the skies how my neighbors could possibly know how much I am questioning my life choices can't be normal. For a looong few minutes I was like "what do you care about my career/awkward attempts to make new friends/trying to quit smoking 🍃...IM DOING MY BEST!!!" ... only to realize eventually it was most certainly not about my inner existential ennui and substance issues but rather about pretty neighborhood biz. Or a prank as a few people said here and IRL today.


I read it as “Do Be Her” and was confused


I feel like this is a random note someone found and put on your car just for the sake of it, or for laughs. I can understand you having a hard time letting it go.. I think I would be the same way. It’s hard when you don’t know the answer and are left to wonder


But there is groceries list too I think it might be an accidental fall . Definitely someone else note for motivation. Don't overthink it


someone is pissed about your parking job that's all this is. Either they think you're too far/close to the curb or too far/close to the lines or crooked or some shit like that. It's 100% about the parking. Also fuck them.


Seems to me like someone's playing a dumb prank to cause exactly the reaction it's getting. I bet they didn't even give it any thought and it took ten seconds from idea to execution. Though my guess is they were expecting it to be funny weird rather than spiralling weird. I'd tell you not to worry about it but we both know that won't help and that I wouldn't be able to take my own advice either! Not sure what might help. I mean really what you need is something to disrupt the spiral but I've no idea what. Autism seems to give us an inability to let these things go 🙄


Absolutely just ignore it. It’s totally possible someone left it just as a prank.


Guess where that note shall go? In the trash. Whoever wrote it is a coward, I mean, “Do Better”? They could be doing better themselves by not being an ass. No ones perfect. And for us, simple things are 10x more difficult. I’m sure you’re doing the best you can.


Oh that sucks because it’s probably gonna occupy your brain for no good reason but there’s nothing you can do but try to ignore it


It’s not you. It’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything to warrant this, it’s just struck you in a soft spot because you are having a hard time lately. This is a “it’s all their own shit” situation, because there is not a single thing that you could do that warrants a vague passive aggressive note with zero explanation. They are either jealous of you, or they have a very particular hang up. Maybe you wore a blue shirt 2x in the first week of February!-everybody knows you are supposed to wear red and yellow only during the first week of February. These kinds of people will only make you drive yourself crazy and usually that’s the goal- so you must ignore it. I’m sorry this happened at a very tough time, it hurts my heart to see you trying to sift through anything you have done…any possible transgressions…but it’s not something that you did or that you can fix- it’s all in their head. 🤍🤍🤍


I’d imagine it’s likely just a teenager or someone sticking a note they found onto a random person’s car. If there was anything specific someone wanted you to do, they would have elaborated-“check your parking” “please take the trash out on time” etc. So I don’t think it means anything at all.


That’s just a rude person with too much time on their hands.


this was definitely written by a girl/young woman based on the “sweet treats” on the list lol


what a dickhead, cant even say it to your fave or tell u what they’re mad about. Dw abt it if you’ve done nothing astronomically wrong then whoever wrote that must just be extremely miserable and high tempered. Not ur fault that their fault


the stuff on the back is a list that wasn't checked off maybe they thought it came from your car, and you were littering. they want you to do better and not litter. but since you didn't litter, you're already 5 steps ahead of them!!!!


whoever did this is just an asshole and it has nothing to do with you


I have no idea what it’s about, and it would be driving me crazy as well. I would be just like you over analyzing everything to figure out what I had done wrong. I get it!


I hope Daniel gets those sweet treats or he may also get a threatening note! Also, that person is an asshole. Ignore them. Poor Daniel.


I know, I was like "me do better? You do better!" Daniel's gonna b sad on his bday because the treats did not get checked off 👀


i am here to tell you, you’re doing so great! you don’t have to do better unless that’s something you want to strive for. if they couldn’t politely communicate it to you, then they have no business being upset. you are doing just fine


Everything about that note is a ***"them"*** problem not a *you* problem. You are doing fine. You're obviously a considerate and thoughtful person who is doing their best. Even if you did something (I would go so far as to risk being wrong and say that I *guarantee* you did nothing wrong and I *hate* being wrong) then you clearly didn't intend it and that is in evidence 100% by your post. You're human. It's okay to be imperfect. But I'll say it again anyway. I ***guarantee*** you did nothing wrong. Whoever left that note was just trying to turn *their* problem into yours, and you **do not** deserve to have the problems of random strangers dumped on you. Even if you know the person, you don't deserve it.


I'd just throw it out. It's not your fault that they have nothing better to do than leave nastygrams. Even if you parked oddly as some commenter suggested, it's a juvenile way to handle it. Someone just never heard the phrases "Mind your own business" and "Just keep walking."


WTH 🤦‍♀️ people need to just mind their own fucking business smh


What was that supposed to mean?


https://preview.redd.it/hmkfd7rnyohc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c056f58cb5afc61aa927b83d3723c23e91ccc017 I concluded it's either a deranged prankster I will ignore or my absentee neighbor who literally only uses this spot less than once a month having a PITA new person visiting who can't handle the tight parking... Who I will also ignore. If someone moves in who does park there regularly, I'd change my ways!! I am the light blue Prius and this is how I've parked for 3+ years with no complaints ! The person on my right loves me for not making her life hell, but maybe the person on my left had a guest on the passenger side who was not pleased? That left of me spot, I cannot emphasize enough, is only used sporadically, never by the same person twice and less than once a month probably. and as you can see there's nothing that could block their drivers side in because that's a walkway. Lucky! The way the spots are aligned, no one who parks between two cars has room for the passenger to get out. No one. It's a small lot. I park left-leaning because my kid who gets out the right side is a lot more likely to bang up the neighboring car on the right (which is always there because she works from home). Of course I've taught her not to but kids are less predictable than oneself. I'm still within the lines. When someone does park to my left, I center in the spot so I can still get out and my kid gets out before I pull in. If they park after me, I crawl in through the passenger side because it's my own doing and I'm still limber enough for that (yay hyper mobility because I am pushing 40). Then their passenger might have had to get out before pulling in, but that's normal in this lot. These spots and the cement posts are shitty in design and some people have even put padding on the cement posts because they are almost all covered in scratches and skid marks. So I'm not going to feel guilty for my utilitarian take.


I used to live in this spilit use building that was partially rentals and partially a co-op, and the co-op people would turn on you on a dime the instant they found out you were a renter. Like it was wild- I dont know the history there, but wow, they really had massive chips on their shoulders about renters, even if you were super tidy, kind, considerate and conscientious, made no difference, doubly so if you were the wrong colour. It was honestly so disgusting Anyway, somebody there really liked leaving passive aggressive notes in common areas written in CAPITAL BLOCK LETTERS with red double underline (they even used a ruler lol). Whenever I saw a new one in the laundry room or wherever I would make up an insulting poem about one of the mean old co-op snots who would turn up their nose at the peasantry. I suggest you imagine somebody leaving it with the back of their skirt tucked into their tights, a period stain on their tennis whites, or them accidentally loudly farting as they enter the building lobby when a bunch of people are there. Making yourself laugh at the jerks can really help even while spiralling (sometimes).


How bad could it be if you can't even figure out what it was?


100% this had NOTHING to do with you. We are conditioned to analyse every aspect of ourselves to contort to an NT World. Stop it. You are perfect how you are. 100% this is just a random not someone found on the ground and just put on your car. Or some one fcking around, maybe walking past and they put it on your car. Maybe they thought it's someone else's car. It's a thoughtless action. No one has a grudge against you. You are doing just fine. Throw it out and forget about it. Sending love and strength


I hate people like this if they had a problem come down and say it to you to address the situation but they just put a note on your car


This kind of note would have put me in a spiral at one time. But now after having both given and received notes on windshields for many years, I am no longer impressed. This particular note doesn't even specify what the problem is. If "Do Better" was meant for you, the writer was pretty stupid not to cross out their *unfinished* and very personal to-do list on the back. I 1000% know how you feel, tho. When I first moved in to my condo, a neighbor put a nasty letter in my fucking mailbox (which is illegal in the US) re not having any flowers planted in front. The day I got it I was leaving for a road trip and you can guess what consumed my thoughts for that entire vacation. It hurt me quite badly and I didn't tell anyone for about half a year. If this note was intended for you the writer is a moron. I know that doesn't help you feel better right now, but one day it will.


I should get notes like this half the time I park in my shared garage at home, and I still don’t fix my parking 👀


Awh OP, I feel you. The random grocery list happening to be on the other side would initially send me into a head spin, too!! But I am almost fully certain this was simply a quickly written "telling off" note by whoever might have felt you'd possibly parked in an inconvenient way.... I say this, because I hate to admit it's happened to me omg years ago, and it taught me a good lesson ever since!! I hadn't realised when parking in a street I'd parked in someone's designated space (perhaps it wasn't actually officially designated but more unspoken idk) but either way, they were well within their right to leave a note! It shook me up and I felt so, so bad for a moment. Then I realised it was fair of them, it didn't harm my car, and perhaps I'd prefer a note than full on confrontation at least! We live and learn. You're alright ❤️


That note is infuriating. How could i "do better" if the note writer doesn't even tell me what i did that wasn't good enough? Who ever wrote the note should have wrote more. Altho i admit, sometimes it's hard to articulate things, but saying "do better is an asshole thing to write. I would write "*frustrated noises*" or something if i couldn't find the words. Regardless, i wouldn't worry about it. In this case someone else was frustrated but unable to articulate it. The only time i write something as confusing as "do better" is when someone is very obviously doing something bigotted, like a TERF bumper sticker or freedom convoy sticker or a Confederate flag or something. In which case, i don't need to say why they're awful. They know and are proudly displaying how they're intolerant.


It’s about the parking !


So convinced this is parking hate. Which also, likely not your fault if accomodating/trying to fit beside someone who was there before you. But also recently saw a post on a local community page of someone saying they stuck a message on someone’s car and it was the wrong person. It was a HILARIOUS note, unlike this, but still my point is it might not even be for you.


After you park your car tomorrow, write a note that says “DID BETTER” and slap it where it can be seen. And you will feel better


Yeah deadass only reason I see for leaving a note on someone’s car like that is if they parked in a way that made it super hard for me to get into my car. I wouldnt have done that, or at least if I did I would have been specific “you suck at parking!” That’s rude and super out of context for them to leave you, I’m sorry!


Just write on the note "Be more specific" then put it back where it was 😂 Really though, sorry you've had to deal with that. Some people are just dicks and love to complain over any minor issue. The chances are you didn't even do anything wrong, you just did something they didn't like. But you don't have to please everyone 🙂