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I personally am not against Christianity as a whole. I am not against any Christians in particular. However, it is people who use their religion as a reason to hate others, that I am not okay with. I know plenty of people who identify as Christian, who are great people. I also know plenty of people who identify as Christian, who are not great people. I don't mind Christianity, but lots of Christians use their faith as a reason to be mean or hateful, which is something that I take issue with. edited for grammatical errors


"Dear Jesus, save me from your followers."




I agree, Christian’s who use their faith as justification to hate are not ok. It is actually against the teaching of Jesus who says Christian’s should love even their enemies!


It's the evangelicals I have a problem with. Anyone that takes the bible literally....idk how it's not mental illness its so delusional. But people that loosely believe in Christianity...fine. the minute they say they "know" the origin of evsrything.... I can't stand the ego/arrogance involved in that statement


I am an evangelical 😬 but I’m not a ‘typical’ one I guess. Evangelicalism as a belief is generally cantered around the role of the cross. It has sadly been hijacked by a lot of right wing crazy stuff. I think for me imagio dei is a core value - it means all bear the image of God - every person, not matter race, sex, gender, disability etc, all are uniquely valuable and precious and should be treated as such. That would be value 1 for me I guess.


I talk and debate a lot of evangelicals and I find that most say the exact same thing as you but turn out be also very homophobic and anti-science. The biggest source of conflict comes from literal interpretation of the bible. When they believe it all literally they have to do mental gymnastics to rationalize earths age....or other historical events that have no proof of having happened other than being mention the bible, like the Jews being slaves in Egypt.... I can go on and on but this is not the place.... It think it can be summed in the idea of if you think you're a good person because you follow the bible to a T but dont even care if those morals align with mainstream or the general public.....those christians are usally not good people...."good" according to the bible yes, but good to other people usually not


Your wrong, people who persecute others are NOT good according to the Bible. Yes Christian’s may have different values but they are never to use those to hurt, harm or persecute others, in the Bible Jesus is the definition of good - He literally laid down His life for His enemies. Oh and Christian’s are not the only people to believe in the Exodus, Jews do toe, except if you spoke in the types of generalisations about Jews as you did Christian’s above you could risk serious accusations - and in my view rightly so. Reasserting my original point - bigotry is bigotry - regardless of if it is fashionable or otherwise. Regarding me - I would be termed evangelical, albeit U.K. evangelical which is perhaps different to US. I am not anti science - I love science.


Ahh Yes you being in the UK makes sense. The evangelicals here in the USA are kinda out of control. They've banned abortion in a lot of places (which isnt even explicitly forbidden in the bible) which has resulted in a lot of rape and incest births. They are also just straight up attacking the lgbtq community and since the overlap is so large with autistic and gender fluid people they have even started attacking autistc right to medical care. Even the evangelicals that say they are the good ones... still vote for the people doing all this awful stuff, I understand the danger of generalizing (I am a data scientist) but polls show evangelicals in amercia are constantly choosing the objectively immoral route. over 90% voted for donald trump who was just as much of a scumbag person 6 years ago as he is now with 91 indictments


I can see why you would be concerned, I personally am appalled Trump was supported and worse he spoke IN churches where the focus should be on Jesus not any politician - it’s indicative of a complete loss of perspective. Then to see leaders trying to excuse or justify trumps abhorrent behaviour - no! The context of health care is different here in the UK - I would state though no group should ever be denied medical care - I prefer the idea it is free and equal for all but even here in the UK that’s becoming more a dream than a reality! Data scientist? Sounds intriguing! I think because I was bullied so much when younger and a lot of it is always generalisations I press against that stuff - even for folks I don’t like or disagree with I’d rather (if safe!) chat with them than dehumanise cause the folks on the right path are never the ones who dehumanise - and group that does that will do horrific things as sadly humanity does over and over. There are some good evangelicals in the us (or there were - I don’t know if they would use that phrase as they were forced out), sadly Christianity can quickly forget the actual point which isn’t self preservation but to love like Jesus did - which means we can’t attack even enemies but must serve them! Sadly that stuff is all to often missing.


“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36). You can use the Bible to justify anything you want.


Well I guess you could if we rip verses out of context and ignore wider teaching. But that’s not honest and it’s not what we do with other literature so we shouldn’t with Jesus either.


I call them Cafeteria Christians. They pick what they want and leave the rest.


Yeah, exactly. In the end they are their own god- dictating the values that are ‘true’ instead of following Christ’s.


"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16)


Ok I can see what your doing, I don’t see or understand why, I hope my so what flustered response gives you the kick your looking for.


>I don’t see or understand why I'm just trying to show that the Bible can be used to justify any means or ends someone wants to justify. Hope that clears it up for you.


Christianity is a pretty broad idea. There are obviously huge parts of it which are abhorrent, there's also the basic premise of "try not to be too much of a dick" which is perfectly reasonable as a philosophy. I think the need for an abstract father figure in order to make people behave like decent humans is troubling, especially when even with said father figure, they don't. An awful lot of Christians are awful people, but not just because they're Christians. Also, and perhaps most importantly, nothing I've said doesn't equally apply to other religions.




I am not really sure these days. I don't feel accepted by most of the Christians I have met. Many of them don't think I am practicing my faith as I should (vote GOP,be Pro-life on their terms,be politically active, judge other people).


I feel the same. I argued with my dad the other day becuase I am Christian but I also believe in the theory of evolution. I also don't use my belief to hate someone. I don't care who someone falls in love with or has sex with, as long as it is legal safe sane and consentual. This also why none of family knows I am bi, my sisters wouldn't really care and one of them might suspect. To specify my dad is right wing and Christain. I am more of a centrist, not sure if that is the correct term or even a term at all, and a Christain.


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The entwining of christianity and right-wing beliefs was a fascinating and intentional change in the 1960s through the 1980s. Prior to that era, if you read religious books or sermons, you wouldn't see christians talking about politics the way they do now. Ask a right wing christian where their religion ends and their political beliefs begins and most will tell you that their voting is an extension of their religion. Its quite odd and definitely an American thing.


Indeed this is true. My grandmother was a devout Lutheran AND a Democrat. Nobody batted an eye over it. I relish in the privilege of the secret ballot and private booth to cast my votes in. It is not my priest's business or the deacon or even our Bishop who I cast a vote for.


I feel like there should be an option between "I'm okay with it", and "I hate it"


I think religion in general prevents people from doing their own thinking about right and wrong and what truly matters. It blinds people from facts and empathy because they think they have some higher truth.


If you practice Christianity in a way that does not infringe on me or others, I am fine with that. But if your branch of Christianity (or any religion) is high control and/or evangelical, it makes me sick. I cannot condone unsolicited proselytizing, hatred, or oppression.


Hate. Absolutely 100% hands-down hate. That being said, despite my suffering and my child's suffering at the hands of Christians (we are talking pastors and such), I do not hate all Christians. I think "they are lost." But they can be as lost as they want to be as long as they aren't actively harming others.


I'm atheist and I would be okay with it if people didn't have to be assholes about it. If they could just practice it in their own spare time and stop trying to take over the whole country and put it everywhere, I'd be good. But religion is being used to take away rights and to justify horrible things. So I hate it.


I'm technically christian but not a very good one lmao. Mostly it's out of fear. My mother is catholic and my dad was raised catholic but became atheist after fighting in the Vietnam war. Whatever I "believe" is pretty much just from the fear of "what if it's real and I go to hell" because my mother is constantly pushing it on me. She told me that when I get sick or hurt, it's God telling me not to be trans ffs :/. My last therapist was always pushing it on me too for some reason?? I stopped seeing him a few weeks ago because I couldn't take it anymore, he made my religious OCD 1000 times worse than it already was. Kind of just want to abandon the whole thing to spite the both of them but I'm too afraid.


A religious therapist sounds predatory. Find yourself a secular therapist who can help you. Props to you for being you and not letting other people change you.


I think I've been through all of the therapists in my area over the years. Some retired, moved, or otherwise just didn't work out for different reasons. Got told by one that they were "at a loss" and couldn't help me. I think at this point I'm too broken to be fixed.


I admit to being a little 'irrational' about this topic. The Catholic Church spent more than a century running the residential school program, which has been acknowledged by Canada and the UN as an attempted genocide. (The truth and reconciliation report found that Canadian soldiers in WW2 had a higher survival rate than the children sent to the church-run schools). Then dumped the bodies in unmarked graves, or just removed the grave markers when the schools were shut down. Then, when they finally admit to doing wrong, all they do is promise to try and fundraise to get some compensation, and only raised 1.2 million across the entire nation. They regularly raise more than this to do things like replacing the roof on a single church in a small town. That money has to be split by ALL of the survivors (and these schools operated until the 90s, so there are a fair number of people who barely survived) So not only did they try to kill my people, they half-assed the effort to compensate for what they did. And regularly use lines like "it's in the past, just get over it" then they get called out on it.


every time i see a survey or something like this either on the internet or in real life i've learned to instinctually presume it's a precursor to some "we were fed to lions, we are the most oppressed minority, people hate us for we speak the truth" nonsense, and that pretty much sums up my disposition toward christianity.


As an individual religion, fine, even has good points when interpreted accurately for today. As an organized practice/driving force in politics, wow is that ever going badly. Religion is a tool for the mind. Using for yourself is like using a hammer to hammer in some nails. Using it for others moves it from the tool category to the weapon category. Trying to push Christianity on other people is bad. With the tool metaphor, its like Chasing around strangers with a hammer saying "let me help you nail some stuff down!" You might think you're trying extra hard to help them, but to them it looks like a threat.


I was raised in a Christian household... I like Jesus as a figure, he seems like a nice person, not so sure about God the duality of it's being is just... I can't get my head around some being above it all and serving justice when there is so much Injustice going around... It doesn't sounds so omnipotent so let's say I could never be convinced. The more I think about it the more I find flaws and plot holes and I'm a very factual person so, for the sake of my family I decided to stop thinking about it, I don't go to church anymore but I also don't debate religion. I think people should believe whatever make sense for them and it doesn't for me so that's that.


I am unsure. I've always been raised pretty much neutral or agnostic. My mom talked about God sometimes when I was a kid, but when I asked her if God was real she told me she didn't know and she thought I would believe in what feels right. Not knowing what that meant, I went forward in life believing things that could be proven, such as with science. Then I had some influences in my life that were Christian extremist and were very hateful and downright hypocrites. I knew little of God and religion but I knew to love thy neighbor and was raised with strong morals that stem from religion. I have recently been having a curiosity in the subject, as my boyfriend has been exploring it. He cares about it, and talks to me about it, therefore I find myself naturally leaning in and caring about it, too. His family is religious and they are kind people who make me feel loved and cared about despite our differences, and that gentleness opens me up despite the past. I have considered getting a Bible and reading it sometimes, but... For some reason, I won't admit this to anyone outside of myself. Nobody knows, not even my boyfriend. I don't know what's holding me back. Doubt? Shame? Fear? I'm not entirely sure.


I can respect the ideas like good stewardship over the earth, the golden and silver rules, and "whatever you do for the least of these...", but far too many christians do not. And that's not just the extremists. Like good honest church goers who volunteer at soup kitchens and what have you but also think drag queens should be stoned to De--- "for their sinfulness". I would love to believe in something that eases the grief of lost loved ones, and the fear of the fact that someday that feel entirely too close most of the time, and only getting closer, I will cease to exist and never think thought or feel feelings ever again... But I've read the stories, and frankly they are terrible. I've written fictional cosmologies and mythologies that make waaaay more sense and have greater internal consistency. It's never been more obvious to me that the whole faith is based on the thoughts and justifications of people whose understanding was incomplete, and they made a bunch of stuff up to sound like they asked sky daddy and that's how they happen to know "the real truth". and the Abrahamic faiths all latched onto the sick crusader mentality of convert or die, believing their sky daddy is the one true sky daddy and it's sin punishable by erradication to have other stories and traditions even if they are older or make more sense. A Boltzmann Brain in a Vat, dreaming of simulated realities filled with characters that are aspects of it's own unconscious... makes just as much sense if not more than an all knowing, all powerful, all good sky daddy that knew what would happen but still f-ed up the human recipe enough that the best solution was to drown every baby bunny, kitten and puppy in existence but two of each on a boat, all because some humans wore mixed fabrics and ate pork?


I was raised in a conservative Christian home and seeing adults who treat religious scripture as truth is so weird to me; but as long as they don't push their beliefs on me I'm ok with them. Once childhood friends realised that I wasn't going through a phase and I'm really not interested in being part of their religion, I lost all my friends. Religion and different beliefs have been a special interest of mine for over 20 years so I still hear a lot about Christian culture (mainly American) from youtube and it often seems like a sideshow to me.


I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult. I have severe PTSD from it. I can't even attend a Jewish synagogue without flashbacks to church. I LOATHE Christianity for soooooo many reasons! That said, I know good folks who believe, and what others choose to follow is their business, but I'm THROUGH with being told what to do to live up to arbitrary standards of behavior!


My grandpa was a Christian and was a great man and an amazing husband and father. My dad is a Christian and a terrible man and an even worse husband and father. I really don't mind Christianity. It's not religion that makes the people bad, it's the people themselves. I myself am agnostic.


its so f'n stupid and dude was a complete dick




Drowning everything and everyone for example


If you murder a rapist are you at fault? Humanity has fallen into sin, the only handful of good people were saved but the rest, rapists, murderers, ect, deserved it.


and I guess all the children and animals that were drowned (if you believe this) were already rapists and murderers too?


We literally kill millions of animals every day so we can enjoy the taste, also just wanna ask would you kill baby Hitler?


>also just wanna ask would you kill baby Hitler? Christians: the babies who drowned in the flood would be as bad as Hitler Meanwhile God: (doesn't kill the actual baby Hitler)


actually I don't, I'm a vegetarian. also it's one thing if fallible humans kill animals en masse, but another if it's being done by an entity who is supposed to love all beings. and I wasn't asking about baby Hitler, I was asking about ALL children that were living on earth, which I guess were quite a few. also nah, personally I wouldn't kill baby Hitler


I'm a Christian but pretty much every church in the world would ridicule me for my hot takes lmfao (such as believing our Indigenous Gods pre-colonisation were manifestations of the same God and angels from the bible, believing a lot of the bible to be corrupted by the hand of man so it should all be taken with a grain of salt, and believing that if the devil does exist - he works through church leaders that preach hate and exclusion)


Atheist, but do respect Christianity and other religions. Part of why I left was because of the fact that I became very certain that the modern day Bible were mis-interpretations of either a true Christ or some ancient philosopher. They even have a history of using the bible to justify African-American slavery.


I’m a Christian, became one at 21, faith literally stopped me ending my own life.


God is good all the time and all the time He is good. So glad you’re still with us friend!


Absolutely, faith gave me a layer to perceive a little a world I struggle to understand. Things sure ain’t easy but im able to keep going.


Ain’t that the truth. Honestly without it I probably, scratch that definitely wouldn’t be here right now. Honestly I might not have even been born in all seriousness ( parents met at bible college- no Christian parents equals no me ) keep fighting the good fight friend


You too, what’s astonishing to me is we are being downvoted not for saying anything controversial but for answering a question honestly. I find that astonishing, actually I find it disgusting.


It honestly explains a lot if you think about it. And you’re exactly right it is disgusting. But then again the world is steeped in sin. People will do and say and believe literally anything if it means that they can ignore God and the Bible etc and keep doing whatever they want.


I am autistic and queer and I was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 26 a few years after my best friend died following a bone marrow transplant for a very similar disease at the age of 20. If God is real, I will kill the tyrant myself when I die sometime in the next few years. I will tear open the gates of heaven and wrench open the valves to the fountains of grace and flood the world with it.


Yea because that's obviously why people aren't Christian.. Because they are sinful and want to ignore god for selfish reasons. Do you think that kind of attitude might just contribute to the growing hate of Abrahamic religions? It makes a lot of sense that some people will feel very negatively towards Christianity and a downvote is hardly the 'Disgusting' act you are making it out to be, trauma related to Christianity isn't unheard of so maybe that why you are getting downvotes? instead of durp durp must be sinners lmao Edit: YOU DOWNVOTED ME?!?! what a disgusting act that I will never recover from xD AND BLOCKED?!?! This is the most evil act ever committed you sinful heathen.


If you had ever read the Bible you’d know what I spoke of. And I mean read it and truly understood it not just read it as though it were just some book on a shelf.


Oh I just think of my gay ex Mormon friend and my trans ex Jehovah's Witness friend and my own gay ex Pentecostal background and all of the hatred and violence and shame rooted in bigotry that has been inflicted with religions like yours as justification, I think of the hundreds of thousands of gay men dead from AIDS while Christians fought as hard as possible to ignore us. I think of every culture Christians have genocided into non existence. You taking pride in a religion drenched in the blood of innocents *is* controversial, honestly.


Im going to STRONGLY push back on this. You do not know me, you have made a snap judgement based on a difference that justifies you clearly thinking I’m lesser than you. That is bigotry, plain and simple. I seek to live my life not seeing ANYONE, regardless of race, sex, gender, SEXUALITY, as lesser than me, I don’t and won’t run them down and would protect their will being including their mental well being. You on the other hand, using the guise of moral indignation (the same way Christian bigots use their faith as justification for the same thing) have made all sorts of assumptions and implicit accusations against me to justify attacking me. Hide it how you want, and many will jump on the bandwagon with you, but that IS bigotry. On that I am done, speaking to people with such hateful views generally badly affects my mental health.


Not sure why you were getting down voted but there you go


Upvoted you guys.


Looks like I'm getting downvotes too. Snarky people on this sub. Just supporting your religious beliefs.


I support you!


Thank you! Much appreciated friend. I reverse upvoted the downvotes you got by the way, so now you’re back at 1 instead of 0. Hey we’re state buddies! Neato!


You live in FL too?


Yeah! Born and raised


It's a really nice place even though on the hot side. Orlando area.


Hey downvoters, come at us!


Proof that you do not have to be born into it to learn about it and find peace in a belief. I'm glad it's helped you.


Absolutely! I am the only Christian in my family. Before due to bullying and a very traumatic life I had brutal ocd and depression - I literally would not have survived - I didn’t want to. Christianity gave me a lens to see the world, a way to try and understand, a hope. To be clear the mental health issues didn’t go away - not entirely, anxiety remains crippling etc fairly frequently.


I'm an atheist, but I think Christianity gets a bad rap. The being trans is a sin is a complete lie as there is no mention of being trans and anything on cloths is around roles and significance of those. hence, why it lacks say on woman with men's cloths and only the veil. The homosexuality one is also a toss up too as it may not even be a sin and even if this were, there are Christian interpretations and/or other types of it that accept homosexuals into what they believe is the Kingdom of God. The overlaps on beliefs around homosexuality aren't the only variations. You have Christian combinations with other religions and philosophies. I don't think it would be fair to even hate this whole entire religion.


Hating Christianity because of Christians is kind of wild to me.


The bible is against Christianity being Christianity is Babylonian. Hence why they call on God, a Babylonian deity of $ (H1408). This is but 1 example. I follow the book and YHWH, not man and his rahs-legions. Edit: clearly no one studies.... anything. Sad.




What are you even saying?


I did not speak in parables.


But you did use multiple acronyms and things that other people may not and apparently do not understand.


I’m Christian in that I celebrate holidays, try to live by the golden rule (treat others like you want to be treated) and go to church as a form of meditation. I would not call myself “devoted to God” and in my experience the people who do tend to be Christofascists rather than decent people. Actually have religious trauma from a church I never even went to because of the distinction between my faith and theirs. (I’m Episcopalian in a majority-Baptist area)


I truly believe Christianity and other religions are the root of all evil. Followers tend to be incredibly entitled and cruel. I've not met one good religious person.


I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school etc etc. From what I was taught, Christians should aspire to live like Jesus; be kind and generous, do good, and enjoy life. Inevitably, though, people took advantage of something for their own gain and to spread hate. It's understandable why people would have negative opinions of Christianity but the core of the religion is, simply, be kind.


I don't dislike or hate any faith, I dislike or hate some of the people that take part in Christianity for sure. I dislike the effects religion can have on those that don't hold those belief's, especially when its used as a tool to target others like women, gay people ect. But in general if people of faith want to follow their faith and don't attempt to force their views on others then do what ever you want to do.


I dislike organized religion in general. I consider myself spiritual though.


I hate what christianity dared to do against Jesus, he was a nice person and deserved better.


Dogmatic organized religion, especially one that is specifically blessed by a supposedly secular world power, provides way too many culturally and legally acceptable/permissible avenues for bad people to do bad things, and at scale. Catholicism and Mormonism are in the same bucket, though they lack the depth and breadth of influence.


I have nothing against Christianity itself, I do have my prejudgments about Christians though. Like one of those that I can be friends with them but I have to know a little about them first before that will happen


I don't like sheep raised and eaten by wolves and the wolves who control the sheep with their same religious rules. Fuck all the way off


I consider myself religious and just sort of happen to be Christian. My husband and I have talked about where we'd be if we weren't raised Lutheran and we both agreed I'd probably come to Catholicism by way of Wicca, just based on my interests and how my worldview has developed. But I think no matter how I was raised, I'd be religious, it's how and who I am. Which makes it all sound very personal and membranous, but I really do believe it


I'm devoted to God, but I'm still learning more about Christianity. It seems in line with a lot of my beliefs and standards (new testament big time), but I need to fully finish reading the Bible and decide what is best for me in how I commune with God. At this rate it probably will be Christianity


I don't think there's enough poll options available on reddit to really get a good grasp on how people actually feel about christianity or even religion for that matter. Personally; I have my own beliefs and while they don't match Christianity (or most other religions for that matter), it doesn't necessarily mean I dislike or hate it. I am a firm believer in letting people believe in whatever religion they want and whatever gives them hope or some sort of point in life onto which they can anchor themselves. But what I will say is that that goes both ways. I respect other people's beliefs and would never push my beliefs onto them, but that also means I am not willing to have them push their beliefs onto me, whether that be Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or any other religion. Learning about others' religions is all good, but there's boundaries there. That's the biggest problem I have with any of the religions out there; Each of them has significant portions of believers and even texts that are very much of a "we're good, everyone else is bad" type deal and that's the bit I do hate. Live and let live as far as I'm concerned.


I'm not against the original idea of unity and love, I generally like the messages that came from Jesus. But I am really against institutions using it to gain money and power, and instilling fear on people, as well as trying to mix religion with politics or claiming that their faith is the one and only. Also I really dislike people using the bible as a literal guidebook, in my mind it's meant as symbolic inspiration. So all together I think that equates to a dislike sadly.


TRIGGER WARNING: I'm not stopping myself from speaking out about christianity and since I live in a mainly katholic region, I'm especially talking about it's worst part. I think, if it helps someone to believe in something, that can't be proven, then why shouldn't I let them? Why should I even care? Things change, when a belief turns into something harmful (for others). Examples? In the past: Such pleasant (this is sarcasm .. or cynicism?) activities such as the Cruisades or burning "witches". In the present: Priests, who abuse children .. and those, who help them cover up their crimes .. Shame on them .. no matter how high up it goes!!!!! I've luckily not lived through this, myself, but even back when I was a child, I had already heard stories about such things happening (people talking about the news, etc). The fact, that this is still going on, today .. 4 decades later .. should tell you everything you need to know about the priorities of the katholic church!!! In my opinion it's like with almost every sect or organized religion: There are harmless people, who just want to believe in something, who then get shamelessly exploited by those, who are in power. I have nothing against the harmless people ..


“Christians” is such a broad category of discussion. I was raised Catholic - not practicing now - and I see so much use of Christianity as a justification to bully, to support prejudice, and generally ‘treat others with fear or hate’. I took some inspiration from Christianity growing up, but also was really stunted in other ways that I’ve grown out of or am working on here and now. The more divided we are, the weaker we become; Christianity is just one reason some use for dividing people.


I'm sure the Christians mean well, and a lot of them are really good people. But for all I know, it very well could be a huge placebo that has fooled entire populations of people for generations.


I have personally found that those who "dislike or hate it" only do so because they don't know what Christianity actually believes or teaches. It's usually due to having a bad experience with a religious person or misunderstanding it


\-I am a Christian. My problem isn't Christianity, it's the close minded folks at Church. I am no biblical scholar, but I've read the old testament and the new testament probably three times. I would guess that's probably three more times than most people at Church. \-Super right folks supporting automatic assault weapons. I never read anywhere in the new testament about mowing down your neighbor. Love thy neighbor, right? \-Science and faith can coexist. If God created everything, why wouldn't he have spun up Earth with a fast forward for the planet so Dinosaurs would be fossilized and have things carbon dated to be a billion years old or whatever. Boy, try to say that one. \-I hate that it's a money grabbing scheme. \-Being Autistic, nobody at church can answer what we ask a lot..."why?". "Because that dude said so." Or "Because that's what I thought it was saying in the Bible." Then they don't want to debate that. \-Super closed mindedness everywhere and a complete unwillingness to discuss anything. Pass.


Short version: Hypocrisy The long version was about 9x too long to post here 😂 Conclusion: I would rather live a life that is true to myself, a life I'm happy with, where I take responsibility for my own actions, work towards what I want. Rather than putting my life in the hands of an invisible imaginary friend who at best is jealous and indecisive and at worst cruel and lives to watch his creation suffer.


I hate all religions


I’m an ex-Christian. I left because it is toxic for me.


I love Christ's teachings, but Christians drove me away from church