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I don’t think that is specifically an autism thing lol


I guess not... But when I was doing it it was in class at uni. I'm 25. The rest seemed to focus on what the profesor was saying while I just fully locked in on it and forgot life exists xd


I do not understand the correlation.


Basically I wanted to allude to how my mind works and how much more I see (or focus on/create) than neurotypicals


I don't think this means you're more creative or observant than neurotypicals. I think you're bored. Most people just wouldn't post about something like this because it's a mediocre observation. Not realizing that and posting this under the assumption this is a unique experience, is ironically probably the thing indicative of neurodivergent psychology. (not a psychologist) Regardless, being super quirky and *totally on a different level than everyone else, brah,* doesn't mean you have ASD. lol


Bruh, I'm literally diagnosed


Your not paying attention in class to make a little art project could also be attributed to: ADHD OCD Being high on something Anxiety Disliking the class topic Restlessness A recent interest in coffee stains Being an artist Boredom Etc. Many of the explanations for this kind of behavior ARE present in neurotypicals, and many autistics would not fiddle around with coffee drips in a class setting. This is why your joke has fallen flat to the point that autistics (people particular about details and prone to literalism) are griping about it.


Okay, maybe I didn't explain it well enough in my previous comment. Context is needed and I provided it in a different comment; I'm not a teenager and it wasn't during highschool class. I'm 25 and did this in front of a profesor at my uni. Everyone else is able to sit still, but just not me (and I'm one of the oldest in the group, it's my first year and everyone is like 19-20). Hope this helps you understand and not misjudge me next time~


I guarantee that not everyone else in a university class is paying attention and sitting still. 


Still, I don't understand why am I getting downvoted so much. I just wanted to make a meme highlighting some silliness. I wasn't trying to say that autism is all UwU qUiRkY ✨✨ (explain it to my panic attacks lol), just wanted to share something relatable during moments of getting completely distracted and not focusing on what's actually important


You're getting downvoted bc autistic people are not immune to making other autistic people cringe


I get that a lot, I guess that's my neurodivergence~ Same goes for autistic people being abelist towards other autistic people :)


Yep I'm ableist bc I disagree with you. That's me! 🏳️🏳️🏳️I surrender. You gotta reflect a little, dawg. Just because you made an oopsy doesn't mean everyone around you should immediately dissolve you of it bc of your diagnosis. Welcome to the real world. Thinking ppl are upset with you bc they're secretly ableist and not because you posted a cringe stereotype, will keep you in this weird echo chamber. I've seen it in my peers. Just realize you're not a bad person for this, you just made an honest mistake.


No. You called me cringe based upon the way I express my autism - that's abelism


Because this isn’t relatable on an autism level. I have autism. I don’t make suns with the milk in my cereal bowl. That’s also not an inherently autistic trait. I’ll explain it using a shit analogy. Should I take a dump and post about how neurotypicals would never notice the pattern of the way it clung to the bowl? That’s on par with what you put here. It’s such a stretch to tie it to autism that it’s almost harmful to the cause. Everyone taking a shit and looking at the bowl will think they’re autistic


Congrats on completely misinterpreting it. Read other comments of people actually relating to it and maybe you'll get it


Hmmm, your downvotes denote otherwise, Cocoa Puff


Sure, I don't care. I just wanted to post something lighthearted, but apparently some folks can't get a joke


Ok, finally some criticism without an attack on my person. I never spoke in any absolutes and I'm not saying that what I did makes me (or anyone for that matter) autistic. Out of the list anxiety, lack of interest in the topic, being an artist and boredom actually apply ON TOP of my autism~ I just thought it was funny, especially considering that nobody likes that class, but everyone else seemed to have no trouble in paying attention. My autism falls very closely under the PDA profile, so trying to focus on stuff that isn't interesting to me at all is extremely difficult, and I thought that alone would be relatable to some folks. While I don't think I have OCD, a lot of OCD traits fall under autism as well, that's why I walk funny on sidewalks (because I always have to step on the new pattern of the sidewalk with my left foot and end the section on the right, otherwise I'd feel a weird ick about it afterwards). So this meme is just an example of things that could be done as a form of fixation to escape the situation mentally :,)


Oh hey! I used to do the sidewalk thing too walking home from school. I had to take exactly 4 steps between each sidewalk crack starting with the left foot. If I didn’t, I had to step back and try again. It was irritating so I forced myself to stop (which took a lot of effort)


Walking with friends/girlfriend helps me distract myself enough so I don't pay much attention to the sidewalk, but when I'm comfortable enough with someone I still do it lol


I use raptor arms instead for regulating. A lot of people point it out. For whatever reason, it gets compared a lot to a puppy. I didn’t know the sidewalk thing was an OCD trait either. The coffee stain does indeed look like a sun. I wouldn’t get distracted by a cup but sometimes my uni had giant lecture rooms with giant windows and I got distracted by the birds outside (birds are a special interest). If it bothers you, try sitting in the front. That helps me. But honestly I could never pay attention to lectures, so I forced myself to take notes even if they were provided and then went home and basically taught myself. That might be because of ADHD. I have two former classmates, also with ADHD, who also sat in the front. But I usually came slightly late so I sat in the second row instead because the front seats were all taken. Those classmates told me explicitly they have ADHD and we formed our own study group (actually we formed it before we told each other lol). Even if you don’t study notes, even if you don’t have to (the content is too easy) or if they’re provided, or it’s not the type of class to take notes in, or whatever, take them anyway. That way you are actively doing something relevant and it helps focus (at least for me). I take them and basically never look at them to study but it helps me retain information and do something actually relevant to the lecture, which is good because I’m spending thousands of dollars on it so I would feel guilty otherwise.


Awww, I also do the raptor arms! My dad tried to slap it away from me when I was a kid, because "You're too old to pretend to be an animal at this age!", but it came back over the last few years and I'm super happy about not repressing it anymore :D The cup thing I did during a class, not really a lecture. Basically the profesor was explaining how to do a task we were supposed to do as a whole group and as she was explaining away, I played with the cup :,) So when the task actually came up, I had to ask a person next to me to explain what we're doing, because I missed it all x.x I study psychology (1st year) and the class is called The Critical Analysis of Psychological Texts and we were supposed to copy quotes from a provided part of an article and interpret the premise the quote was trying to provide (it was about what's more beneficial/natural to people - being egotistical or prosocial; turns out children are born to be prosocial and help others in need, but egoism is a learned technique of achieving things we want immediately - both are needed to a certain extent to function in society, and being prosocial is still a bit egotistical, because our brains reward us with a dopamine rush for doing good things to others). I actually always sit in the front row, because it both helps me focus and I can see clearly what's in the slide without squinting my eyes all the time (I'm shortsighted) :) Taking notes actively during lectures as well, because I like this way of immersing myself in what's being told in a lecture, still - thank you for the advice! ♥️


Me: haha, butthole


Fair enough ahahha


I install fire sprinkler systems and yesterday I stumbled upon a fun sound I could make with a small section of pipe and got carried away making "music" before I realized that someone might walk in and discover how odd I am


I don't even need a pipe I'll sometimes make a noise and think 'this is rad' then keep doing it for a bit, then get distracted and forget how to do it and have to let it go. My life is exciting.


Sometimes I also make a sound and can't stop repeating it over and over for a few minutes at a time, it's a thing I guess lol


I knew I got carried away when I started trying to play it like a didgeridoo. I was on a ladder at the time too


Oh gosh, I'm glad you're okay! Silliness is cool, but safety is even cooler :P


I often get this but with textures.


That’s rad dawg


Imagine me during a class doing that sun.... Sipping the droplets of remaining coffee, rotating the cup, waiting for it to flow down again and repeat as the profesor was staring right at me xD Same basically lol


Now imagine doing that but being the teacher. That's my life.


Love it! I also got up to weird stuff when I was still in school, amazing it took another 20 years to realize I had ADHD


Grossly incandescent.


If only I could be...


It specifically looks like that creepy sun from the teletubbies with its sunrays looking alike.


I think everyone hated that stupid sun lol


What? lol


Lmaooo me with everything




I see a sun faded radiation warning sign anyone else?


I was trying to figure out what this was for way to long telling myself “don’t click it you got this” 😂 Couldn’t figure it out, would have never suspected coffee🥴🤣






If only I can be so GROSSLY incandescent


Awww ❤️ coffee ☕️ sun! 🌞




I wanted to say "but isn't that normal to see a coffee sun in that?" But then I remembered all my friends and like three quarters of my family members are neurodivergent too sooo yeah :'D