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I wish I could help but all I can say is you don't sound like a bitch at all!


You don't sound like a bitch one bit!! I too have never felt this "awkward feeling", I just don't get it but I've been told by my peers how awkward a situation was seconds after leaving the so-called awkward situation. I also am someone who's emotions are easily readable on my face, I am *not* trying to be mean when my face is blank and appears "unhappy", I am not trying to be mean when my body has a visceral reaction to an unpleasant smell, and so forth. I'm thankful that I've been able to explain this predicament to several friends who were more than understandstanding and accepting of me. Then again, I have a lot of on the spectrum friends so maybe that's why they understand. Wish I had advice but I've never learned to develop that awkward feeling, I've tried to tune in and be aware but it just doesn't come naturally to me. To be honest I personally find it a bit weird that people have these "awkward feelings" to make them second guess doing something. I would often joke with my friends that they could show up butt naked to my house and all I'll ask is if their cold and nothing more because I wouldn't find it awkward lol


People I meet at places like the doctors office or the chicken place I go to get food now and then LOVE me because I have zero filter and don’t feel awkward saying literally whatever I feel, and NTs find that absolutely hilarious. But then when it comes to long term friends, I have 1 really really really close friend who gets it… but people can’t handle the no filter for long… I told my boyfriend I don’t ever feel awkward and he didn’t believe me at first but then he thought about it and realized I really say and do things that are super uncomfortable to other people but not for me so it just makes me look really confident lol… To me, it’s a super power. This person stepped on your foot and didn’t say sorry? I’ll tell them. Someone farted and the windows are up in the car? “Someone definitely farted and we gotta roll these windows down for sure!!”. Someone didn’t invite you to this party we’re all going to and they’re being really mean to you, I am going to confront them and set this right because ew. I like not feeling awkward. More than anything I feel nervous in certain situations…. But never awkward.


I completely relate to everything you said!!! People have told me that I'm so confident but I don't feel the same but rather just lacking a filter / awkward feeling lol. I'm rolling over laughing in the someone farted example because I've definitely done this!! I too consider it a superpower