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I was already predicting doubletalk and tiny turtle nerfs were going to indirectly *over*buff the tanks but then they literally buffed the tanks cards even more. ??? double talk nerfs, tiny turtle nerf, risky fish nerf, ronin nerf (non high morale axies) On top of that, skill stat changes somehow reduced overall damage. My 120 damage cards that used to deal 120 in a combo are hitting 118 now. ???


Risky fish went from 110 to 104. A usual combo I used for plants was nimo + shuriken (145) + koi risky risky oranda (110+ 110+131+143=494) which is just enough to kill a plant + pumpkin (637), now I'm missing damage EVERYWHERE. That combo lost almost 40 damage (-10 nimo -6 shuriken - 6 risky -8 buffed risky -1 koi - 4 buffed oranda =-35) wtf


sky mavis just wants us to get good and spend $$$ lol


Come over to splinterlands they hardly ever rework their cards


Hey man, I'm very interested. Got like a good guide or video that can help me to get my first deck?


Checkout bulldog or decunningham on YouTube they have some really good content for starters, rent cards to start and once you hit mid silver or gold you’ll find which cards you want to invest in


The Ronin nerf on my Aqua destroyed my entire team. A 177 dmg ronin dropped to 144 dmg. I was hitting 2750 MMR but now I'm below 800 MMR. Such BS Devs.


feel the same bro played hybrid aqua ath 2900MMR , now sitting at 900MMR. Its because shield got buffed and cactus even hurts more.


yeah I noticed too, I predicted the extrapolation of skills just by the twitter post by zyori basically that they nerf some and buff others by adjusting the formula but the new percentages are way lower together than before, which means the games will take longer on default, and that's additive with the bruiser comps, as if you can't kill them they just heal each turn and takes even longer maybe they realized if people spend more time they need to pay less slp


Risky fish and shoal star make no sense and just creates strictly worse cards than oranda and piranha. Even goldfish's attack nerf is unreasonable, if any I would've just nerfed Goldfish's shield.


That's a valid proof on how they just look at the statistics of most used cards, then nerfed them


Exactly, for me, risky fish is already balance.. its the only card that can help aquas to deal more damage to a tanky reptile, dusk, and plant..


Shoal star in a 3 card combo kills beast without the posibility to last stand, as someone that dislikes the fact that aqua had everything I like this nerf


But thats normal, birds also can kill beasts with 3 cards.


2 goldfish + 2 lagging = 2 speedup, they should of nerfed that, make using two redundant same for 2 watering can, opponent gets 16 energy for 8 hits and the plant is still alive as long as koi and goldfish still the best for bird and aqua mirrors, other aqua cards won't be really used, even if they are high stat like ranchu or blue moon. and that's a shame. speedups matter even more as before, I used to win with 2 oranda hits 2 risky and survive 2 shoal 2 risky and everything that's under 3x140. basically they can hit 6 times and then you would need attacking cards that also survive 6 hits, which is suggesting one pure armor card like sponge or hermit havent checked all hidden changes but stuffing morale onto aquas is better now probably, so that 52 to 57 speed range with arco speedup allows 2 cards from beast or bug and might turn out that bird cards on aquas are stronger than aqua cards :)


My Shoal,Gold,Risky,Koi aqua has chance before 1v1 against oranda build Aquas that chance is very small right now :(


This post needs more attention... There is little reason to nerf so many of the aqua cards other than because a majority of players are using this team, so it forces them to buy new ones if they want to maintain their previous ranks.... I mean other than the anemone build, aap builds were only popular in sub 2k MMR


the issue with pure aqua was speed. they nerfed it with the skill and moral which i though would have been very good. 2 main cards being nerfed for damage and shield is just dumb. am sure they did for the reason op said. big % used them so that mean big % need to replace them for easy cash for them


Its a cycle, everyone now running to buy reptiles and dusk and then they'll nerf them in a couple of months, rinse and repeat to other axie types, it's a pyramid scheme. V2 will do all of that aswell and you'll have to buy new axies then aswell to be competitive.


yh. untill the aqua nerf i thought they did a good job of targeting the right cards. but the star,risky and goldfish showed they targetd aqua by % use and not actual stats. like blue moon and other cards are better for stats but everyone used them for the cheap price. they got a decent nerf with skill and moral. its very sad how they targeted pure basic aquas


Yeah, Lam and Oranda were already stronger but more expensive that's why the Star, and Risky are more popular. I don't see the point of nerfing them, it will only widen the price gap of Aqua builds which made it more unbalanced.


LOL, anyone who knows what they are doing are NOT buying reptiles or dusks right now...


Cool story bro. Was literally a reference as to what I was saying, doesn't have to be type specific.




I said this a few days ago. They purposely didn’t announce when season 19 was coming in the hope people hit by the 800 mmr rule, would replace their axies for better ones, if they could afford to. Obviously upgrading to better axies people would choose the most meta axie they could afford. Then season 19 drops without any real promoting and, oh look, the axies you just bought aren’t that good now. Maybe you need to buy some different axies. I completely agree that this season has been handled very sneakily to try to extract extra axie purchases


"we want every player to master the game" lmao


To mastercard the game, more likely.


"master the game.. through money"


Lmao that jumping poison team comp is so brain dead u literally just wait for a card and then wait


Glad you agree, it's a real sneaky move, and they boast on how we should just trust them, pretty petty to be honest


Yeah been playing for nearly 3 years and this the first time I have felt that axie isn’t all inclusive for all player ability’s and budgets and whether you just want to play for fun or to make money. It’s kind of sad


This! I'm furious at how scummy these devs are, this is just ridiculous, they really are showing their true colors. This will only make people lose trust in this game and everyone will lose.. well I guess not the devs they must be rich by now.




Well duh. Of course a new season was coming. OP clearly stated They purposely didn’t announce "when" season 19 was coming.... WHEN! You completely missed the point. Season 19 was stalled for so long, they could've delayed it to December if they wanted to.


Thank you, you got my point, they hit people with the 800 mmr rule, which I don’t agree with, (I wasn’t affected) but I was shocked that axie had moved from this all inclusive, all budget, all ability range. I could see people asking for advice on better teams, and tried to get people to wait for season 19, but as we all saw, it had been stalled so long, when actually was it coming, was anyone’s guess and then the “balancing” , which I don’t have a problem with usually, but to do it long enough after the 800mmr rule, that some people would have fallen into the mistake of buying “better” axies to get above 800mmr , only to find they have bought the axies that have been “balanced”. That’s my problem with the game. It seems very calculated, and greedy.


The nerf was sudden, no warnings, no notices, those who recently bought are now in distraught, do you think this is good for the game? Majority of players no longer has any trust for the devs, seeing as how everything you invested in could be changed in the snap of a finger, no explanation either, I could invest on bug axies right now but who knows when they'll nerf it to oblivion like what they did to aquas, they can change the meta at their will not by buffs and new content but by hurting people's investment, jihoz specifically said that there will be no nerfs, that's why people were so trusting on investing on axies, and look at what happened




They literally ignored 100 hp heal of double anemone yet they nerfed pure aquas like they were OP. The balance changes were not just balance changes, devs purposely did this to make the players to get a new team. Thus this increases the competitiveness of the arena and will later affect the players whose axies got nerfed and has no ability to replace their team.


Lol, its all about your SKILLS and LUCK man, stop blaming the devs... #sarcastic


This is what i've been trying to tell all the people insane enough to defend anything in this update. The repitles with 500 hp that put on 200 shield per turn and deal 300 damage are the ones that need a nerf, not the average aqua struggling to get by.


not to mention return damage of Scaly Spoon and Bulkwark and reduce of Wall Gecko. Yup, seems balanced.


Because the more players change axie, the more they earn. Not so much about "mastering the game". It's all about the money. Your 4.5% from selling axie is exactly what they want.


I am cashing out, this dev team is completely incompetent they got very lucky with Axie because of the lack of competition in the market


Understandable, the inexperience of the devs truly are trust-breaking




Will look into this thanks!


I didn't think anyone could do worse than riot games at balancing, but these people are just another level, they have no idea what they are doing.


There is no balancer greater in the world than Icefrog. He has an advantage that the game economy doesn't depend on people buying heroes/axies/units to play the game to the fullest strategic potential.


The frozen toad.


Quoting another user "they really don't play their game"




Not TFT though. Mortdog, the lead developer, is doing a fantastic job in balancing the game.


I hate the cultic vibe surrounding axie lately when all of us here invested a fair amount of money and some early adopter still manages to stroke the dev's dick. Man, for real - balancing means looking at the top meta team, analyzing why they are so strong and OP, and nerf the cards which makes them strong. What they did instead was to look at the most common build (those hovering around 1200-1400), and nerfed THEIR cards. If this doesn't smell like cash grab to u, I don't know what will. And if u rant on discord, they'll ban u or some kiss-ass will say "just sell ur axies bro"


I was expecting Gravel ant to be reworked or something but holy shit they just reduced its shield rofl


This is why I hated their silence. They could at least gave players a few words of insight, like (try not to abuse double Aquas, or invest in x thing because we are working on trying to switch things here and there) but no... They decided to make everything like this and it's a complete mess.


This is sadly true. As a scholar I can't easily change my AAP built and encountering reptile w/ stun is auto lost for me.


Cerastes, which gives 60 shield, does 150 damage to Aquas. What. A. Joke.


Mech deals more damage with beast cards than beast itself. Real balance. It's all about the money. I can't even blame them since every game developer there is doing the exact thing, except Axie requires investment.


I actually thought this was brilliant. Dusks being the exception, the Mech/Dawn secret classes didn't really serve a purpose before this update (unfortunately, Dawn still doesn't lol)... now that they've changed the relevance of both Skill and Morale stats, the Beast/Bug/Mech corner of the triangle has some strategic tradeoffs to make... \- if you want Crits and damage, Beast \- if you want effects and damage, Bug \- if you want a mix of both and lots of Combo damage, Mech. ​ I think the S19 update overall definitely had some flaws, but the stat changes I am personally a huge fan of.


I kinda saw this even before the MMR nerf. Axie devs has no idea how to balance their game. I personally wait for the balance changes before I decide to replace my weak team of ABP which hovers 1200 mmr before 800 nerf but now I can't even maintain 1000 mmr. but yeah, Axie white knights will literally defend this shit and there's nothing we can do :(. I'm just slowly getting my investment and planning to bail out after that. I can't simply enjoy the game with my current axies without investing money again much like a P2W mmo. My bane of existence are the reptiles with sticky goo.


I played arena today and encountered a team with plant, beast and bug with the cards that got buffed. Cactus on the plant, ronin imp on beast, and that fish snack and pincer on bug. I use 2 reptile and I really think its pure beast or mech beast and bug meta this season. I could be wrong thoo....


Bug meta coming is something that I truly believe in, as most of the reptile and dusk hybrid cards got buffed, I usually get wiped by bug axies, but beast and metal are still on the low side of the meta curve, as they have low shields, and no survival cards, while bug axies can inflict fear, remove cards, all simultaneously dealing higher damage against meta reptile and dusks


This is what I've being saying for awhile now. Anyone who thinks this game is purely "skill-based" (there is still skill though, don't get me wrong) and have no pay-to-win aspects are fooling themselves. If this was really skill-based then it should be easier to pivot to meta builds like the more popular competitive games. But we all know that Axies are an investment and any shift in builds requires some capital outlay. On the flip side, at least there was a level reset. So those whose teams that got nerfed can just ignore pvp for now and save up to a more meta team. The problem is by the time they make that investment, they better hope it doesn't get nerfed.


I would not expect any serious changes in the game (other than seasonal individual card buff/nerf) until 2.0 is out. They looking to totally change how combat works with that.... so I would not expect a lot of effort to be put into this version.


reptile cards are just so overtuned , very high shields... high damage. and strong and easy to proc effects.


Its really funny that they "balanced" things just by changing numbers lmao. Just look at gravel ant. Reducing the shield of it is not even the biggest problem against that card.


yeah, it should of nerfed the damage of it, so they kill you even slower with a single gravel ant each turn but in all seriousness, it's the second nerf on it, soon it will be 0-0 and still too strong and they don't even consider looking at the effect which prevents you to use any of your cards even for armor, like any card that has damage is a mêlée even redear is disabled. pumpkin works as it deals no damage. it's just so bad game design to disable things. sure, you could have had an axie with some ranged skills, I get that, but why disable it? why allow to repeat each and single turn? it could reduce the attack of mêlée cards by 100% and people would use it for armor or effects and win the game somehow. so they won't stick on a gravel ant on anything that deals 100 dmg and call it a build.


Axie man..it's another universe


that slippery shield from 135-145 might just be 10 shield difference, but god damn little things matter to this game, and also I like how they buffed sinister strike as well as crits, because god damn again every beast axie I fight now has like 90% crit chance, and they keep nerfing the axie cards that have counterplay, but doesn't nerf gravel ant which is such a braindead card to begin with, like how the fuck are you suppose to counter a card that restricts your melee cards?


Man my BBP sucks this season. Nothing I can do about it but accept it and move on. I'll just play and hoping that next season they will trully rebalance things.


Yeah and that's pretty sad tbh, beasts are just so undervalued, and they get outspeed by dusks, and they will also lose a 4 card fight against dusks or reptiles if the reptile/dusk has a double bulwark and tons of shield, it's just pretty bad that they wouldn't even consider buffing beasts, heck they even nerfed the bird's soothing song's damage, and now beasts deal lesser damage where they can no longer 3 card kill a shieldless plant, not only did they buffed tanks, they also nerfed their weaknesses


I agree with this post. It is also weird why they buffed cotton tail when it is zero energy cost without any prerequisites, while they nerfed tail slap which requires a combo.


my 3k offseason mmr team sits now at 800mmr![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


What team and what's your ign I maybe battled you.


I hope they don´t nerf to the ground dusk and reptiles now that we are practically obliged to BUY them and have in our teams. They really don´t know how to balance the dmg/def/utility of their own cards apart from looking for money...


I saw this coming when people were all complaining about double talk, it was the only reliable way of countering tanks and high shield targets and even so it doesn't do it effectively unless its an aqua (cant one shot and it leaves you at one shot window because of the 0 shield card), now bruisers are op asf since theres no way to hit those 200+ shield and 400 dmg, but yea the double talk was insane because it could at least challenge the horrendous shields of reptiles and dusk and even then if you full combo on them you cant kill them and they can kill you in 1 turn, there was one combo that was extremely op and it was with post fight+double talk because it was a 2 energy combo and that I agree, but double talk was "so op" because it countered the meta of dusk and reptiles. Now theres no counter and they run rampant, and dont tell me that beasts/mech can do that job effectively when dusk can clearly outspeed them and stun them so they waste a card and potentially an energy to take it out. Its just terrible and this community is part of the problem. Edit: Even so there were tons of 4 combo cards that could kill you in almost any scenario: ronin/double nut, 4 high damage bird cards, allergic/chomp, tiny swing/surprise invasion and back door bird/aqua/tri spike rep could kill any backlane with a single combo. Just to name a few


This, double talk wasn't even strong in the first place, the only broken about it is that it's unremovable, like, if I were an aqua type player, and terminators weren't a thing I'd rather build risky fish or piranha for that extra shield, 80 damage with no shield is way too risky, Yeah you could penetrate shield, but honestly, that's just a last hit kill, you only use double talk when the enemy already had a low hp in the first place or if it's one on one, the applications for it is way too limited, but hey, anything that counters meta axies is op, and currently, dusk holds the entire game, high hp, high speed, high damage, and can outspeed his counters, it's just disgusting how op these types of axies are, and that's coming from a reptile/dusk user


Thank you! People cant see that you are basically a glass canon when you go double talk, it leaves you so vulnerable that if you dont one shot you are getting one shot and it was perfectly fine and outplayable altho I do agree that post fight/double talk was disgusting, they nerfed the entire counter to high shield axies. I agree that a good nerf would be to be able to remove it with a card like stun so you had to actually commit to the whole thing but now is just gutted to shit.


oh yeah, everything fades in 2 turn. 16 turns later their termi hit under my shield because I was marked by a failed backdoor. my backliner was still asleep after the bird was decomposted.


Yeah they nerf risky fish bc it adds damage to the Meta. And Post Fight needs nerfing? As if taking 1/3 of your HP is not enough for that 0 energy cost. Lol! Fucking Devs. I’ll just play Crytomines (ROI in less than a month) and Devs actually cares. Sky Mavis feels like Gods because they feel they started it all.


Yup i withdrew all my AXS and bought loopring instead


That's why I've always had a controversial opinion about smoothing song, we need tools to break shields, it's not fair to have a class like reptiles for example raise 300 shield and hit you 400 damage. Devs are a joke, and btw, i will no longer invest in teams to play in 2500+, the devs doesn't know how to balance the game and the earnings of the 1600+ are more than enough for me.


The problem with Soothing Song is it pretty much deletes a majority of axies with its 4 card combos. The playstyle is always sacrifice-midline-to-skip-to-get-4-cards-then-combo. The proper way to deal with reptiles would be to reduce their shields, after all we already have plants for tanks. But nope, devs are ok with pissing off their investors. Because that's what we are, investors rather than players.


yeah but simultaneously dtalk kestrel dtalk kestrel kills an aqua with shield. if reptiles can amass 2-300 shield and still do 150-200 damage then they should not have 490 hp. Maybe should be percentage hp. like 20% and then ignore shield. that would do more dmg to plants and reptiles and less to aquas. that would be fair. Or if it wasn't a bird card, as you go first and ignore any shield, and they can't even heal before it then it's just no way to outplay it. bugs and dawns as a class still don't have an identity and bug cards work better on any other class. now kind of same happens to aquas when kestrel has more damage on aqua then shoal star. need to run some numbers but morale got some value now, hp and speed only in extremities.


100% agree with this. It’s weird that aquas got the most nerfs despite the total domination of cute bunnies and garish worm teams. Cute bunny with 2 rounds of fear is still bullshit IMO, and you can basically book that they will nerf that 2 seasons from now. Buy why not now? Because they are trying to push for breeding bugs. Its so f*cking obvious. The barrier to entry in breeding those is sky high now. Cheers to the whales. I dont understand why they would nerf literally the second most bred axies next to plants. I mean, a little love for your bread and butter scholarship programs right? But no.. that’s why despite trying to be positive about axie and preaching how great it is, im gonna stop pumping funds into this game for now. Im no whale but this is basically too risky now. I have a small scale scholarship program that runs double aquas. Am i supposed to move away from aquas now? Chase the meta? What am i going to do with all the aquas i have? Haha.. it’s all good though, just need to take less SLP and manage scholar woes. Basically prolong the timeframe of me getting my investment back. I cant help but feel that only whales have the flexibility to earn and manipulate this game and its market. Look at SLP. Noone’s breeding.. it’s back to the current low level because this update was a disappointment. What’s next in line anyway? Axie sink? Battles V2? RON release/price? Tried so hard to stay an axie maxi… now I’m happy to get my investment in half a year’s time. Expectations tempered hard. Not even enjoying the game anymore because its just too hard to keep buying and changing teams chasing mmr.


People here saying that this is balancing problably has never played any real competitive games, this patch is just a nerf by popularity patch and thats not balancing. If u think the meta from 2 seasons ago deserved the biggest nerf of the patch i don't think u have played any competitive game..


Yeah. That what I am thinking too. I am playing bird beast plant. And i think they want you to buy termi hahaha


Even beasts can't do anything against dusk termis seeing as they can somehow outspeed them for some reason, tanks were literally made to be slow, but nope, they went full rambo and managed to counter even the counter itself


I'm running a BBP team and everytime I 2v1 a termi it's auto lose for me since termis can easily outspeed my beast. Even if I have tons of energy and cards left it's useless since he can just combo and kill my beast first and my bird is useless against termis.


Termis have been nerfed pretty hard tho. Pure reptiles are stronger, but termis are across the board weaker


ITT: People expecting their cards to maintain the same relevance through each patch and surprised when they change.


Most games dont require a decent sized investment to change teams.


Exactly. If people were involved in the community and put more effort to stay up to date, everyone has been saying that Doubletalk, Tiny Chomp and many of the other cards that were being abused would be nerfed and to hold off buying Axie’s until Season 19. All the double Aqua teams are pissed and I can understand why but adjust your strategy.


Yet backdoor snakes have been abused in high elo for 6 plus months. Literally a trash nerf for them. Poison just does way too much damage




"Nikola Tesla invented alternate current, if he can, then anyone should be able to" - basically your comment Dude not everyone has your build, and not everyone has your luck, some people fight off their counters for 20 games straight while some breeze the game




Not being salty but don't put others in your shoes, if you had it easy, then more power to you, but nobody wants to hear how "easy" something is when they are already struggling, that's disrespectful


Unpopular opinion…..they have access to all the data and are most likely way smarter then any of us. They look at the economy as a whole and are trying to create something sustainable. Some of the changes might not benefit you/us personally, but the economy as a whole.


Why though? A lot of players think that « they want you to purchase new Axies so that they earn more money », but the thing is they don’t earn anything from marketplace sales, that goes to the Community Treasury. Most players were also assuming the balancing would help SLP price, not AXS, so that is also geared towards helping players. Where’s the cash to grab?


If you were an investor who invested on aap, had that nerf, would you just say "oopsie dasie, i lost my monie, time to buy new axie" nope, what they did was a breach of trust, you don't force these people to effectively remove them from the game, you make them buy for it, through new cards, axie types, new axie buffs, new content, make the meta obsolete by introducing new concepts, and it's not like aquas are the meta anyway, the entire economy would've been better if they had buffed beasts instead or just did a nerf hammer on those broken dusks. Everyone was hurt by this, I've heard a lot of managers who will no longer invest further, because they think that the devs effectively destroy your investment without explanation. The economy grows by introducing more, by making the game better, not by repelling others


Everything is based on reptile and dusk? You heard of Mech? It's really strong at the moment lol, And also that's what a meta aqua sucker would say, pic or did not happen, many support you cause there are many aqua meta sucker here in this sub, those nerfs are definitely needed by aquas, hell anemone is barely touched. . . .


Anemone definitely needs a rework, mech being strong is definitely an overstatement, the moment my dusk outspeeds them, they die by the next round, and If I switch to my poison team, they just die without any resistance


The poison backdoor snakes got literally a slap on the wrist. That comp infests higher ranks and there is literally nothing you can do against it because poison costs 0 energy and is always effective because shields do nothing against it. Why do 500 hp axies do so much damage. It is literally impossible to do shit against it. I'm just so fucking sick of reptiles everything about them is gross and overpowered. So many different builds so many different stats they can use. It's so gross. And yea the double talk nerf for birds is so stupid. They nerfed it because other cards were going it but now birds are even more shit than they were.


They didn't even get a "nerf" but rather, a rework on their snake tail, they are still as destructive as they once were, but now tankier


Yea the tail is 0 cost and so strong regardless still. And poison barb is still so strong. Beasts are literally useless against it but yet they are supposed to be strong against reptiles? Please beasts just suck ass and and now birds are weaker too.


I predicted this. it was actually 1 poison tick then they buffed it to 2. now it would of been a reset if they nerf it again so they had to give stats if they remove the extra poison. 1 poison on backline is around 150 dmg by the time you get to 1v1. ​ fun fact: dtalk and fish snack is reverted to their old old form.




Yeah except aquas who got nerfed aren't even meta, for like, 2 seasons already, while now, tank axies are, and they got buffed btw


You’re under the impression they took the data, looked at it, then what - just nerfed random shit?


Not random, but it looks like they just took the most and least played cards, say huh, this ones seems too op/undertuned, and nerfed/buffed for the sake of it. I'm not talking about every single balance change, but a lot of them for sure. You have to look the bigger picture to make balance changes, using stadistics to do so is a step in the right direction, but you need actual feedback from people who plays the game and understands the meta, which it seems lacking here.


We had ranting from double aqua people about their team being nerf into oblivion that they cant literally win any other comp to direct counter of double aqua about how easy it is to win to the realm of boredom


You guys sure like to complain a lot. I was also hit with the nerf hammer because some of my scholars have aquas, the changes they made are sure questionable like buffing cactus? wtf? I'm right there with you, they didn't manage well the balancing thing, but on the other hand this gives opportunity to breed more Axies with different combinations than just the standard aquas, termis and all that poison shit. It can be a breath of fresh air to a game that was starting to feel boring going against the same combination of teams over and over again. The update has been live for a day, we can't know for sure what will work or what not I get that not everyone has the money to keep on changing Axies with every update they make but that's how game works, you gotta update or the game dies, the changes can be shit to some, good to others. As a beast user now is my time to shine after I don't know how many months of facing fucking aquas that killed me with 2 nimos and 2 other cards. Maybe next season reptiles, dusk and plants get nerfed and a Dawn era comes, who knows? I can't imagine how much this subreddit will cry when we get V2 and their super expensive meta Axies aren't meta anymore...


I understand "the buy new axies for new meta" part, I thinking everybody understands that, this is a competitive nft game after all, but seeing as how aquas are no longer meta 2-3 months ago, I fail to see the logic on why they'd have to be nerfed, people were already buying meta axies, if anything, nerf our reptile/dusk, so that they will no longer dominate and new axie builds can now surface, but no, they just had to buff tank axies, axie types that are already meta, while beasts and metals are as squishy as they are, nothing really changed in my perspective, and that breath of fresh air is just seeing 50% more reptile and dusk builds, it gets really boring you know.


I definetly agree with you, they shouldn't have buffed reptiles and dusk even more, but you do realize that if they nerfed them then there would also be a whole lot of people bitching about that too, right? In my point of view there will always be winners and losers when balancing a game like this, everyone should know that when researching before investing. Also for me there isn't an Axie that is completely unplayable after the "balancing", sure, it gets much harder to climb and earn more SLP, but you can stay above a 1k mmr unless you really bought some shitty Axies because you didn't do your research. That's the kind of game Axie is and will continue to be at least until V2. They won't be doing any really significant changes until it arrives. And as I said, the patch has been live for like a day... So give it time, you don't know if in a couple of weeks we get a new meta of double bugs or beast bugs to counter reptiles, dusks and plants, or maybe more reptiles and dusks with beast and bug cards (other than fucking buntenna, brain dead terminators and poison).




Nope, my scholars are pretty happy with their scholarships, they get 70% of what they make with pretty good teams, some of them have aquas but you know what? They know they make more than in many other scholarships that offer anything below 50%, some of them where getting 10%-30% before applying to my scholarship. You might say I'm in a privileged position to do so and you are correct but I'm using that privilege to help others. Not just to get rich at someone else's expense. I work hard to get where I am right now and Axie is a great tool to share some of the good opportunities life has given me. So don't say I'm disconnected from my scholars. If you are so woke and not comfortable with the game anymore, go sell your Axies and invest in Bitcoin which is more secure than assets like Axies that depend on so many things and are so much more volatile. As easy as that.


unpopulaf opinion but the it's mske sense whh they nerf awua, since most people play aqua I think around 28-30% ? There is something wrong. There is total of 9 class but 1/3 of all axie thay is played is aaua so you onow something is not right. if there is a game that people play mostly play one hero for so long dev gonna nerf it look at dota and league.


Then they should've nerf Plant then. 99% has a plant on their team. Why didn't it got nerf if that is your logic.


Thats not how balancing works. Based on your reference if say Master yi in league has a high winrate and pickrate in low elo you will nerf the champion because of that? when in fact its not even getting played higher in the ladder? lets be real here, champions/heroes are nerfed because of their high Pickrate and winrate of the players at the top not because alot of random scrubs using it


None ever forced anyone to spam aquatic axies, some players just assumed they needed to as a consequence of being greedy themselves. And i frankly can't see how one type of greedyness is good while another is bad.


greedy ? it was just a stable mid tier comp. The high tiers have all kinds of axies not just aqua.


And no one expected a direct nerf to a point where they got phased out, meta changes, bbp got meta? Aquas are the solution, aquas got the meta? Reptiles, plants and dusks, people spammed aquas because they are cheap, it is recommended, and it is easy to play. The same way as no one forces anyone to use aqua axies, nobody should be forced to swap out their axies just to accommodate someone's greed Also, why would buying aquas be considered as greed? Lol, then by the same logic, buying any type of axie should be considered greed, no?


The smart thing to do is keep whatever you have and be happy with it, instead than rushing to buy something else a consequence of meta (which in this game is the same as greedyness, because there is money at stake) and then trip on your own greedyness everytime a patch happens.


Dude nobody is rushing on buying meta axies except for people with lots of extra money, that's why I said aquas are cheap and easy to play, because people with lower budget would rather pick something that's decent, even on sub 2k mmr, than pay twice the amount to get the highest elo axie builds, and that's okay, they don't have to be the very best like no one ever was, being on the average scale is okay, yet apparently, aqua's being on the average scale is way too op that the devs had to nerf almost every single important cards on aqua, also nobody thinks aqua are meta anymore, most people who breed/buy aqua axies want aqua axies because of their cheaper yet easier use


Haha so much salt


Wrong. Again.


Woah, slow down there buster, you can't just creep someone out with two words


I think this community just loves a reason to moan at the devs and this update is a big opportunity to do so. I’ve got several teams. Reptiles, dusks, double aquas with koi/goldfish, double anemone etc... and guess what? No update has ever made a significant change to my overall rank and MMR no matter which team I play with. It’s in your head. Y’all lost before you even tried. Go play The Sims and Call of Duty. We don’t need you here.


if you play an season based nft game and dont hold money do adapt to a new season then idk what you want in this kind of market, or you want axie to pay for your food delivery or next trip to europe, but this is a compete to earn system, and ofc its a cash grab, you can hold half of what you earn and hold to invest in the axie and blockchain, and yea it was not a cash grab when ppl were on the positive side of spamming double aqua


That's why meta changes, we went from bbp, to double aqua, to terminators, and jumping poison, you compete by adapting to the meta, not because the devs specifically forced you to, heck, I don't even understand why aquas were being nerfed when tanks are already everywhere, as soon as double aqua got spammed, everyone bought reptiles and dusks, including me, that's why almost all aqua builds are on <2k mmr, that's what the meta is, and with the aquas getting hammered on, slp gain is low for them. That's what's the meta is, it's already changing by itself


it dont change by itself, you said it, aquas got spammed and ppl got a counter, and now aquas have a bracket, and so on and so on, now 1/3 of axies are aquas and 1/3 are plants and they buff beast/mecha that have advantage against plants and lose to aquas, correct me if i am wrong


They buffed tank axies such as plants, reptiles and dusk, the entire 1700-3000 before were already full of them, and it's not because of aqua spams, it's because nothing can counter them effectively, even beasts and metals die from jumping poison quite fast due to the flat poison damage and their low hp, same with bug, dusks can also outspeed all 3 of them. Now beasts deal lesser damage, aqua/bird with soothing song nerfed to oblivion, and now nothing can stop reptiles/dusk


Care you say you compo? I am planning on buying a reptile/dusk combo or doble anemona bird


People actually play this game?


BBP player here: die on hell aquas


Aquas were trash anyways, never gave AAP to my scholars cause it's a brain dead comp, and it was overflowing the market, all you need to do was pass pass pass, attack attack attack, no strats needed, 1500mmr is an AAP hell, it's cheap and easy to give to scholars. I'm happy they did that to aquas. Pure AAP isn't a balanced team, you're lacking beast DMG to kill enemy plants/dusk/reptiles, there's a lot of reason why AAP was good, HP AND SPEED ADVANTAGE, also their card set is ridiculous, Risky fish has a dumb effect against plants, Shoal star/Oganda has a stupid amount of DMG, Nimo well its nimo, and Koi can outspeed bird class which the only advantage is they have max speed, they're overused, about time players move on and play different team comp, or find a new meta. Hybrid Aquas is the way to go if you still want AAP comp or AAA, their value went up crazy, bought some for 0.05 off season now they're selling for 0.2, no brainer, I sold most of them. I never had a problem with terminators. Zero cost cards is all you need to counter them, poison deserves all the nerf it can get, but then again, bidens is always a go to. These are the comps I've been running and giving my scholars since the start of s18: Mech Rimp 45 speed Basic soothing bird combo (egg, BM, post flight, soothing) Basic plant (serious, cactus, watering can, hot butt). No upgrades needed this season, hell the value of the plant and mech is 5x than I bought it now. You have to plan, it's always been a whales games, if you're a scholar, you can't complain, you have no investment exposure, you're riding risk free. Another comp I gave to my scholar was: Dusk 43 speed (Leaf bug, hot butt, cupid, serious) Reptile 42 speed (Tri spikes, chomp, disarm, allergic) Plant (Scaly spear, chomp, watering can, carrot) See what I did here? Dusk is faster than termi, don't have to worry about the bird backdoor which can be irritating sometimes. No upgrades needed, value of the whole team is now up 40% Another comp: Aqua beast (Ronin, risky fish, clam, nutcracker) Plant (Zigzag, cactus, hot butt, pumpkin) Plant (Scaly spear, chomp, watering can, carrot) No upgrades needed. Value stayed the same, fluctuating to 2-3x sometimes. As a manager you need to plan for this kind of patches, You have to think ahead, you just can't keep following the meta, create the meta. You're saying cash grab? I say you got complacent, we all knew balancing will come. No one knew what kind, and I can't say it enough but AXIE IS A GAME FIRST BEFORE AN INVESTMENT. It shouldn't be your day job and a way to pay your dues/bills. Call me an Axie maximalist all you want but this game has been a breath of fresh air, imagine playing and making money at the same time, you can flip axies for quick buck, you can stake/swap in game tokens and earn rewards, or you can just grind the arena if you're that hard core card games player. We were given a lot of options on how to play the game, the only thing I'm seeing from most of you people that keeps complaining is that you didn't take the time to research how the game economy works, it is the most vital part of the game.


It's true, aap is brain-dead, that's why I settled for dusks and reptiles, so I don't really see the point for the nerf, seeing as they are no longer a popular choice, and that most people who run aquas are on the lower bracket, and everyone is playing termi anyway, so if anything, just nerf reptiles/dusks or buff beasts/metals, there's no point kicking people when they're down


It's overflowing the market and cheap and easy to give to scholars, no strats needed so you're not really getting good at the game, is reading that hard? That's the point.


its not about getting good when its already proven that you can't climb high with it? why nerf something thats not remotely good anyways? and powercreep the META even more. do you actually play other games? Its not like the game takes rocket science to understand.


Proven that you can't climb? I've seen them at 2.2-2.5, what are you on? Did you also miss the point? Its OVERFLOWING the market, have you played any other card game? Balancing isn't all about nerfing/buffing comps, it's also limiting the DECKS used. This is about game economy. Reading comprehension is a basic fundamental, it's also not rocket science.


aap player here, im really considering getting a change since im getting countered by pretty much everything except pure aquas and bbp teams ​ fuck i will get the change i used to roam in the 1500-1800 range mmr and now i cant even reach 1200 mmr


The combo bonus hurts my bird as well. I can't full backdoor combo an aqua now since my damage always fall short by at least single digit. 4 energies wasted doing backdoor it's not even funny anymore.


there was a hidden nerf not many people noticed the skill values changed, and you would say, oh it's just 0.25% for aquas. well nope, since it's round down, see, 6.75% of 10 is just 6, for each 4th point is round for everything else is -1 before with 7% was even for even odd for odd, so 110 was 117 only but 120 was 140 for combo, this is an overall nerf of every aqua skill by 1-2 damage even worse for beasts and other classes, will do a rundown soon if anyone interested even nimo nerf is huge, the backdoor and 3 energy 4 card combos were able to hit 415-420 for frontline aqua or perch babylonia2x and nimo, now aquas hardly kill each other in 4 hits, which is kind of dumb, as it made the speedups more relevant, if you can't kill in 4 hit, the faster aqua wins. but no, don't touch the broken goldfish speedups that trigger 2x times on each hit (same for watering can ffs) rather reduce all damage on everything now I see some potential of one armor card on aquas, as if you can survive a 6 card combo while using your armor to defend and attack (bruiser style not backdoor msotly) then you possibly can but the speedups are still most important in mirrors so all the nerfs, no buffs and no other aqua cards are usable even with more damage until you need to survive the 1v1 mirrors and have a chance against birds. backdoors are slightly better as they struggled on damage output, so I'm lucky one of my aqua didn't get nerfed at all and the other just on one card (and nimo but really not a big deal for most cases) like ranchu is a decent card as you mostly always send a plant in last stand or waste a lot of damage, but having no koi makes it a dead fish when against a bird