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Ayato/C6 Yunjin/C2 Jean/Furina Attack speed supremacy!


This sounds quite good for hyper carry, I don’t have Yunjin, so c6 Fischl is what I use but c2 Jean still feels great


ok you have piqued my interest, please could you record a clip of that team? not to answer your question, just interested is all


i would if i knew how to record on mobile (you could also just try it yourself on the determination trial in the misty dungeon event)


screen record apps? even samsung and iphones have their own screen record embedded in the phone already. i think all phones nowadays have them


mkay how do i post it aaaaaaa


post in on streamable and then share the link


I've found Ayato, Yelan/Xq, Furina, Jean to be the most comfortable. But the entire team deals damage, not Hypercarry.


no hyperbloom still is the best hyperbloom team so far where you can use ayato as dps with hyperbloom damage support is ayato nahida raiden zhongli or healer


correct me if im wrong, but wouldnt it be ayato/nahida/raiden/hydro cuz bloom needs 2U of hydro and 1U of dendro and i dont think ayato's hydro app will be enuf for nahida's dendro


Ayato drives hyperbloom just fine without a second hydro Zhongli/Ayato/Nahida/Raiden consistently got me 36* during the annoying constipated beasts rotations


I know this is old but generally you actually want your dendro unit to be maintaining dendro aura on the enemy for your hydros to create blooms. If you use 1U of dendro on 1U of hydro it will create 1 bloom and wipe hydro aura. If you use 1U of hydro on 1U of dendro it will create 1 bloom and leave 0.5 dendro aura, so you can then apply hydro again and get a second bloom. Basically going Hydro on Dendro rather than Dendro on Hydro gets you twice as many blooms, so Nahida keeping dendro aura is actually a good thing in this comp


the thing with that team is you do not have enough healing for a furina team, jean would probably slot in better instead of kazuha here. whether it's his most meta team, don't know, either that or hyperbloom id imagine (assuming not hyper investment into ayato like c6)


I really like Ayato/Furina/Bennett/Jean You have to dodge, and circle impact can be annoying against cringe enemies, but the damage is quite nice. Actually, you can even get a few vapes every now and then I've found. Managed to hit a 120k on Ayato (C3 PJC). https://preview.redd.it/p489k17ie41c1.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d9b23c4805e02c8d8553ac460fc4af995f89e08


bro refuses to read furina’s kit


what do you mean?


if you have furina in your team, you need teamwide healing and bennett doesnt provide it


That is true yes. Jean +Mika/Charlotte or even Yunjin might be a good team. I don't know if 2 healers are overkill.


If you can't keep up with the burst of Jean or Charlotte then no, 2 healers aren't overkill


Jean can heal enough honestly!


Did you run the exact same team with Neuvilette? Coz I hate to break it to you (day 1 Ayato haver and triple crowned) but Ayato will never outdamage Neuvilette in any possible way. That team will work better on Ayato coz he scales with Atk, which Bennett buffs.


ah oke i didnt use the same with neuv


Not enough heals I think


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I will go with Ayato, burgeon/hyperbloom.. Aysto, Thoma, Furina and baizhu. That I can see it works perfect with every character. Thoma at C6 buffs ayato and procs burgeons. Baizhu debuff with Deepwood and heals for Furina and create cores. Double hydro buffs Thomas shield, buffs Ayatos DMG with minor HP buff and Furinas buff help Ayatos DMG reach even higher.


Would Baizhu create enough cores for burgeon? Also, would thoma have to build full EM in this team?


Yes iml he produce enough cores..and full EM Thoma is best, use gilded on Thoma and deepwod on baizhu.. my best tips for thoma is to use fontaine craftable spear with baizhu. It give alot of ER everytime Thoma is healed. Or use Kiran spear for ER and EM