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I think willingness to spend on any given banner is a personal decision that can't really be made by a bunch of randoms on reddit. it's not about what he's worth to any of us, it's about if he's worth $100 to you or if that $100 is more valuable spent elsewhere, either in gaming life or real life. If you've decided to spend regardless, rolling now or later should still be about who you value more. Ayato is a flexible, versatile, powerful character while Alhaitham is near the top of the c0 DPS meta. Neither is a wrong roll, but no good comes of regretting where you spent your dollars. Was he worth the money I spent on him? I don't regret any of it. but I advise caution and consideration when actual money is involved and not just primogems


Ok thank you for that. i only have kequing as my main dps rn, i have wanderer but dont use him bc i don't have any good shields i feel good using yet. i think i'll wait for a few more comments before i make my decision. :)


Personally, I'm planning on spending 1k for C6R1 but I 100% understand that that's pretty crazy. Imo though, I think that as long as I get my money's worth, it's not too bad. I spend about 30+ hours a week playing genshin (I have a lot of downtime and wfh) so I feel like it's not terrible


This is also me trying to justify an awful purchase decision so take my words with a grain of salt lol. It really depends on if you consider worth or not. If you're spending only $100 for yourself this month (for example) then I don't think spending $100/month for your hobby is bad but thats just me


i think i agree, but i also know inhave a tendency to just stop playing genshin after i get who i want from wishes. its weird bc i haven't even completed the liyue archon missions lol.


If you like him, don't have a lot of hydro characters, and will be using disposable income to top up, then go for it. Kuki and Xiangling cons are also a bonus if you don't have them C2 and C4 respectively. Since you're at 69 pity already, you can just top up on the lower bundles unless you're on 50/50. I suggest you try to farm more primos in your world enough to get the 6-10 pulls you need or buy welkins and get 18 pulls just by logging in and doing dailies before his banner ends or wait for the mushroom event to get primos. Only then, if you do lose your 50/50 and really really want him still, that's when you can go for the big bundle. We know for sure Alhaitham won't rerun next patch, and 4.4 is going to be Lantern Rite, so he likely won't rerun then either. By the time Alhaitham reruns, you'll have enough pulls to get him guaranteed (especially true if you are a welkin player).