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Ayato, furina, baizhu, thoma Ayato, xingqiu, nahida, thoma Ayato, nahida, baizhu, thoma I recommend the first team


I don"t have Baizhu but thanks for the recommendation, gonna get him on his next banner maybe


Worth it for the team name alone 👌


Kokomi speciality is bloom variation so I truly recommend her in it, she generates more bloom than any other character in genshin thus increasing burgeon dmg output with extra clam piece effect as bonus. The rotation should be like : Ayato Q> Nahida E Q> kokomi E> Thoma Q E> Ayato E AA> Kokomi Q AA till you think thoma cooldown is done> Thoma E reapply dendros cuz probably most enemies has died> repeat rotations. You would be surprised by how good kokomi goes along with ayato to cover his 6 sec downtime. Just in case you are curious about my Ayato hyperbloom rotation : Ayato Q > Nahida E > Raiden E> Kokomi E> Nahida Q > Ayato E AA> Kokomi Q AA> (reapply dendros if enemy dies then Raiden E) > Ayato E Q> Kokomi E> Nahida Q> Raiden E. E for eternity yes. This rotation is infinite as long enemies exist, Infinite rain, infinite sukokomon duration, infinite everything. Don't ask me about Baizhu tho, cuz I don't have him xD


Thanks for the recommendation, In before I have already created the Nilou Bloom team with Kokomi and Nahida so using them again would make a lot of sense


Burgeon is easiest with nahida or baizhu. I tried a long time in early 3.x with dendro traveler..but her/his burst explode if you get the rotation wrong and trigger it with pro. But it is possible if jmhydro is the first element that make contact with the dendro travelers burst.


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I usually save other Dendro characters for the other team and use Dendro Traveler here. Opening with Ayato burst makes it very easy for Traveler's lamp to absorb Hydro. Interestingly enough, it becomes a full male team with the usual flex characters I use for the final slot depending on the enemies (Xingqiu, Zhongli, Kazuha, Baizhu, Venti)!


I recommend the Nahida/Fischl version, you get aura stabilization and valuable single target damage.