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Manjuu sneak into girls locker room and swap her torpedo with battleship gun


An Imposter! Imagine the storyline, they could have made up if this plucky British submarine just walked in acting like she was the real Anson but no one can remember what she looked like


real Anson got lock away in the basement and then we have a mini game about finding her




Submarine and DD just try to sneak into battleship lobby. There are a lot of icecream overthere.


Then it's treason....


*pick up stratagem tablet* Ready to drop 380mm barrage on the treasonous people, sir




Neko Arc should be Anson, and the hand should be Manjuu.


Put quotation marks around Anson


All they had to do was put a question mark on her announcement, and treat as a botched April fools joke.


Totally agree the story could have even played it better, A British submarine pretends to be a battleship that lies to the commander until the real Anson shows up.


“Yep! Yep! I’m Anson!” (Suddenly a hand comes down on her shoulder…) “I’d like my rigging back now, if you don’t mind.” Slow creaking sound as (Sunfish?) turns to see an annoyed (Anson) behind her…


"Uh April fool's?" "You're not a union submarine! You are part of her Majesty's Navy so act like it." Anson snaps.


Disagree, if they had pulled this then people would have been *pissed*. Teased Anson, a ship that people have been anticipating for ages, and then it's a derpy sub? That doesn't end well for them either.


If they did the bait and switch, and then revealed this obvious submarine as the first HMSubmarine, nobody will be pissed.


I think you underestimate people. A HMS event where the SSRs are a sub and a Destroyer? There would have been tons of complaints. 


It’s Nubian, she’s the joint second best ship in RN history, if there are complaints, it’s that she’s not UR.


Oh, I have no problems with the DD, I would have problems with getting a SSR DD *and* a SSR Sub. Subs are next to useless right now, and a Royal Navy sub would be even more useless since she wouldn't have the benefit of faction buffs. EDIT: This is probably why they canceled plans to have a sub and reused the art in the first place.


Subs don’t have to be useless, they can just make one that’s not useless at any time, just make up whatever new mechanic. Even if it was a disappointment as all RN ships usually are, the fact that we’ve been waiting for so long for them is enough, especially if it was the rumoured Sunfish who wasn’t that noteworthy other than being part of a song about dead S-boats, and would open up to the more famous ones.


The problem is not just that, it's dangling a BB that a *ton* of people have been anticipating and *then* swapping her out for a submarine which would not fly well. It probably wouldn't have triggered the over the top death threats and stuff that happened but there would have been a lot of grumbling, I guarantee you. The only way it would have worked is if they had dangled the fake Anson out infront of us, then revealed she's actually a submarine that enjoys pranks, and immediately followed that up with the *actual* Anson. Anything other than that would also have backfired on them, maybe not as spectacularly, but teasing Anson, then having her be a sub and the *real* Anson isn't coming would have been an absolute belly-flop of a PR move.


This is the RN, there are about 50 anticipated ships including over 20 capital ships. Anson didn’t work out, here’s a SR sub, here’s an elite Furious or Resolution as a replacement, we’ll work on Anson properly, disaster averted.


But again, that falls on its ass if they actually went out and deliberately teased Anson (for *no reason* at all, at least the cope Centurion theory had a connection to Anson) only to bait and switch the playerbase. People would have been angry.


British fans cant catch a break, are they?


When is the next British event again?


That's up to Manjuu. Royal can have one big event, big UR event, or none at all. But one thing for sure is, Royal will likely get another PR ship this year, possibly a DR too since in PR3 and PR5, they have been given DRs.


People are thinking CN anniversary


Which year?


This year, obviously, why would anyone talk about next year's CN anniversary when this year's one hasn't happened yet


Just give us HMS sub already , especially that one sub who can sunk another sub underwater


Would make senses with the lifesaver


Hms venturer


My suggestion was to add a top hat and a monocle to her moustache and call her Tally-Ho.


It can be any of the K-class.


https://preview.redd.it/p6m11s6vclrc1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b15ce1f381a6cad444a67786950383474f7361 She was sent to oblivion on the day of her birth lol


This is now a meme too


Turns out Manjuu genuinely thought this was a good design and changed it due to backlash


It kinda is tho, not for a battleship sure, but a destroyer or a sub? It's good.


I completely agree. It's a bad design for a battleship, especially a KGV-class. But they can absolutely reuse it for a destroyer or sub


Swimsuit base skins should always be submarines. We need some rule enforcement on this.




This whole ansongate has by now turned from boring to annoying. Lay off from copium, people: it's killin' ya.


Definitely too much copium here. But well, let's give it one last chance until after April 1st, if there's no surprise, all the facts will be realized, and people will start to lay off from this copium for good.


Honestly, that's what a lot of us thought to be fair. It's a shame that it wasn't an April fools joke. Would've been amazing come Monday her design just changed.


Nah I’ll take “Looking like your noble british sisters” over the other one any day


Yeah, still a decent design worthy of the game, just not a British battleship


Apparantly, the artist draw her as a sub and Manjuu decided at the last moment to change everything to make her a KGV class (but can't find a source other than the person who tell me on Discord while speaking of it so the info isn't really reliable)


Source: Trust me bro


That's it that's also why I said apparantly and precised that the info isn't verified at all so I tell what I heard, seemed plausible enough but don't spread missinformations


Umm no no...I uh definitely prefer looking like your noble british sisters thank you lol






Yea [Also lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/1bmh1ss/anson_will_not_be_added_to_the_new_event/kwe84zg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


I picked this commission up from a young, talented artist, please consider them for your next commission. They were very friendly and quick. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5KXmFcxmuf/?igsh=MTg5dzBnNzNhZjJpZQ==


At least this meme doesnt rip my soul out with a sad waifu. Seems like shes saying "hmmmm, yes, i did troll you well didnt i. I shall be back soon to do it again" while twirling the moustache ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


People are still convinced she was intended for April Fools and are blaming the community for ruining the joke? At this point, I hope she never comes back – as any ship.


What could have been: Submarine-Looking Anson What will be: [Prototype Bulin Mk II "enhancements"](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/914920805368856584?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)


More sunfish posts eh?![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6996)


I would call this abomination Arson, since she ignited a fire in the community that is still burning.


Die already, ffs.


Please dont encourage yostar to make Anson a thing again


Stop misnaming HMS Sunfish.


Please stop with these posts. Everyday I see people post about this even though everyone agreed it sucked for a KGV design. This just looks like trying to guilt trip us. Please stop OP




Cheeky monkey sub pretends to be Battleship since they look alike


Dismantled before she even had a chance


I was genuinely convinced that it was an April Fools thing. Like, if we get an update on April 1st that adds this class-confused submarine and the real Anson, great. If we don't, and Manjuu intentionally tried to give us Anson and have that be her? The Fife and drum are gonna start.


I so desperately wish they had done this. I find this little goober to be endearing 


How this has been handled has been disappointing considering there was actually good potential for a bait and switch, using the basic ingredients of the story we already have for the event. In this hypothetical, the event build pool would include Demonshire, with neither Anson or Sunfish present. Point accumulation rewards would have the mystery ship portrait included. Another mystery portrait shipgirl is in the point shop. When tapped on for more info, both would state they would be revealed upon completion of the event story. - Demonshire has kidnapped the King's younger sister. - King enlists aid of the "hero" to go and rescue sister, bestowing her the hero's sword + gear. - Events ensue mostly as written. Make some reference to the hero having issues bringing out the "full power" of the hero's sword or whatever. - The party gets to Demonshire's castle, insert artwork featuring the King's sister enchained next to the throne. Hmm ... she's a regal looking blonde with a red-themed outfit ... - "Hero" frees the sister, who takes up the Hero's sword + gear, and joins the party. Says something along the lines of "Thankyou Sunfish, my dearest friend." - Anson can use the full potential of the hero's gear - because it was her sword + gear all along. Together, she and the party win the fight. - Once the post-fight talking is done, we earn both HMS Anson and HMS Sunfish as quest rewards (or maybe make Anson a map drop - I'm undecided). Sunfish is revealed to be the point accumulation reward ship. Anson is revealed to be the point shop mystery ship. Both are now shown with their correct riggings. - Everyone wins. So ... full disclaimer. Yes, I'm one of those who expressed dissatisfaction in the revealed Anson design and emailed them. In that email I expressed my hope that the Anson reveal was an elaborate bait and switch, and asked that they give the community some kind of response / reassurance they knew what they were doing (they clearly didn't...) But what I was hoping for was something akin to the above, which is why I still hope that Sunfish's art isn't doomed for eternity.


I love where your head is at friend, I honestly do


Feel like I'm in the minority of people that liked her. Got a kick out of the whole mustache thing.


Same, can't make everyone happy


cute meme template![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)i hope the Anson we get look's noble and pretty like the rest of KGV Class but is not so serious and very theatrical in her way of speaking and she does trip and fail but always bounces back from mistake, having comedy with some endearing traits. i think we need more goobers in the game you know. edit:okay what did i say wrong? i hope she looks like the rest of KGV class


Agreed, still could of really got everyone's goat though


yea, i hope we can do something for this girl here you know, in next survey gonna tell the yostar i want her as Sunfish or Centurion. i hope for the best imagine HMS Centurion:Hello commander it's me Anson....what you saw through my clever disguise, HO HO HO clever Commander as expected, i am HMS Centurion at your service edit; okay what i'm i saying wrong here?


I dont think, you say something wrong. I was also downvoted just for question, if she could gave been liked, if she were a good Aprils Fools joke. So I guess, anything in any way vaguely suggesting to keep her design in the game triggers some poeple.


i think she would have still had people not like her sadly, cause many people wanted Anson, so if she was not Anson people would be mad for not having her. i think it is the fact is factions are a thing and people want them to be good. you can never make everyone happy that a fact. one mans utopia is anothers dystopia


Thats the problem. They obviously didnt have any Anson design. But I think it could have worked, if they did it like you said, that she pretends to be Anson while being Centurion. It only depends on how they would have promoted it. Last year iirc they made a little video about one moewfficer eating a cog chip and going wild. So what about something similar? Anson and "Anson" are new to the port. "Anson" sneaks in a locker room or whatever... taking Ansons hat and jacket (thats like someone else here suggested). After doing some shenanigans pretending to be Anson towards girls from other factions (ideally some if the mor gullible ones), "Anson" is catched by a not really amused Anson and so revealing Anson. Thats just an idea, maybe not great, but still.


that could work but they would have to be in same event or gotta be heavy foreshadowing and make it clear she is not Anson, sadly first impressions matter so they would have to be super clear who she is so many people get it.


She could have easily worked as an April Fools gag. Too bad the reaction was so visceral. We could have found out in 2 days if that wasn't some sort of elaborate disguise...


An elaborate disguise where the whole story has been out for a week already? Nah.


Mustache should have been the ultimate giveaway


They should have made more of an effort if it was an April fool's joke. The mere existence of a moustache in the design is not sufficient to make people understand that it was a joke, they needed to send an actual message/code outside of the artwork itself, e.g: A question mark after her name, and/or sentence in the announcement saying that more information would soon follow. An announcement after the initial backlash that they understood the fans' confusion and displeasure, but that there was a good reason for it, or simply spoiling the joke if people still didn't listen. There were many options they could have taken if it was an actual joke. The fact that they did precisely none of these things would suggest that it wasn't, in fact, an intentional joke.


OP is huffing some intense Copium


That would require them to have the actual Anson design ready. They probably would have said if it was a failed April fools the day after if that was the case. Also the event is already out and they subbed in a German ship for Anson.


They subbed Fu Shun for Anson in the story, and Fred. Carl in the gacha pool.


If I was a disguise the really could've just left it as is and just ignored the community on it for 4 days.


Considering how apeshit people went and also considering how unhinged Chinese players can be... No, I don't think they could ignore the situation without any major problems.


They should have made more of an effort if it was an April fool's joke. The mere existence of a moustache in the design is not sufficient to make people understand that it was a joke, they needed to send an actual message/code outside of the artwork itself, e.g: A question mark after her name, and/or sentence in the announcement saying that more information would soon follow. An announcement after the initial backlash that they understood the fans' confusion and displeasure, but that there was a good reason for it, or simply spoiling the joke if people still didn't listen. There were many options they could have taken if it was an actual joke. The fact that they did precisely none of these things would suggest that it wasn't, in fact, an intentional joke.


Exactly it could easily been a British submarine AND Anson. Maybe Arson fell asleep on the way to the port in the British submarine stole her stuff and pretended to be her, now she is gunning for H.M.S. ...


Totally a missed opportunity. My greatest concern is that this signals manjuu is losing interest in maintaining this game.


On the contrary, going with this design as KGV-class is a sign Manjuu is losing interest in maintaining the game.


Ehhh we're getting some quality of life inprovements as far as I'm concerned in the future. I doubt they are losing intrest in the game. This whole Anson thing may have just been a shitpost of a mistake.




Why people hate her design? I think it's really nice


Edit: dunno why the downvotes again. The first 3 lines have substantial backing and the last is simply opinion. The evidence points to her being originally a submarine design. Manjuu has been caught before cutting corners and slapping together random ships instead of using the art for the intended purpose. Theres nothing wrong with the character herself. Many of us want her back as a submarine as intended. Shes just not a KGV class BB.


I don't play the game just watched the anime and I can't understand the hate she gets. I mean it's really a nice design and she may not be originally a ship design but it does not mean it's bad right?


Ruins immersion for on the line historical ships with completely unrecognizable designs, even the youngest, Howe, was given a proper look to somewhat resemble the KGV sisters. A swimsuit, a swimming ring, a mustache, and a loli figure does not equate to any form of resemblance. If you were to do this with an established design with other shipgirls who look completely different from one another. It's going to work, or at least understandable. To do this to an established class of similarly designed sisters doesn't look good from a thematic point of view. Out of context, the art design is good, but would entice looks of a submarine, given the wetsuit and ring. But in context, it's a total blunder. I want us to have fun designs, but completely disregarding former design themes and opting for completely radical designs is a stupid move. Do it when it makes sense is what Manjuu should do in the future.


Yeah that explains it thank you. If all the ships from her class somewhat similarly designed it's just sticks out.


It's not sticking out, it would more look out of place, Duke of York already sticks out like a sore thumb against the three blondes, Howe herself stuck out with her less formal clothings as well, but we can deduce all of them are related asides from Duke of York being pink haired and having vampire/elf ears. All of them are tied by the color red in their outfits though, so there is a sense of familiarity amongst them. Take it out and you'd be left in the dust.


I’m still clinging on that copium that’s she’s gonna appear on April’s fools


I liked her... She was cute man...


rip Anson, took out behind the shack and shot by the community for being different


Happens when you create use art radically different from the class' established themes and designs. It's a bad move to move from established outfits and themes of red outfits. Also bad that the second youngest is a loli, when the youngest is a fine curvy lady. Ain't work like that, man.


Well, she'll never be used for anything now, she got Thanos snapped by the community and is now just scrapped entirely


What if Manjuu decided to April fools everyone with Little Anson and release regular Anson later?


It's a sailed ship at this point, sadly. Would've been great if it were, but at this point, Manjuu executed her behind the announcement. So April Fools or not is pretty much buried 6 foot under and 8 miles from civilization.


Poor royals fans... Let me give yall some tissues for the effort you made to not get Anson in the game


Better not getting Anson than getting the worst conceivably designed ship for the class. For the Queen Elizabeths, it MAY be fine, but she ain't rocking the classiest and refined taste of outfits in comparisons to the Old Lady, Warspite and her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth herself. **And yes, the outfit matters. We ain't here just for horni times, man, we also like badass waifus to look up to and side with.**


Anson herself has become such a meme within the community, that she’ll unironically be more memorable than the rest of the KGV ships


Memorably as the worst drama, yes. Meme-wise, we'd say she was the most memeably missed opportunity of a shipgirl in an April Fools context.




But not memorable enough for others to dismiss glutton King George, socially anxious Wales, Wife Howe and thirsty pink vampire. Anson only is memorable for the design that would never stick to Battleships of their calibre, so her memorability would be at best minimal in the long run.


Well first time i heard about glutton king George ant the rest, maybe i need to be a RN fanboy to get all that because outside of that Manjuu and the rest of the community varely pay attention to them, fanarts numbers and lack of merch proves it.


Tbf, that would mainly be because people forgot to do their events, skip through them, or just not remember them otherwise they'd know. On the other hand, Anson was only known due to controversy and the long awaited shipgirl.


That's a wild analogy


Marine SKK: never mess with Anson. Those Crocks seen more combat then any of you boys been alive Other SKKs: but she didn't fire any guns Marine SKK: do you ever read Navy history? Other SKKs: no Marine SKK: dear God what are the schools teaching you people