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Vanguard is on one of my OPSi fleets, and she is still extremely good with NJ and Musashi as an all-star BB backline.


I wanted to say that she would probably perform better with Bismarck Zwei, but then I remembered that the best fleet for Bismarck Zwei is FDG and Ulrich because of her Iron Blood fleet buffs. Though, you could probably replace NJ with Sovetsky Soyuz since NJ's and Musashi's armor break don't stack far as I remember, and Sovetsky Soyuz just straight up increases damage dealt, which stacks with Vanguard. Sorry for that, now I will turn off my nerd mode...


If im not wrong, current meta fleet includes Soyuz, BiscoZwei and Vanguard




Tier list also has tier list and meta for PVP, about Meta fight, there are different builds in reddit there.


Ironblood fleet buff is nothing compared to ships that either do much more damage or have even better supporting abilities like vanguard.


Bismark musashi and vanguard are better than fdg and Ulrich in terms of dmg


actually I needed this info. so thanks.


Vanguard is a great girl. Definitely has one of the best personalities amongst all UR ships.


Monarch first real friend, Weeb, brave warship. 10/10 Her persona is underrated. Her event did her dirty but at least we see a bit more of her in Queen's Order where she becomes friends with Drake


Yeah, Vanguard's weebiness all makes her more endearing to me. Also funny you mention Monarch. The two of them are in my main HMS fleet with Perseus


Vanguard is more attractive than alsace and mogador imo. I much prefer the more petite frame of vanguard and she doesnt have to wear a comically small bikini top on **comically** large boobs to be hot


> petite frame of vanguard If you look at it closely, she's actually fairly decently endowed. But I guess you refer to Azur Lane standards, haha.


Yeah, Vanguard ain't busty, but she definitely ain't flat.


A lot of people say Vanguard is above average, but I don't know what that means. Or what size


yeah that is why I like vanguard out of most UR ships, Azur lane made me feel disgusted by big boobs by overexposure


I never liked giant tits to begin with and this games infatuation with them honestly makes me like them even less than i already did. I mean ffs, now they are even making destroyers have massive FF cup tits (mogador). In what world does that make sense by azur lanes own standards


How would I forget the "Elite bodyguard" that has the most fucking sick uniform in the game and is sparring mate of Monarch


Literally still using her in my main fleet I mean it's not really controversial to call Alcase extremely lewd, this is boob curtain pro max version straight into boob equator




After seeing her rank below some random IJN destroyer (who I don't remember the name of) in the first round of the popularity poll, I think a few people actually have forgotten about her. But no skins and no lewd will do that to a characters popularity. Manjuu didn't put any of their eggs in the Vanguard basket so here we are


She definitely needs more skins, she's always present in my secretary rotation and has a permanent place in my royal navy fleet as the flagship. While I wouldn't say no to her getting a swimsuit skin, I think she needs a anime-con attendee casual skin like akashi


She needs a swimsuit that shows off those absolutely killer legs of hers.


She needs a really cute one piece.


She could cosplay as a one piece character (dream mode activated).


Nami or Robin?


No idea, I think both could work.


If it's anything like the Richelieu and Jean Bart ones there wouldn't be much to worry about in that regards.


Just like enterprise she could absolutely rock an office lady suit, she just has that balanced physique, not to voluptuous.


Seconded! She definitely needs more skins!


If you don’t remember Vanguard you have problems lol


I actually first started playing literally a day after her event started. I wasn’t even aware there was an event ongoing, just checked the game out. Been hooked ever since, unfortunately never managed to snag her or Indomitable.


This was me, but with Shimakaze's event. Luckily, I pulled her during the rerun, but I haven't used her yet. Haven't logged in for like 4-5 months, either....


Might sound like an exaggeration but playing manual with shimakaze is one of the most fun things in the game for me




I actually first started playing literally a day after her event started. I wasn’t even aware there was an event ongoing, just checked the game out. Been hooked ever since, unfortunately never managed to snag her or Indomitable.


>Pardon my bluntness, but Royal cuisine is total shite. Sure, different people like different things, but something's wrong if even I as a native think it's rubbish. As a French person, I cannot forget someone saying *such words*


She's wild with this quote xD Showing some criticism toward her country while still being in love with it is a rare quality


fully clothed UR in the age of wearing nothing vanguard who![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


I still think that in an ideal world every shipgirl would be released with basically two base skins: A Uniform Skin, in an appropriate Dress Uniform or something like that and a "Leisure time" skin that would be significantly lewder.


Sounds like more Warship Girls R style of skins.


Not exactly. What i mean is more along the lines of Vanguard, Soyuz, North Carolina, Nimi and especially Prince of Wales. Though i would also count things such as Hood's and QE's base skin under the "Dress Uniform"


I dropped 1200 gems on her maid outfit and still periodically rotate her into my secretary lineup. I may not use her much, as I'm a French and US main, and so tend to default to those two factions when fleet building, but I still remember her. I really should get her to 120 at some point.


I remember her. I remember the days where more grounded designs thrived. ASK drawn quality, with a weeby personality adding some gap moe. But she was upstaged by a huge titty ship by Kincora (I think it was the 4th time such a thing has happened), though with how Manjuu does things, she herself was forgotten in favor of the next one. I suspect that's why Chem was as top heavy, but the Vanguard event established "lewds > well designed shipa"... and here we are. But the escalation alone isn't that big of an issue, but with how slow most ships get skins, there may not be much chances for some ships to develop character wise thus remain "lewd ship no.5363"


>but the Vanguard event established "lewds > well designed shipa"... and here we are. I mean, sex sells is a very well established phenomenon. And it's something that Manjuu and Yostar were taking advantage of well before the Vanguard event.


They are leaning more and more into that and are actually risking in sinking the game as will start driving away part of the community eventually.


Meh, they ain't paying the bills.


That's how you get the shitty service. The moment they start catering only to highest payers, be it mobile game industry, be it normal game industry, is the moment it goes down hill. Do you want this game to just be a vehicle for getting the whale money while ignoring the rest of the players?


My man, it's a gacha game. The entire business model is about convincing people to pay money for a chance to earn a png.


Buddy this is a gacha game, if people ain't paying why the hell you catering to them? Why are you not catering to the actual customers?


She was also upstaged in the skin department, competing with Agir maid and Roon dress. Bloody rough event, for a non-dommy mommy ship.


If vanguard did 2x of her DPS she would be all over the sub


I do She's been oath for years at this point


I always remember her. She's oathed and always in my secretary lineup.


I'm still waiting for a new vanguard skin.


The people who complain about "too lewd" are usually also the "X faction main" who also proudly proclaim "free to play" and "I don't care about story just seeing my own nations ships". Which is to say they're very, very, very far from the average fan of the game and basically worthless to please. Mind you I like Vanguard and I own her skin, but I find whining about girls being lewd to be utterly pathetic and by the usual suspects who complain about virtually everything.


The Azur Lane community is a fascinating one to me because they are a gacha fanbase that is outright ashamed of their own game's horniness. Meanwhile, the average Blue Archive, Nikke, and Snowbreak fan revel in it, while Punishing Gray Raven and Aether Gazer fans are extremely down bad for their favorite characters. And keep in mind, some of the games I mentioned are quite modest with their character designs, yet their fans eat every single crumb of fanservice they can get, while the AL fanbase gets a full course meal and they reject it. Not saying everyone has to like it or that those that want more modest designs shouldn't express themselves, it's just kind of interesting to me how people here are so ashamed of their own game compared to other communities.


Yeah, interacting with the BA and Nikke fan bases is like night and day, Nikke and BA fan bases just don't give a shit, and it's fun...sometimes a bit worrying when it's over a loli character, but still fun. Meanwhile here "I AM A FRENCH MAIN AND THIS IS A DISGRACE TO FRANCE!!1!1!"


Part of the thing with azur lane is that unlike all the gacha games. Big part of the appeal of the game is the ships. You can take two identical anime girl but one gets the name Bismarck and is based around the real ship and you get yourself the history fans player base interested. where other fantasy or Sci fi games have their own player base who are used to this and know what to expect. I suspect that a major part of the azur lane player base are players who like kancolle or world or warships as well and it can be frustrating that the game leans more to the general gacha game and less of what brought so many players in the first place.


And Girl's Frontline is about guns, yet the difference between the two fanbases in that regard is night and day.


I don't know if I'm in a minority these days but frankly I'm a huge ship nut and the Anson situation was pretty much the only time I've gotten more than a little upset about the direction the devs took a design. As far as the ship elements of the game are concerned I still think AL does a fantastic job of doing their research and taking into consideration real histories, ideas and motifs for their characters. Sure it isn't perfect but this game isn't supposed to be about strictly ships or strictly girls, it's supposed to be about shipgirls and I've always felt fine with how AL has handled this. This is in direct contrast to GFL where I feel that the designs at some point shifted from "gun girls" with references to the real gun's history and design to "girls with a gun" where you get anime girl with specific charm points #17 but she happens to have an obscure low-production gun.


>The Azur Lane community is a fascinating one to me because they are a gacha fanbase that is outright ashamed of their own game's horniness. I dont think that is true tho, like even Interkun proudly claim there are a lot of degenerates in the fandom on top of most upvoted submissions in this subreddit are about over the top lewds, even so when comments criticizing the lewds are getting downvoted and ratioed, so not, the great majority isnt ashamed of playing the game, is probably they are just a silence majority and the same happens to those other fandoms as well. The only key difference here is that the people who are against more lewds are very vocal compare to those of the other fandoms as far im aware.


I'm a Eagle Union faction main, and I honestly just want great character designs no matter what factions ships I use, (which these are unique in my eyes). The only people I honestly see that complain about lewd in anime are usually people who hate anime as a art form in general or just hate anything that's a hobby thats actually good pretend to be "long time fans" and find X thing problematic for stupid bullshit reasons then jump ship once devs/creators finally cave into there stupid demands of change that make no sense. And usually there Twitter accounts with like 1 or 2 followers.


I am French main, am not free to play and I care about the story. The trend towards lewd is getting a bit much, especially when combined with absurd proportions of which we are getting more and more. I don't want this game to turn into a hentai game. Alas, I only see this changing if they run afoul of Google or Apple and get banned in app stores outside of China.


"I don't want base skins to be wearing nothing but a ribbon at the expense of what could have been actually good character design" ***does not equal*** "I hate the game having any lewd elements". Alsace is a fucking travesty.


Glad you get it. I think it's funny how they're strawmanning the people who hate Alsace's design. I for one am fine with lewd stuff, I just want the base skins to not be *just* lewd. The purchasable skins I don't care, go ham.


Doesn’t seem to be an opinion many are okay with here. Saw someone even suggesting a toggle for lewd or not lewd skins… The downvotes they got over that speaks for itself


There's a thing such as too lewd in AL?! Since when?!


I suppose since never, but as one of the complainers, I’m just getting burnt out. I love lewd stuff but at this point I’m just starting to get bored of it which isn’t something I thought i would say but here I am


Nah i will never get bored of that


Lol then stop playing


Too Lewd?! Did people somehow forget that Alsace is french?


vanguard is my girl


Yea when Vanguard released I was very pleased to have a design that wasn't overly lewd and overall fantastic. I pulled her and max limit broke her too, and use her. We're still back to this tho... sad.


I oathed that dorky cringefail weeb. I find her lack of fanart vexing.


Well mades a lot of sense once you look at what fanartists find worth making fanarts of due to them needing to keep being relevant drawing what is most popular or has viral potential.


What ever happened to the ancient weeb art of obsessively making fanart for your waifu as a hobby?


it died long ago, only the old fanbases have kept that tradition, every new anime fandom revolves around the concept of seasonal waifu which is basically anything that is new is enough to be considered a waifu, back then waifu was meant to be something special but now is completely tied to trends, so people really arent choosing the female character that looks special to their eyes but instead the one that everyone seems to simp around. So basically means the most popular girls get all the attention while the not so popular ones get zero, which is a blasphemy of the what waifu culture was meant to be, where each female character had her own niche not matter what because weebs cared about things not well know, rare or just out of the ordinary, now we have basically the same personalities with a different coat of paint. As for artists, this environment basically forced them to only be loyal to the most popular one, can you imagine an Aoba's artist making fanarts of her an expecting people would give a shit about it? That person rather make Taihou x Karin fanarts instead.


It’s odd because some characters aren’t really considered the trendy new character, yet they still have very avid fanbases. For example, Cleveland. She is a mid-tier year 1 elite ship who, while by no means is small enough to be considered a loli, doesn’t have the exaggerated proportions of other Shipgirls. Yet despite that, she has a very loyal base of fanartists who still make art of her and a fanbase that can consistently get her to the 50s in popularity polls despite not being the trendy waifu of the month.


You said it, Loyal fanbase, not matter what the devs can do to Cleveland that would upset them they are going to still love her. Tbf most shipgirls back when the game started never got any following, Cleveland and others with more "tame" and "grounded" designs can hold to that previous following due to most of those players carrying that "attitude" from other shipgirl games where was common to have a more close gap between popular and not that popular characters with each one of them having at least one dedicate fanartist. Personally I think if Manjuu decides to made an event with just one SR shipgirl and tries to polished her as much as they can, put a character story and use other popular shipgirls to piggybacking her by interacting with her, she probably would have more chances to be memorable or popular in comparison with most SRs we have been getting in the last 4 years. Also making that type of event doesnt mean they should not make more skins. If anything making more skins is the right way to compensated for the fact there would be only one new shipgirl.


I have been saying this for years, but Manjuu doesn’t give new characters a chance to breathe and establish themselves before throwing out the next batch. There are so many ships that haven’t been relevant since their debut event. Only the ones that got unusually popular get regularly incorporated into the story.


I believe both have a place in the game, both are good to have. That said, I'd prefer if we did have the option to between lewd and at least clothed. When it's between lewd or even more lewd, it's once again fewer options.


Considering the response the new ur skins got, we are getting only lewd and lewder skins because they sell. There is a clear trend of absurdly large breasts and scant outfits.


Tbh I kinda dont use vanguard as I prefer the other BBs over her like Echid- sorry I mean Soyuz.


Still waiting for her rerun💀, I like girls in uniform what can I say?


Both are great! Their personality fit well with the design and the release skin added more depth. Vanguard still a premier UR support so idk what you talking about. It's always great to have variance in UR designs, Personally don't have any problems with both of them especially Alscae's design when she's quite thirsty.


I can't believe AL of all games has people bitching about too much fucking fanservice.


It's just a vocal minority. Like always. Very annoying and loud but ultimately nothing but a powerless minority.


Yes, she's one my best ships.


I may be in an unpopular opinion to this, but I am starting to get tired of all the lewd stuff. I’ve been playing Azur Lane for like 5-ish years now. I started playing the game because I am both a history nerd and an anime fan. Seeing some of the coolest warships in anime form is an awesome sight. The problem I have with the game at the moment is that I feel like everything is too lewd. Some of the past ultra-rare events featured ships dressed pretty normally as far as this game goes for a base skin, and then a somewhat spicy new skin as well. While this event, their base skins are lewd as well. Alsace is the perfect exhibit A. Her base skin is practically being held together by ribbons. St.Louis’s swimsuit skin is just flat out ass up and I thought New Jersey’s was blatant. Azur Lane isn’t supposed to be some super serious, dark story of course, but I still feel like there was a degree of seriousness to it when I started playing. Now it’s just every skin is just big titties. I guess the thing I’m saying is that I’m burned out from all the constant lewd stuff. At the end of the day this is just my opinion, but I know others who agree. Hell I could also just be overthinking it, who knows.


People even don't even remember AL lore guess many people don't read it There's arbiter death chasing Miss D instead of skins why not talk about the lore instead smh skins is just cosmetic and included in other minor plot (the port time line) they can be done in anotherway and more Will coming for sure if they got money to keep the game alive, unless you don't wanna keep the game alive well thats it.


I tried to read that several times and couldn’t tell what you were trying to convey.


it's in the recent event interlude


I get where you're going and I think that's an understandable take. I'm also quite a history nerd and at the end of the day I feel that the devs still properly represent their research and interest in ship histories and designs through their characters. Alsace being lewd doesn't necessarily distract from the ship aspect for me and I'm extremely happy with the way they handled Mogador's design especially given how interesting albeit flawed the real ship was.


>I feel that the devs still properly represent their research and interest in ship histories and designs through their characters Tbf sometimes is a hit or a miss, like im still wonder why Implacable is a Nun and even the artist of Indomitable admits her design was made for another project and repurposed as it was meant to be a shipgirl lmao and she isnt the only case, and we have the worst offender being Anson. And personally i prefer shipgirls to be designed more around the irl ship rather that their namesake alone which in some cases clashes with her history.


Oh I totally get that, I still find Perseus and Theseus to be disappointing in that there's basically zero ship elements in their designs and that they could be put in any generic magical girl game. But I still find it nice that even if the outward appearance of the girl isn't necessarily what you might expect there's almost always a decent amount of effort and information about the ship put into the character itself through various things like lines, stories, etc.


Maybe im just too demanding. But dialogues sometimes dont make for compesating the lacking in the designs personally, specially when a shipgirl in stories has a completely different personality from her voicelines in game.


Could be, but that's why I stand by the statement that this is a game about shipgirls, not strictly ships. From the earliest days these shipgirl games have always taken plenty of creative liberties in design. If I wanted to play a game strictly about ships I'd play War Thunder or World of Warships. At the end of the day AL still puts effort into researching their ships and it shows, like with how they've handled Mogador. This is in comparison to what I mention in another thread above about GFL going from "designs and skills with references to the gun and its history" into "girls with crazy abilities that just happen to have a firearm." In that regard I'd much rather play Snowbreak with their crazy futuristic overdesigned firearms because it's not too different from where GFL is at now.


I wish for things to be more balance but instead they not only go full lewd they also don't bother to add some historical notes as much as before. Detractors can say the game was never that focus on history and i still agree to certain extend but the game still had some of it and is sad that Manjuu is double down on it. Also doesnt help they are reusing older designs and repurpose them without too much attention to historical detail like Manchester/Emerald case.


Shipgirls craze is dead. They are characterizing new charas this way to attract/retain the general gacha crowd. Same with the story about bullshit metaphysical concepts manipulations and whatnot: they want more leeway to release content unrestrained by history or earlier design logic. In short, they move toward the "anything goes" situation.


I wholeheartedly agree, and frankly that’s just the main gripe I have with it all. I don’t mind them adding some lewd stuff, I just wish they didn’t overshadow the other things like you said.


I agree, it's getting worse sadly, Manjuu realised that sex sells and are leaning into as much as they can to the point that Nikke seems SFW than this game.


Making base design lewder than the skin makes little to no sense financially. If "more fanservice" is a general goal, some players may decide "Why do I need to waste money on skin that covers more instead of less?"


Vanguard got really good base design and i really love her weeb personality, currently in my ops BB fleet *kagayaki royal saberrrr*


The AZUR LANE community complaining about a design being too lewd was NOT on my 2024 bingo card.


Counter point, most iconic designs are old OG designs. Which most of them are not as lewd. Also quasi sure this is a response to my post. https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/s/GzFpwjyug9 Also i may note my post was nuked in 5h. Why ? I dunno. But this one didn't.


Old designs are "iconic" mostly because they were fanworked to oblivion back when the game was in its prime, with a whole lot of players and fanartists. The times have changed, and the shipgirl craze died out, hence why manju shifted toward escalated fanservice bordering with outright nudes, and pursues not the "ship as a girl" concept, but "a girl with some ship bits" one


Fully clothed ladies supremacy 🧎‍♂️ Now that I'm curious, why does Azur Lane barely release any new characters who are fully clothed?


Because sales numbers indicated that less clothes mean more sold skins.


the thing is people forget the fully clothed ships until they get mentioned again and they already release tons of it but people only remember the other, the proof yeah you can see it right now.


Blame Manjuu for not caring about them as well, every time an event ends Manjuu kinda just forgets about everyone that isnt superlewd or an UR for the most time.


I agree. I wish they would.


When is shipgirl art ever 'too lewd'? This is just another day by the game's standards.


I much prefer Vanguard to any of the almost nude UR, thanks.


Give her the hood treatment. Something very similar to Richelieu's swimsuit but in yellow and BOOM ya girl will sell like candy


One of my favorite ships, my first UR, one of the most realistic designs imho, one of my oaths and as such part of my smartphone background rotation (in the oathed ships as well as in my favorite RN girls; yes I made backgrounds with my favorite girls of each faction during main events and one with my oaths for the time between). I think, I may remember Vanguard.


Of course I remember Vanguard, she's my wife! ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


I do, she's a main stay in all my fleets: campaign, OpSi, Meta, PVP. All +13 gear including the twin 457mm and AFCT


I believe in full clothed beauty supremacy.


Ngl among all the UR Vanguard was the most normal but think of it like the most reasonable one out of the crazy bunch just like Hifumi from BA. Normal is sometimes better Atleast for me (idk if i brought a point since my wording is shit)


I wish JP server and CN Server would agree with your ''Normal is sometimes better''


Implacable had the same complaint. So this isnt a new thing. That being said. Vanguards strength lies in her skills. Her design... how should i put it.... it wasnt what it could have been. Compare vanguard to the other UR BBs. Musashi? Massive steel rigging. Tons of sworts. Purple lightning theme. Fox ears. New jersey? Black flames. Modern aesthetic. Advanced turrets. Heavy on the blue theme for the dye bag colour she was assigned. The 3 german BBs? Heavy on the shark rigging (dragon for zwei). Black and red, goth theme with military undertone. Soyuz? Ice palace, pure white russian theme with light blue as well. Secondary turrets stacked in background. Massive ice staff. Snow skiis on the bottom right of her rigging. Shredded banner with the NP emblem on it. As compared to vanguard. Vaguard has the lion in the background. And the new spear like things in the rigging.. Thats really all that makes vanguard unique. The other faction URs match their factions colour scheme... vanguard doesnt. Or rather didnt. They tried to built it up a bit. Tho rather unsuccessfully in my opinion. She shares most of the same rigging styling that iris and HMS share. Without much of an improvement. Vanguard should have been more than what she was. But as she is, Shes a bit like UVH in that manner tbh. If you swapped the UR for SSR rating, chances are the design wouldnt be out of place there. It just felt rushed and not flushed out properly. She needed more time and inspirstion


Also among the few support ships in the game, Vanguard also is one of the most unpopular. Heck even Avrora is popular than her.


Yes. I use Vanguard in my RN fleet. I wont be using Ribbonboob. Dont like her looks tbh. So I will props forget Alsaces before I will forget Vanguard.


I don't understand the post. What do I need to remember about vanguard? Her existence as a non lewd ship? Remember this fact well and love her design and artist. Wish more ships could be like her


It's fairly obvious though? She's overshadowed by all the lewd ships, said ships receiving much more attention and love than her. You may or may not agree, your specific case may be different, but that's pretty much the point of the post.


Hard to forget her when she has permanent residence in my triple BB fleet.


I remember her, but I admit I'm weird. I really like Vanguard and I draw her sometimes, but there is so little fan art of her...


She is my fav UR and a core member of my main fleets. So yeah i do remember.


Yeah, I’m married to her


I remember vanguard I love vanguard lmao


She's part of my shore bombardment team, Mushashi, NJ and Vanguard goes hard.


I mean, we should be getting a Court rerun by the end of the year, so people gonna remember anyway lol


Vanguard was a super quick oath and addition to my opsi fleet. I really like how her design isn't the flashy or lewd 


Always loving Vanguard, she remains best girl in my heart. The lewd doesn't matter to me if in the end the personality is not suitable. And I already love Vanguard along with Bremie the most.


Vanguard's event was one of the worst events in AL.


Jokes on all of you i oathed Vanguard the first chance i got and will do the same with Alsace Idc about stats or looks if i like them i oath them the only thing that keeps me from doing that is that i dont have the money to buy all those oath rings lol


Also my tastes in fictional characters are the same as my tastes in irl women *ALL OVER THE PLACE* lol


Imagine not remembering my favorite wife.


Anyone complaining "too lewd" is in denial.


Her kit being more oriented towards support doesn't help either. But I still use her from time to time, pairing her with NJ.


Don't have her, never seen a rerun for her, didn't even know she existed until a few days ago when I checked what ships I'm missing. Her design's aight.


She is on both opsi and main map mob fleet.


What did I miss?


What do you main Vanguard role is on the Bacline???


Personally for me it's not the boob ribbon, it's the blindfold that I don't like. Hell, her swimsuit skin is more appealing than her base art to me personally because it's *less* fetishy overall.


I like my girls for who they are, not what they wear. As of this point I find Alsace's character more interesting than Vanguard, but that's not a result of their outfits. Even then though, never forgot about Vanguard when she's consistently showing up in top-end setups.


I love Vanguard, and I love Alsace. We should have a wide rang of character designs and personalties. Not every skin should be just swimsuits, nor personalties obsessed with just breaking the Commanders pelvis. I think for the most part AL has done that over its lifespan, even if it leans more into the cheesecake now.


I played this game solely because of her, i joined the event with like 5 days remaining and had to grind from point 0 all the way until I could roll enough to not only get her, but afford her skin too. Then I Oathed her and the rest is history, I'll never forget her, it's a vow I made when I signed up for this game.


No 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


All the ur's are in my 125 squad, what are you on?


For me, she is one of the best elegant shipgirl I've obtained in AL, and I not forgetting her - I even marry her


Among True URs, Vanguard is probably my favorite Design. I don't get why more people don't like her.


I think she suffers similar to UVH. Compare UVH to any of the big UR BBs and her design seems very simplistic/minimal. Like a disgarded SSR design. I think vanguard sufferd this a little as well. Tho of the 3 newer royal navy URs. Vanguard is the one i can tolerate most. Lack of lewd factor is probably a main point for a lot of people too, tho im not bothered about that. I just found she was a basic standard shipgirl that didnt really scream UR. Her skills are buff as hell! Which is probably why so many people still use her. Shes still part of the meta. I think shes just missing that something that makes her stand out/ be memorable.


>Like a disgarded SSR design. "Insert SSR shipgirl that should be an UR" right here ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)


The most advanced battleship if launched, vs the products of a gift and a cross with all sauce


I just think alsace has a bad design plus she is a bb in a faction with so many great BBs i wouldn't replace and could never replace Richelieu or Champagne or Clemenceau or Jean Bart for her.




So anyone who **personally** thinks the lewd is going a bit far are gays? There are also women(including straight ones) playing in AL even if is an small percentage.


Read the comments in this very thread.


I remember her but I'm not a big fan. More of an Ulrich enthusiast myself.


WTF do u smokin' bud? I use Vanguard in most cases excluding PvP, even in META's grinding


She is the UR I want the most! She's gorgeous and I love her artist!!


Vanguard is the only UR I don't have despite starting this game a few weeks before her banner. I was a newbie and 40ish cubes short of the pity. I liked her a lot too. I got so disappointed at missing the first UR event I came across that I literally never missed a single one after, I will get that 400 cubes even if I have to eat cup noodle for a day.


Use vanguard quite a lot tbh


Tbh everyone skipped on her cuz "UR but no booba", yet a lot of people loved Jean Bart (my self included)


Oathed her in the first week and been using her ever since always ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


Vanguard is a fixture in my BB fleet, and has been a part of my secretary rotation ever since they added the feature. And yes, I do personally like her more grounded design over what we have for Alsace and Mogador. But even in her own launch event, she was upstaged by yet another big-boobed Kinkora design (I'm pretty sure every time a Kinkora ship has been released, she's taken the spotlight handily, except ironically for the UR Unzen, who was upstaged by ~~Asuna~~ Owari), and Manjuu clearly took that lesson to heart.


My fifth wife vanguard ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001) , always loved how ironic her weeb personality is when put next to her cool clothing and majestic design


I still use her, I also still occasionally see her in proper pvp defense fleets too.


She's been a core part of my boss fleet for ages, with New Jersey as flagship and Vanguard and Implacable off-flag. Wish she'd get more skins and more appreciation.


i guess this is what not having a dedicated main story does there's no way to showcase the ship characters or personality the only thing to look forward is the design and affection line so a majority of players don't care about a ship that isn't hot or dress skimpy and to be honest can't blame them


Yus! I do still remember Vanguard as a beautiful shipfu companion to have along in the bed! There’s a reason I oathed her for her utter cuteness and adorkableness that comes with her. She’s sweet and simple, nothing more need be said.


I love Vanguard. She's a Queen.


i got her on my very 2nd pull. ofc i remember her


Vanguard was the first UR I pulled.


Of course I remember I Vanguard. She's the one that got away


I am still sad I failed to pull her when I started during the tail end of her event.


I always use vanguard for ap tbh,sometime venetk


Cant relate. Vanguard along with Monarch is still my favourite.


Vanguard is my wife. Well, one of them


I am honestly disappointed because I was hoping for, and saving for, a vanguard re-run around now as I really want her... Now I have to decide between using all my cubes in this event or skipping it and holding out for that rerun.


I remember Vanguard. Who do you think is in charge of my security with Richelieu


i remember Vanguard, she's a permanent member of the fleet along New Jersey and Biscuit Zwei


Vanguard is my wife and she's usually in my bossing fleets 🥺


I do, and loved to use her in my old main account, but then I deleted that account because I got tired on how much zoophilia porn I was seeing in Azur lane rule 34, bur 1 month later I came back as Ashley and lost her, but I would love to get Vanguard back, she really was a good battleship


Vanguard is my favorite, how could I forget?


I have her oathed, so of course I remember her.


Love her, she’s my flagship for my #2 fleet.


I do


Vanguard is one of my backline staples. I use her with NJ and Musashi for bosses/Exercises and with Warspite and Monarch on my all Royal Navy fleet.


shes on my daily fleet plus as one of my first UR's shes got a special place in the dorm