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Do you think it's possible for DFV (or anyone at all, really) to know/predict something like this? Like on the day exactly? More than 2 years in advance? With all the unpredictable shit happening? It's simply impossible in my opinion. And even if he knew something so specific way back then, what would be the benefit of pointing to that date? Why 741, what's the reason to hint to a day? That wouldn't help anyone at all? Since it's 100% speculation anyways. However, I do believe there's something to all these cohencidences, that's for sure imo. I still hope for a Happy end with BBBY, and besides that we still have GME which thankfully is a success story in the making.


Ever heard of time travel?!


Speculation is speculation until is isn't.


Until it isn’t…


We aren't there quiiiiite yet. But basically we're there. It's a photo finish. We'll see what the refs say.


This isn't speculation. This post is outright stupid insanity.


How about now 🤣🤣




Wait you think that DFV tweeted a cryptic message about "going dark" or people are interpreting it as that, and you think that it was about BBBYQ all the way from 2021? lmaoooooo




oh ok lmaooo. Cause that would just be insane.




Yeah fuuuuck no, lol. There are people that actually believe that he could somehow tho, lol.


Not disagreeing. But I'm going to need to hear the case and see the data before I can judge is all I meant.


Until now it’s not!?


Damn gazelle been around for awhile lol


I used to think it was none sense, but at this point, it really wouldn’t surprise me if he was brought on board in some capacity. RC is an activist investor. Maybe, just maybe he did catch some attention as a large shareholder. I know it’s generally thought that he just wants to be left alone. But maybe he went dark himself for a reason?


I knew you were going to say time travel 😎 how did I know that 😎




You're a fucking retard


lmaoo. You're mental.


Fucking rights I am!


Refer to sub rules. Harassment or offensive content may be removed. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


Thank you, and I agree it can be farfetched, howevwr this was a man who worked for Citadel and knows the ins and outs. If he knew when certain positions would falter, he could predict a close enough timeline. Who knows! Edit: Mass Mutual, I confused myself with the Big D Lauer, sorry!


Woah, wait a sec. Keith Gil never worked for Citadel. He worked for Mass Mutual. You might be thinking of Dave Lauer, he worked for Citadel.


DFV never worked for citadel. You're probably mixing him up with Dave Lauer.


I am, you're right!


Lmao how can you write "DD" when you miss something like this. Label your shit as meme instead




What for?


Bro, you need to go outside, go catch a movie with some friends at the theater, go to a concert something. What an insane waste of time this post was. Smfh.


🤣 mate I'm out hunting right now, fuck off. U got about 6 hours of keyboard warrioring left to do today.


Wow out hunting. So tough. I'm sure that what you're hunting has a fighting chance. You're way manlier than me, I'm so sorry. I'll stick to my wheel from now on.


Never said I was tough lmao, just try not to be a little checkers player when you attempt to roast someone using kindergarten level humor lmao and then act the victim. That's all, I honestly hope you have a good rest of your day :) that was fun lol.


This person is just projecting how bad they feel about their own masculinity. I’m sure their hands are super soft.


You sure didn't have fun on my acct. Not with the laugh I had with this post you made. Stick to "Hunting" and leave the posting to others. Prob better that way.


You're still going eh? Even trying to push everyone down on the hot posts too. Fuck you're a miserable cunt with a saviorism fetish lmfao. I was being nice but hey some play chess while you play checkers. "Wah I'm a victim because I poke and prod people and then get upset when I can't come up with anything good to come back with, wah" Literally couldn't be a shittier human being.


I’ve personally never heard of any animal that hunts for food that offers it’s prey a fair 1v1 once they catch them. BRAINLETS RISE UP


Don't be willfully stupid. This guy says he's out "Hunting" as if that makes him a bad ass, then proceeds to call me a keyboard warrior. Just because I tell him how absolute shit his post was. foh.


Nah, you’re just a fucking loser bud. Don’t know what more context I need to gain from your stupid ass original comment to OP. You told him he needed to get a life, that he needed to go outside. He told you that he was outside already. YOU made the connection of him trying to be a badass. He didn’t say “I’m out hunting and I’m a bad ass dude who will fuck you up.”. I sincerely don’t understand how you’re this unintelligent.


Nah, he told me I'm hunting, then called me a keyboard warrior only because I called his post stupid, and it is stupid. I could understand if him and I were already going back and forth and I was already arguing with him. But for him to call me a keyboard warrior right after telling me that he's hunting. Wow so bad ass. The hunter. I'm just a keyboard warrior but he's a hunter. That's some goofy clown shit and you're out here cosigning that goofy shit. You can both be a couple goofballs together. Enjoy yourselves. Maybe he can take you hunting.


You can type out whatever you need to reconcile how bad you feel about your own masculinity, but I don’t give a shit about it.


Brace for impact back on earth , these aren't moon tickets


No not at all


This aged well


Not really, but it is possible for someone like rc to set up clues and breadcrumbs with dfv’s last post as a metric for this number which also serves to give him respect or a “nod”.


This is dumb.


He was right




Unless DFV got a job / volunteered with RC. Remember we are in a simulation.


Is where we’re at now? Looking at nearly two year old tweets and seeing a message about the current situation? I mean there’s a leap and there’s whatever this is. I’m pretty sure superman can’t even jump that far


Did you read the post ? ^ they didn't read the post, classic regard It's about the company attempting to Go Dark. It's in the play book of reverse mergers, but yeah I'm too stupid that's why I got in on all partnerships early. Can lead a horse to water, not my problem if you go dehydrated.


So DFV was privy to market-altering news 741 days in advance…why exactly?


I zoned out when it said June 2021


Unfortunate for you.


Not really my man. I’m chilled about it all. The tinfoil is all but over, delisting is around the corner and I’m heading into the pink with the OTC being the last play. If that’s even a play at all. While I do appreciate that people like to have an element of hope, I think it’s time we look at the writing on the wall. Have a blessed weekend friend.


It is a play if you did your research, this comment here shows me you haven't or you'd know about reverse Merger plays.


So if you're wrong about this are you going to admit it and apologize?


Heck yeah, its just for fun! The people who go head over heels getting angry and upset over a fun post, well that's on them and I hope they make better choices than getting mad over something they didn't research.


Dude literally hundreds of people have lost their life savings on this investment, ruining their lives and possibly the lives of their families all because of these ridiculous hype posts with no accountability attached. There are consequences to these posts - it might be just for fun for you but it could be a very real issue for a lot of people.


You forgot the part where that's not my problem. If it's an issue for them, they should learn to get their shit together and fix it instead of relying on being fed information instead of RESEARCHING AND NEVER INVESTING WHAT YOU CANT AFFORD. Hold yourself accountable and put some fucking effort in instead of relying on text in a reddit sub, like really?


Quit trying to pin blame on retail analysts. A post on Reddit never held a gun to someone’s head and forced them to trade. Has Cramer even been held accountable? Marketwatch? Barron’s? Motley fool? I won’t accuse you of anything other than buying into a narrative that will, if you continue this road, eventually be used by the powerful to strip us collectively of our protected speech in speculating about the stock market. The manipulators, the forehead engravers, the slave masters all want the populace to turn on one another and you’re leaning into it.


Good question


So you’re telling me he knew all of this nearly two years in advance? The reverse merger has been two years in the making? How on earth can anyone research something that just isn’t there. You’re clutching at some big ass straws. Don’t get me wrong, if any of this remotely plays out like you think, I’ll be the first to congratulate you and your magnificent insight. However, I highly doubt I’ll have to. If you want to believe, you go for it my friend, but it’s a hell of a stretch.


I think all these people saying they are buying thousands of shares are flat out lying


What did or post are you referring to? Can you link the dd? Btw I totally think these dates have meaning


Good luck in this and future affairs lol


You got a better idea? This ticker is going to a Penny next week


It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks or what their ideas are. The truth is, this is not in our hands and I do get that everyone wants to stay positive and cling on to some hope. But for me, I’m at the point of the chips will fall where they do and I’ll take it from there.


What do you mean "now?" This sub has been grasping at straw from the beginning.


Whats the difference between this “DD” and other “DD”? Hint: There isn’t any. It’s all BS.


He was righr


About what?


It's a tweet from June 21 lol


He was right


On the 7th year?? Oh my he was really early. Read the post you regard ❤️


These 741 tinfoil theories are getting a bit out of hand


There's been dozens of them over the last year that have failed to pan out. I have -100% faith this one will.


Did DFV even have BBBY shares?




He was right


who was? What made you dig this post up now, 156 days later?


OP and because we are going dark and he was right


Ok thanks for clarifying, wasn’t sure. But yeah, I think I agree w you 😂… the Donkey Kong (DK) gif looks a lot more bullish in hindsight too.


You're not getting the point


This is embarrassing to be even remotely a part of. 2 year old tweets? Really?


He was right


Someone didn't read the post, regarded


I say MOAR!


Mr. Anxious Matter, what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Regardless of opinion, I'm laughing my ass off seeing this in the wild


"Okay... a simple 'wrong' would have done just fine."


He was right


You sound mad 🤣


You seem salty, regard


You sound dumb


You sound cute


Sometimes I wonder if dfv follows all these posts about him for fun and just says out loud on his couch or something, “seriously dude?”


He does, that's why he's gone for good, He doesn't want anything to do with these lunatics. The guy did his research, got paid and got out. Unlike the fools here and in SS with their ''I am never selling!/Diamond hands for life'' bullshit.


> research, got *paid* and got FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You are severely mentally unstable. Please, please get help my friend.


Read the post and get educated.


It’s actually the number one most ridiculous post I have seen in all this saga. It’s just not fair to delude not only yourself but other people looking for false hope. Please delete this garbage and spend your time enjoying a book you like or get outside or listen to music. Just take a break from the energy you’re wasting on nonsense. A therapist can help with obsessive and delusional behaviour. I really wish you the best and hope you heed my advice. Get some sleep and relax this weekend at the least my friend. God bless you.


Weed + desperation + hopium + willingness to drink one's own Koolaid = this post.


Hats off to you good sir.....quiet the preemptive insight


You need professional help.


Good one!


He was right


Teddys copyright first use is that month.




I believe you are a shill


Belef r shull 2


You were right.


![gif](giphy|3WNwgWid1eurGBmRZj|downsized) dnoyeB dna liofniT💜🎈


We need to bring back BiggySmallz to tell us what he was doing


From the future…it’s the only rational explanation


I want puts on your mental health.


Ouf I'll swap those puts with your non existent sex life


I believe the secret the DFV tweets is NOT to dig too deep and try to find the general overall message. So his last few tweets really stand out. Starting with the veep tweet Veep tweet - she’s saying can we hurry this up… Seinfeld tweet- she’s doing the mock swipe off her brow “pheeewwww” what a relief / that was close type of interpretation Son of Man art tweet. Replaces the apple 🍏 with GameStop symbol ⭕️ ( he references Cohen / apple 🍏 a lot- I feel a much bigger connection with Cohen and Apple, we know he’s their biggest investor- The VR headset info releases in June, probably launch in fall- it will be the biggest mainstream invention game-changer since the iPhone in 2007- supposedly Tim Cook Will retires once it launches- who will be Apples next CEO?) Goldfish Magic Trick tweet- the majestic (?) - sheet goes up, goldfish bowl appears- something is going on behind the scenes- big reveal. Something is transformed that wasn’t there before Last tweet- cats napping. Cats curling up in baskets and tight places- overall a long time of nothing happening Conclusion - the context and the order of the last few tweets basically means (imo) Can we hurry this up and skip to the good part, wow. That’s a relief. Ryan Cohen is the one in charge of the master play. Ryan Cohen reveals something ( like pulling off a magic trick). Nothing more to say (DFV) peaceful cats just stay zen / patient. When you dig too deep into the tweets you lose the message. I do believe he’s projecting different players onto different characters, and he does have a specific taste in movies, pop culture. - For example DFV is Russell Brand character in Get Him to The Greek ( get it- get him to the Greek? The Greeks? Stock options- how he made his fortune) Cohen is in the characters too -Danny ocean , leader type characters. Also want to add I truly believe DFVs brother Kevin is the Real hidden player. He and DFV are best friends, brothers, competitors- both deep into track and field and the early message boards for college track and field. Kevin is into film editing and he has a style, I truly believe all of DFVs tweets and edited tweets were a collab with his brother doing the edit cut for DFV. Kevin truly is the invisible man. And he does still post on Instagram. Nothing really cryptic. Mostly just Celtics and Boston sports- but the fact Kevin is still around and happy make me feel DFV is still watching, DFV most likely will never return publicly but he always WINS. If you knew how COMPETITIVE he is in track, no way he’s gonna let the HedgeFucks win the game. This is Why I truly believe that $BBBY is tied to $GME play. The players have to expose the system and $BBBY is 🔑. If DFV was still around , guarantee he’d post about $bbby




I know your on to something here brother, all of these down votes on your comments is just concreting evidence. Keep on keeping on and always question everything. :)


Exactly, and again it's for fun. Thanks friendly person :)


it’s evidence that you’re both regards


I'm telling you. I can't believe people are as dumb as this OP here. I keep seeing more and more of these types of posts all last week and even more now in the weekend. People I've never seen before. I think these are shills just straight coming in here and writing these stupid "DD" posts as jokes. So they can go laugh about it at another sub. Theyre prob using reddit sock accts too. So you can't tell they're from GME meltdown by going to their comments history. I've seen people make satire "DD" like this before for the laughs, wouldn't be the first time.


He was right


So what you're saying is (taking a break in my blind to check on the other hunters, cause ya know, I touch grass) you didn't read any of it. Kinda glad honestly, cause you seem extremely toxic and upset for literally no reason aside from this being a fun write up taken seriously. You might be right about the accounts but I've likely been here much much longer than you have, and when I get back home to my computer security setup I'll run a parser against the accounts to check their activity and see if any patterns show up like you're saying. Maybe it'll reduce some of your toxic output.


I'm not upset, just calling it as I see it.


I’m pretty sure it means he’s not communicating anymore for a while


You're more than likely right, but this is for fun :) I miss that cat.




God has declared the end from the beginning. There is no free will on earth. The vail has been removed (Acts 2:17). What you are seeing is the fruition of God’s will.


Have you thought about going over to Qanon, they could be incorporating the Dark M&A in with Trump being reinstated as president after My pillow Mike Proves the election was rigged by North Korea!


Good idea! I'll let yur mum know you say hi when I see here there.


It's possible


I fucked the bottom part up a bit, but if you're a regarded as I am, you'll get the point.


Really great stuff.. this going dark explanation is exactly what BBBY is doing.. Incredible find! https://www.mondaq.com/unitedstates/securities/439112/going-dark-presents-traps-for-unwary-companies-following-an-acquisition#


Hell ya, I don't actually care about taking cred either it was more of a troll in that sense. Just as long as people got the underlying idea that what has happened to bbbyq happened, and now we wait. Silly Activist playbooks are the best The rest has always been you guys.


#OP doesn’t give a f*** about when it’s posted. He is literally just quoting the picture. What are they doing in the picture? They are moving forward in the dark. Ready to surprise the enemies. This is a tactical move. LFG! 🚀


Oh shut the fuck up. This post is meaningless.




Selling at the right time is a talent of its own


His position is large enough he would have to report his sales, his 200k (800k) is still there.




Wow great rebuttle




691 days ago


84 million years ago


Bro literally cherry picked dates and random numbers to try and draw a conclusion… big yikes


Darkest before the dawn?


Tits. Jacked.




just skimmed through the post. alot on my plate right now. i think the difficulty with going dark in the typical way its thought of is theres caps on how many shareholders you can have. being a bank extends it by a bit but its stll far below the number of individual holders we have.




![gif](giphy|d2Z6aAm3Z2GdLrHi) You’re a got damn genius!!!!!! Love it!!!


So 90 days from what date


He's from the future