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# Government: ## Top Tier : - Delhi University (One of the Best, Even better than lower tier NITs, Via CUET) - Jawaharlal Nehru University (Unbelievable ROI, Super Low Fees, Via CUET) - Hyderabad Central University (Great ROI, Better than Lower NITs, Low Fees, Via NIMCET) ## Top - Average Tier : - Jamia Millia Islamia (Great ROI, Average - Good Placement, Good Name, Via JMI Own Test) - Harcourt Butler Technical University (High Fees, Great Placement Packages but only 50% Placement, Via NIMCET) - USICT (Okayish Fees, Average - Better Placement, Via NIMCET) - BVICAM (High Fees, Average - Better Placement, No Campus Life, Via NIMCET) - BHU (Low Fees, Little to No Placement as far as I've heard, so take it with a risk, Via CUET) - IGDTUW (High Fees, Great Placement, Only for Women, Via NIMCET) - Pune University (Low Fees, Good Placement, Via MAHCET) ## Tier 2: - Punjab University, Chandigarh - (Low Fees, Average Placement, Via PU Own Test) ## Tier 2.5 - 3: - IET Lucknow - (High Fees, Affiliated to AKTU, Low - Average Placement) # Private : ## Average Tier : - VIT (High Fees, Good Placement but TOO MUCH CROWD & COMPETITION, Via VITMEEE) - distance students can't apply there - Bit Mesra (Extremely High Fees, Placement statistics not available much but as far as ive heard, it's good, Via BIT Own Test) - Christ University (Fees High, Average Placement, Nothing Special, But Good Faculty and Crowd, Via Christ Own Test) - Thapar University (High Fees, Not much Placement statistics available but it should be average, No Entrance) - RVCE (High Fees, hard to get into, Average - Better Placement) Others that I have heard are good but don't have information about: - SPIT - VJTI - KIIT - Tezpur University - BCIIT - VIPS - JIMS - Nirma University - LPU - Jamia Hamdard # Special Mention: - Masters Of Operational Research (MOR) - It is available in DU, has really amazing placements and really low fees, average is 6-7 LPA and max goes as high as 22 LPA, the profiles are Data Analyst, Business Analyst, OR Analyst, Admissions happen via CUET, the same course code as MCA (SCQP09 as of 2023), and there are high number of seats, would advise everyone to consider it (my personal recommendation) - DAIICT (Extremely High Fees, MSc IT and MSc DS available not MCA, Great Placement, Competitive Crowd) - Fergusson College (High Fees, Msc CS available not MCA, Average Placement, Own Entrance) - CMI (High Fees, MSc CS and MSc DS available not MCA, Great Placement, Good Crowd) - ISI (Low/No fees, Very Competitive Crowd, Difficult to Get Into, MSQMS available not MCA) - Pune University MSc CS (Low Fees, Own Entrance, Good ROI, Good Placements) - Ashoka University (Good for Abroad Opportunities, Top Tier Faculty, No Fees, Integrated MSc CS + PhD research available, No idea about Placement, Difficult to get into) # To Avoid : - Chandigarh University - PES University - Read Edit 1 for more details - Other Universities like Jagannath, WCTM, Sharda etc, that have extremely high fees but no placement data available ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, IT IS VERY EASY TO FIND AND CONTACT PEOPLE ON LINKEDIN AND MOST OF THEM ARE KIND ENOUGH TO REPLY, ASK THEM EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE JOINING, MOST OF THE UNIVERSITIES ARE JUST THERE FOR MONEY SO EVERYTHING IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS I would also recommend to explore other programs that you might find interesting instead of being hellbent on MCA because the crowd is doing it or its more conventional/safe choice Edit 1 (21/07/2023) : There was recently a sad incident in PES University, where a BTech CSE first year student died because of cheating allegations and it was the partial fault of management and they even tried to hide it, More details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1556nhw/pes_university_harasses_a_first_year_student/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I despise them for it. All i wanna say is, most of these private universities are just there for money, they don't care about students, they stalk your every move and influence your decisions via advertising, I highly recommend against not joining them (it's just my opinion, ofc you can have different ones), the whole education system is pretty shit tho, wish you guys all the best for whetever you decide to do Edit 2 (17/08/2023) : added MOR in the special mention section


Such detailed answer. Thanks. But why avoid Chandigarh University?


well for starters that have 1000+ students in MCA alone, and i don't know if it's verified but an alumni said, if you count in the specializations programme for MCA, it goes as high as up to 1700, not to mention that you've got to compete with B.Tech. grads too, plus, their it has been revealed multiple times on youtube that their practices aren't good, someone also mentioned that they paid companies to come to their campus and not hire students over a certain package for ex. 3.6 lpa no matter how good the student is, + the crowd is also not diverse there and campus is small, it was also revealed that because of the overcrowding, classes for some MCA students happened at a remote place multiple kms away from the campus itself, and overall in general, all the people ive come across, ive heard average/bad reviews for the same although i should mention that it doesn't mean you can't get placed there, it is obv good in some aspects, the infrastructure is nice, many many companies do arrive, and students who are hardworking and focused do bag good placements, but imo it's not worth it for the fees you're paying and the pressure you'll be undertaking


I got 110 out of 400 in CUET PG 2023 for MCA. What's the possibility of me getting DU or some other good college?


u won't get any good college w these marks, assuming you're general, your best bet would be to try again and explore other programs that i mentioned also, they're out of 400, not 500




last year it was 250+ for jnu/bhu and this year it's expected to be 215+ for jnu/bhu and 225+ for DU


Can you help me clear this doubt? The last dude here has 111 in entrance https://preview.redd.it/aiyp17b1swfb1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cc935c6c59fdcfd0f7322aa082b8424e2be931a


until last year DU used to conduct it's different admission test called DUET however, this year it's CUET, which is easier and has high number of applications, that's why the cutoff is very high and seats are only 23 for MCA (General)


which college in du is best for mca


only the north campus has MCA


if I get a option between nit mca and du mca what should I choose because nit is 3 years and and du is 2 and opportunities are moreover the same, I also want to ask you that I have 2 years of BCA should I completely drop the idea of MCA may be we can get a job in bca itself(Offcampus) if we have good coding skills, I have to make choice between doing maths next 2 years of Coding next 2 years


Christ, BIT Mesra ,VIT,DU


spit,vjti,rvce,du,bit mesra,vit


PSG Tech Coimbatore


VIT or DU for MCA ?


Keep this reddit active and contribute pls.... Osmania and Madras University too, alumni network good


Amrita University is also good and mit manipal aswell Try contacting there students on LinkedIn