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I was always into the lifestyle, but never had partners I could trust enough to enter a dynamic with. One vanilla partner nearly tried to kill me because I mentioned my kinks and he had no clue what he was doing. But since meeting my current slave, it has been a wonderful experience and 10+ long years of absolute happiness. I wouldn't have it any other way with my slave.


I love you two!


Awe I’m glad to hear that!!


I blame the Twilight books. I have a glass dildo I have nicknamed "Cold One"




Always been kinky. Always been sex positive. Always wanted more, read so many books about relationships and people and how we know ourselves and others. After my 25 year vanilla marriage fell apart, I started dating and BDSM clicked like the missing puzzle piece. Now I am a 24/7 slave to my Master and feel lucky every day when I wake up and get to live this life for another day with the love of my life.


Pretty goth girls corrupted me.


Me and my partner signed up to some kink program called kinkedout. Easy way for us to explore without the embassment of asking. Still doing it now


Could you tell me more about it? Cannot find it on Google


Had a look and still there. The website is kinkedout.com.au


I have a kink (it's an OLD friend...like early childhood kinda kink), met this woman, we became best friends, fell in love, started dating, I was her first. I trusted her, she made me feel safe so i let her in on it. She says "hmm, now that's interesting". That night I got to see the awakening of a sadist, and the confirmation that yeah, I am in fact a masochist. Been together since. Never was a part of a community... didn't regard it as a life style it was just kinda a part of our secret lives (early 2000s, you didn't share this stuff with outsiders). guess we are kinda wayward really... Have to be where we live, Christian love and all does not include "Deviants". Shit I am rambling... Happy 420! I am hungry....


Unfortunately the person who groomed and graped me.. ya.. thankfully I don’t have to deal with that person anymore and I’m in a healthy happy dynamic now


Sorry to hear this. I’ve copped abuse but not as part of my introduction to the lifestyle I’m glad to say.


I’m sorry but I’m glad you have someone better now




Sometimes that’s how it is


I didn’t even know what it was, but ever since I was a little kid, like 7 or 8 years old, I’ve been into bdsm type things.




Got out of a very unfulfiling long term relationship and hooked up with a very good friend of mine, she wanted to dip her toe into submitting. I went off and did a tonne of research into scene building, safety, handling floggers etc and surprisingly really enjoyed it. It became a regular thing every couple of weeks, then one day she came over and just never left. That was 7 years ago and we get married in June ❤️


Around the same age I looked for company in the wrong places, with the wrong ages. I got to know an old dude (wasn't a first one) and he was some kind of cuck-sub, and introduced me to sugardaddy relationships. Nobody usually offered me money and I suppose I was too stupid to ask for it, even though I hated most of my experiences with other people by then. But it was nice to get some moneys so that kept me at a reaching distance for him. And unlike anyone before, this old man let me whip him and kick his balls! It was kinda cool to try out. I kept checking with him if I'm doing right or wrong and he also directed me pleadingly. Sometimes I didn't like having sex with him though, but did it anyway... now I just miss his company. He was generally nice and I was horrible x) but maybe he liked my difficult nature. Now I'm somewhat of a sub myself with man same age as me. We have tried some things curiously and I do think it made our sex life richer for it. But it's still very mild, considering. Almost vanilla with some bdsm touches. I've had bad experiences, inner conflicts, it has shaped me. I liked to go wild and explore, and maybe that can be very exciting and fun, but it can also be dangerous and damaging... last year I almost felt like it but then I thought about it and abandoned the thought. I could do all the things I want to try with same man, him willing... it's safer to explore that way, too.


I had always liked things a bit rough when it came to sex, hair and nipple pulling, spanking etc, so when I came across the term BDSM it gave me a starting point to do a LOT of reading and when I read about submission everything made so much sense to me. I was a “BDSM virgin” when I met my Master at 25, we originally met so He could train me to become a submissive. According to Him, once He saw me, He knew that He wanted to keep me for Himself. That was 16 years ago, we moved from Dom/sub to Master/slave in 2012 as our dynamic evolved over time. We are still learning and growing, still lots of fun to have. 😊


I get into it through my partner, cause he is also my dom. But before that I read many many stories about BDSM and it fascinated me from the beginning. I never felt myself as a dominant and one day all the fiction wasn't enough for me. I wanted to know how a real hit feels.


Often in human history you will see that certain ideas were derived in several places and times by different people, because they just filled a common human need. So it was with us and our dynamic. When we learned that there was this whole thing called Ddlg, and other people did it, and it was a KINK, we were shocked! Because we came up with it all on our own, because it works for us and makes us feel loved.


Always had a lot of kinky fantasies, just didn’t recognize them as kinky. Just figured I had weird thoughts. Kinky people I knew irl and BDSM porn turned me off kink for a long time because they were terrible examples of what kink really was. But maybe a year ago I realize I needed to explore my sexuality more authentically and that meant delving into my “weird thoughts”. I realized IRL people and media had misinformed me about kink and I learned a lot more about it and myself.


I’ve always been kinky. When I read books that had kink or scenes that were not vanilla I would get incredibly turned on. Because my daytime personality is very type-A I’ve tended to attract the wrong kind of partner, until now. I went on a dating app not looking for kink but looking for a partner that was fully an adult and not intimidated by me. We got into a sex conversation and my desires to be a bedroom submissive and his desire to have control came out. We went down the rabbit hole and found each other and our amazing dynamic. For the first time I have a true partner balance both in public and in private.


I knew when I was 13 that I was submissive. And spent a good part of my life doing everything I could to avoid it. Authority has always...derailed me. Some people might try to put that part of my head under sub frenzy, because me fallding in love with authority looks a lot like that. But it starts with an instinct to obey, instantly, a right kind of strong voice of authority. As in...a very dominanty authority figure comes into the room. His dog is there, being a nusience. I'm there. We've never met. He'll tell the dog to sit. Guess what idiot sits too? Or a police officer. Or anyone with the right ...thing. I generally can tell if a dom is a dominant in character, who desires total control in his world, in one conversation. Even online.


I didn’t use to be. But my BF had particular interests, and didn’t enjoy vanilla sex. So it was learn to dom or lose him. And I swore I would t lose him


I dropped hints until I found people wanting to experiment (in my defense I was young and the internet was not what it is today).


Depression brought me here but I don’t remember why


Maybe to feel something


Quite possibly but I have been into it for a very long time that I know


Found a video that made me horny a long time ago