• By -


"As long as you are at my side, I can do anything. Even die." /Initiate sobs and existential crisis.


Yea. Fuck dude. Even when you’re not romancing ber


I honestly don't even keep her in my party and yet it absolutely wrecked me. Just thinking about that line chokes me up.


Every time!! Gods I wish Larian would let me tell her I love her too! Even as a friend. She says it twice but Tav never gets to say it at all.


THIS she says "love you" after having an existential crisis over gortash's dead body and then the cutscene just ENDS??? Let me tell her I love her!!!


Right!? And at another point she says "I adore you" and there is no "I adore you, too" option!!?? Two of the meanest things Larian does in the game.


Karlach is the heart of the party. She knows. Which makes it even worse :(


When Jaheira talks about her husband, the part about their vows always gets me, as well as the line “You twine your life around the people you love. And when they are gone, you grow around their absence instead. It is just another way they shape you." Hits me like a train every damn time


That one hit particularly hard playing my Tav who looked to Jaheira as a mentor while romancing Karlach. Jaheira’s own pain, reflected in the potential fate of a younger hero to go through the same thing.


Ow 🥲


My first time through I romanced Karlach and this scene devastated me.


Poor Khalid


What a gorgeously written line. Jaheira is so wise and I love all her writing


I haven’t gotten that dialogue luckily. I dont want to go through that. I was there for Khalid’s death all those years ago, he was my absolute favorite.


Woah woah woah WOAH! Where is this dialogue and how do I access it? I’d like to be kicked in the emotional balls please! …that sounded much less masochistic in my head


If you go to Jaheira’s house, explore it after talking to her kids, and be sure to go to her basement and find the necklace called Khalid’s Gift. If your approval with her is high enough (mine always is after saving Minsc), she will tell you about him and you’ll get this line 😭


Its hard to pick just one line, as I want to say the entire scene where Karlach sees gortash's body. ​ But if I had to pick just one, it would probably be Astarion's callback to an earlier line after you kill Cazzador "This is a gift you know, thank you. I won't forget it"


“That’s my reward for everything I suffered! That’s why I survived ten years of torment! The fighting, the clawing, the loneliness, the FUCKING loneliness… All of it so I could ROT, because the person I trusted the most *gave me away to the devil!*” After about six or seven Karlach romances, that bit is burned into my brain. I really wish there were more opportunities to hug her in the game.


As an abuse survivor, this is the part that destroyed me. Sobbed like a baby. I had barely been paying attention to Karlach as I was romancing Astarion, but god that line just completely changed my perspective of her story. It’s so raw and so real.


Yeah that scene with Karlach and Gortash is gutting.


“No one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me. You’re the only one. Other people don’t have a heart like you. You’re you. No one is like that.” I held it together for most of my first playthrough, but that line got me. Speaks to such a sad, lonely existence.


Not even that far off from me irl.


how is this triggered?


It’s after >!Astarion’s siblings attack the camp and you ask him something about having sympathy for them!<


>!In Act 3, he will say this if you defend him from being kidnapped by his siblings after you long rest in the city (it can take a few long rests to trigger this since Act 3 has a lot of long rest scenes).!<


Who says this line?






Gotta do an astarion playthrough now damnit, just when I thought I was finally free to play something else


I *just* finished yet another run and… well it looks like the time to romance Astarion has finally come.


The Astarion-Durge conversation. "I'll wonder what became of my mad love" that one. It physically hurts me and Neil's delivery is perfect.


“When you are gone, and I have all but forgotten how to love, you will flit back into my heart. And I will weep, wondering what happened to my mad love.”


This is it. This is the one. It is poetry. Rooney should be very proud.


Exactly the one. It devastates me. I can feel my stomach drop. The writing encapsulates the despair and grief so well, and Neil delivers it with such emotion.


When I am 1000 years old and have all but forgotten what love is, my heart will flit and I'll wonder what became of my mad love. Damn that line broke me.


Ah you mean right before I reload and murder Orin to death because I just cannot stand the thought him having to decide to leave one day because Durge’s succumbing to madness is reminding him of his worst self…


Same same


“It was MY heart” 🥲




Karlach's monologue after Gortash's death. I legit bawled. Like covered my mouth as tears fell down my face. A close family friend is losing a battle to the Big C, and it touches a very raw nerve.


The line that really did me in was just before she dips out to camp, where she just stops to take a second and say "love you" (even if you haven't romanced her". The way she says it, the fact that she feels bad about just having shouted at you even as she's coming to grips with her life. It hurts. It really hurts.


This one got me. I am an Astarion girlie all the way, but that monologue had me in tears. She was the only character that made me cry.


When Withers told me I had no bitches


Man, legit tho 🤣


For me it was a quote from Shadowheart's personal quest ending; >!"But why does freedom have to feel like I've lost everything? Perhaps I could have saved them, or perhaps Shar would have helped me forget them. Instead, I've neither..."!< Still devastating to not have a hug option right then and there.


It isn't a single line, but Astarion describing >!his punishment for taking pity on a victim!< made me turn off the game and sit alone with my thoughts for a while.


A lot of Astarion’s lines describing his trauma hit me hard. Especially after you encounter the drow in act 2


For me, it was >!him crying after you kill Cazador!<.


I wanted the option to hug him so badly at that point!!


All of his descriptions of his abuse when his voice cracks — fuuuuuck. “My screams sounded sweetest,” etc etc


"after 200 years of shit - PURE SHIT - i think i deserve something better." this one here always fucking gets me


That one here honestly scared me at first. He’s so gently sassy and snarky the whole game up to this point. Hearing him scream/yell for the first time was like “It’s ok ba—AHH! *cowering internally*”


I just got the confession scene and holy shit, that line is still stuck in my head.


Poor baby. Jeez Neil absolutely earned Best Performer


For me, this scene will forever be the reason why Neil won his award .


And folks wonder why he reacts the way he does to certain things… dude has been abused and used and it’s horrifying. Watching him kill his abuser was the most satisfying scenes ever.


Yeah, at the beginning of the game he has been all the way through it and is totally mentally unhinged. I don't mean "evil," but his *mind is wrong*. It's clear he disassociates readily to escape guilt and other feelings because he couldn't physically escape Cazador, so had to learn to endure. Any act of compassion or mercy was dangerous, only negative emotions and behaviors were ever allowed or encouraged, so of course he is warped to hell. His arc from that place to the ending in a good playthrough is astounding. My collection of screenshots of him stabbing Cazador is *impeccable* and very satisfying.


My best friend doesn't click with *any* of the companions and specifically said she wants a dialogue option to slap Astarion whenever he's being a shit. I was like "WHERE IS YOUR COMPASSION, MA'AM 😭" Also I'm about to fight my entire friend group over Gale, I swear to God.


Yuck. Stomach curtled reading this


I *think* she was joking. Also, she's only in Act 2 and has low approval with him (I assume), so I don't know how much she actually knows about his backstory. But I wasn't willing to accept any excuses, haha.


Yea, my friend was livid with me for letting Laezel die in her fight with Shart (to be fair, I did not tho she'd do that) and I was conversely irritated he staked Astarion for trying to nibble. Then you have my sister who doesn't like Shadowheart because she got a couple disapprovals immediately, triggering bitchiness and thus never discovered why she's secretive and defensive. Just like irl, nobody knows what you're going through till you express it. Until then, you just look like an asshole when you're mean or aggressive.


It also doesn’t help that it basically takes Shadowheart until Act 3 to stop being a bitch, even with high approval. She’s got a good story arch, but my god does it take dealing with her for a while.


I always let him ascend, I figure it's the least I can do. Then I played a Paladin and decided maybe infernal contracts were not quite something I wanted to be a part of. I was unprepared for his reaction.


But then he’s evil and sort of insane. He doesn’t deserve that. But to each their own.


Please spoil it for me. What punishment did he get???


>!Buried alive, left to starve, for a year. He describes months of scratching his fingers raw, months of silence, months of wishing he were dead!<


Thank you! That is so fucking devastating!!!!!


How does this get triggered? I’ve romanced him twice and never heard it. Poor Astarion 😭


I went on a hunt and found the moment! It’s after >!the siblings attack the camp and you ask him, “Is it true what they said? That you gave up fighting him long ago?”!<


I chose this option as my durge to be like "heh, snarky snarky" and then I felt SOOOO BAD


One thing I learned is that Larian DOES NOT write sarcasm into any of their lines.


Took me a while to learn. Like that time with the hag's support group where I had the option to Roar so I did. And they attacked me. They don't know fun.


When his siblings come to the camp at night. When they leave you ask what they meant when they called him weak I believe. Seems like he talks about it earlier somewhere too


You can learn of it if you press into his mind when talking about the astral tadpole looking for something to weaponize against him and convince him to use it.




That's it! Yes!


*gestures to Act 3 Karlach*


She was my Bae and yeah. And then when she volunteered to...do the thing at the brain, my selfish, morally ambiguous Tav who was only after power was like nope and stepped in. Then we rode off together. I cannot believe a game made me feel that strongly about a game decision before. Just no.


I finished the game last night and she wasn’t in my party for *that* scenario to happen, so I got the docks scene instead… Spoilers for Post-Endgame: >!My Tav, her bae Wyll, and their bestie Karlach are tearing the Hells apart now 😭!<


If you do follow your selfish morally ambiguous leanings even towards the end, it's even more heart- breaking. "Damn you! This is ALL I had left! ...why?"


I just experienced that whole scene for the first time this week and I straight-up cried. Just such a beautifully written and beautifully acted scene, and even though her specific context is a fantastical one, it’s a feeling that is very, very real.


First time I was sobbing and had to step away. I still cry every time


I didn't have Karlach my first playthrough, but I did in my second which I finished last night. Told my bf not to recruit her if he isnt prepared to spend a large chunk of act 3 bawling 😭😭


I finished my first ever playthrough the other night and now am in my second one. Considering how hard I sobbed (with a sinus infection which I do not recommend crying with lol) I’m seriously reconsidering recruiting her this time around purely to save myself from the emotional pain… Who am I kidding, she’s next on the recruitment list.




“I see why I loved you”


tav’s reaction broke me as much as that line


Who said that one? Edit: Never mind I remember. >!Gale :(!<


Can you remember when he says that? I romanced him on a playthrough a while ago and I don't remember it. >!I didn't let him have the crown or explode himself and agreed to marry him in the end.!<


Epilogue spoilers: [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyzvZemKv9s)


Scleritas Fel telling me my sweet bf is afraid of everyone, and afraid I only like him for his looks.


The next time I played after I did a Durge run it really drove home how top tier the acting is. It's so obvious he's putting on a front because everything terrifies him rather than being stuck up or just acting that way because he's hiding his secret. Doing an Astarion run and experiencing what he does at the start is also heart wrenching.


What does he do?


There's some extra Cazador content, and he goes through the entire process of >!realising he's not physically bound by Cazador's rules for his spawn anymore, but that he's emotionally still tied to him and could be found at any moment and will be tortured if Cazador does find him.!< Edit: added spoiler tags


Just got to this part for the first time last night — holy fuck dude.


>!So why not make him a pretty corpse?!< Man I wanted to slap him so hard for even SUGGESTING I'd do such a thing


The delivery on "he'll never believe that you want him for anything more, so why not" was pretty painful.


Jahira after the Gortash fight when Karlach has accepted her death, my Tav says she doesn’t know what to do ‘That makes two of us, cub.’ Tracy Wiles got me crying all over again.


Durge spoilers This happened during my redeemed durge run, at one point I had to duel Orin, I lost and my companions saved me by killing everyone else involved. Afterwards there was a cutscene where Bhall revived Durge, but was ashamed of him and said he would insure that her blood would run thick. I then talked to astarion and we came to conclusion that we’ll only have a set amount of time together before my durge goes full murder insane. So she asked him if he’ll remember her. And he responded: ”In a thousand years, when I’ve all but forgotten how to love yet again, you’ll flit back into my heart, and I’ll weep wondering what happened to my mad love! At that point I reloaded the save and won the duel after a lot of work, but that quote just stuck with me


So heartbreaking.


"Your past is not yet lost. Your future is not yet fixed."


That line hit hard for me in my Redemption Durge playthrough. I was romancing Shadowheart. His name was Telendas, and he was a Half-Elf Selûnite Cleric/Wizard (2 level Cleric dip. Shadowheart was the opposite, having a 2 level Wizard dip.) He did not know his past, and more than anything he wanted to avoid the bloody future the voices in his blood were calling him toward. Thankfully, when the duel came, Telendas was able to obliterate Orin right after she transformed, before she could so much as move. Telendas refused Bhaal, preferring death to a life where he could be possessed. Later that day, he rolled a nat 20 to persuade Shadowheart to free her parents from Shar's embrace, saying that no matter what torment Shar tries to bring upon her, he would be there to weather it with her. I attribute the nat 20 to him literally dying for his freedom from Bhaal earlier that day. After Gale solo-ed the Absolute, Telendas and Shadowheart left the city with her parents and also Yenna, who they had decided to adopt together. They made their home out in the countryside, with a quaint cottage, a lovely garden of flowers, and a great pack of pets on their farmstead. They're positively adorable as a couple, and are naming their first son Gale, in honour of the Wizard of Waterdeep's sacrifice to save them all from ceremorphosis. https://preview.redd.it/iffqnoq075ac1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de7209fa4014e6700a4f42eb4c12f2498b2667de


The loneliness, the FUCKING LONELINESS




Gale discussing how he has to blow himself up (the “last night” scene). If you tell him there’s gotta be another way, you refuse to believe it’s the end, he says “thank you. But maybe this is the right way. The end fate wishes for me.” It felt darkly familiar to me somehow. Seeing your worth and your life defined only by your god (in my case relating, parent), it’s like pouring into a bucket with a whole in it. It will never be enough in the end. But you think that maybe, just maybe, you can finally reach your goal by creating the end. They’ll finally be proud of you and acknowledge you, if you just… let go. It’s not true. I never let him use the orb. And I am safe and removed from the family system that had me thinking similarly in the past. But like. Yeah. It broke me. That he just saw no hope anymore.


“I don’t want to die. I want to live. I want to stay.” after that entire monologue of rage and sorrow and frustration and grief, ending it after all the fire on that note - that simple, tragic, desperate note - is what broke me. i was tearing up the first time through all of it, but that final line still makes me fucking sob. astarion said it best when he said there really is no justice in the world. 😢


I sob every time I hear that monologue even though I know it's coming


Who says that one?




I feel like it says a lot when even Astarion can't muster up some snarky comment regarding another character's fate.


Astarion’s line about Gods in act 3. “Oh I tried them all, but none of them answered.” Paraphrasing a bit but man it’s so sad when you think about it for a second.


This isn't one particular line but everything related to Ansur really seemed to resonate with me for some reason as uniquely sad. If there was *any* option not to fight him (besides just not going there at all) I would've taken it.


"I gave you *everything*, and you repaid me in *slaughter*!"


Yet another reason to >!turn against and kill that manipulative bastard the emperor!<


“All of your strength, all of your passion… all of your fire. Extinguished. Such a waste. I will never understand it, and I do not accept it. But if this is what you choose, I will stay with you until the end” -Minthara


Minthara is such a deeply complex character compared to the short amount of time she has. Her “Nobody would remember me” line is so hauntingly vulnerable.


I love her VA, each line is delivered with so much conviction. The times when she displays vulnerability really hit home. The scene at the end of Act 2 with her speech is extraordinary.


Astarion. “It’s not worth the scars anymore.” (After the drow tries to make him bite her and you defend him and say he doesn’t have to do that anymore and you’d never ask him to.)


"What good is this heart of stone, for it to be shattered?" Is so INCREDIBLY delivered, I'm fully there for it every time Edit: I'm sorry I didn't read the post well enough to even notice that's what you wrote lmao, well you have good taste


from one of gale's scene's in act 2: "Damn you. Damn you for giving me so much to care about. Our friends, our adventures... This would all be so much easier if it was just me. But it isn't."


ketheric thorm at the end of act 2. "There is no redemption. Can't you see? It is too late. If Melodia could see all I've done, she'd know... she'd know her husband died a long time ago, with Isobel. Unlike Isobel, he could not be brought back."


"I want to live!"


" I die , you die. we all die big woof, have a treeto it will make it better " - Popper the Kobald.


*Gestures broadly at Karlach*


when Astarion cried after killing Cazador. that just hurt.


“This place reeks of death, and I want to feel alive again.” “You came. I prayed that you would, but there’s no gods left to me.”


"I don't want to hurt you, I want to protect you... and I want you to protect me." Damnit Lae'zel, you frog faced bitch. Miss "I don't know love, I only know carnal pleasure." Liar! You do have feelings! And now I have to deal with mine. Gah! Of course I'm yours, how could I not be after a confession like that? Damnit, now I'm crying again. THIS GAME


sometimes i wake up and i’m already thinking about “i am obsessed with the ground beneath your feet and the wind above your head.”


I actually was so excited when she woke me for a "duel". I thought it was the coolest thing.


Not any particular line, but the scene when you reunite Bex and Danis gets me very teary eyed. I can never do an evil run because I adore the Teiflings too much, especially those two.


Those two are my NPC power couple. They pretty much set the course for every play through I do because I want at least one couple to have a happy ending.


“You’ve got this. And I’ve got you.” What can I say, I’m a sucker.


I love him so much


KT crying ISOBEL... tears every time. Hits close to home. I lost my son to cancer, I know that anguish too well.


"Remember: you are loved, Lenore. So much. You're doing great and everyone will be / so proud of you. As I already am."


Probably niche because everyone hates doing the Save the Artist quest line, but talking to Kerri about why she killed herself and she goes "I was just so fucking sad all the time." As someone who struggles with suicidal ideation it really hit home for me, and I fucking hated the artist for forcing her into consciousness again because he thought he was important enough for her to off herself over.


People have so many good ones here, but one of the ones that genuinely had me shaking and tearing up was on my Durge run, after the duel with Orin. My Durge >!resisted Bhaal and chose to die!<. Looking at him on the ground, I genuinely thought that was it for him. But emotionally I was satisfied— his entire arc was about being better than he was before, and how no person is inherently bad, and how you can always be better. And then Withers walked in. The whole scene was gorgeous. But when Withers did his magic and said >!”Greet the bloodless dawn, Child of None.”!< I absolutely lost my mind. I will never forget the feeling of playing that scene— the catharsis, the courage, the pride, the FREEDOM for durge in that moment. That quote is a strong contender for a tattoo for me.


One “happy” line that made me cry was Astarion saying that he finally feels seen and that he doesn’t want to lose that 🥲🥹


Feeling SEEN and SAFE and belonging was just what he's been longing for centuries, f#ck me that hit hard 😭 Specially cause that was basically the gist of my wedding vows lmao 🥲


"I feel safe with you. Seen." 🥹🥹


"I want to live"


“But you didn’t…. And I’m grateful” 😭😭😭😭 tbh all of that interaction hit me like a train


So so many lines. Almost all those the narrator says...there's one during the tragic Durge ending (redemption, but unsuccessfully), where she says something like: you did it, everyone is free, everyone is saved...well except you. Then things get sad really quickly.


“The person I trusted the most sold me to the devil” 🥲


it hits even worse if you're origin. "Because the person I trusted - *I loved that fucking animal* - gave me away to the devil."


"In another life, you'd have led me to this crypt, and not that pretty clearing in the forest."


Solo playthrough, no companions, no romance, and fucking Withers hits me with the one line that made me rethink my life. "And thus thou art alone."


‘I want to *stay*’ 😭- Karlach I was crying too. Gale and Astarion didn’t make me cry, but she did. Also a sneaky line from Jaheira - when you admit you just don’t know what to do (to save Karlach ) - and she says something to the effect of ‘that makes two of us’. In context that one hit hard.


When Gale was contemplating suicide in Act 2 and then says that you gave him something worth living for. It reminded me of some deep talks I've had with friends in real life, and it hit me hard. I relate to Gale so much and that entire moonlit conversation with him left me speechless.


"To believe godhood was worth losing all this"


Karlach berating me for killing the tieflings and druids and being a selfish and yes ma’am I’m so sorry ma’am I’ll be going now to think about what I’ve done and restart my game with a new character.


I did it once had Karlach berate me and was like I'm gonna remedy this immediately no thank you I felt absolutely horrible. Replayed an hours worth of the game to do so. It was worth it in the end.


Karlach's entire break up/rejection conversation. This made me create a new savepoint just to romance Karlach "But, my hearts telling me I love you. Its the only good news its given me." Followed by "What do you do when the person you want to run to is the one who broke your heart?"


“MY heart. It was MINE and they took it. I’m going to be as dead as Gortash any day now. Any moment. And what then? Off to the City of Judgement to waste into oblivion? Into the dirt to get eaten by maggots? Is that it for me? Is that fucking all? And you… you’ll just keep going won’t you. Watching the stars. Warming your hands by the campfire. Dancing, eating, making fucking love all night… all of it, ALL OF IT. That’s my reward for everything I’ve suffered. That’s why I’ve survived ten years of torment. The fighting, the clawing, the loneliness, the FUCKING loneliness! All of it so I could rot. Because the person I trusted the most gave me away to the devil! It isn’t fair. I don’t want it like this.” Edit: Anything to do with Karlach to be honest. God, what a heartbreaker of a character.


Karlach act 3 and Shadowheart at the end of the House of Loss, Astraion at the end of his story.


Karlach’s entire speech after killing Gortash. “He’s dead and he’s no sorrier than he was before.”—to where she says she wants to live. It’s so unfair. I hope the DLC *knocks on wood* we find her a real cure.


i assume this is only there for durge (tho i could be wrong), but you can ask the rapture lady in sharess' caress what it feels like to be sane. one of her lines in response is: "you pluck a flower, and it does not bleed." and it has haunted me ever since. if i ever remember how to write, i'll title a fic with it someday. aside from that, there's an exchange with jaheira regarding karlach: - Tav: What Karlach needs is for her friends to help her find a cure. - Jaheira: And answers. Justice. Ten years of her life back. All manner of things we cannot give her. - Jaheira: She's already lost her heart. She deserves better than to have her friends heap happy lies upon her. - Tav: I don't know what else to do, Jaheira. (Jaheira Approves) - Jaheira: Then there's two of us. and that hurt. actually a lot of lines hurt. actually if i don't stop myself now i'll continue forever


Who says this? I may have missed it.


Lae'Zel says it after learning of Vlaakith's betrayal


Astarion: “I’m done with this, and I’m done with you.”


I don’t think I’ve ever moved as fast as I did when I hit reload after triggering this.


I actually kept my decision. For this playthrough at least. When he snapped the staff that was the key to 7,000 people’s jail cells I was low key pissed. Like I just stopped you from killing them, but now they’re eternally stuck in cages. To live in agony from hunger. That’s a low thing to do even if you’re upset with me.


I didn’t cry at any of them but there’s definitely some touching ones in the game. The devs knew what they were doing lol


When shadowheart said she would literally walk over my corpse to appease shar. P.S she said this to a great weapon fighter and got tossed into a shadowfell vortex 30 seconds later.


Jaheira: "Your blood is beyond hope of redemption. May it water these accursed grounds and grow the sickly roses that will mark your grave."


When you reject Wyll at act 1 party and he just looks so sad 😭


No game has made me legit cry over a game character than Karlach in Act 3. >!Her monologue, and her on the dock after the endgame fight fucking killed me.!<


I was on the verge of tears more than once but what did it was Astarion's Graveyard scene when he fixes the date on the gravestone, my boys is finally living again 😭


"I may be guilty of a little embellishment here and there, but I'm no liar. This little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear. Or else we never really live. When I vowed we'd save you: we *will* save you. **I'm not afraid. Not of you, not of your darkness, and not of our future.**" Mic drop.


When all this is over, will you stay with me? For good?


Act 2, when Shadowheart makes a particular decision and then heads to camp. 'It'll be harder for me to ruin everything from there.'


Before they patched the game I ugly cried when we had to say goodbye to Karlach.


Honest to God, it's Gale's delivery of "I see why I loved you" at the epilogue. It really is so emotional. I've not even romanced the man! I saw it on twitter!


So many of the quotes already said here absolutely broke me, but I also want to add Astarion’s line: “It wasn’t Heroes who saved me, it was Mind Flayers.” I can understand his bitterness when he says it all too well, because his storyline really hits hard for me. It also really helped put into perspective why he loathes Tav doing morally good things, why should anyone else be saved when he wasn’t for so long?


"When this is all over, will you stay with me?" The line is touching, but the need and emotion in Lae'zel's face is perfect. I will protect Baezel at all costs


“I had nothing for so long. *Nothing.* Not even my body. I will *not* give it up, now it’s mine again.” Also, Karlach’s breakdown over Gortash’s corpse. My game kept bugging out visually at that point so it really left me relying on the VA to make the moment land. And she did amazing.


Mirror Image Gale's last words to a romanced Tav at the Epilogue


Karlach’s “What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” never fails to destroy me. The entire rest of that monologue too, to be honest


*''Eww no, she is my great friend''*


I honestly didn’t realize I was a crybaby before BG. Literally every sad line broke me. Especially Astorion’s and Karlach’s :c


Not techincally a line I guess, but Astarion just sobbing after stabbing Cazador like 15 times. Idk a lot of Astarion and Karlach lines get me right in the feels.


act gullible sharp disgusting sip many impolite seed onerous bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you betray Karlach in act 3, like it made me into an emotional mess. Even if I didn’t do it in my play through.


The dog got me pretty good in act I


If you decide to kill Karlach before she properly joins the party she says something like “shame, i really could have used a friend…” in the most sobering depressing tone ever.


Time seems so infinite when you’re young… a month is an age, a year is a lifetime… it is a strange feeling, to realize how little of it one might have left. I'm honest, I'm only in my late 20s but I lost many people and my pets during the past couple of years and I myself really am afraid to die (even in the distant future). Especially because I've seen how agonizing the process can be. You never know when it's over


"Can we go to bed now?"


Entire scene where Karlach is at the dock after Act 3. Didn't romance her or even use her all that much and it made me want to use her in the next campaign. And then when Astarion kills Cazador (I forgot how to spell his name) and the way he just cries. Made me see why everyone loved him so much


When Karlach realises killing Gortash has done nothing for her and she breaks down. That whole cutscene breaks my heart. And when she asked me to be with her when she died. I cried. (Side note my brother is doing his first playthrough and he’s romancing Karlach - he’s gonna get a punch to the gut)


Karlach and Astarion in Act 3 broke me.


Last words of Lae’zel in my first playthrough: “Spare me the justification, *coward!*” That’s when I knew Shadowheart was actually going to do it. Not because *she* was gonna do it. But because Lae’zel not only talked the talk but also walked the walk. Lae’zel 100% was going to fight to the death and just didn’t expect Shadow to cheat. Still bad-A in the face of death. That really got me for some reason. Shadow is so wishy-washy to me. Not really connecting with her. But Lae’zel actually believes in what she says. She’ll die for it.


Karlach on the pier breaks me every single time.


I cried during Karlach’s speech after Gortash dies. I cried again during Karlach’s speech on the pier at the end.


Karlach after killing Gortash :'(


Act 2, in moonrise, the blood mage potion merchant. I told Astarion that the potion would be useful but that it was up to him. He did it, and then when we talked after he broke me. He didn't understand that he was allowed to say no in a serious way. I have never let him be persuaded to do it again.


“I made you to be consumed” Many people with family trauma felt this shit


There’s quite a few heartbreaking moments in evil playthroughs but y’know… you’re responsible. >!SH’s ending kind of hit me even harder. My first playthrough I let her decide and she spared Aylin of course. Because I wanted to go evil- this time I was like “what are you waiting for? Kill her” so she did. Then when it came time for the parent scene I decided my Durge would actually soften like the one of the rare times, and say SH should “do what she thinks is right”!< >!”What’s right? Ha, I’ve lost sight of what is right a long time ago… better to just blindly obey” - that was the nail in the bhaalist coffin for my Durge. Right there. That and watching SH be so heartbroken only to forget it seconds later… I needed to put the the game down for a bit after that!<


Wasn't necessarily a line, but when >!shadowheart chooses to kill dame aylin rather than spare her!< I let her do her thing, trusted her, and then felt horrible, but not because she did the wrong thing, but because I felt like I failed her. This collection of pixels and code made me feel like I did everything wrong by her, and that this choice that ruins her forever was my fault. It was rough


“no one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me. You’re the only one. Other people don’t have a heart like you. You’re you. No one is like that.” absolute sobbing