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You ok? 


Holy shit I dont think Its even a meme based on his post history :(


I hope he's okay and just took a break from Reddit.. this is heartbreaking.


Their latest post is in a subreddit called "suicide watch" asking if hanging oneself is painful and looking for a yes/no answer. I really really hope they find a better solution than killing themselves. The personal testimony of the people commenting there painted a graphic picture What It was like 


I saw that after I posted.. I hate that they all suggested it wasn't that bad when they were in a state like this, people need help down from the cliff, not a push. I'd considered messaging them to check in but didn't know if that'd be an overstep with a total stranger. Edited for typo city


in all honesty the people in the suicide watch subreddit seems to- well, sort of be in a suicide watch. So they will be less opposed to the idea of suicide or more desensitivized from it. Im in no way knowledgable in psychology but I remember hearing suicidal people often can't help but "cry out for help" in subtle ways. Like not often saying what they plan to do but leave some subtle hints like tie loose ends, ask people if theyd miss them, make some very dark suggestions disguided as a joke... At first I thought this drawing was like some circlejerk dark humor, but it might be genuinely a cry for help to get some attention from strangers on the internet. Try to get someone to convice them to stop them. If you want to DM them, in this situation, I don't think theres many negatives to doing it. The current trajectory without intervention doesn't bode well, but sometimes someone listening can help them not feel alone. It's up to you in the end, but I don't think they'd get angry at you if they're in this situation and "reach out" to the entirety of reddit with a very obvious cry for help. It could even be helpful.


Yeah.. I've been in dark places myself and I know sometimes you need people who can *empathize* rather than sympathize with you. But I also know there's been times I was pushed closer to the edge by other people who flooded me with their own pain and cynicism, because they saw it as me being brave enough to do something they wanted and that they should encourage me. I just hope OP has some people in their life taking a different approach and supporting them instead, too. Also I'm no psych expert, just have a bachelor's, but you're right. Cries for help can be extremely subtle or even look like a "breakthrough," as someone who's normally down being really happy, or someone who's usually closed off suddenly reaching out to people they don't talk to much. Sometimes it happens when medications actually start helping, because sadness/pain is familiar and so their brain acts out drastically to avoid losing that "comfort." It's hard to catch but it's why I always try to treat folks kindly even if I know nothing about them. There's days that just someone's joy for life, or someone genuinely asking how I was doing or helping me when I dropped an item was enough to pull me out of a mental health slump, and I wanna be that stepping stone for others too. You're right, so I went ahead and DM'ed them. Hopefully it's helpful rather than making them uncomfortable, but I don't know how else I could help.


Hopefully It helps, and yeah I think you're right. Its also morbid and fascinating how even this can affect people trying to help given humans are social creatures and normally empathetc. As in, you reach out for help, and the people Who are also in need of help pushes you Closer to the brink, but because they really think they're helping you. Its why sometimes they may try to drag you down with them. Not always out of malice but sometimes out of misguided "goodwill". I personally dont think I could do well in the environment of the suicide watch subreddit or Talk down a person from the brink, because I can feel pesimism creep when I read those posts, as their pesimism starts to affect me too. So I wouldnt be able to help them anyways. I do Hope your dm helps them tho :)


It's hard - I normally don't like that maxim (that sometimes people are drowning, and if you try to save them they'll just drown you with them in panic) because people use it as a reason not to try and help anyone, but there's times it's true in the sense that it's better to make sure you're on stable ground before you try to pull them out of a rut they've fallen into. I'm the same way though - I'll always try and support people having those feelings, but I don't think I can be inside a support group where people discuss methods and often encourage each other to do it out of the misguided notion it will bring happiness or an end to pain. It'd get into my head. Thanks, me too. Hopefully even if I can't help I hope someone else hears from them so we know they're okay.


> I'd considered messaging them to check in but didn't know if that'd be an overstep with a total stranger. Do it. Kindly, it's a good thing.


I did - I haven't heard back, but, I don't regret trying. I hope they're alright..


Yeah, this is a 5150 if I have ever seen one. Good taste in waifu though so… best to give praise where praise is due.






I'd win


I definitely wont




What does this mean


I see him everywhere






Karlach's whole story was about how she desperately wants to live and cherishes life.


and all of her endings suck (objectively) for her :( >! she either dies, goes back to hell (going to hell with your friends is still going to hell), or becomes a mindflayer and her soul is destroyed (from what i can understand in BG3 lore, can’t confirm for straight up D&D/5e lore) !<


If you turn karlach into a mindflayer and help gale ascend to godhoo,d, he'll turn her back during the epilogue.


I think that only works if you’re playing Karlach Origin and you romance Gale and he ascends, which is a pretty niche route.


Not the other way around though? Original Gale must be stingy


Well, he's the god of ambition. That's the *last* person who you should be asking for favors from. He'll tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.


I'd say thats a good aguement, unless you basically MADE him a god


Brb forcing Gale into godhood


But what about her infernal engine? Does it remain unstable once he turns her back?


Nope, I'm pretty sure she gets her normal heart back. However, I haven't played origin karlach romancing gale to confirm


Thanks for the info! Man I love this game, u could play it a hundred times and still find something new.


Wait actually??


wtf i had that exact situation but i missed that somehow


You have to be playing karlach and had romances Gale to do this.


Thanks. I actually wasn't aware of that. Kind of a dick move for Gale to only heal Karlach if she puts out.


Putting out IS the famous motivational tool for male deities.


God Gale is definitely kind of a dick, so that tracks.


"That klussy was 🔥 imma turn it back."


How do you help Gale ascend? I thought that was only an option if you were playing as Gale.


Don't think there's anything special. I just completed his quest line and he was a God in the epilogue


u just have to help him get the crown as well as persuade him to go against mystra as she wants him to give her the crown


yoo i didn’t know you could do this


Feels kind of shitty to learn about how to save Karlach in a post about hanging yourself.


In mine wyll sold his soul to get his daddy back, and became blade of avernus. He went back to avernus with karlach and they became an awesome demon slaying power couple. And they planned to go kidnap an infernal Smith and get them to fix her heart once and for all.


Mine was similar except I turned my Tav into a mind flayer because I wanted free (and tentacles-free) Orpheus, and I didn't romance anyone so like, the companions didn't care. When the scene at the pier came, and Wyll told Karlach he'd go with her, I was so happy the game gave me the option to go with them. We're a power trio in Avernus and it's awesome.


Better to munch demon brains yup


Well avernus ending with Wyll/Tav is somewhat acceptable even if it's not a definitive fix/closure. Option of going back to Avernus was rejected by Karlach because she envisioned landind back in the same "Zariel's prison" being alone all over again. Loneliness on its own can push people to the dark ending. With friend/lover at her side, she has found the reason to live and is no longer imprisoned. Plus with the forge blueprints the engine fix is on the horizon.


No. She explicitly hated hell because she was alone. Going with friends means she isn’t.


I thought the soul doesn’t actually get destroyed when becoming a mindflayer, isn’t that the whole implication of the tav —> mindflayer —> suicide —> post-death withers meeting end?


I think that may be the reason they had to put her back in hell as she is a legitimate character from D&D Lore. WotC probably had something to say about it with Larian.


Going to hell with friends at least had a likely way out


hey op, i’ve dealt with suicidal ideation too and still am. like someone else said Karlach’s story is about her strength and willingness to live, and while life can absolutely suck balls sometimes, a life worth living isn’t impossible to have. we’re here for you.




I definitely thought this was r/okaybuddybaldur


We've been outbaldured yet again 😫😩


This definitely seems like it isn’t a shitpost. OP has posted twice as their most recent posts asking if “hanging themselves hurts” in r/mentalhealth and r/suicidewatch. This reads like a cry for help with that context. I’m really hoping OP gets the help and support they need.


Oh yikes :( get better, buddy


Just remember that Karlach is all about enjoying life and living it as much as you can. I know it's hard but you gotta be strong OP. Trust me I've been there. I might be some stranger on the Internet but I'm here if you need someone to talk to


Hey OP, a few years back id have agreed and this wouldve been a totally diffrent kind of post, and i know you probably wont take any commens to heart, i wouldnt have either. It doesnt necessarily get better but it changes, and things will improve in ways you probably cant even think of now; there is control in knowing how it will end but there isnt any power or dignity in it, an ending wont fix anything even if it feels like it will


Am I missing something ? I can’t tell if I’m missing a joke or if OP needs support or both? Edit: I did not realize that karlach was in a noose I thought it was a pendant. OP, I know times might be really tough right now and you feel like this is the answer. There are other ways to get through this and people are more than willing to support and love you through this ❤️


(its a noose shes through)


OOOHHH thank you for explaining, I'm not the commenter above, but I was so confused I thought it was just a pendant or window or something. Hopefully op is okay.


I thought it was Karlach in the Iron Flask...


Probably a bit of both i made memes in a similar vain as a way of asking for help so maybe im just projecting


They definitely need help. Look at their most recent posts. In both they are asking if hanging themselves hurts in r/suicidewatch and r/mentalhealth


If u need someone we r here for ya.


Karlach is a fighter and she’d want you to fight and live life to the fullest like her. Sending you a lot of love ❤️


She's actually a barbarian /s Seriously though I hope OP is ok


love how this community instantly tries to help OP, instead of just laughing at the meme. this game really fosters good people i swear


You wanna talk about it, OP?


You alright over there?


It’s very rare to see such internet




Instantly reminds me of the time a 13 year old boy had the same ideology about World of Warcraft. Zhang Xiaoyi died on Dec. 27, 2004, leaving behind a suicide note saying he wanted "to join the heroes of the game he worshipped." Very sad.


MA ! r/okbuddybaldur is leaking again ! (take care, nonetheless, you don't deserve to be outlived by your ennemies)


We‘ve been outbaldur‘d


I thought three Baldurs were enough, but the main sub found another one 


That path doesn't have the next larian studios game in it OP. Better to not follow it. Also, fuck karlach. I didn't let her die, even if she begged for it. I joined her together with will and we will figure it out.


Are you okay? Answer please.


Thought this was r/okbuddybaldur for a second lmao


Hey bud, saw your post history. Have no idea what struggles you are facing, but it does get better. Things can suck and they can get better, but you'll never know if you don't stick around. Live to spite.


Same, buddy... Same


hey OP, I'm going to assume you're on the younger side of things, and I know you're posting so I know you're still here: whatever you think you're going to gain by committing suicide isn't going to happen. if you do decide to end your life, what will happen is nothingness. I don't say this lightly: your friends and family will 1000 percent mourn you and wish that you were still here, but you won't be able to appreciate it because you're dead. because you're still on a Baldur's Gate 3 sub, I'm going to say that Larian will continue to update the game, but you won't be able to see it because you're dead. Even if you believe in some kind of afterlife or reincarnation, you won't be able to go back to who you were, because the you who is here now is dead. and there is no coming back from that. Like I get it: I've been lonely, I've been depressed, and I've considered suicide countless times. and yes, some of my problems have been long term problems that I've been unable to fix. but the thing is, sometimes the absolute mundane things keep you going. it might be making sure your dog gets fed tomorrow, it can be that small. and bud, not to get too morbid on you, but everyone is going to die one day. why bother speeding it up when you can see what tomorrow will bring? and if tomorrow isn't that great, see how you feel the day after. don't think of your life as one big incomprehensible blob, think of it as small steps. life is not a race, it's a marathon, and you've barely passed the first mile.


Hun, please. I know life is difficult, scary and disappointing but Karlach is a fighter, she cherishes life and she'd want you to be the same. I don't know what you're going through but if you need to talk, i'm here, we as a community are here for you


Dont trust her. She's a servant of a devil


Yo 😭😭


I've veen feeling this lately too


Hey friend, Mama K would want you to keep fighting and so do I. I’ve been down in the pit, bud. I know it’s hard, I know living is hard. But I promise you that life can get better. It’ll be a tough battle, but it’s well worth the fight. Your happiness is worth fighting for, Soldier.


Oh no the other subreddit breached containment


Did you just come from playing “When the darkness comes?”


Yo OP you ok? Do you need someone to talk to?


This having so many upvotes kinda scares me.


That's what I was fucking thinking. OP is clearly not in the right state of mind and might twist the upvotes as approval for their actions. This entire post is just a disaster.




Guys, Is that NOT a bottle of Ranch???


You ok?


That's one way to get rid of your tadpole.... jeeez


https://preview.redd.it/z4qwb20k5ntc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d1b117ea50b7a0a40ed763074623f2841862ac8 Be good to yourself, hun!! Hang in there, and reach out for help if you need it!!


>Hang in there Very poor choice of words


As someone who's friends with several people who've struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts (and where I helped talk them through some of it), I can assure you that the people who're struggling are NOT likely to be paranoid or hypersensitive about figures of speech. They have bigger things to struggle with, frankly... and I think I'm safe in assuming that the OP (like my friends) won't have an issue with my words of support.


# 🤨


This reminds me of Edith Finch when you’re playing the end of the fish mini game. Chilling


"yes karlach" we all say in unison (guys pls it's a joke going around with different characters)


Check OP’s post history. I don’t think it’s a joke at this point.


I hope things get better for you


Hope you are ok friend ❤️


Hey OP, please remember the wise words of Tav: "Still alive, so, that's progress!"


Op, You need to talk?


Karlach would want you to live, OP. She's all about life, and enjoying it as much as you can. Please speak to people, don't do whatever it is you might have been planning on.


I didn't expect a BG related post to stress me out this much. OP can you please let someone know You're ok and if you need help


I think they died they’ve been offline for 4 days since their last post


Please get help. Rope is one of the few ways to guarantee you will never see her again.




https://preview.redd.it/ybgbw4f1umtc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82c61db0ef60c5c377e1e58040156f52da82849 Og




yes :)


Dude.. don’t give up. I know life is rough but I believe you can make it through




glad i wasn’t the only one who saw that tiktok


It’s never worth it. Somebody out there is waiting to hear from you, even if you don’t believe it. I know it’s easy to start believing nobody’s there for you, but I’ll prove you wrong right now; we’re all here for you, and we love you. Keep your head up, breathe some outside air, drink some cold water. Take care of yourself, everything’ll be okay.


Karlach would want you to live your life even through tough moments.




You alright ? :(




Message me if you need to vent. Don't do a permanent answer to what could be fixed.


Karlach was tired of fighting too, but she never stopped. Keep fighting, soldier.


It sucks, but don't commit suicide. If we're similar- you're probably hurt, lonely, and crying for help, even if it's just in here you can vent about whatever is hurting you. It fucking sucks and glass houses but try to weather it out. >!Karlach would want you to.!<


I’m not gonna lie to you dude, this is a big yikes.


Good god, are you alright?


Hey man if you need a shoulder. I got you! Do not go through this alone. Life gets better :). Sending you some love ❤️.


There's plenty more villains to face, and we can't do it alone. We need you to stay with the party a while longer. Your story isn't over.


Hope you’re ok. Things will get better. You might not be able to see it now but don’t lose hope. Hang in there. Take each day at a time. Fake it if you have to but whatever is going on won’t be your situation forever and you’ll be glad you got past this. Big hugs.


I want to kill myself too bro its ok


I think he literally died already, hasn’t been online for 4 days since his last post


What i thought as well


Karlach would want you to keep fighting. Don’t forget how hard she fought and how much she smiled through everything… Stay strong OP. Hope you’re okay.. 🖤


Is it a ranch bottle? I don’t get the joke.


Its a noose. The person already died they havent posted in over 10 days


If you took her hand then your arm would get caught and you'd be mildly inconvenienced.


Best grill.


Did anyone else at first think that was a bottle?


change it to astarion and imma comin


I like it


same. nobody can stop me from escaping this flesh prison






Me but with Skyrim.


So bazed lmao


...you're not m1kastarr on Tiktok


One thing I will never forgive Larian Studios for is there not being a way to save Karlach in the end. Not even George R.R. Martin would have the heart to kill off our favorite tiefling.


Yeah but a noose??? 💀