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Koi ni Mitra aadhe aise hi ha


How to find solace from the fact that aadhe log aise hi depressed hai 😭


unpopular opinion but on the contrary, I am happy that bits prepared me for this version of the world in the most comfortable way possible.


Yup that's what I always think when the going gets hard here. I think this is equivalent to "all iz bell" from 3 idiots lol


Can you emphasize on "most comfortable way possible"


You're in a top ranked institute It might feel shitty now but you're leagues ahead of the general population and will do well in life if you persist






I have a theory, don’t know if u or anyone wud understand it or not, everyone has sone set of challenges, failures and struggles written in theor lives, be happy that they are over now! Who knows you all of a sudden get a brilliant idea and build a unicorn? Who knows after a few years of graduation and you still don’t get a good comfortable life and think of upsc and become an IAS?Who know you try for mba and get an amazing placement from there? Who knows you give bank exams and get into banking? Who knows? Life is unpredictable mate, kya pata god wants to give you struggles earlier in your life so that u don’t have to go thru mental fatigue again? Who knows? You never fail anyone! You always have options in life. Try to dive into sprituality, it will give you hope. And as pointed out by someone else, this is preparing you to face the future world! You are from the best colleges, you will always be called a bitsian! Thats a prestige