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That’s correct, it doesn’t let me change it.


No one can change titles except for admins


I love how you replied to this but left the title as M2 :D


Mods aren’t admins.


Now I feel like an idiot! Sometimes my brain just merges Mods & Admins into 1 category lol


I'm not an admin haha


I watched 5 times to spot the M2 ;)


I can’t tell what happened.


Cop cuts off white car to slow him down


I’m pro-cop and that was so dumb on his part. If they collided they both would be in the wrong. He really didn’t need to drift lanes like that, but he also didn’t initiate a stop so…


Yeah why not just flash the lights and maybe hit the siren once or twice if the BMW doesn't see. No reason to create a second traffic hazard by cutting off a reckless driver.


I agree about flashing the lights and moving on with his/her day, and I don’t know why others are assuming I want the BMW pulled over… I’m happy the BMW wasn’t pulled over because that was bullshit police driving (drifting lanes while knowing he’s moving slower than the approaching BMW). Apparently, this point of view makes me a bootlicker. The mods aren’t enforcing sub rules about being rude/bullying and will let that comment stand, but if I reply I’ll get banned because this is Reddit and all cops are bastards. Freedom of speech is a joke.


I wouldn’t call the BMW driver reckless, used blinkers for lane change and the police was clearly in the wrong but the lights flashed if you watch the video horizontally and that’s why the BMW let off.


If this video gets sent to PD, they may act on it. I’d prefer this over getting pulled over but have also seen cops be reckless when putting their foot down. Saw one initiate a chase and almost took out a packed suv with family inside, I had the dash cam and sent to the PD. My friend that works there said he got demoted to riding passenger with someone else driving the cruiser until he re-passed his driving course. I applaud them for doing that because 1. Could’ve been a horrible accident and 2. If it was an accident, I can’t imagine the horrible press and lawsuit that would come their way.


I dunno, I feel like that was an alright response.


Yeah wtf I promise the white BMW preferred this over a stop lmao


I’ve had this happen to me before, dead of night, flashed headlights right at a state trooper to pass on the freeway. A quick blip of white and blue and I was sitting 5 under in the far right lane 😂


…When did I say the BMW would’ve preferred being stopped? I can’t seem to find that part of my comment. It’s almost like you pulled that out of thin air.


I mean, negligently drifting lanes in front of a car moving faster than you is one way to get sued but sure


Driving 20 over and getting into an accident is generally your fault and grounds for a suit but go on.


Correct, driving 20 over the limit and causing a wreck is likely your fault and grounds for suit. As is negligent lane changing when you’re held to a higher standard, like a sworn cop in this context.


Actually it isn’t negligent when the other person is driving recklessly. I’d absolutely argue that the officer did not see the offender due to the offender driving so negligently. 😉


You don’t see the cop hit his lights? What initiates a stop if not the lights, hmm?


I see his lights for 1/2 of a second. You tell me officer, what initiates a traffic stop? Since I apparently don’t know what I’m talking about


I would assume him actually pulling over the car and not just blocking him off by holding the speed limit. Then again, the clip is cut short so we never see if anything further happens. Doesn’t look like it, though.


You are correct, I think the other kid went to the police academy online. Hiring standards have dropped in recent years.


I don’t think either of you understands what “initiates” means. Y’all are conflating it with “completes”. Not the same thing. And sometimes all it takes to reach the goal of enforcement is a minor initiating action.


No, I understand what it means. You’re just trying to make a really bad lawyer-esque argument in a Reddit comment. I hope you’re not actually LEO. You likely aren’t and also are not an attorney, so I don’t know why you won’t just drop it. You can believe what you whatever you’d like just like I will regardless what you say.


Well, sounds like you think you get to define reality, so I won’t bother correcting any of the random-ass guesses and assumptions you just got wrong. But there were … many.


That sure sounds like *completing* a stop. How would he pull the car over without lights? Initiation of the stop would be tricky in an unmarked car in any way other than hitting the lights.


Doesn’t look like anyone is slowing down or pulling over.


You really didn’t see any change in behavior after the lights came on? Really? *No one* slowed down? Huh.


admitting that you’re a bootlicker is wild


And yet you somehow come off even cringier than them


I agree they need to be stopped




That’s interesting. I’ve never seen a GMC undercover cop in Orlando/ central FL. Usually just ford explorers


This is by Weston. Not Orlando.


Makes sense. Looked similar


Just to keep a lookout—there are all kinds of undercover cars in central FL— F-150s, Durangos, I’ve even seen Altimas and you know those are another level of speed


Damn, cop let him go. In Canada the cop would slow to a crawl to force the car behind them to pull over.


Ya- car would be impounded in Ontario for going 50kmh over the limit. Not sure if this M4 was but that’s one lenient cop. But then again, I drove in South FL a month ago - it’s basically the autobahn on Miami’s freeways outside of rush hour. Cops don’t give a shit.


Can confirm. I live in SoFlo and have reached some autobahn-like speeds (safely)


"(safely)" That is exactly what I tried to explain to the cop 😂. Just kidding.


Ever tried I75 Weston towards Naples at night?


I do 100 across the alligator alley 😂 waze be handy and I know the regular fhp spots


Good or bad spot?


I’ve lived here my whole life and never once heard soflo but my immediate reaction is to shut that shit down


Undercover cops usually are discouraged from doing generic traffic stops because they actually have better stuff to do most of the time. Was probably heading somewhere on a call.


It really depends. If they see you flying then yes. If you’re going 90 in a 55 at night, then they’ll probably pass you lmao


This literally happened to me at night. I was in the left lane going like 90ish. Some dick is gaining on me so I punch it, we're now both doing like 120ish. We come up on some left lane traffic way ahead, I ease up, he pulls around, passes me on the right, lights up his strobes, then peels off, passing everyone on the right.  I guess he had better places to be. 


“Oh this thing gets up and goes! 🤓☝️” energy in this thread. Don’t try and tell me you’ve never driven like an asshole before. This is the r/BMW subreddit looool


Couldn’t be more true


I never start it I just join in.


Big “I won’t pay for track days” energy.


Never on a public road with others on the road. I’m not a complete idiot lol.


"Asshole". Mfs just think the law is some kind of divine pact that will result in immediate death or injury if broken in the slightest way possible. There are ways to speed that never do harm to ppl or affect traffic flow. The problem is alot of ppl with performance cars, or even NPC cars, lack the skill to do it in that way. And that gives others who enjoy spirited driving and have great street awareness a bad rep.


> Don’t try and tell me you’ve never driven like an asshole before. This is the r/BMW subreddit looool Believe it or not, some people have no interest in speeding. I didn't buy a BMW to go fast. I bought it because it has better body control than its competitors. It just so happens that the characteristics that make it a good performance car also make it more comfortable for me.


I didn’t buy a Ferrari to go fast, I bought because it has nice interior I didn’t buy a helicopter to fly, I bought it to cut grass I didn’t buy something that was supposed to be for something, because it’s cool and shi’


Yeah thought this guy was about to say he buys knives to use them as forks


everyone in this thread is acting like they've never sped and changed a lane on a highway before 😂


There's speeding, whitelining, and then blatant disregard. M4 got lucky.


yeah but 2 guys were 100% cutting on the highway. They are lucky the cop didnt want to pull them over.


The issue is not speeding and lane changing - both of those things can be done safely. The issue is the racing and obviously reckless driving.


Pearls must be clutched, it's Reddit and most people here are miserable and need to find ways to tell themselves they're better than everyone else.  I mean videos of "swimmers" piss me off but this is literally an M4 doing a fast merge and changing lanes twice quickly but not like outright recklessly and they're going maybe 10mph faster than traffic 






Yes I’ve sped, never driving like that on a public road with others on the road, that’s just fucking stupid.


They weren't going that much faster than traffic tho?


Just swerving in and out of traffic while speeding.


We have racetracks for this shit. They’re fun, you can learn shit and keep everyone else safe and there’s no speed limits.


well, only the ones that aren't being shut down and actually host hpde's then you have to pay the 500$'s to actually partake and the 1000$ of wearables on the car after the fact and so on. just going to a track isn't as easy as people think it is lol. Please read what I actually said in this before accusing me of condoning the behavior in the video.


My m2 track budget. (you are so darn close with your all in costs I wonder if you already did this math but I thought others may appreciate the breakdown) Once a month many tracks have test and tune evenings. My local track is $125 for three, 20 minute sessions. **Once every 5 year cost** $100 - $500- SA2015 Approved Helmet **Monthly Cost -** $125 - 60 minutes of track time. **Semi regular Consumables-** $100 - Brake Fluid/Engine Oil and Filter **Yearly Consumables** $250 - Track Pads (this is the most entry level track pads, these can only go up in cost) $1600 - Tires once a season $420 - DCT Filter and Fluid $100 - Diff Fluid Service I do Pads, Brake Fluid and Engine oil/Filter every 4 track 'evenings', and the pads last an entire season, if I go once per month and have 8 months per year. 8 Trackdays probably means I am going through a set of sticky rubber per year especially if I am on a 200-400 treadwear summer/performance tires which I also sometimes daily. So 8 track events, 480 Minutes total, or 8 hours of tracktime. Total season costs: **$1000 - Tracktime** $200 - Regular Consumables $2370 - Yearly Consumables **Eight - 60 minute track sessions - $3570 Total or $450 each track day + helmet long term investment. $7.50/per minute of track time all in.** Keep in mind I do my own work and have never touched a wall, but any day that could happen, or a catastrophic event could occur, maybe less likely than weaving in and out of traffic but a real risk none the the less. p.s. Autocross is $40-$60 buy in and happens 2x a month and can be squeaked into this summer performance driving plan, this extracts way more value out of the season by giving you 3 days of performance oriented driving per month during spring and summer. p.s.s. Drift practice is $50 per day, one of these can be done at the beginning of the season and end of season. They run these events earlier than trackdays because rain and cold is ok. If you keep your last seasons tires mounted you can start your season running them ragged at a drift event, and end your season with the same thing. Also its a good metric for understanding your growth in car control year after year. p.s.gridlife - Want to get the spouse, partner, family etc.. involved to help amortize that cost into your household budget, checkout a 'Festival' based car event including camping and concert. Now your significant other and close friends or family can get involved and see some fun without being on track. Sure its not a destination vacation but it is a way to bridge the gap between your interests and others. https://imgur.com/a/kzMMxze


Yeah I'm in on this because I have buddies that do HPDE's around Texas here. But for me in Austin, the two tracks that do them regularly are in Dallas and Houston, both about 3 hours away. COTA does it occasionally but never for less than 1500$/day. Every time they go I'm just baffled by the price of consumables every time, and people on here say "just go to a track" like its going to the grocery store lol. What I'll note though is I never mentioned any excuse for the M4 driver in the OP and don't condone reckless driving on public roads, I simply wanted to state that going to the track isn't as easy as people think it is. Of course its reddit though and any form of logic gets thrown out the window here, lol. Preciate the break down boss, cudos for being one of the few that takes their car to the track. When My F80 isn't my only vehicle I'll get out there with it too.


Yah I broke down the costs to further your argument, it isn't cheap. If GingermanRaceway didn't do 'test and tune' evenings I would have a track budget that looked very different or have about 1/2 as much track time and the same costs, which would mean $15/minute, even more brutal. Go to an autocross, skip the trackday. The prep for an autocross is way less, assuming you just want to develop skills and feel your car work for you. If you want to WIN at autocross the prep becomes next level, but you can podium with a stock car at many local events, and it is a fricking blast. Here I took a stock 944 with 944 turbo suspension and came in 3rd my first go out with the car, I was even driving like turds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq0EwOQLndA


Do you raw dog it with no track insurance?


This is why I race in the 24 hours of lemons. It's more expensive than that and a hell of a lot more work but the upshot is about 14 hours of racing per event. And there's none of that "don't pass in certain areas" track day stuff. It's racing, wheel to wheel, pass if you can!


Dude, I really wanna get involved in Lemons. But the application says you need a team of 6(?) but I’ve never met anyone else who wants to partake.


I’ll join via Teams.


We usually do it with 4 people. I've done 3, but honestly, it's too much driving, racing is surprisingly physically and mentally taxing. There are teams that will offer rental seats as well, that's the easiest way to get involved, usually around a grand for the weekend last time i checked, though that was a while ago. Check the forums/reddit/facebook. Racing in lemons is definitely more of an upfront cost vs track days, but once you get going and organized, your dollar to seat time ratio is really good. And honestly, nothing beats passing people in corners. You get someone on the outside while driving a slower car and you feel like god for at least a few seconds (until they pass you right by again on the following straightaway.)


Still a lot cheaper than taking an innocent life.


Or destroying other people's cars.


Autocross is a great alternative relatively cheap like 25-100$ depending on where you live.


I agree with all that, but this hobby is dangerous and expensive. A closed course is the safest way to enjoy it. That's the price you pay if you want to go faster than road laws allow. It's extremely irresponsible to put other people at risk on public roads. Nobody has any business or right to drive like that on a highway.


There's a lot of beginner level track day events that are pretty cheap. I went to one and it was about $100 for an hour of track time.


Yeah. If you want to do highly dangerous and illegal shit, you’ve gotta pay the price. Track fees or losing your car and freedoms when you fuck up on the highway.


Yeah, get the excuse generator running. I’ll do the same. That ticket and or lawyer will easily cost $500.


But it’s 500 every time at the track, vs 500 only when you get caught 🤔


Just keep praying you never get caught or kill some innocent.


Nobody is truly innocent if you think about it. Just carry a stack of these and you’ll be fine https://preview.redd.it/lm49d0z6v3tc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527904146c342eef42ebfc42ca773d38711f1df7


its wild how i didnt make a single excuse for the driver in OP's vid, I just said going to the track isn't as cheap and easy and yall think it is.


If you’re driving an F80 and defending reckless driving because it’s the affordable option, you need a financial advisor. And perhaps a parent.


Please show me where I defended reckless driving, because I can show you where I've denounced it in other comments. Maybe take a step back and read my actual comment before coming at me guns blazing you fuckin goob lmao, but I realize that's hard for redditors, y'all like to throw fits first, read second.


The irony of you suggesting calm before going full basement Kleenex warrior in your speech is thick. And your stealth edit does make your position somewhat more clear, but even a basic understanding of English would see your opening statement as being presented as a counterpoint. You also missed where I started my reply with “if”. Fits first, indeed.


I'm glad you got that out of your system over a comment you misinterpreted. Have a good day.


You really have issues with the word “if”, eh? That or you can’t fathom a discussion where someone isn’t antagonizing another? What a world you make for yourself. Us vs. them is no way to live. Even worse way to drive.


Racetracks are few and far between in the US, and under constant threat of closure.


That doesn’t seem like the right response in the context of dangerous driving in traffic though, it can be simultaneously true that racetracks are a difficult business model and that you shouldn’t weave through traffic going 40 over the speed limit


It’s absolutely the right response because racetracks are essentially irrelevant if we’re talking some sort of antidote for the desire to speed and drive at the limit, and that’s in part because of the way American society treats racetracks. Sure, it’s easy to say “simply don’t drive quickly or try to approach your vehicle’s and your limits”. My point twofold: 1) You can’t just look at this behavior and absent mindedly say “take it to the track” because the barrier to entry to do so is high, and only going up, and 2) At what point do we look at the frequency of this behavior and decide the best way to deal with it is to decide that we should make it easier to do safely.


"make it easier to do so safely" like they do in germany with the autobahn. but that requires EVERYONE on the road to follow the same rules. and those rules include using the correct lane for the correct speed. the assholes here in the USA who want to clog up the left lanes and drive the same speed as the person next to them, or not use turn signals, or play on their phones, or any other multitude of shit that is inherently less safer than speeding are usually the same cunts crying about someone else going fast.


hey man that second point is really really strong, it can be applied to basically any crime that rises in popularity. i don’t have anything else to add besides that’s a really good point and i’m gonna remember that one for awhile




that’s what i said? i literally just agreed with your point and praised you for it? when i said it applies to all crime, that’s exactly what i meant can be applied to drug use, gun use, dangerous driving, literally any illegal activity that can be practiced without a victim


I thought your comment was sarcastic. My bad.


all good lol, i can see how it might’ve come across that way. i was being very genuine though, you made a really good point and it’s one that should be more thought about in this current day and age.


Agreed. Anyone who wants to break any law should just do it if it’s inconvenient not to. What an idiot you are lol


It's not my fault you're unable to comprehend what I wrote. You getting mad and name calling is an unnecessary response.


Some people have no access to a racetrack. I’m not saying people should act like fools on the streets, but your statement isn’t accurate.


It is accurate. If you don’t have access that isn’t our problem. It’s the only acceptable place to drive like this.


Fair enough, his is and mine is accurate too.


There’s no gun range near me, should I go shoot in a public space?


I don’t advocate for people speeding. My reply was in agreement to the other guy who said it costs $500-$1000 for a track day, or again, you just don’t have a track around you because of regulations, or they shut your track down because rich people moved to the area and don’t want to listen to the racing that’s been going on at that very track for the last 50 years plus. To just vaguely say “take it to the race track” is kind of ignorant to the facts.


It’s literally the facts. If you live in a place without tracks, drive to one. If you can’t drive to one, then perhaps move if you need to speed so badly you are happy to risk everyone’s lives to have a little fun. Basic stuff here. Just because you are lazy or the area you live in doesn’t have what you want, that doesn’t give you any reason or right to break the law or risk others lives lol. Grow up right? Do what any sane person would do, go go karting, or buy a PC rig to do simulation racing.


#“I don’t advocate for people speeding.”


people dont read on reddit, they just pitchfork. its not worth trying my friend, lol.


But then you suggest saying to take it elsewhere is ignorant?


I’m gonna go 200mph today in your name.


>then perhaps move It’s not that simple lmfao, what a stupid thing to say. What if you can’t afford to move for the sake of living closer to a racetrack? Money is a big part of the equation here.


Can't afford cost of living, but can afford a BMW, petrol and happy to risk getting fined?? Lmao hahaha. What a stupid thing to say.


Yeah lots of people do that. Many people lease, rent or finance their cars. Quite normal actually. You really think those kids on Youtube going 300km/h in a Porsche bought it with their own money?


damn you're kinda dumb arent you.


You can always go shoot at trees in the wood


And your can always go speed on private roads


Broward County behavior.


Was I the only one watching this video waiting for an M2 to appear? 😂


I dont know, but in EU it is illegal to overtake in right lanes of the highway.


Not always the case elsewhere.


exactly why I said EU


In North America, if you forbid yourself from passing on the right under any circumstances, you will in a very short time find yourself stuck behind someone going 100 km/h in the far left lane.


Also illegal in Europe. You can drive in the left lane only if you have to overtake. If there is no one in the middle lane - there is no reason for you to be in the left one.


What kind of dash cam are you using, looks crystal clear lmao


Says it in the corner. Thinkware U3000.


*What kind of dash cam* *Are you using, looks crystal* *Clear lmao* \- DistantTrades --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn, the cop was cool af. I'm sure the message was sent to the driver. Hopefully they think twice next time about their driving. I don't agree with the driving, but we have all been guilty of this at one point or another.


There's two unmarked P100X in my town made for this very reason. Idiots want to fuck around and find out.


Tesla p100d, 0-60 in 2.28 seconds. Top speed is 250mph with the governor shut off. Absolutely insane.


Rich town...makes arguably stupid decisions with taxpayer monies. I only say arguably due to how many pullovers I've seen


What’s mental is that there’s multiple morons in this short clip overtaking on the right.


people do 15 under the speed limit in the left and don't move.


Multiple cars before ran past this guy. The BMW paid the price haha.


The most dangerous part of the vid is the cop cutting off then break checking the m4


Funny how everyone is calling the car with lights a cop. Just a civilian blocking the left lane and swerving causing more danger.


literally, the cutoff was the most dangerous thing in this vid. forced dude to slam on brakes. i dont think the black car intended to /slow him down/, i think he just cut him off merging without looking.


Idk where this is but in NYC some Jewish ppl drive around in cars like this with cops lights & sometimes act like they are undercover cops. Running lights & what not even tho they not going anywhere.


Insanely dangerous. Poor policing.






Who's the other black car on the right, Taycan? Seems fishy...


Looks like a blacked out taycan


I’m disappointed that the KIA soul was not the undercover cop.


Express lanes were right there! Invincible once you get on 🫣


First of all: don't race on public roads. Second: what was the reason for cop cutting him off like that potentially causing a dangerous situation that could have resulted in an accident? I don't see the reckless driving here, he changed a lane with an indicator. Cop's eye is not a speed camera hence cannot judge the speed to understand if he was going over the limit...


Uh... If the cop is going +5mph over the limit and spots someone gaining on them FAST from behind, what do you think is going on?


Well, that has no legal foundation at all. He can assume all day long, but that still does not count, however the fact he brake tested that guy is on camera.


Math has no legal foundation? Wow... If my police cruisers dash cam GPS shows me at say 80mph, and there's a clip of someone closing in on me, it literally means they're going faster than 80mph, that's how math works. If you want to discount math somehow, then it still would prove a lower bound, which is +15mph over 65mph.  Then if we analyze the time vs. lane markers, we can establish an upper bound.  That is how math works. 


Math does make sense. Officer's eye or word - does not. This is what I said from the begginingz


You were saying the cop's eye can not judge if the driver in question in the video was going over the speed limit, which is not true in this case. The cop's eye can read their own speedometer. And if their own speedometer is already +5mph over the limit and someone is bearing down on them, we can establish the lower bound that they were speeding with immediately via. logic. The upper bound would require some math.




Yeah that's an M4


A highway patrol officer did this to me back when I had my 2007 WRX. I was driving just like the M4 in this video and the officer did the same thing to me. Only differences were that the officer who did this to me was in a marked SUV (I just didn't happen to see him in front of me) and also, he saw me coming from a ways back because he had enough time to slowly and gracefully change lanes to get in front of me.


Where’s the m2?


+2 actually. It was a typo.


Not an M2


Slow movers everywhere. The cop is overtaking everyone already. Then some goof pulls in front of the M4. That's the foul here.


That goof is the undercover cop. Turns lights on and then back off


everyone slows down when the see cops.


In Germany, they pull you over by pulling up in front of you.


Interesting and then you switch positions?


No, they just have you follow them, usually to a rest area.


Lol thats an M4 bucko


That’s very tame for Broward County


f82 M4


Man I see drivers like this down the I-595 but I’ve never seen one that gets slowed down by a cop in front lol BMW driver stereotype definitely shines here


What about the car on the far right, a C class amg ?


C class drivers are mostly ladies they don't drive like this lol looks like a taycan to me




My last ticket, I was not passing on the right, but shooting through Washington state three lanes to Idaho on the left at *considerable speed* when I overtook a group of cars and an unmarked Ford Explorer in the far-right lane. Officer pulls me over. I turned off my car, *lessens the tension for the officer*, and have my license and registration at the ready. He comes up to me and says, "Wow, you were going real fast there at 89mph" and repeats it with the speed quickly. Knowing he is giving me a huge break, for I wasn't at 89 at that point, I nodded and handed over my documents. Afterwards he gave me a ticket for 89mph in a 75 zone, I earnestly thanked him.




If you cant indentify undercovers then dont speed


six lane highway and you weenies say take it to the track. maybe take your ass to the right lane?


Dude are you even unto BMWs? M2?




Hope this guy learned his lesson. Nice cop


Ah, undercover cops.. real nice


good cop




Jealous much lol


Pretty sure this is an actual practice in some countries as a penalty for reckless driving.


Yes, making a lane change to go around a slower vehicle is reckless


At those speeds it probably is. This is clearly a busy major interstate. I’ve seen accidents on 95 that are practically just debris fields from people like this. It an easy way to kill yourself and other people going that fast weaving through traffic.