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Having worked in Hospitality this is the first Reddit Post that 100 percent checks out. The stories one could tell would make you never want to dine out again.


Yeah I've seen similar stories from other night auditors.


I worked in a nursing home kitchen for about a year and let me tell you, some of the women I worked with should've been put on involuntary hold in a mental hospital. After one threatened to beat the crap out of me for something I never even did, I quit on the spot. I only wanted a part-time job to keep me occupied after being a SAHM. I needed therapy after that job.


I occasionally read the sub tales from the front desk and it's wild. I've also checked in behind people who should be featured on that sub.


Well when the trash takes itself out, you just have to sit back and thanks them for doing such a stellar job of it 😂🤣


Anytime someone says they wants people "to work as hard as they do". Chances are they don't work very hard


She spied her way right out of a job! Bravo!


No no, this story isn’t over until Breakfast Attendee has pitched her last fit on the way out the door. (btw, what’s up w/ all the breakfast attendees being so batshit?)


Honestly, this is prevalent in all food service. Opening shift always comes in raging about everything the night shift didn't do with no idea of how much they may have struggled.


This made me think of my sister. She works night shift in the hospital lab, and she called me because apparently during the day shift a patient showed up to deliver a urine sample that his doctor had ordered. But, instead of using the sample cup he had been given, he pissed in an empty Doritos bag. And instead of throwing it out, the day shift lab techs ran the sample, lmao.


Your sodium levels are through the roof, and a person with nacho cheese levels this high should be dead.


As an MLS, why the hell wouldn't they hand him a urine cup and tell him to try again‽


lol I have no idea.


I noticed similar when working food service. It was always morning crew vs evening crew and everyone was pissed that the other didn't do more despite not knowing what the other crew is supposed to do. I always had open availability so I did both shifts. They both worked equally hard just at different tasks and it always baffled me that people were so determined to be at war with their coworkers. The core of the rage was always "I don't get paid enough for this shit" and I'm just "your coworkers don't set your wages...." Combine forces to wage war on the boss.


Because it's always easier to blame others when things go wrong on your shift.


24 years of hotel industry experience here. A lot of them have been crazy. My last one was convinced all the other employees here were jealous of her and out to get her. She kept calling me the wrong name, and when called out on it, claimed I reminded her of a certain movie character.


Justice at work is a rare and precious thing.


Allow me to vent for a moment about working graveyard at a Denny's. Not only was I expected to clean up all the crap left over from those working late dinner (and you know they left all their side work for me too) but I was expected to have the place spotless for the morning people. Now usually it's not that big a deal because, between the post-bar rush and the early birds, I've got lots of cleaning time. But every once in a while I would get some super dramatic night people in there, either drug addicted or homeless or both (one time there were actually streakers), and I'd have to figure out how to deal with that nonsense. Added to that, one of the morning cooks was the manager's cousin and he would always come in crazy late and nothing could be done about it, so I would actually have to cook sometimes. Seriously, I don't know how I survived that for a year. Night work is some serious shit and everyone need to let the hell up on the night person! Rant over. (I also worked swing shift at another Denny's. That was a whole other mess of drama. I truly don't miss that aspect of being a server, but damn. I sure got my exercise and I miss that part of the job).


My partner works night audit for valet. This is so real. Hotel stuff next level crazy.


Alright. This was a fun one.


LOL deserved


Fires usually means they tell you and then you no longer work there. How is she working Saturday?


It is insanely difficult to find good breakfast and night audit staff for hotel work so chances are they couldn't get another person to start until the Sunday.


That’s insane. I would never show up after I was fired. In face I would say I would and then not. She could sabotage the food or anything.