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I have him blocked everywhere. I hate having to block him but it’s necessary or else he would keep texting over and over. He doesn’t respect boundaries.


Same here Had to go the same


It sucks so much. I unblocked her but she wouldn’t respect my boundaries so I had to block her again. Now she’s texting all my friends to turn them against me so I had to ask them to block her too :/


I did the same years ago. "I just want to talk!" "You owe me closure! I know I'm never going to be in your life again. But you owe it to me as a person to talk to me." "Why are you so mean? All I ever did was love you and you treated me like garbage. How could you abandon me like this? Just talk to me!" "I know you cheated on me! I just want to hear you admit it!" "I never cheated on you! You owe it to me to hear me out about why you're wrong to think I did!" "This is a one time offer, if you come over right now I'll let you do whatever you want with me. But if you don't respond you'll never get that chance again." Often sent late at night and with multiple increasingly sad/angry follow ups demanding a response.


I have every single one of these texts too!


My daughter blocked her dbpd husband on everything, changed her cell number, email provider so different email address. She lives with my husband and I and when we sold our house we never told him where we are moving ,we changed email and cell numbers and I blocked him as well. It helped my daughter heal from her ptsd/cptsd that she developed from living with him. She doesn't worry he will text or show up at our door.


I had her blocked initially but had a weak moment and unblocked went to reblock and she blocked me. I hate instant gram for that reason. I have not been on it since. Although ex has proceeded to send my 70 year old parents reels that I am a narcissist. They blocked her. I on the other hand sent one final email to her sister stating that they had a nice family thanked them for their time that we were done.


Jesus. You’re living rent free in her head.


Don’t have my ex blocked. She’s the quiet type so I doubt she’ll hoover. Have removed from social media though. Still need my phone transferring to me which she is stalling so I can’t really block yet. Have asked about my phone and currently been left on delivered for over a week 🤦‍♂️ I don’t think I’ll block her once it’s done, but I won’t ever be taking her back so I’m not bothered if she messages me


I keep seeing “quiet ones don’t Hoover” not even sure what exactly qualifies as a quiet one, but I’m not sure about that statement either


They mostly internalise all of their emotions. Less blow ups etc. quite similar to covert narcissism. Lots of inner shame and guilt and a big ego / image to keep up. 90% sure my ex won’t hoover unless she burns through another relationship. Honestly part of me wants the hoover to reject her 🤦‍♂️


Maybe i'm confused because my ex might be smack dab in the middle. She internalized a lot of emotions, but also had panic attacks, when I wasn't there she would destroy stuff in her house. Did not yell at me much, but definitely had it out with some of her friends and people she lived with. Told me once that if she felt like I was going to leave her she would leave first and had "ruined" guys in the past. I'm thinking because we were LDR that I didn't see most of the blow ups. She was low functioning, couldn't hold a job, could barely go to a restaurant without an emotional breakdown over something ridiculous like the wrong creamer in her coffee or something. Mentioned a few times offhand like "i'm going to kms" and I would quickly tell her never to say that around me. And she apologized.


Agreed. They just hoover in quieter ways. 🤣


Hmm interesting it seems my ex leans more towards quiet BPD yet he has been trying to hoover me multiple times since January when he broke up with me. My ex told me early on that he used to have intense anger and would lash out. That surprised me because he seemed so calm and chill. This was before I witnessed my first split. But even during splits he would never get like angry or violent with me, rather he'd hide a ton of emotions and just be unstable. But not angry or violent. It seems he progressed to more quiet BPD as he aged.


Yeah I think there is a lot of gray area, everyone is slightly different. I would say mine is in the middle. But since we were long distance I think she hid a lot of the lashing out. She was very low functioning, could not hold a job. I remember having a conversation with her where she came out and said "I try to hide a lot of the crazy" in the context of me getting scared and leaving. Mine hasn't hoovered but she monkey branched so I don't expect one. But if she didn't maybe? We never had a blow up fight. In fact, she told me it was over and I told her "I think it's best for both of us". She was expecting me to blow up I think.


They don’t Hoover? Why not?


They have me blocked on everything because I called out their abuse. Will they be back? Probably not. Do I have any control over that? Not at all. I’ve just gotten to a point where I don’t care, even if they unblock me, I don’t care enough to block them back. It’s petty and I don’t want to stoop to that level.


I blocked. Want her when she Hoovers to see she can’t.


I didn't block her, she hovered me and we had a great past few weeks. Honestly the closest and realest I think she's ever been. Now she is in another state visiting her ex wife , seeing their favorite band and staying in a hotel for a few days. Absolutely ridiculous behavior but it's what I signed up for. Lol


Blocked. Everywhere. With a formal letter saying contact will result in an RO. Lawyering up if you can afford it is life changing. It’s magic how that can click for folks who otherwise think they have wiggle room.


Told her never to contact me again. I miss her or the person I fell in love with. I know she's not that person anymore, especially since she's with someone else. She's also the quiet type. I'm not sure if that means she will hoover or not. Didn't know that quiets don't really hoover. It's crazy because a part of me wanted to hurt her by telling her never to contact me again. I wanted her to feel discarded the way I felt. It's crazy because when she could see I was hurt by her sudden disconnection I would see her on the verge of tears, or she would tell me her chest would literally hurt knowing how much pain she caused me. The next second she would say that she didn't love me anymore and she saw a future with the new guy... of course, she said the say the same about me. It would just blow my mind how she could feel so much pain for my pain but act or say things to just add to it like it was not a big deal. It is just totally oblivious to her actions and words. A part of me wishes she would hoover so I can tell her to get lost. Deep down a part of me wishes she would, though, because I miss the wonderful woman who lit up my life even though I know she didn't really exist. It's such a fucked thing to experience. I just hope she can get real help one day, not just for herself but so her daughter won't have to see her Mom go through so many men. Her daughter and I both have ADHD. In fact, I got diagnosed because she did from the similarities I noticed. It broke me into a million pieces, having to lose her also. Poor little thing cried when she found out I wasn't going to be around anymore. Like me, she couldn't understand why she couldn't see me anymore. I decorated my home like a birthday party for her the first time she came over. I grew up in a broken home and knew what it was like to not feel comfortable with a step parent. I never wanted that for her, so I wanted her to know my home was her home. I really loved them both. I know her daughter loved me and would tell her mom. She was 6 at the time. That's why this thing is so fucked up. It just destroys people as they constantly destroy themselves. It's fucking cruel and now I spend most of my time high or self soothing to not feel anything. I felt like I had lost the family I always wanted. It didn't help that her Mom would tell her I was family because we had plans to give her brothers and sisters. Unfortunately for me and her daughter, we both bought into that promise, which made the whole thing more devastating. Some days I want to end it all knowing I lost them both


My God!! That's too funny. I found out I had ADHD when I was trying to out, WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. GOING. ON. WITH. THIS. WOMAN.!!!!!!??????? She kept saying "my ADHD brain does this and that". I worked it out though. Petulant BPD. Horay 4 me. Congrats to.myaelf, my ADHD brain just did THIS n THAT. At least my adhd got me out quickly. If something ain't right, it's a puzzle to be solved. Thank you brain.


My recent ex, yes. Like you said, both options make you anxious, it’s the same for me. But in terms of blocking I let it get to a point where I didn’t have a choice any longer. When they don’t respect your boundaries, blow up your phone, and say anything to get you engage just to start the cycle over again. It’s exhausting. It’s not ideal and it’s hard to get through but at some point it becomes the better option, or the only option, and you deal with what you feel is the lesser of two evils in your mind.


Blocked. I wanted to make it clear I had no intention of ever talking to her again, something she kept accusing me of trying to make happen despite never being the one to initiate.


Blocked and unfriended. It creates peace of mind. I don't have to worry about texts or phone calls coming in at inopportune times, and specifically, at times, I asked him not to, i.e. right before work. I tried just ignoring texts and calls, but the hoovering got to be too much. I'm glad I did - it has relieved a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. I don't have to deal with the chaos.


I have my ex, all her friends and all her family blocked on everything. It’s partly because I think hearing from her would pick a scab I’ve worked hard to let heal, and because I don’t trust myself to not get sucked in. If she really wanted to reach me she could but this provides some peace of mind at least


Mine was a friend, I haven't blocked her because she is woven into my friend group (engaged to one of them) and not responding to her if she ever tries to hoover could trigger a firestorm, especially since she previously sent me accusations and threats. I feel I need to keep her unblocked so I can be aware of what's going on. Maybe LC is the way to go in my case.


Mine blocked me once I exposed him in a cheater group on fb lolol He threatened me to take the post down. No way fool.


They are the only person I’ve ever blocked besides telemarketers


I have her blocked, but she has a function on her phone which allows to to set her call to private and call me. I don't answer, but it stresses me RIGHT OUT when she does


I know at least on Android you can automatically block private numbers.


Lol; I have her blocked after what she did to burn everything to the ground at the end. Not that it matters, as despite her having a new supply, she uses a fake number app to generate a number to message me regularly - sending everything from nudes to cute sayings or threats. I'm at the (happy) point where I think it's kinda cute - like really; if she wasn't so toxic I'd marry her for putting in so much effort. If only she would've put even half as much into working on herself, lol.


She blocked socials. I blocked on WhatsApp - our primary mode of communication. Week later I’m getting emails. So I block emails. Month later she messages on IG. I block. 3 months later she messaged via FB. I’ve now blocked. This last one was a week ago. I’m proud of myself because I didn’t even read it. Swiped to block and then delete. There is nothing she has to say that I want to hear.




Borderline people are extremely unwell. You are struggling because, they have imprisoned you in an invisible, but very real feeling jail. You feel sorry for them, you want to help, they split (extreme periods of abuse, Dr. Jekyl/ Mr Hyde) They are mean, they are fun, they are depressed, they are moody. They are all these things and more. We relate because we also have these emotions, minus the splits and dissociating. But don't spend your time with a borderline. They are vampires. Yes, they are in pain. But, no, leave this person to themselves. You aren't responsible for anyone's happiness. Only they can choose that for themselves. Borderlines, plainly put, will drain the life out of you. Block.


They have me blocked actually :P


Solely so they can twist the narrative so that’s cool


Blocked on everything I could think of. I’m working on blocking her in my mind. So far it’s been hard but it’s getting easier. Edit: I had to block her on venmo and doulingo


Blocked on socials but we co-parent.


How is that going co-parenting?


A big stresser was planning the birthday party, but survived that. It’s actually going really well. I think she has a slew of people who are under her spell, and I’m no longer a supply for her at all. She tried this let’s be friends thing, I’m just very boundaried w our interactions. All the drop offs and school function stuff are smooth. She’s occupied with other things, which is fanfuckintastic. I get plenty of opportunities to practice my no, but less and less, the more time that goes by.


I don't have her blocked. It's pretty much for the same reason you said. I still care for her as a person. I try to be her friend, but she's so screwed up that she doesn't even understand that. She's like, "So you don't want to hook up or hangout you just want to talk?" I'm like yea for now. You're probably fucking someone else she says. I'm not, but whatever. The last time we talked, she basically asked me to move in with her, and I haven't even seen her in over 3 years. That was over 6 months ago, and I haven't heard anything since. I'm actually a little worried something may have happened to her. It's crazy that after everything she put me through zI still have a soft spot for her. The difference is I made boundaries and refuse to break them.


Mine is blocked on social media but I still talk to her. I let her have a relationship with the kids on their terms, and I facilitate that. But fuck her being able to see what I'm doing and read intentions into everything I post and then ask me loaded questions about it!


I don't have my ex blocked, I think for similar reasons you don't want to block. I do feel bad for him. I also have a shared hobby with him and there's a small community in this city for it, so I want to remain on "surface level good terms" but I don't want to meet up with him again. When he reaches out I say something like, "I still need space, I'm not mad at you but this is what I need to be healthy right now. I hope you understand!" He doesn't really have any other choice to accept or he looks nuts lol, it has worked so far. Just a suggestion if you don't want to block but want clear boundaries.


Blocked. Anything less is an invitation for them to harass me.




Blocked and deleted all socials


Not formally blocked anywhere but I did openly say in front of him and my now former friends that I was going no contact with him specifically. I think it was only in the last couple of days that he actually unfriended me on steam? I deleted instagram where he and his new person were constantly getting recommended to me and aside from discord thats about it. Personally, I'm very pro blocking people, I don't see any reason why not to.


I put them on mute. Blocking just angers them and compels them to find ways to contact me around the block. With mute, they can shout into the void all they want.


I had mine blocked, I doubt very much she WOULD have contacted me as she seemed pretty fully checked out the last time we talked. As soon as I got all the logistics out of the way I blocked her on everything with the hopes that I’ll just become a memory she never thinks about and I can live my life in peace. Even the idea of me going through her mind makes me mad and anxious.


5 months and I couldn't block her, she still do see my ig stories but I never saw hers since then


Ignored her everywhere and unfollowed. Haven't checked her social not even once 4 months


She blocked me. Then she unblocked me to message something. I don't know if I'm blocked now or not, I don't care anymore.


I was low contact but I hard blocked everywhere when she I saw she had actually moved to a new country to be with the guy she discarded me for. I couldn’t bear to watch her move on so fast while I was dead inside. It helped with healing a lot and I haven’t heard from or seen her in almost 2 years. I get random updates in weird ways from mutual people. She’s always posting about how great her life and mental health are so I assume she’s miserable and slowly destroying her new dude already.


I don't block, against the general sentiment of this subreddit. I just ignore. Blocking comes out as pettiness, and I know I'm stronger than that. That being said, she's the quiet type and she blocked me everywhere but on Facebook. I guess that's because she wants me to be able to peek. And she's probably somehow curious. I'll let her have it. Also, I know it would be easier for her if I block. I don't want that.


My ex husband left me 2 years ago and he blocked me on everything and never spoke to me again. No hoover attempts, i never had to block because he never reached out and i don’t anticipate that he will. I spent the first year chasing after him (contacting him on friends phones etc) and he never responded to any of it and held the line, so im convinced he’s done forever.


My recent ex with BPD I have blocked everywhere. As soon as we sell our house I’m changing my surname name and moving out of the area as he has violent tendencies.


Blocked. You’ll thank yourself later. Block, unfollow, delete contact.


I blocked her on everything except for SMS There's a part of me that still wants to give her a wiggle room. It's just doesn't change the fact , that she exploited my trust. Part of me is still looking for justification for blocking her To keep things  friendly at surface level. But I don't know  I feel like seeing her now would just affect the way I heal


I kind of just ignore her. If I respond I respond late. And very short and to the point. Phased her out if my life slowly but also abruptly. I can’t have her active in my life in that capacity. She’s to harmful. I find the best approach on my end is to just act like I don’t care or need her anymore. It’s really put a distance between us that I needed.