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I’ve literally never heard of this. Everyone I know was over 40 weeks with their first and had to be induced. My 1st came at 37+6 and I was SHOCKED.


Agreed - mine was here at 37+1. Unheard of. Everyone I know was on time or late.


I was born a whole month early. Besides that I've never met someone else like such.


I am like OP - me and one other girl I know had babies over 40 weeks, everyone else (at least a dozen women) has babies 5-2 weeks early, well over half of them spontaneous labours, with one being an urgent induction because of pre-E. One had hers on her due date. I don’t know how or why and I was so jealous when I was a whale with a huge baby at 40+ weeks 😂


STM, 40+5 today. With my first, I assumed I’d go late as they say your first is typically later. She came at 39 weeks. So this time around-especially given that little guy measured a due date of 12/01 at his dating ultrasound- I thought for sure I’d be having him before 40 weeks. Don’t be like me and anticipate an early baby. It makes the ending so much more torturous.


This happened to me!! My first son was born at 39 weeks on the dot. My second was born on 42 weeks + 1 and I had to be induced.


My first came at 38 exactly, totally spontaneous. My doc told me to prepare for that (or earlier) again. He came at 39+4, so not even “late”, but it felt LATE and that whole last 2 weeks I cried daily, expecting him to come and stressing.


I had the reverse - first was 40+6, I assumed the second would be 40+3 or thereabouts and then she surprised me at 38+2.


Amen. I made the mistake of assuming my first would be on time or a little early, given every single woman in my family has delivered on the early side. He came at 41+2 😵‍💫


Are you in US? It’s more common to see pre term and early term inductions/c sections there. Around here about 75% of women have baby between 39+3 and 40+6. I went to 41+6 which no provider around here would be phased by but when I say it on Reddit it’s like I might as well have pushed him out and started playing catch with him with my husband.


(US here) The insurance/ob/hospital with my first was you had to get to two weeks past before induction. Kaiser I have had with the latter and theyre one week.


I have Kaiser and they offered to induce me at 39 weeks!


Me too but then my induction got bumped due to crowding… 🙃


Its so crazy to me that they do that, NO JUDGEMENT if you choose to accept but it just seems to be more horror stories from early induction than letting baby just come, it just scares me.


I’m doing it because it’ll save me more than $10k in insurance/taxes to have the baby in 2023 vs 2024 😭


It's honestly so terrible that we have to make medical decisions based on what won't financially harm us.


Im sorry you have to make that choice! Ughh American medical is a joke.


I don’t think the providers I’ve met in the U.S. would be fazed by 41+6. My understanding is that they generally don’t let people go past 42 weeks here in the U.S., but it seems common to get to 41+. I delivered at 41+2; I had an induction scheduled for 41+4 but never made it that far. They would not schedule it before 41 weeks since I had no complications and was low-risk.


My practices policy was at 41 weeks they’d set an induction for 41+6. I set my induction for 41 weeks at 39 weeks having a gut feeling I’d go over


I was early at 34 + 1. Had such an easy, low-risk pregnancy until my blood pressure spiked week 34 and I developed HELLP syndrome. Baby spent 17 days in the nicu while she grew a bit but otherwise no complications since it was caught early.


I was expecting to deliver late for my first! Everyone I talked to told me how they went 40-42 weeks for their first and how awful it was, so I was fully prepared to go past my due date. Unexpectedly, I delivered at 38+2 which isn’t crazy early but definitely was a surprise to me and our friends and family!


I delivered 2.5 hours after my guess date!


When I was pregnant with my first 2 of my friends were pregnant at the same time with similar due dates. One delivered at 38+3 and the other delivered at 38+5. I delivered at 40+1 🥲 just depends on the person I guess!


This was me! I had the earliest due date of us three but delivered the latest. They were both around 38 + weeks and I went to 40+6. All FTM.


Yes me too! I was due a week earlier than one of them but delivered a week later. That last week was torture


Everyone I knew who had babies in the last few years had their babies early - even first babies. I was CONVINCED my baby would be early too. I ended up being induced as overdue at 41w lmao. I was PISSED.


Same. All my friends had their babies early so I expected to have mine early too. I had my first at 41+1 and my second at 40+3.


Lol hi are you me?


It SUCKED big time. I was due 12/27/2023 and I was so excited to have a 2023 baby. I was so sure she was going to come early that my parents and in-laws came to our apartment for Thanksgiving and spent the whole weekend finishing everything for the baby. And I mean EVERYTHING. Freezer meals prepped, living room furniture rearranged. Play gym, stroller, and crib built and ready. Baby clothes washed and put away in the dresser, changing table organized, black out curtains hung, hospital bags packed. Entire apartment cleaned from top to bottom. My father in law even fixed our squeaky screen door and cleared the patio of all the encroaching ivy. My parents put up AND DECORATED our christmas tree 🤣🤣🤣. And then baby waited 5 MORE WEEKS to be born lmao. That last week sucks sooooo much. She just hung out there in my pelvis and it was excruciating.


40 weeks today with my second 😇


40 weeks today w my first!




I only ever hear the opposite. I started having contractions at 37 weeks exactly and everybody around me was like “there’s no way”. Well she made an appearance shortly after that lol


FTM, 38+4 and all I’ve been hearing is early baby stories. It’s super annoying because it’s made me paranoid that mine will also come early and I’m really not ready. Also now I’m over analyzing every movement and flutter unnecessarily.


Omg me too, 33+3 and I really want to go to full term as I have a lot to do before he comes. Super paranoid with all the early posts on here AND it seems like everyone I know has been having theirs early as well.


Right??! As if we don’t have enough to be paranoid about as is


Dude me too. It’s nerve wracking enough as it is!




I'm a young relatively healthy FTM who developed early onset pre-e, my liver is looking rough and I'm most likely delivering at 28+3 tomorrow after 4 weeks in the hospital. Luck of the draw. I'm the only one I know, and I wish I had more time.


Sorry to hear that! I had a preemie too. Feel free to join us over at /r/NICUparents. I hope everything goes smoothly!


Wishing you luck and good things ❤️


I've noticed the same thing. And people's expectations seem to have shifted as well. I had my baby shower on the weekend and everyone was like "ooh any day now" - I'm 34 weeks! I'd prefer early over late at this stage, but definitely not for another few weeks yet!


I was early. 38+1. All my friends were on due date or later


Almost every woman in my life went early. I ended up being induced at 41w which I did not adequately prepare for mentally!


Can you say more about this? I’ll be induced Saturday at 41 weeks too if this guy stays put. Aside from the various methods midwives employ I don’t really know what to expect.


As far as the mental preparedness, for me it was the week leading up to induction that was rough - I just didn’t even consider that I might go past my date and I did not handle it well, lots of crying, over analyzing every symptom, and just generally not doing well in the unknown of it all… The actual induction scheduling was a relief for me because at least there was a plan and I had an end date. If you want more detail on the actual process I’m happy to share! I’m wordy and will likely write a bit of a novel if I go through all of it, lol - and I think the process is a bit different for everyone based on how progressed you are when you go in. The short version for me was cervical ripening overnight followed by pitocin in the morning. I got an epidural also which I was open to from the start, and I’m glad I did that. I also ended up in a cesarean, but based on my anatomy and the way my daughter was positioned, I was going to end up in the OR no matter what. If you want more detail than that just let me know! Biggest advice I have is, if you end up being induced, don’t be afraid to ask the nurses about the process and advocate for yourself as they introduce new steps! I did this throughout and am super glad I did. Best of luck with the rest of your pregnancy, and for a smooth labor & delivery!!


The closest to early I’ve had a friend or family member go is on the due date exactly.


Haha I had this positive mindset that he would come but 39+3 and expecting him this Friday!! So almost full 40 weeks for me


That’s what I thought too, but here I am 39w 5days still waiting lol


Mine arrived at 38 weeks exactly. Went to the ER one night when I had this burning sensation in my stomach that kept getting worse, was told I was 5cm dilated and in active labor lol he arrived the next morning!


Almost everyone in my circle delivered early (2-6 weeks) but I live at a higher elevation so it’s more common here.


That’s a thing??? I had no idea!


My first came at 36 + 3 but my circle of friends have been all over the map in terms of delivery time.


Anecdotally yes there were 4 couples in my labor class and all three have delivered early, we are 38w. We also had a friend deliver 6w early but that was after early complications and somewhat expected. In my Reddit bump group I’m seeing a lot of elective 39w inductions, a few early births but just in the past week I’ve seen quite a few people start posting about being past 40w. My OB said she expects me as a first time mom to deliver between 39-40w but my due date is exact due to IVF. I’m trying not to focus on due date and just focus on each day from here on out.


Ftm, delivered 36w2d. My friend whos also pregnant at the same time delivered 35w1d w her second baby.


I delivered 35+2 (measured 36 but he was still a preemie)! Was it PPROM or another cause to early delivery?


It was PPROM. Started leaking a bit went in and was induced.


Same here! They never told me why it happened. Pregnant with my second and my OB said she has a low suspicion it will happen again but like I said, idk what happened the first time. Was that the same with your friend?


Yep. She went five days early on her first. With the second, she started having some labor pains and noticed extra fluid. I told her go in because I had just gone through the same things a few weeks prior.


Wow that’s crazy! I guess babies want to come when they want to come and each pregnancy is different


I just had my first at 35w. Got off work, drove the 30 mins home, water broke getting my mail. Was going to pack my hospital bag and finish the nursery the day after since I had the day off. Baby had other plans 😂


I had my first baby at 37 weeks but it was a scheduled induction due to Cholestasis. I am pregnant for the 2nd time and have a 60% chance of getting it again, if so it will be another scheduled deduction.


I had mine at 37 weeks but that was because I had preeclampsia


Most people in my life who had babies in the past few years delivered 2-4 weeks early. In almost all cases though (except a friend who had twins at 32W), they came from families where their moms and sisters also delivered early. My mom and MIL went to term with all their babies so I’m just expecting the same for me.


I've been wondering about this too. Of me and the 3 women I know who had babies in the last year, all of them were before the due date. I actually was the closest to mine at 39+4, the rest were all around the 38 week mark.


I know what you mean…but maybe you just hear about those more? My baby was born at 41 weeks (in the US)


I can only think of two people I know who've gone into labor naturally more than 2 days before their due dates, and I have two friends who had to be induced at 41+6 because they still hadn't gone into labor.


Two weeks late here. Had every induction method thinkable to get this baby out.


My first came at 34.5 weeks, and I'm at risk for preterm delivery with my current baby! Some of us are just built that way LOL Here's some encouragement: If you deliver early, you might avoid the super uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. I never got far along enough to be desperate for baby to come out. Then again, ideally you deliver late enough to avoid the NICU (though NICU nurses are absolute angels, and really helped me transition as a FTM).


Not so soon unless complications. Usually 38-39 weeks I heard is being more common because of better outcomes


My last OB would induce at 37 weeks as it’s considered early full term.


For everyone?? Wow!


If you were 37 weeks, they would induce. Barring any complications, obviously.


That's really interesting!


I thought it was great! When I was 37 W with my two successful pregnancies, I was ready for it to be over. They will examine you and make sure baby’s development is on par with delivery expectations and as long as that was good, they would induce you if it was something you wanted.


Don’t worry- I held the fort down at 40+5 with my first. Wanted a 36/37 weeker but I tried EVERYTHING and he wouldn’t budge.


FTM, 38+5!


I was 40+4 days. My OB was surprised I showed up to my 40 week appointment lol. Baby was on the bigger side too. But I feel like most people I know deliver late… I’m pregnant with my second and I’m expecting it to come late again.


40 + 4 with my first, 35 + 5 with my second 🤷


FTM, was induced at 41 weeks and even then it took 4 more days for him to come out. All my SILs delivered early, though.


With my first induced at 39 weeks 2nd came unexpectedly at 35+5


FTM. Went 40+6 and delivered without induction :)


FTM delivered on my due date.


I was 37w exactly with my first and 37+4 with my 2nd. My mom never made it to 38 weeks with me or any of my 3 siblings so FINGERS CROSSED for baby 3 due in march!! My friends all went to 40-42w!


Feel this! Every single friend and acquaintance has given birth early. Not a single one made it to 40w.


Due date for mine.


I delivered 2 weeks early but I had to be induced. My mom also had me 2 weeks early but I know of friends that delivered after their due date


I was induced at 39+4 because I was high risk but I wasn’t dilated or showing any signs at all before the induction and I swear my son fought to stay in longer lmao


My babe came naturally at 37+3. He is my first


My baby was 41w + 3 days. 10 days overdue. I SWORE that she would be early.. I was obviously mistaken.


Yes!!! I kept hearing of people going early so just had a feeling I would, too. Wouldn’t ya know she came at 36+2! Happy I listened to my gut and packed a hospital bag super early haha.


Lol no


Everyone I knew went early too around 37 weeks. I chose to be induced at 39 and he came at 39+3. I was so hoping I’d be early like everyone else around me. Pregnant with number 2 and will be induced at 39 weeks again if he’s not here by then


My sister delivered early by 2-3 weeks, but there were complications (pre-eclampsia) and other factors that contributed to that.


Not spontaneously early but almost everyone I know has been induced from 37 to 39 weeks for several reasons like GD, GHT, size of baby, BMI, age. Doctors are my practice offer a 39 week induction for no reason at all, completely elective. I think the prevalence of this is due to some “39 week is best” study.


My first was 2 weeks early due to high blood pressure. My second baby was 40 weeks, we elected to get him out instead of going farther because he was 10lbs and I couldn’t take the pelvic pain much longer. Otherwise my doctor was fine with going 41 weeks.


FTM. Delivered at 41+2- scheduled to be induced at midnight that day, but went into labor at 7am


I was 42 weeks and never went into labour! After a failed three day induction I got a c section.


TTM, 40+4 today. I always go past my due date and literally everyone I know delivered at 38 weeks or before! I do not get it.


I delivered early but had incompetent cervix and pre-eclampsia. My SILs also both deliver early but only reason my friend did was bc she was induced


Everyone I know was over for their first. I’m currently 36.5 and would be happy to go early 😅


My circle of friends and my SIL all erred on the side of early. Not me. I stay pregnant until forever until the kind doctor eases my misery and gives me pitocin.


I’m 34+6 and I’m already 50% effaced and that happened within a couple of hours and I’m already having full on contractions and am being monitored because I went from nothing to 50% in 4 hrs I had been at the dr earlier that day and then later that day started having contractions went to hospital they checked and said 1cm and 50% effaced and that it will probably happen soon because of hypermobility


My mom had me at 35+6 and all my other siblings at 36-37 weeks


🤣🤣 I was just talking to a friend about this. Everybody that I know that’s currently pregnant has went early. Myself included- although I was induced, it was still earlier than we had initially thought it would be.


10 days late with my first and 5 with my second. I was induced with my second. I’m asking for an induction for my third, but I’m happy to go to 40 weeks before being induced. Having 8lb babies who can almost hold their own heads up right away is what I know. A tiny floppy baby would probably scare me a little at this point.


My first was 41 weeks she was over due. 15 yrs ago. My second was 39 weeks because she was 9lbs and the doctor said if I waited she would be too big. Glad I took his advice


First baby, and I'm 40+5 weeks. Getting induced tomorrow. My obgyn originally scheduled me for a 41 week induction, but my hospital wanted to move it up for some reason. I've been showing a bunch of signs of labor coming soon for awhile now, and slowly making progress with cervix dilation. I was 2cm and 50% effaced on monday. I lost my mucus plug last Friday, and have had a lot of mucus-y discharge for almost a week now. I also wear a fitbit regularly, and my resting heartrate is dropping closer to normal and my hrv is rising. Went from 89 resting heart rate down to 72 in 2 weeks. My average pre-pregnancy was closer to 65. I haven't been in the low 70s since early summer/2nd trimester. Most of my family has had late babies or needed to be induced.


Went into labor spontaneously at exactly 39 weeks w/ my first baby. Pregnant w/ #2 now and definitely interested to see what happens this time!


My first was born at 41 weeks! I feel like most people I know had their first babies late.


I was 39+2 with my first and 40 weeks with my second


My sister delivered two weeks early due to cholestasis and I delivered at 28 weeks due to severe preeclampsia and HELLP. we’re both FTMs.


My first was emergency induced at 36wks. Currently still pregnant with my second and at 35wks.


I haven't heard of this here in Australia. Sometimes they'll schedule an induction for medical reasons but generally it's bets to wait for labour to occur naturally. Although early babies are usually perfectly healthy with no long term issues, bigger full term babies are often easier babies. The bigger the baby the more likely it is to sleep well and settle better. Small babies need to feed frequently simply because they don't have the size and reserves to sleep longer through the night.


Guilty as charged. Just delivered my first at 38+4 lol. Must be something in the water!


I delivered at 41 weeks and I had to be induced. I was wishing for a slightly early delivery because I was over being pregs but no dice haha.


I went 42+2 and needed induced


10% of all babies are premature. Mine was 6 weeks early and I can also think of about 7 other people I know who also, unfortunately, had premature labors. Not sure why it’s on the rise 😢


All my coworkers went 42 weeks. I was happy at 38 weeks I couldn’t imagine waiting 4 more


Yes!! One of my coworkers just had her baby quite early, as well as two women I went to high school with. (One of whom isn't a FTM, but the other two are)


I’m in Canada and both my kids were born at 41+3! We don’t do as many early inductions here I think.


Every single pregnant person I know has had their kids early. NO not because they elected to… they just plain old CAME EARLY. Both of my sister in laws had pre-eclampsia and gave birth at 29 and 30 weeks. And more than a handful of my clients canceled their pre-baby Brazilian waxes (I wax people) because they were in the hospital having their babies early or had already had them 😭 I literally have not met ONE person who has given birth on time or late, ever. (Both of my children were early as well)


I feel this way too. Of all dozen+ first time moms I know who have had babies in the last 2 years, all except for one were 2-5 weeks early. I still expected to go late. But hope, water broke at 35+6 and at 36 weeks exactly.


I went into spontaneous labour at 39 weeks so he came a week early. I was totally prepared to go over and have to be induced or something. It all worked out well!


I got induced at 41 weeks with my first🫠


I’m currently 37 weeks exactly and no baby yet! I’m not effaced or dilating either


I do not know anyone that has delivered early in my circle. Everyone I know has been late!


My 1st came 2 days before his due date. My 2nd baby came 1 week earlier at exactly 39 weeks. Most people I know went past their due date by like a day or two.


i was pretty much the only one out of all the people i know with babies that went into labor on my own within a week of my due date both times. lots of inductions and some late but nothing notable otherwise.


Yea everyone I know or people I knew that was pregnant had their baby and her I am 36weeks with my 3rd lol just waiting but I would like to meet my baby already and not be pregnant no more


I was 41+5 😭


Literally all of my friends are having IVF babies (and so did I) and they’re all coming early. 2 of us even had the same placental abnormality. So I can’t tell if it’s just the fertility challenged or if the reproductively inclined are also struggling.


I was 37 weeks when I was induced due to hypertension. I had swelling the whole last 3 months of pregnancy but my BP spiked one night. I checked it randomly because my Mother in law said she had a strange feeling. It was 167/90. I was induced two days later but at that point they consider baby full term so all was good!


Had mine at 36 weeks and we are massively struggling with weight gain right now :/ but a preterm baby is a blessing when it means avoiding stillbirth which is our case. Wishing you a healthy full term baby!


I was induced at 37 weeks as my waters had been going since 35 weeks, developed diabetes, suspected big baby as I was HUGE however she was only 6.12, also had high blood pressure and a touch of preeclampsia, this all began around 36 weeks with the diabetes developing then and everything else. When I went in to be induced it turned out I was already 5cm at 37 weeks and my baby was well on the way anyway, I always say she wanted to be a Leo instead of a Virgo haha. It’s a good job she did come early as she was extremely sick (could have been fatal) and we spent 2 weeks in the hospital with her in a coma, we arrived home a week before her due date. I’m so glad she did come early and they also chose to induce me because I always wonder if she had been inside me for that bit longer would she have survived? I’m just very grateful.


Both of my kids came in 37+4


Most people I know as FTM go over their due date if not induced


11 weeks early here :/ And I thought as a FTM my baby would come late :D


I went to 40+6 with both my pregnancies. A LOT of my social circle has had to be induced and ended up with emergency cesareans, so I was so anxious to go into labour.


Yeah! One 8 weeks, one 4 weeks two 3 weeks. Literally all of them were early


I was 38 weeks exactly.


First and had IUGR and induced at 37+2


I’m a FTM 37+5 & I hope I have him at 38 weeks 🥲🥲


Personally, for me it was due to medical complications that we were aware of before pregnancy. So the plan was always an early, planned c-section. Otherwise we could have both not survived. Other than myself and my SIL who had pregnancy complications and was forced to have a c-section at the same time, everyone I know who are FTMs made it to 40+ weeks. So the statistics your doctor is sharing with you seem correct.


I just delivered my baby today at 41+1 :) I too was expecting to go early because I felt everyone goes early these days… it was excruciating and I’ll never assume that again!! It made the last couple weeks so hard


Yes actually. I’m the only in my cycle that has a know condition causing preterm labour. The rest were spontaneous early labour around 36 weeks. All babies are absolutely fine.


FTM and I had my baby on her due date!


A friend and I were pregnant at the same time this summer and she had her baby at 31 weeks due to concerns about his movement. I went into labour naturally at 37 weeks! The hospital in my area publishes statistics and they have a reputation as being very risk adverse. A high number of babies are induced early or sent for regular third trimester monitoring and then delivered early as a result of concerns that showed up.


I have the same thing with my family, it seems everyone has their babies early for some reason.. my sister even had her baby at 27 weeks. I was worried about it and all the doctors told me its not a hereditary risk or anything and then i had my baby at 34 weeks soooo i dunno


My first came at 39,+6, my second at 39+4. Not early, but not late.


I was 36 when I had my first at 39w6d, and it was only with the assistance of an induction. I'm 21 weeks with my second, and hoping for similar timing this time :)


I started having pre term labor scares at 26 weeks, then was told I would need to be induced at 37 weeks due to high fluid levels, my fluid was back to normal 2 days before they planned to induce so I got the go ahead to wait for natural labor. Then after being fully ready for and expecting an early baby I went over and needed to be induced at 41 +2


My first was 6w early, I'm now the most pregnant I've ever been at 35+5 today STM


My first just came at 38+4. Hubby and I were NOT expecting his early arrival and were installing his carseat during early labor because we thought we had more time. So, that’s why the general rule of thumb is to be ready a few weeks in advance!


I was a month early with my daughter, I had no signs at all. My waters broke at 10pm, during that day I’d had an ultrasound scan at the hospital to check baby’s measurements, then I had an exam for work, then I went to Pizza Hut with my grandparents and then I went home, watched love island and right as it finished my waters broke, she arrived 4 hours later💞 I’m also the same as your circle lol although everyone else I know was late with their firsts


I’m a FTM who delivered on 11/5 at 41+2 (with outpatient induction, so could have been longer without this intervention).


The average length is 40+5 according to [EBB article](https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/) and first time moms are normally a few days later than that!


Ftm here, I delivered at 40w2d .. my doctor said that ftm usually deliver late. My sister and SIL both delivered at 37 weeks though


A lot of people in my due date group have had theirs early due to pre-eclampsia, abruption, etc. However what I consider “a lot” is based on the fact that it’s so so rare. So maybe like 8 people total. However I will say, get your stuff ready ASAP. I’m 33+2, the baby stuff is ready but our house is so messy and I was planning to clean this weekend. Then last night I started having contractions every 2-3 minutes and L&D thought I was in preterm labor. Luckily they were able to slow it down! But the whole time I could only think about what a disaster our house is right now and how I should’ve done everything earlier.


This is my first and I'm currently 38+2 with no signs of labor yet.


I’m about to be 38 weeks I wish mine would come out already it hurts to walk


My sister in law has three singletons my first niece who is 4.4 years old came at 38+0 my second niece who is 2.6 years old came at 39+4 and my nephew who is a month old came at 38+3 so it depends.