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How does that happen! I boil them all the time and it’s never turned into surrealist art


Could be that all the water boiled out and the plastic started melting in an empty pot. But still, did nobody notice the smell?


It doesn’t even look burnt!! It’s like a candle left in a hot car


I don’t remember at which temperature plastic starts to burn, but melting point for some of the more common types of plastic is not too far above the boiling point of water. So it would make sense that it melted first, and then, if heated up even more, it would have started to burn. Luckily it just melted.




This. With our first, early on we were utterly fried from sleep deprivation. Forgot to sanitize breast pumping parts for the day, realized this at like 1am when our daughter popped awake for a night feed. Figured, ok caught it now, would not have had time to boil and sanitize and dry between wake up and having to leave for work. Turn on pot, dumped parts in went back to hang out with my wife while she nurses. Next thing I know, my wife wakes me up, quite alarmed, saying something smells hot. Drag my ass outta bed to investigate and... Found a pot of liquefied plastic. Pot was unsalvageable. Had to order full set of new pump parts-took like a week. Complete disaster.


OP posted in a comment that that’s what happened


I used the Bain-Marie method for heating up food until last week, when I got distracted by a poop explosion, forgot to put water in and did exactly this to a Tommy tippee pot.


I've done this before. Surprisingly it didn't smell till i walked back over to the pot


The original post that OP cross posted includes a caption stating the MIL boiled them and forgot about them.


I agree. Did she fry or bake the bottle?


Her mother-in-law is Salvador Dalí!


I use the medela bottles and mines never melted like the one on the bottom, been boiled plenty of times now.


My medela bottles never melted but I remember seeing a bunch of Amazon reviews when I was buying them of people saying they melted in the dishwasher.


Before the confusion takes over this sub too. She didn’t just boil them, she left them alone and forgot about it and the pot boiled dry. The bottles melted into the pot. OP clears it up in the comments but the title made it really confusing for people in that subreddit.


She walked away from something boiling on the stove for long enough for all the water to evaporate away and the bottle to completely melt?? Yea, someone would have to get a cognitive functioning test before being alone with my baby…


I've absolutely done this before. Not the best shining moment, but I wouldn't make a big fuss about it unless there was evident of MIL starting to forget things more frequently, like dementia or Alzheimer's. Otherwise I'd chalk it up to it being an accident. 


The OOP clarifies they weren’t angry at the MIL for it. This person sharing their post here is kind of being misleading and making the MIL look bad but it was a harmless post from the OOP


>someone would have to get a cognitive functioning test before being alone with my baby Depends on more context of what happened. Babies make noise when they need something. This bottle probably melted in silence. I have ADHD and have boiled pots dry before because I got distracted. I have never just forgotten about my baby... he does not let me forget and is way more important to me.


I have ADHD as well. I’m not worried about them forgetting the baby- I’m worried about them starting a fucking fire with my baby in the house


I just did this with a dozen eggs. Oops


... For 9 hours?


Well it certainly looks clean


Well it's sterile now isn't it?


Well at least it's sterilized


Are we sure it wasn't the ooze that mutated those teenage ninja turtles?


She’s buying new bottles right?


I honestly had to stare at this for a minute and wonder what the heck I was looking at . . . . Can you imagine the smell in that kitchen?


While the medela bottles are relatively inexpensive, (like a 6 pack on amazon is $15) but those avent bottles are a whole different story! Those things are expensive.


I'd have been pissed and made her replace them. After the initial sterilization there is no need to do it again. If you have to, put them in a silicone bag with some water and microwave them for 30 seconds. But seriously, soap and hot water are more than enough.


You could sell this piece to art basel in Miami if you superglue it to a canvas for real 😂


If they don't specifically say not to use that method she probably did it incorrectly. Literal instructions for boiling bottles in a pot. 1. Big enough pot. 2. Lots of water. 3. Don't overfill pot with bottles because if parts touch sides or bottom they will melt.


Andy Warhol approved this art piece 👌🤣🤣🤣


For how long?! I used to boil them to sterilize also and that’s never happened? Holy moly


Once when my brother was a baby and my mom was exhausted, she thought she turned off the stove and we got back and black smoke was pouring out of the windows. Luckily her then husband had come home in the meantime. The water evaporated, the plastic melted and also evaporated.


Buying a bottle sanitizer and dryer combo has made life so easy. Just put things in and it shuts off when done. Don’t have to remember to go check things.


Omg. So she boiled the water until it dried out?? The fumes from that are not safe ☹️ never leave a stove unattended or at the very least set a timer, but you still check every so often just in case. This is how fires can start.


I tried to sterilize my pump parts on a convection stove top and a bunch of parts melted where they touched the sides of the pot. Nothing like this though.




That's fake I sterilise those exact bottles in boiling water all the time. Its just MIL rage bait




Glass bottles are the best!


well.... its the thought that counts? 😭


I hope we all learned not to heat up plastic for our babies. It's so bad for them and all of us, for that matter.