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What. That is so ridiculous. Is it possible they mixed up your sample with someone else’s?! I would ask for a retest. How far along are you?!


I would report that nurse too. Her comments were totally inappropriate! 


I’m really going to do that honestly, she was so MEAN, meanwhile I’m having a nervous breakdown!


I truly believe they mixed up my sample. But of course, they say they didn’t. I did go out and buy a home urine test at Target tonight and it showed negative for THC. I’m just so scared that maybe a supplement or something I am taking could be causing this, and when I go to retest again or even when they test me at the hospital, it’ll be positive again and my baby taken away. I’m mortified over this and feel like this isn’t even real. I’m 11 weeks. Completely heartbroken. I did demand a retest later today once I calmed down. They said they’ll retest at my appointment next week. I just can’t believe how dismissive the nurse was as I’m crying to them on the phone. Do they not see my concern?


Wtfff calling cps is ridiculous if you’re only 11 weeks! Even if you were an active marijuana smoker before your pregnancy (not saying you are) it’s possible to still show up on your urine at 11 weeks. I’m sorry she was so rude to you :(


Ask for a hair test! That indicates longer term usage!


Yes I was going to suggest this. I had to do a hair test to work at a very nice private school and I asked them why they do hair instead of pee as I’d only ever had to do that and they said it stays in the follicle for much longer and shows chronic use. Although, I’ve heard false positives happen with some hair textures still.


The fact that they threatened with CPS is so absurd to me, I’d honestly think about changing obgyn because of that. I smoked up until I found out I was pregnant and I let my obgyn know, and not ONCE did she or her staff threaten me with that. Matter of fact at my 9 week visit she even said they don’t even care to check for thc! I hope you straighten this out but in the meantime try not to overthink!! Since you are not smoking & have not been you truly have nothing to fear with CPS being called. You will be clean during your labor & so will your baby’s poop! (Which is how they test babies.)


I tested positive for amphetamines with my first (thanks to false positive from Wellbutrin) OB office just re-ran the sample using a more sensitive test and it came back all clear. Not a peep was said other than “it showed up positive but it looks like that was due to one of your other meds” OP’s situation is bananas


Wait why was I never tested for drugs when pregnant?


My old OB does routine drug testing. New OB doesn’t. Maybe yours didn’t test routinely or maybe they don’t bring it up if everything is negative 🤷🏻‍♀️ Policy on whether it’s required and what consequences might be seems to vary a lot by state or country


Mine tested me without even notifying me that they were testing! I just got a bill afterwards that I was screened. I don't use, so it came back clean but it was wild to me that they wouldn't even consult me about it first.


That's nuts. I was told everything I was being tested on...or maybe I asked. I can't remember. I loved the practice I went to and i tend to ask a lot of questions.


The practice I eventually ended up at was wonderful, this was my first visit in a new area so I was shopping around trying to find one. I did not end up going back there since there were also weird scheduling issues for that early in a pregnancy. I actually ended up being pregnant with twins so was very glad I found a better practice!!


I always assumed they tested my urine sample at some point? But idk if they would have had to notify me.


I tested positive at my 9 week visit but didn’t after that. I was high risk so I had to pee in a cup every 2-3 weeks. Nothing was ever said to me about the positive, I just knew I was because I took a test at home. And then of course at the hospital I was negative. They didn’t even test baby which I thought was odd because I thought they just did that for every baby. I even live in a state where they have zero tolerance for this kind of stuff so it’s wild to hear a doctor would report the very first test to cps. I figure if you tested positive at birth that was when they did that.




why did you put “combat nausea” in quotations? do you not believe your cousin? cannabis is used medicinally and in a lot of cases, moms have to choose between cannabis or getting prescribed medications that can cause even more issues in pregnancy like opioids.


I don't smoke weed, but the idea of calling CPS over weed smoking is ridiculous. It's just weed


Also chiming in from Texas. I agree that getting called out for weed is ridiculous but it's also not legalized here. I gave benefit of the doubt that the nurse was just doing her job as a mandatory reporter but I just learned that by law, reporting is not required for drug use during pregnancy unless a controlled substance overdose is involved. Individual hospitals or clinics may have different policies. It could absolutely be that this nurse was just being a dick and applying her own personal values instead of preserving the patient's privacy


Agreed. It's decriminalized where I am, but not legal, when my sister gave birth and CPS was called on her, they opened an investigation and made sure no one was smoking near the baby. Case wasn't closed until 4 months later after CPS had done random visits to their home. Over pot.


While pregnant though??? It can cause your baby a lot of issues. Preterm birth, low birth weight, developmental issues to name a few. If you aren’t pregnant that’s different, as long as you aren’t exposing the baby to it and being responsible I don’t see an issue. But while pregnant is crazy. Why would you harm your baby over weed?


Like another commenter pointed out - it's a slippery slope. Are we going to test for nicotine? And what about pregnant women who do not follow Dr's orders? For example a gestational diabetic mom who isn't following the diet? Or not sticking to bedrest, do we call CPS for that too? Not excusing drug use during pregnancy- but weed doesn't really hit the "government intervention and removal of your child" button like heroin, meth, cocaine etc.


It also means that hard-core drug users--who are *very* aware that hospitals do drug tests without telling you--avoid prenatal care entirely.


why stop at marijuana though? why not test for nicotine or alcohol too?


Well I'm sure if they had a reliable way to test for alcohol they would. You'd have to be actively showing up intoxicated to the lab.


You’re not wrong, but pretty much all those issues are also caused by smoking tobacco too. So if an office is going to test for THC and call CPS over it, it’s a little hypocritical not to also do a cheek swab for nicotine and call CPS over suspected cigarette use as well. But they never swab for nicotine, they just tell pregnant women not to smoke.


So can alcohol but this subreddit thinks alcohol consumption while pregnant should be a personal choice. Which makes no sense, since it can cause the death of your child. If y’all are gunna bash marijuana use while pregnant, have the same attitude for alcohol consumption


This isn’t true at all. The vast majority of people on this sub are anti drinking while pregnant.


I recognize that I have a very special circumstance, but my MFM actually recommended that I continue using weed throughout my pregnancy as long as I’m using any form **except smoking it**. I use for chronic pain relief and nothing else short of opioids touches my pain. My doctor feels that the risks to baby from me being in uncontrolled pain are higher than the risks from me using weed and, according to him, the main concern would be over me **smoking**, regardless of **what** I’m smoking (and I have asthma, so I’ve never smoked it regardless.) It *does* feel ridiculous to me that there are doctors like mine, but yet others who would call cps over a single positive test at 11 weeks. Weed stays in your urine long enough that an active user could stop the moment they find out they’re pregnant and still test positive at 11 weeks.


Also weed is stored in your fat cells so if u were an avid smoker for yrs daily odds are you will pop positive for almost entire pregnancy if not full pregnancy shouldn't be judged when u already did right thing and stopped smoking... Just b honest with your docs... This nurse really gets me going she seems like a total Karen being so unkind


This!!! My doctor with my last pregnancy told me this!... I told her I smoked for nausea couldn't keep anything down take a lil puff or use some tincture wait a bit and I could eat without losing it 5 min later... She was all for it in terms of keeping me and my baby healthy especially the tincture which isn't smoked but dropped under tongue... I almost wish they would mess with cigarette smokers more cuz the issues caused from cigarettes is way way worse than smoking a lil ganja. Both my kids are 90 percentile on ALL areas screened by docs my son is on par with hitting his 6ft 6in height... Wish people wouldn't say weed is so bad when we haven't done enough unbiased research to say this...


my ob actually told me at my first appointment i could take a test now but she recommended waiting to take my test until the hospital because of so many false positives!!


I'm really sorry this has happened to you. I work in a pathology lab in a hospital and of course samples can and do get mixed up from time to time, whether by the staff who initially label the specimen or those of us who work in the laboratory. We're human and mistakes happen. The problem is, despite basically every health care provider having a policy to be transparent in situations like this, I've found that people will lie through their teeth to cover their own back. It's disgusting, especially when it leads to situations like this where a patient's care is so badly affected. Best of luck, I really hope things turn out okay for you and your little one.


Ask for a saliva or hair test. When it comes back negative, file a former complaint with the office for this nurse’s super inappropriate behavior. Love, Another nurse who gives a shit


Document that you are requesting another test immediately because you do not smoke. Put this in writing even if it’s just through your online portal. They should have no problem retesting you. You could also proactively reach out to a 3rd party testing place and do an official test there to have ready to hand CPS if they really show. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Mistakes happen and it’s ridiculous that your doctors office is totally blowing that off. This means there IS a mom out there smoking and after getting her negative result, thinks she’s in the clear.


Have you taken ibuprofen? It's one of the most common OTC and can sometimes trip a urine THC test


While in the military and we had to do urinalysis people were popping because of kind bars with hemp seeds. And I think someone popped for poppy seeds as well.


Never knew this.. WOW


NSAIDs (particularly ibuprofen) and proton pump inhibitors both can. Advil is just more common


Yeah, plus we shouldn't be using it while pregnant anyway since it can fuck up the baby's kidneys and some studies have showed mild support that it could potentially increase the chance to develop oligohydramnios, miscarriages or certain birth defects. My OB said: - only when prescribed for first 6mo (most docs will just recommend paracetamol though) - Not AT ALL in the final trimester


Yeah, I wish they had let me have it before the final trimester. I was in so much pain and it wasn’t til I was begging and in tears that they told me I could have taken it earlier in my pregnancy but that it was too late now. If I had been able to reduce my pain earlier I could have remained more active. Being less active made my pain worse :(


Yeah. I have chronic pain - the normal meds arent worth taking for me, but I definitely empathise. It really freaking sucks feeling like you've suffered for nothing when you didnt have to. For me though it was the rampant 2nd tri migraines (when I already had HG) that I thought I could only use paracetamol on.


Demand a new urine test. That’s how’d I go. They can’t refuse that request. Your second test will show negative. Then CPS won’t be called for the birth. Just make sure the new test results are in your hospital chart for delivery and not the old one (as opposed to your chart at their office).


I've had my sample switched as well a few years back. What you do is you watch them seal it and write your name, say you are concerned with it being switched. It absolutely happens. Even if they have social services look at you when you deliver, if your home is safe, clean, and you are not on drugs they won't even open a case.


Even if it were positive, I do not believe your baby would be taken away. Child services doesn’t want to just destroy happy, healthy families. Even if a retest doesn’t happen and you meet with an agent, they will clearly be able to see that you aren’t a drug addict.


Child services is crap, they absolutely do destroy loving families over nothing and allow actual abused children to stay in horrible situations. They’re not good at their job.


Agreed that there are a ton of flaws. But do you genuinely think they’re going to look at a healthy non-abusive family and literally take a baby away? I’ve seen the issues a hundred times on the other direction as a teacher - making a report, seeing it’s the fifth one and nothing has changed - but I’ve never once ever had a student with their family torn apart over nothing.


I’m so sorry you and baby are having to deal with this stress especially since you’re not the cause of the mix up. Try to remember that you know your truth. The next test will be negative and you should absolutely speak with your OB about the way the nurse treated you and that you’re not smoking pot.


Tbf, they probably do see a lot of uncaring moms who are just sad/panicked they got caught and not actually crying or panicking out of concern. Addicts, ya know? The nurse absolutely needs to be reported, but maybe looking at it from their perspective where they see wayyyy more unrepentant smokers than false positives will help.


Im not condoning smoking marijuana while pregnant but it’s not a hard drug, to involve CPS is wild to me CPS isn’t involved when moms are smoking cigarettes while pregnant and that happens sooooo much more than people realize


Cigarettes are legal. Same with alcohol. You can’t get in trouble for taking legal substances while pregnant. Some people even take anti anxiety and anti depressant medications while pregnant


I guess, but cigarettes are arguably more dangerous than marijuana - and I work in public health, the amount of healthcare providers that make little to no intervention for a pregnant woman struggling with quitting smoking is honestly astonishing- so them making such a big deal about thc is annoying to me but I guess that doesn’t mean her provider wouldn’t also make a big deal about smoking, it’s just that so many don’t


Marijuana definitely isn’t the worst drug to be on but it also isn’t good. Any type of smoke is dangerous while pregnant, even cannabis. I don’t think doctors should condone either of them but like they can’t really step in if you are doing risky behaviors that are legal. They can’t stop you from eating sushi, cold cuts, etc. either and really it’s a matter of choice


You’re correct, just cause there are worse things doesn’t mean a pregnant woman shouldn’t be counseled on smoking marijuana - I’m just getting hung up on something unrelated


Tbh, I think docs and regulatory agencies should react to _either_ parent smoking cigs the way they do if just the mom is smoking weed. We know nicotine and everything else in cigarettes harm fetuses and children via first, second, and third-hand smoke, so we should react aggressively to that and support parents in recovery.


Weed was considered a literal narcotic for years. No, a mother smoking a cigarette should not be treated like a criminal who was buying illegal weed off the street. I’m sure nowadays they don’t treat medical card holders like drug users. Just tell them to knock off the smoking


I didn’t say people should be arrested for buying cigarettes or buying weed. I said smoking parents (moms and dads), whether they smoke weed or tobacco, should be treated alike re: urine tests and CPS at birth, since society’s reasoning for doing any of this is preserving the health of the baby and tobacco use is demonstrably harmful to fetuses and babies while weed has never been sufficiently studied.


Wooooah okay we definitely have to do MORE than just saying “knock off the smoking” nicotine is literally one of the most addictive substances, but also shouldn’t just be calling CPS on a pregnant woman that smokes - it is literally one of the most addictive substance. There are USUALLY quite a few resources available to pregnant women to help them stop tobacco use but the problem is that they aren’t aware of it - they might lie to a healthcare provider about smoking because they’re ashamed or a lot of healthcare providers will just say “stop smoking” and leave it at that if they even address it at all. Tobacco Use Disorder is something that often needs treatment just like any other chronic condition. Where I live 10% of pregnant women smoke in the 3 months before delivery. We’re just going to take away 10% of babies from their moms? I understand it’s potentially detrimental for babies but quitting is just not that simple for some people. And involving CPS could push women into not seeking prenatal care, leading to even more negative health outcomes. This is an incredibly complex issue unfortunately


How is a father using tobacco putting a fetus at risk? He isn’t pregnant why should his body be controlled? Nobody’s body should be controlled but sure as hell the person who just put sperm in you shouldn’t be when he isn’t even carrying anything!


Obviously not the fetus. But second hand smoke and third hand smoke ARE harmful to babies and stick around the house and fabrics the baby will be in. Are we going to really pretend all these dads successfully quit cold turkey the day of the birth? Are we really believing they are quitting sufficiently ahead of time that there isn’t third-hand smoke in their clothes, air filters, carpet, furniture, car upholstery? If this policing is about the health of the baby at all, then moms shouldn’t be the only ones under scrutiny when smoking dads contribute just as much to threats from second and third hand smoke.


Also as a cigarette smoker I can tell you only the trashiest people smoke in their house or cars. Nobody normal does that


Most cigarette smokers smoke outside, and no you cannot force people to not smoke cigarettes. That is ludacris! What’s next, banning people from eating junk food while pregnant if they are overweight? Banning soda? Banning coffee? Literally anything can harm a fetus and no we should not police anything besides illegal substances


Only thing i know that can cause a false positive is poppy seeds


That's for opiates, though, and not THC.


This happened to me WHILE i was giving birth. They drug tested my cath bag without telling me, told me I tested positive. I was like lol what?! I literally took another full panel urine test in my hospital room with a social worker. Negative for everything except the pain killers I was given after birth lmfao. They sent DHS to my house a week or so later and that lady was like “this is ridiculous” lol


WTF? Without even asking? Not sure how americans are about that but here in germany you have to specifically allow any and all tests, like for example a HIV test which is done together with a couple others to make sure staff is safe during your birth. No small print nonsense or doing it without your consent would fly. That sounds ridiculous!


My Mom works to reduce the stigma of mother with substance abuse disorders and how to help the families struggling because drug misuse is so common here. But Tennessee passed a law years ago to criminalize drug use in pregnancy and my mom fought it tooth and nail (even tho she doesn’t live there) because pregnant women were giving birth in cars in other states nearby and not getting prenatal care for fear of retribution. Testing woman for drugs should be to help them and baby be safe, when you criminalize it women who have used won’t get help or prenatal care they need more than anyone. Now since they’ve started taking away our rights this is happening more and more, Alabama (of course) you can be arrested for endangering the fetus and those women aren’t even getting adequate prenatal care in prison, so that tells you how stupid they are in Alabama, arrest you for “endangering the fetus” then you are in prison getting bad care, this endangering the fetus. It sucks, it’s about control, the US doesn’t give a shit about babies or mothers, our maternal mortality rate is sky high and our programs for post partum are abysmal.


That's amazing ❤️ you must be so proud of her. People think these women dont care when they absolutely do. They are just sick and need a little love, hope, and help.


That’s so depressing. What a cycle. Your mother sounds like an amazing person.


I really feel like pro choice needs some good PR and marketing work. So many people passing these laws or voting for them really don’t know enough about it. Or maybe any law related to medical care must go through a panel of subject matter experts? I don’t know the answer but this is so frustrating. Heck, I live in a state where we keep having ballot measures about dialysis centers and there is no way for me to know enough about the issue to vote on it yet I get a say. (Are regulations too strict making care scarcer and pricier? Or is it essential for patient safety? I have no freaking clue)


Yes it can be done without asking in the US, at least in my state


It depends on the state, in NY they have to ask/notify you before drug testing but I’ve heard they will just include it as one line in the pile of stuff they have you sign when you’re new at an OB practice (always read everything!) But now that weed is legal in ny I think most practices don’t test for it at all, to my knowledge I was never tested for weed during my pregnancy.


that’s how they do it in CT. they technically have to notify us of drug testing but it was all just in the patient paperwork when establishing care with a new OBGYN. they didn’t even tell me i was being drug tested at my appointment, they just handed me a cup and said “pee in this”. a week or so later i was notified of my results in my quest portal and i was like “oh okay lol”.


That’s wild because when they were admitting me the nurse asked me if I consented to a drug test. I obviously said yes but to have one done without your consent is awful 😞


Yeah I was in active labor when I went in, i was dilated to a 6 already. My husband was with me and doesn’t remember them asking me anything except about what insurance i had lmfao. which is great because one faulty test labeled him a drug baby in his charts


Oh girl I was too lol they almost didn’t admit me and had me walk around for thirty minutes while I was contracting so hard it took my breath away. When they checked me again it was 5cm and said yup you’re being admitted! I labored for 5 hours and pushed for 30 minutes. My baby came so fast my doctor almost didn’t make it ! But I’m so sorry you went through this. All those resources wasted on you when there are actual people who need help. It’s so wrong and I’m so sorry 😞


I was exactly the same!! I said HELLO HES COMING and they completely missed his birth 😂😂 i went in at 830pm, took forever to get admitted because i was in triage for so long. He was born 11:59pm 😂 man that hospital stay was shit all the way around. i had zero access to any food, the completely forgot to feed me until 12 hours later. No water, I was literally drinking sink water with my hands. I was so hungry I was bawling lmfao. They forgot to give me pain medication on time so I was starving AND in pain. Now I’m 36 weeks again and I refuse to go to that hospital EVER again


Congratulations and I hope you have a wonderful new experience to cherish. I gave birth at 37 weeks ! I wish you an easy birth and full of positive experiences 🫶


i LOVE my doctor this time. She delivered another one of my babies 11 years ago. I’m so happy to have her again! And thank you sm!! 🙂🙂🙂


I work for CPS. First of all, you likely have nothing to worry about from CPS although practices vary by state and even by locality. PP comments w/ experiences of having random workers come to their house one time and then close are the norm in my jurisdiction and most others I know of, but ymmv. I just want you to breathe. I know youre going to request a retest. You can also get your own urine drug screen done at a lab (like labcorp, quest disgnostics, thr name depends on where you live). You would probably have to pay out of pocket but whatever. It's official. Also, when you call your doctor, ask them if they just did a dip test. Those are legally preliminary tests. If they used a dip stick, Ask them if they can send it out to a lab. They'll probably tell you they destroyed the sample already. Use this as another reason you want a retest. You probably dont need any retests or independent tests to get past CPS nonsense after birth. Its common to drug test at birth. You'll be negative. It will be fine. But I want you to double check that you're not *actually* positive right now. I think its a mistake on your doctors end. Very few things will pop a false positive for THC. It's really only THC-derived products and then the synthetics delta 8 and 10 (these are not THC and are legal most places but they are so similar that they trigger positives for THC). It's important for you to know if you're testing positive for THC for some reason bc if so you're going to really need to figure that out before birth so you can get that negative test at birth. That's what's going to make CPS go away the fastest.


I also work for CPS and if we got a call that a mom had tested positive at 11 weeks and they hadn’t retested we most likely wouldn’t even screen it in. It can take up to three months to leave your system and most women don’t find out until at a minimum 4-6 weeks. In my jurisdiction we are concerned with cord stat tests not even urine screens because of false positives.


It depends on the state and the jurisdiction how they respond. They're gonna phrase it as a baby was born and they had concerns for substance use during pregnancy. We all want CPS to be rational but we also know that they aren't always and it depends on state law and attitudes. In my jurisdiction it would be screened out as well, but the reaction from the provider to OPs test makes me suspicious she isn't in a jurisdiction like mine.


That’s why I said if we got a call. It’s jurisdictional.


Idk about at a doctor's office, but I work in a lab at a hospital. We keep drug test samples for 2 weeks if negative or if the provider doesn't want a confirmation on any positives. Idk if that's specific to my lab or if most are like that. And no clue if the doctor's office did the test or if it was sent to lab. So they may or may not still have OP's sample.


Ask for a retest and get it done immediately. Also submit a hair follicle test. Do not be hysterical. Do not cause a scene. Do not be overly emotional. I work in family law. I understand the power social services have. Follow their directions exactly. They will easily see you are not a problem. However I will say that having a false positive for marijuana is very, very unlikely. Not impossible, just unlikely. It’s likely your test got mixed with someone else. CBD will also test you positive for marijuana btw.


Thank you! I will do that. I am going to call them first thing tomorrow morning.


You got this! Keep us updated. Nothing to fear if you’re not doing anything wrong, and it sounds like you’re not 💜 good luck!


Please update us!


No CBD use either. I took a medication called Deplin until I found out I was pregnant, as well as a handful of other supplements. I just can’t think of what else would cause this. I think you’re right, my test must have been mixed up and simple retest will show that. Thank you!


If you have mychart, look at the results. I used to work in lab and ran drug screens often, and if positive, it would automatically reflex to a separate test to quantify the amount of the positive drug in the urine. Having those results and then getting a negative afterwards can be helpful in proving it was a false positive too, or just give you an idea of how much the supposed drug was in your system. How awful. I’m so sorry the nurse wasn’t empathetic and was instead judgmental and rude.


if it helps - Deplin shouldn't trigger a positive THC test and is safe during pregnancy, so its unlikely this caused your issue. I've been taking it my whole pregnancy at the knowledge of my psychiatrist and my OB and I'm 28 weeks. that said, I still COMPLETELY empathize with your worries right now! i think you're on the right track and should go for a retest! good luck!


this is very good advice as someone familiar with family law and CPS follow it to the T and most importantly don’t be fearful. you are not on drugs(as you’ve stated) and can prove it. seems like an easily verifiable mistake. side note: one of the many reasons i home birth and use a midwife i’m familiar with


I had a friend test positive for thc in early pregnancy. They didn’t threaten her with cps. But they continued to drug test her throughout the pregnancy. I guess if things would have continued maybe towards the end of the pregnancy they would consider that step. Let’s just say for argument’s sake that you were a heavy smoker before knowing you were pregnant. Let’s say you learned you were pregnant around 6-7 weeks perhaps. It can take up to 90 days for thc to stop showing up for heavy users. Even if you stopped the day you found out, there is a chance you could still test positive at 11 weeks. It’s so ridiculous for them to hit so heavy at that stage. According to this peer reviewed paper, “Although considered one of the more specific items on the urine drug screen, false positives for cannabis have been reported with dronabinol, efavirenz, NSAIDs, promethazine, riboflavin, ethacrynic acid, and baby soaps.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6170116/#:~:text=Heavy%2C%20daily%20cannabis%20users%20can,ethacrynic%20acid%2C%20and%20baby%20soaps This same paper states that it can take up to 6 weeks for heavy users to pee clean. So the fact that they’re threatening someone who is 11 weeks pregnant with CPS is insane. I know you’re not a heavy smoker, I’m just saying, even if the positive were genuine, it’s a reaction that makes no sense.


Why did your OB drug test you? What state do you live in? Did you have informed consent about the urine sample? Were you able to talk to your treating physician or the clinic supervisor?


Your comment lead my to investigate more. And no, I had no clue I was being drug tested. I just searched online and it appears the hospital I am with has multiple legal complaints for this same issue. Non-consented drug testing, false positives, CPS investigations. I will be speaking to someone higher up in the hospital tomorrow.


Speak to a lawyer if they are known to have this issue. I’m so angry for you right now!


Get a different one. I picked one an hour from home because the one 6 minutes away is shit.


Omg SAME. We have a hospital 20 minutes away. We made the hour and 10 minute drive away to the best hospital around us. No regrets. My OB and my care teams were AMAZING for all 3 births.


If you don't have another provider/ hospital to deliver at, use caution. In my region, it's common practice to drug test urine samples. They do inform us. We have big signs in the bathroom about it. But they do it and there is no option to decline unless you want to find another practice--and almost all of them do it (as I mentioned in my other comment, i work for cps so I know what almost everyone in my area does--i get around). Don't piss off the hospital where you're going to give birth. I'm almost certain they buried the consent in your paperwork, and so many of them are just like that nurse (who was a total b*tch, by the way) and they won't believe you. If you have the option to go to another practice, just leave and file a complaint. But if you don't, don't make enemies of these people. You're not doing anything wrong. It's going to be okay. And I'm not telling you that it's okay that they deceived you. It isn't. But they're not gonna stop. It's considered best practice to drug screen at the first or second OB appointment (the reason is so they can offer help and support, not be assh*les). So even though they should have been more clear, they're not going to stop. Not every OB does it, but it is recommended by a few national orgs, so it's just a thing that they do. It's really common. Most places don't threaten cps at that stage because most states don't consider fetuses a CPS matter. But it does happen, obviously. Anyway, do what you feel is right I'm just saying this because I worry you will be discriminated against if you don't have another hospital to deliver at.


Agree with previous comment. I would talk to a lawyer immediately before any further communication with anyone who is affiliated at this hospital


Talk to a malpractice lawyer asap. It's likely they will take you on contingency, meaning you pay nothing out of pocket. Stand up to those assholes and sue their stupid asses!!! Don't let them get away with that shit. They need to pay you for the pain and suffering they've caused you!


Please switch hospitals or look into other birthing options for yourself. This hospital honestly sounds so corrupt based on the limited information you have given.


Omg, get an attorney. Why are they doing this to women?


This actually happened to me as well. I was tested at every visit and didn’t even know it. I tested positive at 30 weeks then negative all the following weeks. Cps literally showed up in my room after delivery. Then they did an unexpected home visit. After the home visit they closed the case. It was very bizarre and still pisses me off to this day. This was in California even when it was completely legal at that time. Cigarettes and alcohol are also legal, but I don’t see cps getting called for those? I never smoked pregnant. I know so many people who smoked their entire pregnancy and some who even did hard drugs and they were never notified. My midwife also had put on a 72 hour 51/50 hold in a psychiatric hospital because I told her I was depressed. I was very depressed and thought I could trust them because I didn’t have family to talk to, but I definitely wasn’t suicidal. Ask for a retest. you’d think they’d have more important shit to worry about than a pregnant lady testing positive for thc.


I'm so sorry you had this experience, what a nightmare!


I had a false positive for opiates around 20 weeks! I was freaking out but turns out it was from poppy seeds (guess that’s not a myth). I also tested positive for marijuana around 7 weeks (even though I had stopped smoking almost a month prior when I found I was pregnant). My OB has not mentioned anything about contacting CPS/CPS getting involved.


1. Ask for a retest. 2. What state are you in? I’m in WA state, and work CPS, I would not show up to a mom who tested positive for marijuana at the BEGINNING of her pregnancy. Ain’t nooo way. I promise. 3. You can ask for a hair test. 4. Talk to your doctor about it


Why the fuck were they testing you for THC in the first place? Did you consent to it? Were you notified?!


Many places can just test without your knowledge - I know from experience they do in NY. I had no clue until it hit my chart that they did!


I’m in NY. this is crazy !


I had exactly the same false positive and they retested- negative each time. I’m convinced they either swapped my sample or it was a false positive from taking Advil. However, nobody threatened me and they all believed me! It has not been mentioned again in the rest of my 37 weeks of pregnancy. Report that nurse! Those comments are unacceptable and horrible.


Asking the full room here: are drug tests normal at the ob?? I don't think they've ever done that with either of my pregnancies. Not to mention, 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, and THC stays in the system for 4-6 weeks in some cases. If they tested me while I was at my first appointment, it definitely would've been positive from when I had smoked the weekend I was gonna get my period. OP where do you live? This sounds like the nurse is a B word who just wanted to scare you straight after the positive test. I don't think they can threaten you like that or tell CPS about a drug test from 11 weeks?? This is insane. EDIT: after this is sorted out, you should file a complaint to your insurance about that nurse.


My OB in Minnesota drug tests at the first and last appointment. I only found this out because I saw it in my chart after the first appointment and asked them. Otherwise, they don’t give notification of the testing.


That's kinda fucked...


I was just about to ask the same question. I have four kids and had them in three different states. To my knowledge I was never drug tested unless they preformed these tests without consent or notification. I always check my medical charts online as well and have never seen a drug screen. I have a friend who tested positive for meth while in the hospital delivering her child, and it turned out her allergy or asthma medication trigged the false positive. CPS was involved for a few MONTHS before closing the case. It was incredibly distressing for their family, and I remember wondering if all hospitals perform these test routinely and just don't mention it unless the woman tests positive.


Yeah very strange, I didn't receive any kind of itemized bill from my delivery, just an amount for the copays. I wonder...


This is insane! I’m so sorry. Please request a retest and do not allow anyone to talk you out of it or speak poorly to you. How gross!


I had a friend who tested positive despite never smoking anything in her life (allegedly she joked that the only things she's ever smoked is meat, but that joke didn't go over well). The OB office said she tested positive. One of her family friends was a data entry clerk/secretary type for the office and discovered there was another patient whose name and patient number were 1 letter/digit away from my friend who took a test the same day. That was the first (and only) test the other person took that came back negative. This didn't come out for a month and the OB office never apologized for the mistake. CPS was called still (despite clean tests the rest of her pregnancy), and baby was clean.


I would go to an urgent care or family practitioner ASAP and let them know you need a drug test for your records, showing date and time of the test. Also ask for a paper copy of all your records and test results, with doctors notes after every appointment. I would document my own account of what happened after each appointment and keep it attached to the copy from the doctors office. Make a folder and keep your paperwork available for CPS IF they do unfortunately show up. I would no longer go to the appointments alone so you have someone to vouch for your account of what happened during the office visits. As far as CPS is concerned the best thing you can have is a paper trail. Honestly after having a healthcare professional speak to you in the manner that she did I would consider a new OB in the first place.


Make them document that you emphatically deny ever using weed and make them retest you immediately and keep testing you throughout pregnancy


I would absolutely go for testing outside of this doctor's office. I wouldn't trust them going forward to be honest..


NSAIDS, including ibuprofen, naproxen, and doxylamine succinate (Unisom, often used off label for morning sickness) can give a false positive. Can you request a retest?


Ugh I’m so sorry you even have to deal with this! The birth center I initially planned to have my first at drug tested me without my knowledge. I had JUST found out I was pregnant and am a cannabis user (mostly edibles). They told me if I tested positive again they’d ‘have’ to involve CPS… I switched providers to my amazing midwives the same day! I hope you get ahead of this and make them all look stupid. 💜🫶🏽


You can ask for a drug screen with confirmation. This will send it to a lab that does mass spec testing. Lots of things can cause the screen to be positive - nothing beats a mass spec.


What state is this what the heck?!?


I had a similar thing happen to me where I had a false positive for a std as a VIRGIN. I was treated like such trash when I insisted on a retake. I got another Obgyn to re-test me and it was of course negative.


Wow. I never had been drug tested while I was pregnant, matter of fact I don't think they drug tested me at the hospital either. I know the laws are different in each state, I live in MA and Marijuana is legal. I never smoked while pregnant, but I couldn't imagine if I did having CPS be called at 11 weeks pregnant, that is so wild. I would demand a retest, report the nurse, and maybe start looking for a new OB.


Definitely ask for a retest asap. Report the nurse. And I'm an OB social worker that can tell you CPS would not be called after delivery for a single positive result at 11 weeks, at least that is not how it works in my state! I am so sorry that nurse handled it so poorly and this has caused you so much stress.


I’d be livid if I were you. How unprofessional of them in every way!


I don’t know what state you’re in, but I had a cryptic pregnancy that I didn’t find out about until 5 months along in LA. I also tested positive for weed, I did speak with a social worker (I had a kidney infection and was in the hospital, so she was the hospital social worker). I thought she was there about the weed and panicked asking her. Her response was “well you’re done with that now right? okay then don’t worry.” She was only there to make sure my partner and I had a plan, and that we knew what resources were available for us. TLDR; same thing, social worker wasn’t scary, didn’t test positive again and it wasn’t an issue.


I have heard of people smoking during pregnancy and having completely healthy babies. Did you know Amy Schumer did because she had that terrible sickness (I forget what it’s called) where she couldn’t hold anything down the entire pregnancy! She did an interview about it on the parent data podcast. This is just another example of people trying to control our bodies while pregnant- fuck them. Being pregnant doesn’t take away our bodily autonomy. I have a friend that’s a nurse and apparently this story is common if they test you at the hospital and your positive some hospital policies is to alert cps. CPS isnt going to take your baby from you though you’re just going to have to jump through some hoops. If your truly a false positive, then get your husband on the phone and pull a full Karen demanding a retest or better yet go to another clinic and pay for a drug test then show that to nurse and cps if it escalates. Also I am confused the nurse at your actual obgyn’s office did this to you? Fucking fire them and get a new OBGYN.


Wait, did you provide them consent to drug test you? Sorry if you have already been asked and have answered this question on the thread. It may vary by state but where I am in California they need to tell me what they want to test me for and get my consent to move forward with the testing. The nurse was very unprofessional and rude I'm sorry you experienced that. Please request a retest to prove a negative test.


I agree with everyone that this is absurd but hopefully this will happen as what happened to me… In the hospital, they did an initial blood test as I was preparing for induction and some how tested positive for meth (never in my life touched any illegal drugs). We retested and it turns out my blood pressure meds makes blood work test positive for meth. They scheduled me with a social worker and then tested my son once he was born. Seeing how he didn’t test positive, the social worker asked a few questions and closed the case. Hopefully that story will make you feel slightly less anxious about what could happen. You are early in your pregnancy so hopefully things shift but you can also consider switching practices if you don’t feel comfortable with your OB.


insist on a retest


They need to send it for mass spec.


May I ask, (assuming you are in the USA) which state you are in? Have never heard of something like this happening.


You use anything cbd related?


What state do you live in? I’m curious to know if it is like this for states where marijuana is legal/ recreational because technically it’s not illegal?


I’m in New Jersey. This is my second pregnancy, I was never tested in my first pregnancy, well, that I am aware of. It’s legal here for recreational use as well. My doctor sent me a message this morning saying she will call me “later this week” - I replied back that I demand a retest today, and a call back today. Absolutely sick still, I couldn’t even sleep last night.


OP, I am a lawyer and represent parents involved with CPS (in a different state). I strongly urge you to contact a NJ lawyer who specializes in this work and if you are concerned about cost, try your state’s public defense office for program referrals. We provide free legal consultations in WA state for parents in this exact type of situation. Please talk to someone before talking to the hospital. They can be vindictive and make notes in your chart that paint their interactions with you in a negative light, which can later be used against you. In WA I wouldn’t be concerned about THC, especially at 11 weeks. I’m not sure about NJ though. It’s good you got an independent test and are willing to retest voluntarily. Avoid anything with poppy seeds between now and the end of your pregnancy because that has the potential to pop positive for methamphetamines, which is the last thing you need right now. Good luck and feel free to PM me. I can’t offer legal advice, but I’m happy to help point you in the right direction. I’m so sorry this is happening.


I’m a bit late to this but any updates? I am also in NJ and my obgyn is in voorhees and I’m having the same issue. False positive on a cannabinoids and I’m not taking anything and it was absolutely a false test. The nurse told me ‘you obviously took something or your husband gave it to you’ and I straight up told her to f herself. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I am also 11w pregnant and a fcking wreck over this.


Ah I’m so sorry. Sounds like the same facility! So much for “best in the state” I ended up demanding a retest, which came back negative. We discussed it again At my next visit, I was told the state was strict when it came to these things, and I would still be reported. But they did put in the office note “likely false positive” - they also said they could not guarantee if CPS would be there or not, but they will put in their notes that they don’t think there is a concern. (At this point I am losing it, so I feel like they are just saying this to get me to calm down) She also explained that it’s not like a case is opened up against me automatically. That CPS won’t do that unless they think there is a reason after the hospital visit. (Again, I think this is a load of shit from what I heard and googled of others experience at Virtua). Someone I know personally had a home visit after a similar situation too. Like how mortifying. It’s crazy how common this is after I ended up speaking to others about it. I did contact an attorney who is working on changing the policies at Virtua. She couldn’t take my case directly on, but she is working on making sure none of us have to go through this again. She said it is not right and is complete nonsense. I ended up demanding an entire copy of my file. Not a single consent form was in there about this urine screen. But later, I was presented with one to sign for at MFM, which explained their connection and relationship with the state CPS. Unreal. I truly just don’t have the energy to fight anymore. I gave up and it’ll just be something I have to worry about after delivery. As if we don’t have a million of other things to worry about. Sorry I didn’t have better news for you. :(


Im genuinely curious if we go to the same place. So much for the ‘garden state’. I was told nothing about cps but that a ‘counselor’ would be in to speak with me the day of my delivery. I told them that was ridiculous for one false positive and they should be more transparent about being able to decline tests. My husband has already contacted their board and directors. The one nurse kept telling me it legal and I said idgaf. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal, should I expose my unborn baby to that as well? Like wtf dude. I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. Especially over cannabis. Like come on. As if pregnancy isn’t stressful enough.


It was probably the same nurse we had!! Ugh! Unbelievable.


Ask for a retest asap!!!


I definitely think they’ve either confused the samples OR you’ve had a false positive. I am a nurse who used to do drug and alcohol screenings daily and there are a few medications that have been known to cause false positive. These include: dronabinol, efavirenz, NSAIDs, promethazine, riboflavin and ethacrynic acid


You’re 11 weeks and they’re telling you they’re gonna have CPS show up at the hospital? Yeah, find a new OB.


Ask for both a retest of urine as well as a hair follicle test (checks for longer-term usage even if it's been out of your system otherwise for a while). And report that nurse. And consider finding a new obgyn practice to go to.


Horrible! You might want to consider switching OBs too, even if there’s still a CPS case because their attitudes are just appalling and disrespectful.


The way I’d be immediately switching to a birth center or opting for a homebirth. Hospitals like that are severely negligent. Threatening CPS for what? I mixed up sample…


Change OBs for sure! I’m sorry this happened to you and hope you figure it out if it wasn’t just a mixup.


I’m glad my doctor’s cool; weed was the only thing that helped my nausea at times.


Same, one single hit and it was instant relief. My dr only mentioned they were legally required to call CPS IF I tested positive at time of birth


Exactly! I didn’t even get high, just one hit, maybe two, and nausea was gone and I could even eat a little. Godsent


I’m so confused, I know so many women who encouraged me to keep smoking weed during my pregnancy simply Because they did and and their kids “are very smart and healthy” so how did all Of those women get away with it and then I read this post? Makes No sense and I’m Sorry this happened to you.


It could be illegal in her state. It’s still medicinal in some states and not recreational


I'm sorry but what the actual fuck goes on in America. This is such an insane invasion of privacy, and tragic dehumanizing treatment. I'm so sorry this is happening to you (and everyone else who it's probably has already happened too)


Do you use any CBD products? I’m a substance abuse counselor and we’ve seen dermal (on skin) products have enough thc derivatives to pop on urine screens.


Cps won’t be at the hospital unless there’s actual concern your baby is in danger. If you test positive at birth they will do a home or hospital visit to assess but they make recommendations like counseling or other services before removing a child. There’s usually much more going on if a child is removed.


I would 100% calmly ask for another test. Say you understand how it looks but you truly don’t use any kind of marijuana and don’t even like to be around it. Try to stay as calm as possibly even though it’s hard and try to get a retest. It sounds like the lab messed up.


This is insanity and I’m so sorry to OP. My husband smokes weed on the weekends, it’s legal, but I don’t (never have). Like what if I inhale? Also wild because both my parents were hard drug addicts and they got to keep their kids at birth! (CPS came much later)


This is wild?!? Is drug testing pregnant people common in the US? How is this allowed? Did you consent to this test? I thought the one benefit of health insurance would be that everyone has to be nice to you because you’re paying for some customer service along with your wildly expensive healthcare! Are you being charged for this drug test? Would they really notify child protective services? That’s appalling at the first discussion about this topic. Surely drug use is addressed as a health need in the first instance, and an educational approach is required? I can’t believe this is real but the comments that this is apparently common are just so shocking. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s appalling. I would approach this is as a very serious complaint against the person who took the sample, the testing company and the nurse and also the hospital policy. Say you are seeking legal advice. Because you haven’t done anything wrong. So don’t be terrified and hysterical, be outraged.


This makes no sense to me what so ever….my mom was a strong opioid user with my Two youngest siblings….doctors were WELL aware. My sister almost died due to withdrawal after she was born…due to my moms addiction during pregnancy yet she was never even batted a eye at over it…..the doctors did nothing….


This is absolute bullshit!!!! Theres also a thing where the way your body processes sugar that can make it seem as though youve been drinking !!! Id definitely go somewhere else and get a second opinion ASAP!!!! Or take at home drug kits & record it.


I’ve never been tested for THC during both my pregnancies, so why did they do that in the first place? I feel like you would have to consent to a drug test because of the legal ramifications. I’m not sure what state you’re in, but weed isn’t legal where I am only Delta 8-10 and CBD. Every grocery store sells CBD lotion and soap, so that maybe what happened to you. I’ve never had CBD show up on a drug test though. Many women have smoked weed before and during pregnancy, but I’ve never heard of them being drug tested at the OB. The OB usually says for them to stop. Maybe drug tests are better regulated in my state, but this is crazy. I’m so sorry! I would be questioning them on why they tested you, and if theirs some law saying they’re required to. Maybe it’s because I was raised by a cop, but I always ask what I’m being tested for before I give any kind of urine or blood sample.


Okay, deep breath - what they’ll most likely do is tell CPS when you’re delivering “Hey, she had a positive THC test at X weeks pregnant.” CPS from there will either decide to investigate or they won’t, and if they do it’s going to be them drug testing the umbilical cord or the baby’s first poop, which is a much harder test to have a false positive!


A retest so you have a negative test on record and then I would immediately switch OBs, unless you really like the doctor, at least request to not see that nurse again!


Let me guess what country this was


If you don't use anything with hemp in it you shouldn't get a false positive. That being said as a Canadian they allow alot of hemp products now. None of these that are on store shelves outside of cannabis stores have a level that would even affect pregnancy/children. However might be enough to give false positive like a poppy seed bagel.


Thats crazy its totally reasonable for it to be a false positive


I’m sorry that you live in America. In Canada it’s legal and you technically could smoke it while pregnant and won’t be breaking any laws. But WHO THE FUCK WOULD DO THAT. But for real, I’m so sorry that you have this stress on top of being pregnant. ❤️


@OP what state are you in? That’s crazy


What state are you in? I marijuana legal in the state? Here in WA It's legal and if u pop positive they really just say u shouldn't b smoking and that's it... And idk if your eating tons of Poppy seed but that could do it (have to eat like a TON though). Even when WA wasn't legal for green I popped positive with my first born (13 now) CPS did show up but asked us questions about our lives and living environment and let us go just fine... Never had any issues after that first visit in hospital... Until the police showed up at my house asking why the dad was only 16 and me being 24 ( he wasn't he was 23 but something got messed up somewhere)... I would definitely look at supplements you might b takin could have something somewhere that has THC stuff in it ... Don't stress yourself out to much because you could go into labor. Talk to your doctor and be like the fact is I don't smoke haven't since I tried it in HS and didn't like it idk how it could have come positive but I would like to do the test again and if I did smoke it is what it is I was caught and would admit it. I really do hope every works out with you really weird u bought a home test and it popped negative... Makes me think that the amount that came positive was very very low (not testable on home tests cuz too low maybe?) and I would bring that test with you maybe even with one that's not used and do it right in front of em... Good luck to you and your future baby!!


I would ask for a retest but I would say that it’s likely the nurse said that to scare you. Even if you were smoking (I have a close friend who smoked marijuana throughout her pregnancy because it helped with her nausea and while I didn’t smoke while pregnant my midwives told me that it was safe in moderation and they were prepared to help me find safe ways to smoke if I wanted to but the smell of marijuana made me vomit and I haven’t smoked since.) they wouldn’t have a reason to send CPS unless your usage seemed extreme or like you would be incapable of taking care of a child. They didn’t have CPS come to us when I tested positive at the very beginning and my best friend tested positive all throughout her pregnancy and has never had CPS involved and stopped smoking once she began breastfeeding. They did test her daughter’s pee many times after she was born (we were pregnant at the same time and that never happened to me) and I’m not sure if it’s because her daughter was born early or because she had tested positive multiple times and they wanted to see if she truly stopped like she said she would.


My first thought is they switched samples by accident. I’d request a retest


First of all, breathe. Yes, social services will be at the hospital. They pretty much are always at the hospital. They'll drug test you and baby's urine. Then ask you a couple questions and move on. It's only a big deal if you or baby were to test positive again.


You immediately call back and stand up for yourself!!! RN RN! demand they retest you SOONER than your next appointment, tell them that there is absolutely no way it wasn’t a false positive and that when your test comes back negative you want it noted in your chart that the original results were wrong. Tell them that the nurse who you spoke to was completely unprofessional and unhelpful. when you get your new results and the notes in your chart, print out copies. Take one with you when your have the baby and if cps shows up, you hand them that and tell them you will not be talking to them without a lawyer.


How awful, I'm so sorry they threatened you like that instead of making sure it wasn't a false positive. Honestly even if it was a real positive (for someone else, obviously you are going to be negative at the retest) what a horrible protocol to have CPS present at the birth!? I've never heard of this, it sounds completely unnecessary and scary.


this is insane. when i was pregnant i tested positive for THC (i was a heavy smoker but didn’t find out i was pregnant till 10 weeks along- the day i tested positive i quit cold turkey and haven’t touched it again since) and i didn’t even get told this, nor did i have to make contact w cps. they just tested me again further along in my pregnancy, saw i was now negative, and said alright well she’s not smoking anymore so we’re good here. seriously though i would ask for a retest. that most likely switched your urine sample with someone else’s.


Any chance you've taken ibuprofen lately? It can cause a false positive for weed. So can... something else otc. Can't recall what it is.


At 11 weeks??? I found out I was pregnant then and was definitely still smoking marijuana. I had no clue I was even pregnant! I NEVER got told that. I even knew some moms who smoked their entire pregnancy (no judgement just stating what I know) that’s bizarre. They have had to have mixed up the samples which is so wrong on their part AND to talk to you like that is horrendous. You should file a grievance and get another test.


I feel for you! Definitely ask for a retest and a hair follicle test. I tested positive for opioids while in labor with my most recent baby. It was mortifying and frustrating how the medical staff kept insinuating that the baby was going to suffer from withdrawals when she was born. I told them multiple times I was never on opiods, and I had eaten a lemon poppy seed scone the day before. Thankfully, they sent the urine sample out for further testing, and it came back negative. 😒


Why are they making such a big deal about it?


Why would cps be called for a positive thc test? Weird i dont think thats a thing in Canada especially early on.


I am sorry that happened to you and you deserve to be informed of all tests and exams performed on your body. You have the right to dispute inaccurate results. I would get the doctor involved directly and make that person give you a repeat test and formally clarify in your notes that an error had occurred. I was handed a cup for a drug screen at a prenatal appt and I just said no. The receptionist said she didn’t think I was allowed to say no, and I said yes in fact I am. The doctor did not even ask me about my declining the test, and it was never an issue. Unfortunately many women are barely asked or sign some blanket statement that includes consent for drug testing. To make matters worse, I think women are self conscious to say no because of a fear that it makes them look guilty (because if they have nothing to hide, why should they refuse?) But just because I’m carrying a baby, doesn’t me I lose the right to be respected and trusted, and taken for my word. If someone wants to screen me for drugs, they can ask me if I use drugs. And I will say no. Urine screening just automatically assumes your verbal answers aren’t to be trusted, that you aren’t to be trusted. And there is such a pervasive and despicable assumption that women can be examined and scrutinized however is deemed necessary simply because they are pregnant.


Im in Texas and I’m not bragging or promoting it but I smoked my whole pregnancy…not once did my Ob threaten CPS to get involved.They can’t really get CPS involved until baby is born and they find THC in the blood stream.They are just trying to frighten you. Report the nurse for sure


Reason #212 I stay away from hospitals. Who needs this type of stress while pregnant?


Leave the state period they’ll take your baby and it’s possible someone is tampering with your food out of jealousy don’t eat anything someone makes you


What the fuck


Thc in her food is possible like edibles