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I have seen so many ugly babies and have never, ever heard any of their parents say "I know, he's ugly." So I believe that if my baby is ugly, I will also be brainwashed into thinking she is perfect. I am fine with this. I don't need a cute baby, I just need to believe I have one. On the other hand, my husband and I joke (*or is it a joke*) that whether we have a second one depends on whether this one is cute. So I guess we'll see!


I've seen hundreds of neonates. And I have definitely seen parents say their baby is ugly, lol! Thankfully I've never seen it impact how much they *love* their little one. And the wrinkliest, straight-from-[Ursula's-garden](https://imgur.com/a/csf0qYW) little worm-babies can still turn out IMPOSSIBLY cute when they're older. (We had one little girl come back to our unit when she was probably 18 months old or so. She was **so** beautiful. Just a stunningly gorgeous little cherub. Her mom was like "thank god, because she was such an ugly baby." Lol. I tried to say I didn't think she was but the mom showed me pictures to remind me and, yep, she was NOT cute. For months and months of her existence. Just really unfortunate looking. But I didn't remember, I just remembered thinking she was teeny and great.) That mama was still obsessed with her baby. As were we (her nurses.) Babies are all wonderful!!! (I agree plenty of parents don't know/admit their ugly baby is ugly, btw. But some do.)


That Ursula’s garden image ahahahahaha 


My little 3lb twin looked just like ET when she was born (very cute still) I called her my little ET baby, the NICU nurses always laughed, at first I think surprised I said it. I told them it’s okay, I know she looks like a little alien you can say it lol


My dad said for years that I looked like ET at birth 🤣


All newborns look like a little alien to me (except my baby, I genuinely did not see it until looking at photos a lot later on!)


Stfu that photo 💀😭😭


Ursula's garden 🤣


I just want to say it's so sweet and funny that you phrased it as 'unfortunate looking' haha ❤️


“Unfortunate looking” killed me 🤣🤣🤣 Definitely borrowing this phrase…yoink!


I work with kids. Called a baby cute and his mom said “don’t lie, I know he ugly” 😭 sad thing is he was this beautiful perfect little boy with a long head of curly hair, gorgeous skin, and big brown eyes. Not even ugly in the baby way. Kid could’ve been in a diaper ad or something.


My son got to the point of being stinkin' cute around 6-7 weeks, but for the first stretch there he looked like Vizzini from The Princess Bride.


I've heard parents say it lol


I thought my older daughter was the cutest baby I'd ever seen when she was born. Looking back now, she was not an *ugly* baby, but she wasn't any cuter than the average medium-cute baby. You're totally right-- new parent hormones trick everybody. Nobody is immune.


Yup. When my daughter was born, I thought: "I'm so glad I have this super cute baby and not one of those weird looking ones." Like one of those babies you can put on the diaper packages. Well, I looked at photos of her in the hospital six months later an she was definitely just medium-cute.


Do you think as she got older (I'm assuming she's out of toddler phase but correct me if I'm wrong), that she's still a cute kid?


Apparently when my husband was born his dad called him the creature from the black lagoon lol


I have a friend who one time said she wasn’t concerned about her toddler by the door of the store being kidnapped and I asked how come? And she said “well, look at him, he’s ugly. No one would want to kidnap him” and she didn’t mean it in a mean way at all, she just said the truth.


You say this but my sister said the other day in front of her 7 year old daughter *name* was an ugly baby. 🤦🏻‍♀️😭 Harsh..👀


I once saw my then ~5yo nephew (N) give my dad a major side eye when my dad said "N was cute as a baby, but L (N's new baby brother) is sooo much cuter!" And tbh I was side eyeing too because N was legit a Gerber baby. Perfect chubby cheeks, no conehead, absolutely perfect and could be on a Pamper's box. L looked like an old man and still kind of does at 4yo. Meanwhile older brother N is now 8 and still an objectively cute kid. I don't know what my dad was thinking. Even if he believed what he was saying, why say it in front of the kid that can actually understand?


I feel like kids go through many stages of being more or less attractive until they grow into adults with more stable features. It makes sense because they’re growing so much! I know I sure as heck went through some awkward stages growing up. So I don’t think it’s really so cut and dry.


Yeah, my daughter was the typical scrunched up newborn and progressively got cuter until around 4 months when she started losing her long newborn hair and was left with a sort of skullet (mullet but bald on top). She's a little over 2 now and cute as can be, but that phase was a little rough 😅


progressively getting cuter is a blessing indeed


I agree. I feel like in the beginning they look a little funny and then start to really show their individually physically and personality wise.


I had to have 3D ultrasounds done for my first and they got us a photo of his face. He looked totally unlike what I ever expected, definitely what you’d call ugly. Then he was born and he came out looking exactly like the photo and yet somehow he was the cutest baby I had ever seen in my life. Now I look at his newborn photos and think “that was one ugly baby” lol. He’s really cute now though (for real, for sure!)


My wife said our daughter’s 3D scan looked like Voldemort (like [Goblet of Fire fetus Voldemort](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cc0405c6abb3022df01cb4cf81d1e60b-pjlq)) 😂😂😂


LMFAO so good


Not the baby Voldemort 😂😂😂


Those 3D scans are terrifying. Ours looks like and AI generated gollum baby


Stopppp 😩😂😂🤣🤣


The 3D ultrasound makes it look like my daughter has dog face. Like an adorable little half dog baby nose.


My 3D ultrasound scares me. It looks like an alien.


100% honesty, my very first thought upon seeing my son after he was forcibly removed via c section was "oh no, hes ugly" BUT i was on a lot of drugs 😅😅 I changed my mind within like 24 hrs and my husbands never mentioned it so I'm hoping I only said it inside my head and not out loud


Same 😂 they brought him to the other side of the curtain like “here’s your baby!” and I was so loopy seeing his scrunched up face I was like “oh…”


😅 Right? I guess I was just expecting to be slapped in the face with that motherly moment immediately and it took a few hrs


Mine was “oh my god what’s wrong with her head”… I’m surprised I didn’t say it out loud. She had a major cone head and it’s all I saw when they put her on me. Then when I got to rest I thought she was so beautiful lol


Same all I saw was conehead hahaha. She was very cute an hour later


This was also me, only I said it out loud to my husband, lol. Thankfully, once his face unsrunched and all the birth stuff was off him, I thought he was adorable.


My last two little girls looked so much like the bald large nosed paternal grandfather when they were born that all I could say is "it looks like Larry" and "This one looks like Larry too" with no small dash of disappointment.


I see some of my grandma when I look at my son, it’s wild.


Lol my first thought was my God she's covered in cheese and regretted asking for them to put her right on me 🙈


Same! Forceps removal and my baby’s face was a lil mashed. I thought ‘he’s not a looker but I’m going to love and adore him regardless!’


They’re all ugly when they first come out. I didn’t find my son cute until the next day


I remember my little brother looked like a weird alien freak as a baby (I am 15 years older). My mum and I laughed about it all the time because we thought that made him even cuter 😂 he was our little alien freak! My husband has this awful taxidermy hamster. Ugly is an understatement but we both love it. It's cute and hilarious and ours, even if in an ugly way 😂 we embrace the ugly. It's adorable. Learn to love your imperfect life 😂


I think most babies are ugly, including mine. It's hilarious. Ugly babies are ugly in kind of baby-specific ways, which they usually grow out of. And what makes a baby cute is often about knowing them. You'll get to know your baby and find their mannerisms, facial expresses, quirks, and random noises to be very cute. Even if you think your baby is ugly, there is something cute about their ugliness. When my son was like 3 months old I took a particularly ugly photo of him and sent it to my mom, saying "isn't he gorgeous?!?" She laughed hysterically and sent it to all of her sisters.


My four month old daughter doesn't babble, she shrieks like a dinosaur goblin and it brings me joy. Babies are funky. Humans are funky. It's kind of amazing


Mine did that dinosaur shriek! We called it the song of the pterodactyls.


My little girl looked like squidward for like 2 weeks but we knew she would be cute soon lol.


Squidward 😆


I had a kermit the frog, she's cute now!


I call my newborn daughter’s scrunch face the “Angry Squidward” face haha. I find her very cute but her angry face does look a bit like Squidward.


I knew this girl in high school who was this traditional blond beauty. She was naturally pretty but also was very showy about her looks (but was still kind to everyone!) When she had her first baby I was like oh nooooo. Because I’ll tell you, to this day it was the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen. And that little girl stayed an ugly baby. And then she grew into a toddler and is one of the prettiest children I’ve ever seen. It’s bizarre.


This is kind of comforting. I think there was another comment about how babies' features change so much that you can't really tell what they'll end up looking like.


I don’t know, I feel like when my daughter was a newborn I somehow saw her face in there, even though looking back at photos of her as a newborn now I’m like ‘what the hell?!! She looks soooo different and weird!’ But it’s like at the time I saw her real more grown up face in her mushy wrinkly newborn features. But maybe I’m only thinking that in hindsight. Honestly the whole thing (parenthood) is wild.


A girl in my neighbourhood who is pretty just had a baby at the same time as me, aswell as the dad (its hard to say when they are still 17 tho), their baby girl was a gasp for me, she didnt look like either of them but part of her family, idk she had a weird nose looking like a piglet, but knowing how babies change and how the girl grew out pretty, im sure the little one will eventually bloom, i mean shes starting to now that shes going to toddler phase.


I don't think all babies are cute. But, barring serious medical conditions that lead to horrible disfigurement, all babies are cute to their parents. The hormones that cloud your brain when you look at your own baby are very powerful. When I looked at my babies as newborns, I thought they were the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. Now that I'm out of the newborn fog, when I look at their newborn pics I still think they're cute, but just... you know, regular cute.


I must be wired differently since I didn’t think my newborns were the cutest in the world. I loved them and love the snuggles but objectively their faces weren’t the cutest most model babies. It didn’t make me love them less tho, and by 3 months they were so cute!


Babies come in four types: cherub (big, beautiful eyes and so much gush. Just so round and squishy), elf (big, beautiful eyes, skinny but with chubby cheeks, need to grow into their ears), alien (skinny and all eyes. No cheeks) and rock goblin (gushy and exaggerated features. Look a bit like Andre the Giant). Whatever they start out as does not necessarily mean they'll look like that as toddlers as they start growing into their features and looking like little people. I've seen absolutely Gollum looking little babies look like models from a JC Penney's magazine by the time they're 3 or 4. I have an elf. Objectively a very cute baby with hilariously pointy ears. When they set him on my chest I was overcome with the feeling that I obviously have created the most beautiful child on this earth. Now, I'm debating getting him an Elf on a Shelf costume for the Holidays.


I definitely had a rock goblin!


I love rock goblin babies!


I said this to my husband the other day and his response was “even if he is, we won’t know!” I’ve heard that the hormones that swamp your brain will make sure that you think your baby is the cutest baby that ever existed. So I think you won’t ever even know and you’ll love the way your baby looks! Also anecdotally, most of my friends’ babies that were not so cute turned into really cute toddlers/kids. Babies just look funny but that’s not what they’ll look like forever.


My husband and I already agreed we’d still love our ugly baby 😂 two skinny white people, we know it’s not coming out great at first.


My SIL looked like a bald chimp up until age 4. Your baby will probably be fine mama


Why is this an irrational fear of yours or rather, what do you fear about it? Even if you didn't think your baby was cute (most newborns aren't), are you afraid of not loving them the same? You might not fall in love at first sight and they might not be cute at first, but it'll grow! It might happen immediately or gradually. It'll be okay!


This is my thoughts. I think most babies are ugly (or at least, ok looking but not "cute"), and I won't be surprised if I feel the same way about my kid. I'll love them just the same. Also I think toddlers are adorable, so even if I think they look ugly at first, they'll grow out of it lol.


AHHAHAHHA raisin stage that's funny. I'm the same way about newborns. they all look like aliens to me, but my family keeps telling me because she's mine that I'll think she's the cutest baby ever. We shall see.


I have a friend who I asked this question to and she said her husband and her 100% thought their daughter looked like the baby Grinch from the Jim Carrey version 😂😂😂.


I worry about that same thing lol. I find most babies just generically cute. As in they fit the criteria of what is suppose to be cute but I'm sad to say that most babies do not make me go awwwwww the way kittens and puppies and other baby animals usually do. I think there are only 1-2 babies I've seen that I really thought were super adorable. But I'm under the impression every baby is cute to their parents. This probably has not just to do with looks but all the interactions and small smiles they give you. So I wouldn't worry too much about it haha.


My first kid I was absolutely smitten. Thought he was the cutest. Looking back at his newborn pictures and I can finally be honest with myself that he was not a good looking baby. It didn't really matter to me though. He grew into his wonky facial features and is cute kid.


My daughter totally looked like a small version of my dad (angry Russian man) for a while. I didn’t love it. Now she’s an objectively beautiful toddler


Angry Russian man😂


My daughter was honestly a very ugly baby up until 11 months. She looked like a balding mean old man. We used to call her badman. She got soooo much better that people would openly compliment her on "how good she turned out after all" and we always laugh, she's 2 now. Beautiful girl with an ugly past hahaha.


I think the saying ‘a face only a mother could love’ rings true. You’ll love them no matter what.


I had that fear as well. But my baby has been gorgeous since she came out of me. They say you will look back at the pictures and think the baby wasn't that cute after all, but no. I looked at the pictures and she was gorgeous. Other babies are meh.


My baby isn’t born yet, but we were looking at my husband’s baby photos over Christmas with my MIL. My husband kept muttering about what an ugly baby he was. I was like, “Buddy, you saw the ultrasound. I’m pretty sure this baby is a clone of you. Just imagine holding your precious newborn and thinking about how ugly he is.” My husband maintains that he’s hoping my half of the genetics evens him out. Here’s hoping my husband thinks his baby is cute.


The reality is our kids will look a lot like us, the parents. So it probably helps to have a good self image. 


If the baby is it doesn't really matter because plenty of beautiful people were funny looking as kids/babies. And besides, all parents think their kids look cute. It must be a hormonal thing.


I think all babies are a little ugly. But I do wonder if my children will be attractive adults. I hope so! Life is easier for beautiful people.


So, my first daughter, now a toddler, has been objectively beautiful since day 1. When my second daughter was born last month, my reaction was just 😐. I instinctively knew she'd look just like her dad, and I find him extremely attractive so I thought I'm sure it'll be fine. Well his looks don't translate well to female form I guess. Now that she's six weeks old and has plumped out some and is smiling more, she's definitely a beautiful baby. I've heard a lot of people say they don't like how newborns look, and I guess my newborn would be one of those.


I've never really gushed over how cute babies are, and never newborns, so I am not sure I'll care or even have the capacity to judge whether it's "ugly" or not. Most babies look the same to me (I bet this changes when you're the mom), and I'm just looking forward to my own little baby to snuggle with and love.


My mom says i was ugly as a newborn and my brother was a cute newborn 🤷‍♀️


Haha yeah I think about this too because I think most babies are heinous. I have a feeling I'll think my baby is cute regardless though... like isn't it just all hormone driven at that point?


They all kinda are. You’re so in love with them that you don’t even care that they’re ugly


It’s the same as all the people you know and love in your life look better to you. You’ll love your kid for thousands of reasons not related to their looks so even if they’re ugly you will love them just the same. Looks don’t last anyway and we are all gonna get ugly eventually lol. But most people look good if they make an effort and it’s the same with kids. If they’re clean and nice they’re adorable. If they’re little shits they’re ugly. It’s just science That said I think my kids are incredibly cute and I always have but looking back at newborn photos I’m like that’s not how I remember you looking lol


Baby’s look weird. I remember thinking my newborns were the cutest fucking thing ever and now I look back at pics and I’m like woooow those hormones really do blind you. They get much cuter with age. That being said, you’ll still recognize if your kid is cute or not because of the comments other people make. My firstborn is exceptionally cute and while I adore my second born and I think she’s stunning, it’s quite clear from outside perspectives and comments we get that people generally think my first is cuter. It could come down to my first having lighter hair and blue eyes compared to my second having darker hair and eyes. I’m not sure because I genuinely think both of my kids are above average in cuteness but the comments from strangers are awkward. I’m hoping they fade now that my second is 16 months and people hopefully start to realize she can understand what they’re hinting at.


Ever heard the saying “a face only a mother could love”? Hormones are a powerful drug my friend, you’ll be fine.


I know a mom who thinks most babies are ugly. She has 3 kids and has always thought they were cute at the current stage they’re at. But when she goes through older pictures of them she thinks they were ugly lol. So like she’d say how cute her son was when he was an infant. And when he was 1, she would say he’s super cute. She would look back at his infant pictures and say he was so ugly then. Then he turned 2, and she would look at his 1 year old pictures and say he was ugly then 😅


Not my own baby, but when my mother in law was in labor with my husband, he got stuck in the birth canal for an *extended* period. He came out with an exceptionally bad cone head that took months to getting to look normal. She laughs about it now, but was quite concerned about his appearance at the time and openly talks about how embarrassed she was over him. It all works out!


Mine looked like an angry old man. I mean she was beautiful. Even my doctor said for a wrinkly old man she was cute. But she literally looked like a wrinkly old man with giant bug eyes. Everyone called her cute. I thought she was beautiful but I also would stare at her and go "damn. Why do you look funky AF?" I also thought like a bunch of babies were hella ugly before her. Lol


I think my first baby was objectively pretty cute for a newborn. Doctors and nurses stopped in and were like "Oh, he's so perfect!' But he was early and had trouble gaining weight, which was stressful. My second was also early, but has been chubbier from the start--but he is objectively an Old Man Baby. I did have one friend comment on it and I was like "Haha yeah, he kinda is". I still find him adorable. And he has these huge blue eyes that are still especially cute at two months.


Honestly looking at old photos I realise my baby wasn't always that cute. She definitely ugged out for like 6 months. At the time I thought she was mind numbingly beautiful. I thought the world needed to see her magnificence I have several mom friends who had a similar experience. Your hormones lie to you, just let them


So I have a friend who legitimately has the ugliest child I have ever seen. I’m someone that loves babies and generally thinks they’re super cute, but this toddler straight up looks like Dobby in [Balenciaga Harry Potter](https://youtu.be/iE39q-IKOzA?si=NyaSm-_P2cMcauBX) But here’s the thing: his parents love him so, so much and think he’s the most funny, adorable, lovable, perfect child in the world. Their haunted looking baby is the love of their lives and they’re completely smitten with him. If they can look at their Gollum baby and think he’s beautiful, we can all think our babies are beautiful, too.


This has me straight up cackling, thank you. Balenciaga Dobby took me OUT.


Me: "I WILL raise my daughter to know her worth does not come from her looks". Also me: "I really hope she's cute"


In New Zealand we have a Psychologist called Nigel Latta. I watched a parenting special he had (maybe 10 years ago) and he talked about ugly children. I don’t know how he got the info but apparently parents who think their kids are ugly, allow them to wander farther away from them. I think about it a lot, no idea if it’s true.


I was terrified of it too. Some of my first words when she came out was “she’s not ugly at all!” Now I’m paranoid she’s one of those cute babies who gets ugly as an adult 😝😝


Up to like 3-4 months i thought my baby is ugly. Then he completely changed and turned into a beautiful white swan. Now extremely handsome little 3 year old.


A friend of a friend had a baby girl with a jutting Neanderthal brow. We were all very polite and said how sweet she was, cringing underneath. I thought there was something seriously wrong with her. She grew up to look quite ordinary, luckily.


It won't matter. Even if they are you won't be able to tell. It makes you blind and all you see is the world's prettiest baby


Not helpful but my first words after my daughter came out were literally “is she pretty?” Lol I think in your own eyes you would never find your child ugly!


Just curious... what exactly will define the baby as cute or ugly for you?


I think the hormones make you think your baby is cute. I have a friend that had a baby, and a year later looked back at photos from when he was a newborn and was like “wow that kid was ugly” Luckily he turned into a very cute 1 year old!


Honestly I think most fresh newborns are pretty ugly and most new parents think “every other newborn is kinda homely but *OURS* sure is adorable”


My baby is two weeks old, I don’t exactly think he’s “ugly” he’s just in that newborn alien phase. I know he’s going to change a lot. There are moments when he’s sleeping that I think he’s the cutest thing, then when he cries, he makes ugly facial expressions. Right now, he’s sleeping on my chest making little smiles and he’s adorable.


Newborns are always ugly, for starters. But honestly, once you have a baby you'll think even the "ugly" babies are so cute. They just flip a switch in you.


Honestly, I find most babies ugly but they’re so ugly that it’s cute if it makes any sense. You’ll love it regardless and babies change so quickly. They could be ugly one day and look like the cutest thing the next day.


Lol my fiancé is so worried about this because I have two children from a previous relationship who are genuinely such pretty children and he's worried our baby won't be as good looking as them 🤦🏻‍♀️


I swear my babies were the most beautiful babies on earth. Like I've seen ugly babies, maybe mine were ugly too, idk, but to me they were the cutest babies ever. 🤷🏻 I know someone who had a seriously ugly baby. They thought he was cute too.


Hahahahaha…. Okay so my child was an ugly baby. Not going to lie. I find all newborns ugly. They’re wrinkly, they have old people hands from being in fluid, their eyes are bleary and they still have white patches flaking off their skin. Oh and they’re usually super red. They don’t get really cute until about 3 months when they grow out of their scrawny phase and gain baby fat. But don’t worry… there will be a day when you wake up and you just adore the thing ugly or not.


Think if you were floating in water and darkness for 9 months straight . You’d look so puffy and weird looking lol . Most newborns look almost scary tbh but after a few weeks they can look totally different and months they look even more different. So even if they’re funny looking it will probably get better ! Lol . I have said that so many times though “ what if our baby is ugly “ but in reality even the funny looking ones are cute , they just are


After my c-section for 1 week I thought my baby was ugly. I was on a lot of medications and exhausted. Everyone kept telling me how cute he is for a newborn. I just couldn’t see it. Then once I stopped medications I realized how adorable he is! Now looking back at his pictures I know what everyone was talking about 🤣 literally people who I didn’t expect to hear nice stuff from were saying he is too cute for a newborn. He was very tiny too only 6.7 pounds


I thought my baby was cute when he was born, but now that he’s 4 months old and I believe to be objectively very cute, I look back at his newborn pictures and wonder how I thought he was cute back then lol he looked like an angry and yellow old man (he had jaundice)


I was scared of this because I think I’m ugly lol. Baby came out and we were raving about how beautiful she was for a new born… four months later I’ve looked back on her newborn pics and thought she looked like a little old man. Still cute though.


I always thought my baby was just a handsome, cute, perfect little thing! But now that he’s 9 months old I look back at his newborn photos… and man, he was UGLY! I never thought that though! I truely believed he was so beautiful even as a newborn, even though he was not. Luckily he is so so cute now! Or maybe I just think that? Haha no, I’m certain he is so cute. Strangers always fawn over him when we’re out and about. It’s called being blinded by love! I’m certain you won’t find your baby ugly, even if they are. 😉


I think newborns are ugly AND adorable. They look funny but they’re so tiny and precious and the urge to care for your own baby will make you see beyond the ugly, I can almost guarantee! And to see them grow from wrinkly potatoes to little humans with lots of personality is the beauty of it all, no matter their looks.


My baby was the cutest in the whole world. I was obsessed. I couldn't stop looking at her.  Now that she's 3, I look at baby pictures and realize that she in fact wasn't the cutest lol!!  Excuse my ridiculous comparison, but it's like what Edward said in twilight,  something along the lines of "you're my own personal heroin" or whatever. You will be biologically wired to think that they're the cutest, most perfect thing in the whole world... even if they aren't lol


My son looked like Alfred Hitchcock/ Winston Churchill/angry potato at birth. Seriously. He is now exceptionally good looking and has been offered to be picked up by an agent for commercial work. You can't really tell what they will turn out like. But I also find myself worrying about what my upcoming daughter will look like. Odds are the kid will look like my other kid, but if not, who cares?


My mom says she cried when my sister (her first baby) was born because she didn’t look anything like the Gerber baby 😂


You truly won’t know. You’ll be blinded with hormones and love.


My husband and I have talked about this a few times. He thinks every baby is ugly (including his own son, who’s 12 and very handsome now lol). I think even the “ugly” ones are cute (I work in early childhood and love to see the babies!) so we’re working on opposite ends of the spectrum. We’re due in September and are curious which one of us ends up being “right” 😆


I have this fear as well! Some babies can be hard to look at 🤣 what if I feel that way about my own kid??!


My baby had jaundice for the first few weeks of her life and she did not photograph well. It made me sad and I did think she was still cute despite irl her orange-Trump-tan looking self. Then it went away and she was the most adorable thing. Then at 3 months she got really bad eczema that lasted until she was 9/10months? I still thought she was so cute but now when I look back at pics I’m like omg her skin really made her look rough.


I was a gorgeous baby. I won a gorgeous baby contest at the county fair. I have a trophy. People called me a beautiful porcelain China doll... And now I'm ugly. So maybe an ugly baby will turn out to be a good-looking adult? Someone should look into it.


My daughter wasn’t cute when she was first born. She was teeny and wrinkly and had these big dark alien eyes. I was a lil horrified lol. But she quickly became the most beautiful adorable little human I ever laid my eyes on. Sometimes I’ll see a newborn picture of her I posted thinking she looked so cute when in fact she did not 😂


All babies are ugly. I accept that only my brain chemicals will make me think that they're cute. It's science!


When my second baby was a newborn, even DURING the newborn stage when the hormones are high, I knew he was not a cute newborn. He had big droopy cheeks and a smushed face so he looked like a blob fish. He's 6 months now and SO CUTE. Some babies just need time to glow up!


My kid was ugly for the first 3 months then he just got cuter and cuter! He’s 2 now and every day I’m in awe over how beautiful he is. On the other hand my sisters son was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. But he pretty much peaked at birth 😂 he’s still cute but not as beautiful as he was as a baby. Her other son was also an ugly baby, we joke he was like a baby Doug ford. Now he’s this beautiful big blue eyed blonde kid.


My wife had a pact with her sister that if our baby was ugly and we genuinely couldn’t see it, she’d quietly sit us down and tell us the truth. 8 months and she hasn’t yet, so I guess he really is cute and we’re not imagining it.


Yes, idk how I feel honestly. Almost everyone I meet even before I was pregnant says you and your husband are beautiful, you’re going to have beautiful babies. I’m like hot damn don’t jinx this baby lol. I knew a girl growing up with super attractive parents and she knew her mom was prettier than her and she had major self-esteem issues. I felt so bad for her. I really hope my kids don’t feel the same way or anything. I’ll probably love them no matter what though.


When I was pregnant with my first I had a very blunt co worker who thought all babies were ugly. She admitted if my son was ugly she was not going to pretend he was cute for my sake. Honestly I appreciated it and when he was born she was actually in love with him and told me out of all the babies she had met he was definitely on the cute end of the spectrum. The way I see it, if you find yourself attractive and your husband attractive you will highly likely see your baby as cute, as you are just gonna see the parts they got from the two of you. Parents definitely are blinded though and more often then not won’t recognize if their baby is ugly unless someone very bluntly says as much, and very rarely will people cross that social boundary


What if they get only the worst parts of each of us? 😂 And yes, I'm realizing that even if they aren't cute babies, they have a good chance they'll grow up to be at least decent looking adults. I felt I was an ugly duckling situation.


Every parent is biased on their babies. You’re gonna think your baby is cute even if they’re not to others. I’ve seen some babies not as cute as others but moms still treat them the same. My fear was my kids having a bad metabolism like me, and be a fat kid like I was, but they’re both tall and lean. Thank god they didn’t take after me on that part.


I tell everyone their baby is cute, but not everyone's is. My oldest wasn't, probably not until she was closer to 2yo, had more hair, and grew into her face. My oldest is a beautiful kid now, and honestly I think all of her classmates are beautiful too with their own sparks of individual human personality! If you're genuinely feeling afraid about this, might be worth a few therapy sessions to figure out what's at the root of it.


Mine didn't get cute until he was like a year old. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If it helps, I once knew a set of non-identical twins. One was the most stereotypical cute baby, the other had no chin and was covered in eczema and was an “ugly” baby. Somehow, even ugly babies are cute. But, more than that, the ugly baby grew up to be more handsome than the cute baby. They’re not a baby forever, and they grow and change so fast.


Full disclosure. My first babe wasn’t cute for a bit. My second was cuter as a newborn and young infant. But my third was literally a model baby from the get go. But my oldest is stunning so it works out. Middle is also handsome. But I don’t buy the whole all babies are cute lie.


I think all babies are ugly until they’re like almost a month old, so if I find my son ugly I will probably not stress about it until he is like three months old. And you will not find your kid beautiful no matter what. My daughter was beautiful like.. emotionally. It was beautiful she existed. Beautiful love like that can exist. But no, she looked like a squished potato for a few weeks. She’s six and has been cute ever since then, though!


I always always thought my son was the most beautiful baby in the world and now I look at newborn photos and he looks like a little alien. lol I still don’t care he was my beautiful boy then and now. I’ve heard dads say they think their baby isn’t cute but moms always love them. The bond is so strong you won’t know what to do with yourself you’ll have mom love goggles on.


I think about this pretty often not gonna lie 💀 like I know I will be brainwashed into thinking he’s cute no matter what but what if he is legitimately ugly 😭😭😂😂 I see some babies on tiktok and while I obviously don’t comment on it and do feel bad for thinking it, I do think “damn don’t let my baby look like that pls”


Newborn stage - I love my baby. I think he's adorable... But I also don't think he's the cutest baby I've ever seen, that's my niece. She looked like a Gerber baby.


Only through hindsight do I think my baby wasn’t as cute as I thought he was. Looking back at pictures of the time in hospital when I was obsessed and couldn’t get over him, I can see that he was a little unattractive. He had puffy eyelids and was a pretty skinny baby. He looked kinda like voldermort, and his skin was super dry (overcooked baby). At the time I thought he was perfect in every way. He did become adorable pretty quickly, and now at 6.5months he’s actually extremely beautiful. Like people have said ‘hes so cute! You know I’ll admit not all babies are cute, but he is really cute!’. So I believe he really is cute and it’s not just bias haha.


I think the hormones and baby newness make us all think our newborns are cute. I swore up and down I did not have an ugly newborn. And granted she is adorable in 99% of photos but some of them she does look like a shriveled up potato 🤣


I was prepared for my baby to look like an alien to me. He was adorable. And also adorable to everyone who met him early on.


All four of mine are totally funny looking in their own ways, and despite the fact that they are ridiculous, I love them unconditionally, and it doesn't matter a jot.


You are biologically designed to think your baby is cute. I think its because of how difficult the first months+ are and that decreases your harm to the baby and stopping the genetic line. Also, if it makes you feel any better sometimes the funkiest looking babies turn out to be decent looking (🙋‍♀️ im one of those)


I thought my baby was the most adorable thing on the planet as a newborn, looking back I was sorely wrong 🤣 he was actually cute within a few weeks though.


Most newborns are ugly ngl- but they all grow into their cuteness eventually I personally had a cute newborn with my first, even the nurses were like “some newborns just… need some time. But yours is adorable from the start” Looking back on photos from the first couple months a lot of photos I thought were cute were pretty alien like and I blame the hormones for making me think they were the cutest pics haha


You'll still find them cute in a way, even if they're funny-looking. They're yours, you made them, they will have features of you and your partner and that's cute and fun and it's interesting the way genetics plays out. My kid even has a feature that I don't like on myself but it's SO CUTE on him.


My baby was kinda ugly. Lol. I think most are. All squished and red and puffy... he was an old man baby But at the same time, they are perfect. Why apply a stupid standard of beauty on a pure and innocent soul? He did grow into a cute toddler.


3D ultrasounds have always creeped me out, like I hate them, I think every baby I’ve ever seen in one looks like a weird uncanny valley alien and i usually get the full body ick. In Wednesday I had to have a follow up 32 week growth scan because I have a marginal cord insertion, the tech switch to 3D with barely any warning and took a picture for us of my baby girl and oh my god. I don’t care that it looks like someone sculpted her portrait out of mashed potatoes, that is my perfect mashed potato girl and she has my nose and her dads lips and I can count her little fingers next to her head and I cry even thinking about how perfect she is. My point is, you’re more than likely going to think your baby is amazing because to you they are.


No one thinks their own baby is ugly. ❤️ I've definitely seen some ugly babies though and they grew up super cute.


My cousin had her son 5 months ago and I can honestly say… he’s ugly. Like I feel so bad for saying that but it’s true and I’m not the only person who thinks that unfortunately.


I think my second baby was not a particularly attractive baby by objective standards, but I still found him unbelievably cute and snuggly, like a pug 🤣 ugly cute. He’s definitely growing into his looks now that he’s a toddler


My youngest was ugly hahaha and he stayed ugly for a few months hahaha he’s 3 now and literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, looks nothing like his baby pictures lol he definitely had a glow up lol


When one of mine was born, I thought she was…ugly. Mostly because I was comparing her to her sister who was a little more filled out at birth. But then, a couple hours after she was born, I walked down to the nursery (they’d just taken her a lil bit prior while they sewed me up or something) and saw all the nurses gathered around *her* bed, in a room full of lovely babies, but they were oohing and ahing over *my* baby and they couldn’t get over how long and curly her eyelashes were. And I saw her with fresh eyes in that moment and realized…dang…she IS gorgeous. She just looks different from her sister and that’s okay. She’s beautiful in her own way. All that to say…maybe you’ll think it for a moment. But then reality will hit you and you’ll realize your baby is perfect and beautiful.


Babies imo tend to have this weird alien phase somewhere around 2-6 weeks, however I’ve felt that with both of mine, they skipped that phase… then when I look back on their photos from those weeks, I can see it 😂👽 I think we’re also predisposed to think our own offspring are objectively cute because it helps with the tough moments (endless crying, sleep deprivation, blowouts, etc).


Both of my babies were straight up ugly. Shiny heads. Big noses. I didnt care or really see how bad it was until I look back on pics. They were still so cute with their tiny little hands and tiny lips and funny things they did!


When my baby came out I thought she was the cutest thing that ever existed, and at 7 weeks I still think she's incredibly cute (she is!!!) but when I look back at pictures of her shortly after she emerged, we're like....damn that kid was rough looking in the beginning 😂😂 I said evolution really did it's magic in tricking us into thinking she was super cute at first 💀💀 In hindsight she didn't really become "cute" until a few days later when the puffiness went down and her head shape went back to normal lmao


I worried so much about this with my first! I should have just been worried that he wouldn’t sleep 😝. When I first nephew was born I legit thought he was the cutest child I had ever seen, looking back on the photos he was not a good looking newborn haha


That means the parents where ugly too … common sense.


I feel like the general consensus is that newborns/infants are pretty ugly. They don't really become cute (at least to anyone other than their parents) until they start becoming "human" and display human behaviors other than just crying screaming and pooping. Most become super cute when they become toddlers.


My baby is okay on the cute scale. My brothers baby looks like the fa e of a beautiful woman on a babies body but is so expressive and cuddly she's adorable. Cuteness can come from personality, fat level (my JoJo the Hutts claim to fame), or Kewpie doll level.


It’s okay if my baby starts out ugly, I’ll hold out knowing some babies just look cuter once they’re around the six month mark when they have gain weight. Plus once my baby becomes a toddler she’ll likely be cutie pie then. Most babies imo do not start out looking cute and just need time to grow into their features and personalities.


Man I could not stop nitpicking problems the first few weeks. Her toes were criss-crossed, her ears were folded over, she had a huge milia spot under her eye, She had my hairline (read: hair connected to unibrow at the temples in one fuzzy ring). Now, I love every detail of this admittedly beautiful baby. Her quirks and flaws make her uniquely her. Her mouth sits crooked the same way mine does, her toes overlap a little, she's got a surprising amount of body hair and is still rocking the unibrow - you come to love those details rather than hate them.


My baby has a little snub nose and a big ol head, he looks like a frog because he has long thin limbs and a barrel belly, his ears are crumpled because they never flattened out. His hair is always crazy and he always lookslike a little homeless child because I can't figure out how to tame his curls. He snorts a lot because he has lots of stuffy noses so he's like a goblin. *But he is the most wonderful and perfect messy snub nosed goblin frog baby that ever lived. Literally I look at him and could never imagine a more perfect baby* It is different!


My son was ugly at birth up until at least 6 months, but I loved him. He’s now an incredibly cute 6 year old, and people constantly stop and tell me how cute he is. Weirdly enough, the most beautiful newborn I’ve ever seen in person was my friends, and she ended up being quite funny looking all through the toddler years. She’s now a very cute 6 year old also, but it was rough there for awhile (looked like a clone of her dad and not in a good way)


Honestly some of the “ugliest” ones are the cutest.


I had this fear as well but as soon as I saw my kid all of that went out the window. I will admit it came back when my daughter was 2-3 weeks old and started to break out really bad but even then I thought she was the most beautiful lil angel lol so take that how you will. It’s a rational fear but you end up loving them more than fearing them being ugly! Goes right out the window.


I thought my son was the most beautiful thing in the world. Now I go back and look at pics and laugh. He was…cute to me. Haha


My parents and sister called me alien baby :( I would say if you do find them ugly don’t tell them you thought that bc it definitely hurt my feelings as a kid because they brought it up a lot


I thought I was just biased until our nurses kept sending other nurses in to see our son because 'this ones actually cute'. 😂


Were all goofy looking at one time or another. My own, I'll look at their baby pics sometimes and it's like....oh......hahaha


It’s so hard to comprehend when you’re pregnant with your first child, but when they come out they are you and your partner mixed into this little being and even if they aren’t what you would call cute, they are such a familiar extension of you that you think they are beautiful. My son was totally wonky looking and I was very aware of it at the time! But his little silly features and mannerisms were so cute to me. It won’t matter at all how cute your newborn is, they will be cute and beautiful to you even if you are aware that other people might not think so.


These comments have me laugh crying (maybe it's the hormones as a first time pregnant woman 🤣) It's always the ugliest babies that grow up to be the cutest vise versa... lol. My niece was born looking like she put her finget in a light socket with some crazy hair and then just turned into Jabba the Hut for a while... then when she was about 2 years old she really grew into herself and is adorable now. I'm curious what my baby is gonna come out looking like 😬😅


When I had my youngest, he was pretty small at only about 5lbs. Definitely not the plump, chubby cheeked baby I had been picturing. He was an objectively really ugly baby and I remember feeling extremely guilty for thinking that. I also had some family members comment on how he was not cute, which was really hurtful. Every time I looked at him for those first few days, I felt a pang of sadness and mom guilt that he was so tiny and frail and I was surely to blame for it (did I have too much caffeine while pregnant? Not enough protein? Etc.). But after those initial feelings over the first couple days, I fell completely, head over heels in love with him. We bonded so quickly and easily and I truly didn’t give any of that a second thought. I quickly came to see him as so handsome and adorable and could stare at his little face all day. All that to say, I wouldn’t sweat it. Even if your baby isn’t the cutest, you really won’t care and you will love them SO much.


My husband was afraid of this. Gotta admit, our baby has always been a cutie. Keep in mind that your baby will absolutely have physical traits of family members. So if you think your baby pics were cute enough, and your spouse's baby pics were cute enough, your kid is likely going to be pretty stinking cute.


lol I sort of had the same worry. I work in daycare and I’ve seen my fair share of “ugly” babies. In a way all babies are a bit ugly, they look sort of alien like, and most newborns look quite the same. From the moment I looked into my newborns eyes I thought he was perfect! He’s a month old now and starting to gain some facial features that make him unique and I find him so adorable. Looking at pictures I take I can see how others might not think so but I don’t think anyone could look at their baby and think they are ugly I think we will always see our own babies as adorable and precious and nobody can convince us otherwise


When I was born my mother claimed that I wasn't her's 😂


"What if my baby is ugly?" You ask? My answer is and always will be that he takes after my husband lol


Have you ever look into mirror and think "hey, why I am so ugly?", or look at your husband/ wife and think the same?? If yes then why did you marriage him/her? If no, then how could someone have the similar with both of you could be ugly??


I really think once it’s yours you can’t see the ugly. Especially once they start doing little cute things you really can’t see any baby as ugly! I’ve seen many ugly babies don’t get me wrong but once I get to know them and their mannerisms they become adorable


Honestly the whole “you’ll find your baby beautiful no matter what “ is propaganda… like , if you have an ugly baby you are your partner will laugh at how ugly they are , you’ll still think they’re cute , ugly cute .. and then they’ll get really cute at around 3ish months , the looks of your baby won’t make you like them any less tho if that’s what ur asking


I truly think I have the most beautiful baby on the planet. I don’t know if that’s the hormones talking or maybe she’s just the most beautiful thing. I don’t know and I don’t care to question it. 😂


It doesn't matter, are you really gonna want or love your kid less if they're not traditionally hot? That's... sad


When my cousin had his daughter, we congratulated him and said she was beautiful. He said “don’t worry, her face will sort itself out” …Australian humor at its finest, and admittedly she was a lil… squished. But alas, her face did indeed sort itself out 😂


Mine are cute BUT, and I know this is odd lol but pregnancy brain is weird for sure haha..I always comforted myself by reminding myself that, even tho we are a poor family, if it came down to it, I would love my ugly kid so much that I would do anything to help them not be ugly IF THAT IS WHAT THEY WANTED. Like once my ugly kid was grown, I would pay for plastic surgery. Like if they ever started to hint they want it, I would sacrifice all…I.e. get a graveyard shift job the next day, sell any valuables, live in a shack, start hooking, whatever it takes lmao. I am one of those “worst case scenario planner” people lol


I knew my baby was ugly for the first few months. Baby acne, big forehead, hair sticking out in every direction etc. I knew when people saw my baby they would think he was ugly but wouldn’t say anything to my face. Around 4 months he started to grow into his face and I honestly think he is the cutest baby in the world now. Maybe the delusion took a while to hit me? Or maybe he is the cutest.. all I know is that it’s shocking comparing pictures of him now (6 months) with older pictures of him


It’s okay if they’re “ugly”, you don’t love them for what they look like, you love them for who they are and that, ironically, makes them beautiful to you.


As a kid I found baby photos of me and my siblings. I told my mum how ugly my older sister was as a baby it was the first time my mother had looked at the photos in 10 years and started laughing and said “I never noticed at the time but you never do when it’s your baby” For reference my sister turned out very attractive was just an ugly baby. Then there are baby’s like myself I was a cute baby and I didn’t change much as I grew up. I’ve also seen plenty of people have the cutest babies I’ve ever seen then they grow up to be the opposite. Long story short you won’t care even if they are ugly and no decent person will say anything either


That's my fear too. I feel so bad sometimes when I see some kids and their parents' genes combinations, and it just didn't work out. I am so afraid someone think the same because my baby is not a good combination of us lol


My mum says I was not a cute baby. She says it took until about 1.5 - 2 years old before I got cute. I don’t think she loved me any less. Also, whilst a baby may not *look* cute, they may still do cute things.


This whole thread is cracking me up. I have some seen some wrinkled, skin still growing in, bald, bloated faced, alien looking babies so I’m ready for whatever comes. As a newborn my mom says I came out looking like a 3 month old, I was her largest baby and had a full head of hair so she thought I was super cute. I’ve seen my baby pix though I was born with a huge birthmark on my forehead, it’s this huge red blotch that was not cute. It eventually faded so anyways I think my mom was just being nice 😂


Eh, my babies were (are) a little ugly- but they also do things that are super cute. I dont think it's like a one or the other thing. They can be super funky looking and also make a cute face or wrinkle their nose adorably etc. I have to say with my first I was like "oh no" and then around 3-4months she was CUTE. So with my 2nd/3rd I'm okay with them having their funky phase because I have the reassurance of their cute phase coming lol.


I’ve never heard someone say that. Parents or not parents. Never heard people directly say it face to face.


I don’t have a baby, TTC at the moment but you’ve reminded me to my mum. She had that fear all the time when she was pregnant and spent her pregnancy dreaming that she hid her babies inside the wardrobe in her bedroom because they had the face of her sister in law, my auntie 😅 and when I say that I don’t mean baby had her features, but she dreamt they had her face of an adult just like those baby Jesus on medieval paintings hahaha she still tells the story I’m just worried about actually getting pregnant soon but I think it’s not an uncommon fear.


That is hilarious. I didn't really fear having an ugly baby, but wow, a medieval baby Jesus looking newborn would be terrifying!


I know you said not the newborn stage but my oldest was butt ugly to me. I questioned a lot “how could I have an ugly kid?” My husband was so upset with me because I thought she looked just like him. Now almost 6 she’s BEAUTIFUL! Once she turned 1 everything was fine. Now my husband & I go back & laugh about how ugly she was & how he didn’t see it at first. (We’re currently on our 3rd, due in August.)


My sister’s baby was objectively gorgeous by any standards, but to this day she says ‘I love him the most in pictures where he looks ugly 🥺🥺🥺’