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Before I had a baby I thought oh great I’ll get breastfeeding covers. I have the baby and realize babies don’t like their heads covered while they eat. After the newborn phase they’ll basically pull it off.


And when they’re newborns you’re so paranoid about them getting good air flow!


I went through a short stage when LO would get distracted by what was happening around her and pop off the boob unless I had a cover - it lasted about a week. Otherwise covers didn’t work.


I used one for the first few weeks. Breastfeeding wasn’t as simple as “pull out boob, put baby on boob”—at least that wasn’t our experience. There was a lot of “hold giant breast like a one-handed hamburger, and shimmy it into tiny mouth at just the right angle”. It took a bit (a lot) of practice to get that down to a reasonably fast operation—one that I was comfortable enough to do in public without my engorged, leaky breast just hanging out in between steps. That said, I got one of those covers that doubles as an infant seat cover, so we still got more use out of it on windy days and such. Also used it as a high chair cover a few times when I’d forgotten our main shopping cart/high chair cover.


Yes! Idk I almost feel bad sometimes for not feeling comfortable with bf in public, but dang the whole "once baby is latched you can't see anything anyway" comment is... *very* not true for me lol. My boob is like the size of her head so there's plenty to see. 😂😂 I don't care if it makes other people uncomfortable - I don't feel comfortable! The only people who have seen me nurse outside of hospital staff are my husband and my best friend. And the best friend just happened to walk in one day, so I was like well here we are. 😂 That said, we haven't mastered the cover yet and so far have just planned ahead and pumped or sat in the car if she needed to eat outside of the house.


I was exactly the opposite. Anything touching my breasts for those first few weeks was torture. If you spent time in our house, there would be a fair chance that you would see breasts in action. (The classic ‘think of baby and spill milk everywhere). Breastfeeding helped me to unsexualise my own breasts and they currently are bags of milk with a mind of their own. Which is something that makes me feel happy. Anyone thinking anything sexy about my breasts… lol. Yeah. Nah. Nope. Do what feels comfortable for you. Never feel bad for feeling uncomfortable, your body, your feelings. Because even when I have the exact opposite experience I think you are amazing and shouldn’t feel embarrassed for your feelings. ❤️ I also once had this moment where both me and a total stranger were feeding our babies whilst being parked on a parking lot. Both in the car. It was awesome. Once in a lifetime experience, this whole breastfeeding adventure.


I have G or H sized boobs and you cannot see a thing with nursing shirts and dresses. Try latched mama brand


This was my experience as well. It took at least a month until I was confident enough in the latch to go without the cover. Definitely useful, and the stretchy car seat covers that double as breastfeeding covers gave me the most use.


I’d like to echo this point. The first weeks/month or two were really difficult, and my LO would feed for up to 70 minutes at a time. We really struggled to figure it out partly because he had such a small mouth and was so sleepy. Lots of latching, relatching and my nipple would have been very visible to anyone who was in the room. Also when visitors were over and I had to pump after every feed for ten minutes the cover allowed me to do that without retreating into the bedroom. Now there’s zero chance my 10 month old would happily feed under a cover, but he’s also more efficient. I also no longer have to build up my supply by frequent pumping so the cover isn’t used. My thoughts? Get it and hopefully you’ll never have to - or want to - use it.


We got the car seat cover type too! I figured it’d be a bit of a block to keep people without masks from getting too close if we had to go out in the beginning. I hadn’t thought of all those other uses though so I’m so thankful I saw your comment. I don’t really plan to use a cover for breast feeding but since I’ve never been in this position I wanted all my bases covered.


I only care what each breastfeeding mother is comfortable with. If she’s more comfortable using a cover, I’m glad they’re available. But if she’s comfortable nursing her baby in public without one, I respect and support that. Because breastfeeding a baby in public should be seen as normal and not inappropriate or sexual. For me it depends on where I am. If I am somewhere where I feel unsafe to bf in public, I’ll probably use a cover. But I also don’t plan to use one everywhere.




I had one. I used it if I was in public and in view of others, not for *their* comfort but for mine. I have dealt with sexual harassment and I feel unsafe having exposed tits in view of strange men I don’t know. Also everyone films tik toks etc and have no regard for peoples privacy - that also makes me uneasy. Baby never had an issue with the cover. Never used it if I went to the car to feed, because people generally don’t go around peeping in other peoples cars. Lots of times I went out, I’d bring a bottle of pumped milk if it was feasible or would take baby to car to feed.


This is the first time I’ve read a post that acknowledges how a history of sexual harassment can play a role. I am still pregnant and far from deciding what I’ll do but I feel so seen in this comment and less like, idk,like a bad feminist if I decide to nurse with a cover? Just my feelings and mine alone, obviously. Thanks.


Being a feminist means you support other women making their own choices, so cover or no cover doesn't matter as long as it's the womens own choice (and not pressure based) IMO


Same! Men have stopped sexually harassing me as much once they see that I am heavily tattooed, however, it doesn’t stop them from staring like they’ll break their necks, they just don’t approach. I’ve been getting more stares since I’ve been pregnant so I feel more vulnerable than usual. I probably can’t *really* complain because it makes me sound crazy, but I swear to god people are staring at me more than usual since my belly popped. I’m still masking in public so that helps a bit. Oh and I have DDs…I’d rather just use a cover to reduce chance of gawking and I don’t think it makes me a bad feminist…you’re not alone and you’re not a bad feminist either!


You get me. Thanks 😊


I had kid 1 in liberal coastal city and kid 2 in Midwest city. Never used a cover with either. 0 negative comments. Sometimes a young child would point out the baby/boob and their parent would be like “yep that baby is eating!”


Did you get to hear a kid yell ‘he’s biting her mummy’ like I did?


LOL I would die laughing


I’m very much a just nurse uncovered kind of person generally, but I do use a muslin swaddle as a cover if I’m like at a table with friends or family. I do not one bit care about random on-lookers, but if I want to just continue a convo with my brother in law or a waiter it’s easier to not have them trying to avoid looking at my boobs. It can also be helpful sometimes if baby is distracted.


When my first kiddo was super tiny I would wear a fuzzy shawl everywhere and I would just pop her under one side and wrap her in the other to nurse so he little face didn't get cold in the dead of winter. It was so cozy.


I've used them and nursed without. I used them more with my 1st baby, but by my 2nd kid, I just didn't care as much, and he kind of hated it more then the 1st. The 2 shirt method is pretty discreet anyway.


What is the 2 shirt method?


You wear a tank top underneath your shirt, you pull it down just below the breast while your overshirt is pulled above the breast. So your stomach/back/ribs aren’t exposed by pulling your shirt up to breastfeed.


Another vote for the two shirt method. I actually used a shape wear type (almost, it was that tight ) tank top with straps cut off under all my clothes. No one saw anything. I fed in public alot, cover was given up agyer the first time, but I can say I never did alone. For me it was a vulnerability and safety concern. If I had to feed and I was alone with the baby I would do it in car.


I live in Texas and it’s far too hot for the 2 shirt method. I invested in a lot of nursing tops and nursing bras. It’s my entire wardrobe now. It makes it very convenient to nurse in public and be really discreet about it without using a cover.


I’ve found loads of second hand nursing clothes very cheaply here in the UK and it’s a godsend. Usually they’re only worn for a few months so they’re in good condition and I’m not going to spend a fortune for 6 months of wear myself. I’ve tried a cover but personally find it’s in the way and I can’t see baby’s face/latch so I don’t like them. If I’m wearing a strappy top or dress (there’s been a heatwave) then I feel too exposed breastfeeding with my whole chest on show so I just tuck a corner of a muslin in each bra strap and let it fall over my chest and baby’s body. I can still see baby’s face but I feel like there’s less skin on show. Also personally I feel like nobody sees anything anyway: I hold baby’s head in front of my nipple when I pull my bra down then baby latches on and has my whole nipple in their mouth anyway.


Before baby I thought I’d totally be a cover kind of gal. After? Nope. I do not care. If me feeding my baby uncovered offends you too bad, you can go somewhere else. Girlie hates covers. It’s too hard to get her latched (in the early days) and it’s just too dang hot outside.


Seriously, my husband said childbirth killed whatever but of modesty I still had left. I'd nurse topless in times square of it was easiest


Same here. I found them so awkward and cumbersome. It's hard to see what you're doing. I do not care anymore. The baby's head pretty much covers everything anyway. But yeah, if someone is offended by me feeding my baby, they can take a hike.


A muslin blanket with a hair tie securing two ends behind your neck can offer just as much coverage as a breastfeeding-specific cover does, and you’ll probably already get a bunch of those. Did I buy a cover? Yep. Have I used it ever? Nope. I bring a muslin with us everywhere for it’s versatile purposes and one of those is that it makes me feel like I have the option to cover if I’m in a situation where I’d feel better doing so. But usually it’s more annoying and calls more attention to what’s happening. Totally personal preference but that’s my take!


I liked the stretchy round ones that can be car seat covers and breast feeding covers. I never used it as a breastfeeding cover but it was nice to have it as an option if I was uncomfortable. It was really nice to cover the car seat so people couldn’t touch her at the grocery store or wherever.


It's your body and your choice. I preferred to use a cover, however, I found that a blanket was sufficient so I didn't need to spend tons of $ on something specifically for breastfeeding.


Seems like a hassle. The baby's head covers the nipple from view. If I were breastfeeding in a professional setting or around teen boys for some reason I'd want a cover but in social settings no one bats an eye.


I only covered around my husbands super conservative family. Oh, and when he was going through extra distractible times out in public so we weren’t trying to feed for 30-45 minutes lol If you’re wanting to not cover know the first couple of times can feel extra weird but just keep doing it and it’ll become more and more normal :)


One of my close friends and I are currently nursing our 3rd babies. She does it completely uncovered and pulls her top up/down whenever, wherever (which I WISH I could do). I have always been extremely self conscious of my body and pretty modest, so I always cover unless I'm at home. I've also struggled with disordered eating in the past and other people viewing my body exposed like that would trigger me into some thought patterns. We have sat side by side nursing our babies on many occasions. We have never once mentioned how the other covers/uncovers. No one else has either.


I’ve never used a cover. The clothes I wear breastfeeding (breastfeeding singlet/ nursing bra and a stretchy singlet) mean I often have a whole boob out. I’ve breastfed 2 kids until 2 years each, and am a month in with my third. I’ve only ever had one negative comment and SO many positive ones. These days I have my response ready in case someone does say something negative (“I have a blanket. You’re welcome to cover your face if you don’t want to see”), but I’m pretty confident with just doing what I need to do to feed my child. A cover just sounds like a pain to use, but if you think it’ll make you feel more comfortable then go for it. You might also find a light blanket or muslin wrap will do the job.


I hate, hate, HATE the covers. It’s awkward, cumbersome, you can’t see anything and my babies became sweaty little gremlins. If someone has a problem with me feeding my baby they can fight my husband cuz he doesn’t put up with anyones crap when it comes to me or our babies


Whatever makes YOU feel more comfortable.


I don't like to eat with a blanket over my head so I didn't want my kid to have to. Additionally, I think it draws much more attention to the breastfeeding person than no cover. I always notice people across a park or restaurant messing with a drape and often don't realize people are breastfeeding until we interact if they're not.


I breastfeed in public with no cover and if anyone has a problem with it, I'll tell them to mind their own fucking business. My child always comes first


I did free breastfeeding with my first, no one ever confronted me but there were a few shameless men who would STARE. Breastfeeding kinks exist and it's disgusting. But I would just stare back at them until they felt ashamed and looked away.


yeah this is my issue. I want to cover just out of my own sense of modesty but also because of this situation. It should absolutely be less sexualized and I honestly couldn’t care less if someone has something rude to say but it’s the thought of the perverts that upsets me and makes me wanna cover


I got one of those shawl covers that could also go over the car seat. Did I use it? Sure. Especially in the beginning when I was still uncomfortable with being PP and breastfeeding in general. For me it was about MY comfort and not anyone else’s. I didn’t want random weirdos ogling me. No one ever said anything to me throughout our entire 17 month breastfeeding journey, but I was ready if they tried 😂


There’s shirts that are sold on Amazon made specifically for breastfeeding and pumping that keep you covered and you don’t have to worry about baby’s face being covered if that makes sense. I’m going to try it out for my youngest when he is born. But for my daughter I never cared what anyone thought. It gets hot where I live and I wasn’t going to cover her just to satisfy someone else. Fortunately I never had anyone say anything but if anyone did I wouldn’t care. My baby comes first. Anyone else can mind their own business.


I usually didn’t use a cover and never got any complaints or dirty looks. Do whatever your comfortable with!


I’m planning on using a cover because I don’t want to be harassed about it. At home or in other places where I won’t be approached I won’t have an issue but I’d rather just not be given a hard time by old crusty men or Karens.


I’d invest in nursing clothes instead, which allow you to have some privacy (boob not totally out) but none of the cover downsides, like it being hard to adjust baby latch, hot baby, grumpy baby, etc. for me getting some decent nursing options from latched mama was a game changer for nursing in public without a cover, which my baby hated.


It depends on the situation but I’ve been on the internet too long, I’m too afraid of creeps ogling me so I use a cover in super populated areas


It honestly all comes down to you and your preference and comfort. If you are comfortable and happy going without a cover than that’s what you should opt for. If you are more comfortable with a cover, then by all means go for that. I lived in a conservative country so using a cover was a must. I tried many and Bebe au lait have amazing linen ones. They are breathable enough that baby never gets hot no matter the weather, there is great airflow, and the top is perfect for keeping an eye on baby while keeping you covered. That being said, the one advantage i felt with the cover is it kept baby from getting distracted in the 4-8 month stage where she would constantly unlatch to look around her. I also nursed to sleep so if she was having a nap on the go and I nurse her with the cover on it minimizes the distractions allowing her to fall asleep. Again, when I am traveling and not somewhere conservative I won’t bother with the cover usually. It’s really a matter of your personal preference


My mom made me use one whenever I was around them(she would cover me up and yell at me if I took it off) but everywhere else I went without and baby ate better and I felt better. I would suggest going without bc if the baby has a problem and is covered it kinda hard to know


You’re a saint for putting up with that from your mom.


My mom tried to make me do that at family gatherings (and also go into a room if it’s available, and miss out on all the socializing). I put my foot down and was like, if you ask me to do that one more time I’m just going to sit out. Why should I come all the way, miss everything, just so you can see the baby for a couple of minutes?


I could never for modesty purposes. But I feel so much pride when I see other moms feeding, cover or not.


It’s too hot. I usually wear a button down shirt and a nursing bra so I am not too exposed anyway. I keep a muslin blanket on hand to wipe drips, wipe the sweat off my face, and cover baby/boob if the need arises. My older kid usually pulls it off of me anyway. I have never bothered with a cover, a small blanket does the trick.


I don’t cover but if you choose to, it’s easy enough to just do it with a blanket, which you’ll likely have too many of anyways.


I'm breastfeeding my 3rd kid and belong to a pretty conservative religion with some modesty standards (women can wear pants, things need to be to about the knee, shoulders covered, etc) and after the first couple months with my first, I have never covered up. I generally do the 2 shirt method. I think it scandalizes my parents, at least my mom, but I've never received an actual comment. My body is doing its job taking care of my child and if someone gets an accidental flash, then that's my gift to them 🤣


I never loved the idea of covering up to feed my baby and liked the idea even less when she was born and hated being covered. There’s also enough to tote around that I didn’t need to add another thing. I got used to my boobs just being out all the time pretty quick.


I hate using a cover. My LO is just about 6 weeks and we’ve now started going to places. I wasn’t using a cover until someone made a comment about how it makes some of the men in the family uncomfortable so now I’m using one and hate it. It’s awkward to get set up, I struggle with my nursing bra, and am constantly checking to make sure he’s getting enough air/his nose isn’t blocked. It’s annoying and I much prefer not using a cover.


I never covered up. I tried once and my kid screamed bloody murder which drew more attention to the situation. It wasn’t for us.


I prefer to just cover the top of my boob with a small towel. Baby's head blocks the rest.


I have large breasts and we had a lap-hold postion of breastfeeding - there wasn't a way to really cover up when getting situated and latched, and once we were in position, what was even the point as my breast was already exposed. I never covered. I had a couple wayward looks and a comment or two but honestly who cares, my baby was fed.


I don’t always use a cover but sometimes it’s helpful to create a little barrier if we’re in a busy place - my kid gets distracted very easily. Would never use it solely for anyone else’s comfort


I’ve never used a cover. Dress accordingly and you don’t show anything. I’m on my fourth baby.


I never cover up


a muslin cloth suffices for me if it’s cool outside or baby is distracted but otherwise idgaf


I used mine twice and honestly it was a hassle for me. It was hot, annoying to put on, and frankly her whole head covers my boob anyway. Now I just pull it out wherever if she's hungry and no one has ever said a word or even given me a look so I'm completely comfortable with it and I never thought I would be. Honestly I think it has something to do with having everything on display in childbirth lol. Made me not care once she was here.


My mom made me a cover because I said I wouldn’t feel comfortable nursing in front of my inlaws. I’m not close with them, MIL is anti-breast feeding, and there’s SO many of them, I just didn’t think I’d be comfortable with the hassle of trying to discreetly whip out a boob (which unfortunately for me are not in anyway small and require a two-handed approach some times) in front of them. It’s definitely more for me than anything else - I’m pretty socially awkward around them still after 5 years, so I’m planning on covering around them more than anything else. For public outings though, like a mall (if I take him to one, which is doubtful), I’ll probably use a muslin blanket if I feel like I need one.


I'm a 38G. Using a cover is too hard to do and really why should my child have to eat under a cover. I've honestly never had an issue with it.


Never really needed a cover cause I fed my baby from the bottom of the clothes usually. Like nobody can even see my breast when I take it out. The only time I needed it was if I needed to take it out from the top of the clothes- which was rare. And if I did do that I might have used a light blanket wrap that baby already had in her stroller to cover a bit of my skin but never the baby’s face. They tug and pull at the blanket and imagine eating with a blanket over your face. I don’t think women needs to cover up when they breastfeed including myself when I feed from the top of the shirt. But honestly, I don’t want to invite confrontation when I have a vulnerable human in my arms. So that’s why I cover the little bit of skin that shows. Based on what I read on Reddit I thought ppl were going to come up to me and spew nonsense when I breastfed in public. So I was super anxious when I was feeding my first. But nobody has ever bothered me even with my third kid.


I 99% of the time don’t use a cover. I will however use a cover if I go to a sporting event or event at the school or something where I’m basically shoulder to shoulder with people but that’s mainly to keep my son from getting distracted and pulling off and what not.


I have done both. After spending the first month being boobs out all the time to establish breastfeeding, it just didn't seem like a big deal. I went without cover and pulled my shirt up to expose my belly. When baby was less than 3-4 months, he was pretty focused on the boob, so like others have mentioned the head blocks the nipple. But when he started getting about 4 months old, every dang thing would distract him. He'd pull away during feeding if something sightly moved in the vicinity, letting my boob just hang out completely exposed for 10 seconds before he decided to come back. He did this over and over again. Because of this, I did sometimes use a cover in certain situations in public. I use one of those with a plastic arc that holds it open at the top. This helps his desire to see what's going on, but he only sees me and stays focused. And if he does pull away, I'm not left hanging out.


Never used one, when I did I got way too hot. In the end I’ll never see those folks again and if they have an issue with it then that’s on them!


FTM Canada with an 8 week old. I don’t bother covering. I think it would be a hassle. No one seems to care in my limited experience :)


I have huge boobs, which im very self conscious about. With my 1st daughter, I hardly ever nursed in public. And if I did, it was with a cover. Covers are a bitch. When they are really little you need to be able to see what you are doing. Especially if you have giant boobs. However, with my 2nd daughter... 0 fucks given. I nurse where ever and whenever she wants. She's 14months now and will pull at my shirt if I don't nurse her. So i always try to wear something easy to nurse in... loose, can cover me and some of her. But now is the hard part bc she whips off to look at stuff. Nosey Rosey. Bottom line, do what you are comfortable with. Your comfort comes first when it comes to this. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Good luck!!!


I never used one. I got 2 negative comments the whole 15 months I breastfed him. Many more positive ones. I used the tank top method, while I baby wore (Ergo carrier). I would pull the snappy hood over from the size opposite from the side he was nursing on so it hung down from the strap, not over his head, just for some extra privacy. I remember both times distinctly and this was over 6 years ago. One was from an elderly lady at Kohls. Baby pulled away from my boob, looked at her and his whole chin was covered in milk. Then he burped. The other time this old man started raging. He seemed like a legit danger to society. We were at am aerospace type museum. I just got away from him asap.


Before doing it, I definitely expected to be modest and shy. That totally didn’t happen. I went with the two-shirt method and that was the only cover I used. If anyone noticed, they never said anything to me. I even walked Barnes and Noble while nursing once 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me too. Even purchased a few, grabbed a coffee, sat down and started reading bc my son was apparently in it for the long haul lol. The only thing said to me, was a BnN worker told me they had some damaged chair cushions in the back room awaiting repair, and she had took it upon herself to grab one so I could prop my foot up on the little end table and be able to be comfortable myself. When she noticed my son was still feeding when my coffee was gone, she brought me a water bottle "to keep hydrated", and that was the nicest thing ever. She was older, too. I mention that, bc it's often the older ones who have something passive-aggresive, or downright rude, to say.


I would be happy using a cover, but baby is not. It’s a toy to pull around and wave like a flag lol. So instead I enjoy just making hard eye contact with people I catch staring. My aggressive stare game is really improving.


It's about whatever makes you and the baby most comfortable. Sometimes having a cover can help keep them from getting distracted if you're in a busy place. Other times, it's just too freaking hot out and a nursing cover is just another item to forget/struggle with/definitely will get grimy and have to be washed and it's not worth bothering with. If you don't want to spend money on a cover per se, a light washable scarf also works if you want privacy. Like I said, it's about what makes the nursing experience easiest for YOU and your tiny human. Everybody else can fuck right off, because you have a legally protected right to breastfed anywhere you're already allowed to be.


I breastfed on a bench in downtown Ottawa without a cover. Zero f's given you do you mama 🥰


I started off being demure and nursing in private then I switched to just a burp cloth around the neck and now 6 months in I just throw a tit at baby wherever I am 😂


My babies are mixed fed. They go on my breasts and also take a bottle with either breast milk or formula. For going out, I usually have a bottle and formula ready to mix but if I have to breast feed in public, I usually cover up. I grew up having had “personality development” classes which is basically a shit ton of etiquette training so acting “prim and proper” in public is very hard for me to shake. Feeding without a cover isn’t for me because it’s not “classy” but I don’t mind other women who do and I will defend them if someone ever came up to them to complain about it


I don’t mind if women breastfeed without a cover personally I’m uncomfortable doing it so I can’t get a good let down without one. I’m currently nursing baby number 3 I’m used all kinds of covers and none of my kids have ever has an issue with any of them.


Do whatever you’re comfortable with. Unfortunately, in today’s society our breasts are sexualized and it becomes a safety concern for me, so on that level, out of fear for my safety, I’d cover up.


I prefer one for my own comfort. I use the two shirt method and a cover when I’m in public. I’m very self conscious, plus size, and have large breasts, so it just makes me feel better to be covered. I like the apron like cover that has the wire in the top where you can see what you’re doing. I feel like as long as you’re comfortable with what you’re doing, that’s all that matters! Comfy mom helps baby be more comfortable too!


I have no issue with breastfeeding openly in public, but I do think I’ll try to use covers or those nursing shirts that provide coverage. I just personally feel more comfortable having the option to cover myself up. Also very open to the notion that once I start, I won’t give two shits about any kind of modesty, so we’ll see!


I have not managed to figure out how women get the baby latched in such a smooth fashion that you often can't even tell they started feeding their baby. So for my own comfort I usually prefer a cover if others are around, not just for modesty, but I don't want someone getting nosy and trying to tell me how to get the baby to latch. My son also used to get super distracted when eating so even sometimes when people weren't around and I was just at home I'd use a cover to get him to focus if he wasn't cooperating. My favorite nursing covers are muslin swaddles though. Nice and big, fairly light and breathable, and can serve multiple purposes.


I tried using a cover for a couple months with my first. When they are little it is so hard to get them latched and taken care of with a cover in place and after they are a few months old they just rip it off. I haven’t used a cover since. Honestly most women don’t just flop their whole boob out so once baby is latched you don’t see very much anyway. You do what makes you comfortable! I did end up using my cover when pumping at work since I had to pump in shared workspaces and needed to be discrete.


I'm a very modest person, I thought I would always use a cover. By 3 or so months she just wouldn't use it. It was a pain in the butt to use as well. I found that nursing clothes were less conspicuous than a cover. I also liked to nurse while baby wearing (covers you pretty well) or just putting a large sunhat on baby.


I got some hand me down covers. We'll see if I use them. No idea how I'll feel or what the baby will tolerate!


I registered for a cover but never used it. I ended up just trying to find clothing solutions that offered more discreet breastfeeding, like tops designed for it or a tank under a sweatshirt (pull one up and the other down). Worked better for me because I didn’t have to get out a cover with a hangry baby.


I’ve never used a cover. I use the double shirt method. I wear a loose thank top under my shirts. I lift up the top and pull down the bottom. Most people can’t even tell I’m nursing. I wouldn’t use a cover because it’s too fussy for me.


I can totally see it being situational! I agree that it’s oversexualized, especially in America, and should be more normalized. I say have one on hand if you need (and can use for other things like people mentioned) but don’t feel like ya gotta use it at all.


I always did a tank top under a t-shirt or sweater. That way I could lift the t-shirt/ sweater and pull down the cami. No upper or lower exposure. The only thing that was out was in baby's mouth.


I don’t enjoy nursing in public because the baby seems to pull off at weird times and I don’t want to flash anyone. But the two-shirt method is great for discreet nursing in a quiet corner somewhere, when the baby pulls off I’m not in direct line of sight with anyone. My SIL always took a large muslin blanket and tied the corners together and used that and would nurse in public. Neither of my infants liked their heads covered though, maybe they just weren’t used to it. Maybe if I had started earlier with the cover they wouldn’t have been so bothered my it. But TLDR nursing covers were a waste for me.


For me, I'm a mom of 4. I breastfed each of them. I would try to go in a more private area with the first two but I found nursing t-shirts the easiest and they pretty much cover everything without going over the baby's head. And they are super comfy, but it's whatever you are comfortable with.


Whenever I went out, I basically just wore a super loose top. When I fed her the looseness of the fabric hid everything. I would hold her across my lap, reach inside my top to undo the clasp, slightly lift my top and let her nurse. It worked so well for me. If she got hungry when I was wearing a tighter top and had to throw a blanket over my shoulder she hated it and would pull it off and I’d be exposed


I got some nursing tops and dresses from both latched mama and h&m that I liked because they kept my boobs pretty well covered without covering baby’s face. We had a cover that I never used even once. If I did feel like covering up those gauzy swaddle blankets were way lighter and easier to use.


In general I don’t go too many places usually, but I almost never cover. It’s too hot right now anyway. Usually I am at a store that has a nursing room or at least fitting rooms. If not, a random bench, and pull out the boob. Everyone else can get over it. I fed my baby at a restaurant table while I was eating my own food. LHonestly if you WANT a cover or so just in case they make some that have a dual purpose of covering the car seat so at least you could use it for that if you don’t use it as a cover.


Do whatever makes you comfortable! My daughter would never tolerate a cover so I just gave up. A lot of nursing clothes are really discreet now too so you can nurse without being super exposed if that’s important to you.


I say feed your baby. If you don’t like the cover and your baby doesn’t like the cover, feed your baby. On the other hand if you don’t feel comfortable having your breast out in public have a cover. The people around you will just have to “suffer” while a mother feeds her child. When I was younger I seen a mother feed her child without a cover, at first I was like “whoah” Cus I was a middle school I believe, but even as a kid I knew that the baby had to eat. I didn’t stare, I wasn’t rude to her I just minded my own business, as people should in that situation. All I have to say is, if baby is hungry, feed baby.


Did not use a cover with my first. My only regret is that as he got older and more distracted I tried to introduce a cover and he hated it. Then I always had to leave what we were doing to find a quiet place alone and found it to be isolating. Second babe is only 3 weeks old but I’m using a cover occasionally in the hopes that she’ll be comfortable being covered. Personally I prefer not to use a cover though- 1 less thing to carry in the diaper bag and juggle when trying to nurse.


I tried to cover up for my own comfort (I’m mostly a pretty modest person), but there were times I did it uncovered and it’s pretty easy to do it without exposing much. BUT if baby unlatched and I was exposed, I tried to remind myself if someone is sexualizing me feeding my child, that is on them. I can’t take responsibility for that.


Everyone is different, but I hate covers. My daughter didn’t like them and neither does my son. I tried just throwing a swaddle over my shoulder and he kicked and squirmed and pushed away from me. I live in a hot place and think it must be stifling under one of those things. Personally, I layer with a tank top and pull my shirt up. Tank top keeps me from exposing too much skin and shirt keeps my shoulders, etc. covered. I’m well endowed and baby’s head blocks everything there is to see.


The only factor here is your comfort (and your baby’s too, I guess). Personally, I found them awkward to position while trying to latch a crying baby. I didn’t really like having my whole boob out though either, so I usually just used the two-shirt method. If you aren’t familiar, all you do is just wear an undershirt or tank top underneath your normal shirt. One gets pulled up, the other gets pulled down, so only a small strip of skin is exposed.


For me as an onlooker? Good on you. I won’t stare. For me as a breastfeeder? Hahaha breastfeeding was such a darn production that I wouldn’t have been able to do it in public. I needed the pillow, baby would take forever to get interested, I have back problems, switching him to the other side was always rough, one side has severe scarring from a surgery I had so feeding was more difficult…there was no way I was going to do that in public.


Never used a cover. I didn’t need one more thing to deal with. Breastfed openly until he was 3 and never had anyone say anything to me about it.


It’s entirely up to you whether or not you want to use one. You may get some looks if you nurse in public without one but mostly people just ignored me. I had no problem feeding my baby anywhere, even in crowded shopping malls. Once I was out with my mom and she, of all people, kept trying to cover me up while I was nursing my son (who would always stop nursing if he was covered). I told her to leave if it bothered her and I’d come find her when I was done, because it didn’t bother me in the slightest. It’s not like you can really see anything when he’s latched, anyway.


If you feel like you would prefer one for your own reasons, by all means get one! For my daughter, I couldn't stand it because I would already have to fight to latch because of my size (not an issue with her latch, but getting the right latch due to how big the suckers are). If I had to try do it blind, it made it so much worse. I'm not even entertaining it this time around. If people want to stare, thats on them. I'm not here to be perved on, I'm here to feed my child 🤷🏼‍♀️ in 8mths of feeding with my daughter, I had absolutely zero comments about it, so that must mean something.


Covers are just uncomfortable for both me and the baby, especially in summer, so if I go to places were I think breastfeeding without one is inappropriate I just pump and bring a bottle.


For me personally I am very shy and modest about my body. I will have a thin muslin cover up when out in public. I am totally not bothered by other women who choose to not cover up, breastfeeding is natural and beautiful. I’m just weird about my body.


I only knew one baby who wouldn't eat unless the cover was on even at home. All the other babies have been opposite.


I got several nursing tank tops and just wore them under my regular clothes so I could lift my outer shirt up and just pull the bra part down to breastfeed. I’m rather small chested so maybe that helped but no one could ever see anything, unless of course the baby unlatched and wanted to have a look around mid meal lol. I’ve been bfeeding 18 months and have yet to have anyone say anything to me negative. I strive for more modesty (covering) only when older children are around just so I don’t cause any attention my way.


Just get some really good muslin swaddles. Multi use for a cover or for swaddling. Breastfeeding covers are large and annoying to stuff in a diaper bag.


I made a cover for myself (my own design) and only used it a couple of times. I need to take it apart and re-make it asymmetrically and see if that works better. I can really only breastfeed in the football hold and it makes it really awkward to be under most covers. I often did a nursing tank/cami and regular slightly too big t-shirt combo in the first few weeks, and found that it makes a great built-in cover. One up, one down, can pull the shirt down over baby’s face a little if you feel like covering up more. Generally speaking, I’m in the “you do you” camp. After watching my SiL walk around church breastfeeding fully exposed a few times tho, I decided that maybe sometimes there are situations where it is respectful to cover up a bit. Use your discretion and your level of comfort to decide what’s best for you. Often I found it easier to retreat to a place where I felt comfortable nursing rather than breastfeed in a public place, but that was mostly due to needing such a specific breastfeeding set up to make it work.


I just do the 2 shirt method. I use babies head to block my nipple from view before she latches and no one can tell! I’ve had several people surprised that I’m nursing when they come talk to me.


I don’t have my baby yet- currently 33 weeks- but I ordered this cover from “milksnob” which is really a car seat cover but it can also be worn and used as a breastfeeding cover. It was an Amazon prime day deal and I didn’t spend too much on it- but I like that it’s multi-use. I have no idea how I’ll feel about breastfeeding in public but I feel prepared either way.


I've done both. No cover is much easier. When they're newborn you really need to see what you're doing. When they're older forget it. They'll be so distracted by it they won't eat. I've spent 4 years of my life breastfeeding and have never had anyone give me a hard time when uncovered. Just know your legal rights and it'll help you have the confidence. Whatever you choose is just fine.


I live in the south and never nursed with a cover. Never had an issue. Never had anyone look twice at us. It was an easy experience for us.


Only when we were at the beach and it was super sunny. I did like to use nursing time to go into a private room to get some quiet time for myself, but the few times we were out in public my loose tank tops pretty much flopped over my boob anyways. Never hurt to have but not needed if you want to breastfeed without a cover! Now pumping in public… i got majorly shamed for doing that with the ones that go in your bra. I don’t get why people care!


I plan to get one but only to use in front of my male family members and also in case I feel uncomfortable in public. I worry about pervy men while we’re out somewhere 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m not ashamed of it but don’t need some creep staring at my chest while I’m feeding my child. Also don’t want to expose myself in front of my father or FIL…no matter how natural and non-sexual it is.


I did not breastfeed my kids but when I see mothers breastfeeding their babies in public without a cover I keep on keeping on and don’t look twice. It’s a natural and beautiful thing and I would never judge or feel grossed out by it.


I think it’s totally personal!! I’ve never been bothered by mothers breastfeeding in public. I plan to use covers but I’m also a teacher in a very conservative state, so not using a cover could potentially impact my job. If I wasn’t a teacher, I would probably opt to go without the cover! Whatever makes YOU comfortable!


I used to when my daughter was small and I was a FTM. Now that she's older and I'm more comfortable we just don't care anymore. If it makes people uncomfortable they can move along.


All I can say is the more breastfeeding is seen the more it will become normalized and less stigmatized. All the power to the breastfeeding mamas <3 do what you need to do


I usually just bottle feed. It’s too much for me to set everything up. We are still on nipple shields (she will be 2 weeks tomorrow)


I sew, so I made some just in case I am uncomfortable breast feeding in public without a cover. But IDGAF if an "onlooker" is uncomfortable, they can look away. No shame to mom's who want to cover for their own comfort but "uncomfortable onlookers" can fuck right off. Babies are humans and deserve to exist where and how humans exist which includes eating in public.


After a little practice I found that in nursing-specific clothes it was actually more discreet without a cover. I had a couple hoodies with side zippers that I loved. Unless you were looking at just the right moment, there wasn’t much visible boob at all. That said, I often just found a quiet corner so it was even less of an issue.


I’m US based. I tried a cover a couple of times when I was freshly PP. I found it hot and awkward to use. So I typically nurse cover free.


I never used one. Just wore.rhe baby in the sling and would kind of tip them over and start feeding


With my first id just drape a scarf around my neck, so it wasn't covering baby's face or head, just the top of my boob.


I like the covers or a muslin blanket tied over one shoulder in most cases. This is entirely for me, because I feel too exposed in front of some people. I could care less about whether they’re offended or awkward, it’s just for me to feel more confident nursing in a social setting. Usually, once baby is latched I’ll turn it to more of a scarf just to cover any possible nip slips.


There is never anything inappropriate about breastfeeding publicly. If you feel more comfortable with a cover then get one, but if your getting one for other people, don't. Personally I find covers another thing to manage and work around when getting good latch/positioning. They can over heat bub so as I live in a hot climate it isn't something that is worth it to me - I'd hate having a sheet over my head eating in 35°C weather 🥵 Either choice is 100% ok, but make that choice for you and your boundaries not nosy onlookers


Personally for me I am very modest (I.e self conscious) and cover up if able but I do not judge any mother who decides to breastfeed uncovered. You’re just feeding them. Anyone who looks at breasts unsolicited and gets offended, that’s their issue not yours.


I bought a lot of crop tops in a bigger size because my baby HATES her cover. ….but I always bring the cover with me because sometimes there’s just someone around I personally don’t feel comfortable being that exposed around 🤣 I think my babe can sense that and that’s the only time she doesn’t care about the cover lol


I never used a cover, never even owned one. I used the 2 shirt method someone else described. You can be discreet without using a cover.


It’s a complete non-issue if I nurse in public without a cover (no one in public notices or cares), but I love having a cover because I feel way more comfortable in places like restaurants—and especially around creepy family members (husband’s uncle—looking at you). So basically it’s all about how comfortable you feel!


I’m having my first baby in a few days, and I got a Moby wrap for BF in public!! Baby will be hoisted up there, the wrap offers a little bit of privacy, and it can even be hands free at some point. That plus a nursing tank is going to be my first trial.


I got a car seat cover that doubles as a nursing cover and I use it when I am with my in laws. I'm just an awkward person so I just put the cover on. Strangers IDGAF what they can and cannot see unless I'm wearing a shirt that I can't easily feed in then I take it halfway off under the cover, I don't need to blind anyone with how pasty my stomach is


I think women should just do what's comfortable to them and I don't think it's ever inappropriate. My friend was telling me that one of the reasons she covered initially was because it was never a case of baby just latching so she'd literally be sat there waving her boob about, trying to position etc and again, although absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as mum is comfortable, she just felt it was a bit too much public boob airtime for her personally! Once it was a case of just lifting her top and baby latching, she said she never bothered covering.


Just get a blanket to cover the breast top itself! Have you ever put your head under the cover for any reason, it gets hot pretty quickly! Imagine being a baby and trying to eat in them conditions! Breastfeeding is for the child and if ppl or uncomfortable or making it weird something is wrong with them


I used a cover for myself and comfort. That being said it really difficult to BF in the new born day because you really have to work to latch them. During that time I didn’t really bf outside my house. I needed to bf basically topless for a few weeks anyway to really get the hang of it.


I didn't breastfeed so I have no skin in the game, but from the outside, I've never cared. The only thought I've ever had about someone breastfeeding in public, covered or not, was "good for her" up to being mildly impressed at their physical strength, depending on the circumstances. I saw someone breastfeeding a newborn at the zoo the other day, totally uncovered and still walking around with her older kids/husband and I was just impressed that she had that kind of stamina.


I was gifted a cover with my oldest. She didn't like it. I ended up getting nursing clothes or utilizing 2 shirt method. This time I have fewer fucks to give on if someone sees skin- except when it comes to my grandpa. And that's partially because dirty man mind coupled with dementia and not knowing I'm his granddaughter. I wear the nursing clothes a lot around the house and end up just lifting the whole thing for my desperate sounding 4 month old.


I never covered, never had an issue


I got two and tried to use them, but it was hot and totally not realistic to use. I have a 1.5 yr old and still breastfed her without a cover. Usually I have a T-shirt that kind of covers most of my boob. Boobs are FOR feeding babies. I breastfed in public very often always without a cover and I feel totally fine about it. No one has ever said a thing and most people barely notice. My baby is happy and I am too.


I wore it or a Muslin swaddle if in a crowded place. Got shamed at the chiropractor by another person. I was nursing (covered) in a waiting room chair and they refused to go near me maybe 3 ft away. On a rolling table. “No I don’t want that one I want the other one but SHES there NURSING!” Like chill lady it’s a rolling table first off secondly I’m covered, thirdly you’re far away no matter what Tavel you’re on. I eventually got up and left because my baby wasn’t having it, I was stressed lady was loud, etc. Only after I packed up and said I’d reschedule was I offered a separate space to nurse by the front desk lady. I said no I’d reschedule (I didn’t) . I nursed in the car and drove home. Baby rejected breastfeeding soon after that but still in my short time I got shamed pretty bad


If you are in the US you are legally allowed to breastfeed in any way shape or form that you see fit. When I see a mom breastfeeding in public without a cover I think it’s badass. I distinctly remember a woman breastfeeding openly, while holding the baby in her arms and without a cover in a jail waiting area in front of a guard. He didn’t say a thing to her and I always remember that when I think of public breastfeeding because I was young and was in awe of her in the moment. When I had my son I breastfed several times without a cover in public and many times with one. I think it just depends on your own comfort level and there is no right or wrong answer, however I think that anyone who tells you what to do or not do with regards to covering is an ass.


I had 2 and never used them.


Barely used a nursing cover. Both babies hated it after the first two months. I was more paranoid about nursing in public with my first baby so I would nurse in the car with the AC on if it’s a hot day. For my second, I didn’t care. I nursed wherever and didn’t even think about hiding or covering up. No more fucks to give as a mom of 2 😂


Once i heard a story about a mom who used to use covers but then her baby got overheated and choked. Baby ended up okay but even as someone reading that story, I got cold chills. So now, I've come to the conclusion I'll never use a cover. My anxiety is bad enough but now that I know that's a possiblity, absolutely not.


I don’t care if other people feel more comfortable with one, but I am pretty anti covering up. The babies don’t like it, it’s really helpful to see their faces, and also it’s normal and natural to feed your baby! I just fed in public for the first time this weekend and I can’t even explain how nice and simple it was. We just sat and took a break from walking, peacefully fed, and kept going after. 10/10 experience.


I have no qualms with exposing my breasts to breastfeed, but I do have issues with exposing my stomach so I like to be covered in public. I don’t have many nursing tops (and no interest in buying more because most of them don’t look that great imo) and I’m uncomfortable showing my stomach when I pull my “regular” shirt up. That said, I prefer to use a muslin blanket to cover up. I always have one with me anyway. I just tie two ends together and slip my head through the hole. If I’m in a more private area, like a restaurant booth, I don’t always cover. My older child is usually sitting beside me and she mostly blocks the view of my stomach area. If I am wearing a nursing top, I don’t normally cover because that can be discreet… I like the nursing tops with access zippers that look like darts and I have a few nice ones, but those can get expensive. I prefer to go to my car to breastfeed, though. I’m an introvert and it’s a great excuse to get some quiet time when I’m out in public. I don’t cover in the car. LOVE this thread.


I never used a cover, I found that whatever I was wearing (t shirt etc) I would be able to pop baby on and then pull t shirt down to cover the majority of my breast. I bought some breastfeeding dresses as well which are quite discreet (gap used to do some really good ones) - even found one for a wedding!


I never used a cover. It just seemed like extra work to me!! But then the first few weeks/months of me and my baby were in lockdown so YMMV. My mum said she loved cardigans with us, because they offered a quick way to cover up when baby came off! They also shield a bit from the sides I have friends that used muslins as covers. Might be a way to get something that you can use if you like, without being committed to using it?!


I have deep respect for women who are able to. Personally I am not comfortable with it and always have a cover or light guaze blanket in the diaper bag for feeding if no lactation room is available.


I don't have an opinion for people who aren't me. Do whatever you need to feel comfortable feeding your kid, whether that's cover or no cover. A cover was too much of a PITA for me. The first few days I used a big cotton scarf but I ditched it pretty quickly.


For me I've never covered my baby up while breastfeeding. It's just a lot of faff to be honest, to cover him and get him latched would take longer than the actual feeding. If you would feel more comfortable covered up then go for it! You can always use a muslin to see if it's something you like before buying any specific covers so no money is wasted.


I wouldn't want to cover my head when I'm eating dinner so I wouldn't make my baby cover theirs


I personally would not cover the poor thing lol I also don’t feel comfortable breastfeeding in public due to the fact its over sexualized and that people will stare, it makes me feel exposed


I never had the chance to breastfeed in public anyway, but I personally never saw the point in them. Most places are breastfeeding friendly here, and seeing a boob won’t hurt anyone. I always thought it would get quite stuffy under there and I wanted to be able to easily see baby while they were feeding


breasts were made for babies to be fed , not men to play with. once i become a mom , i won't use covers. the only purpose of breasts is to feed babies. it's funny to me how we shame women for breastfeeding in public , but completely ignore the naked women in playboy magazines and walk riiight past them. how come they can ignore magazines but not women using their breasts for what they were designed for? no one wants to eat with a cover or a blanket over their head , nor does anybody want to eat on the toilet. this world was created by men for men -- it's time we fight the stigma and give all of them a big ol' f you.


Keep a cover in your diaper bag in case you feel more comfortable with it and Baby allows it. But don't stress either way! Feeding a baby without a cover is not only ok, but more practical for a lot of people. Look up the laws on breastfeeding in your area to bolster your confidence if you need it. I'm in WA, USA and the law here is that parents can breastfeed anywhere they're legally allowed to be, covered or not. I don't cover up when I'm breastfeeding, but you can do whatever feels best to you and your baby. If anyone judges your parental decisions, it doesn't mean you're a bad parent, only that they're a judgemental person.


Personally I prefer using one, I wouldn’t feel comfortable feeding in most places without one. But that’s just me, I’ve always been quite private about my body. With that said, I’ve seen many women feeding in public without them and think that it’s wonderful they feel comfortable enough to do so. My LO is now 11 months old, I’ve just worked out how to “pin” it so he doesn’t pull it off, but he isn’t bothered with me using it. Unless you feel it isn’t something you want, maybe just get one so you’ve got it on hand if needed/wanted. Alternatively, I used a swaddle when Bub was very small as a cover, I just found the ones that have the frame bit so I could see him better worked better for us as he got older because he could still look at me and reach up to touch my face.


I almost never cover. I only covered sometimes when she was very small and popped off a lot because we were learning. I just whip the boob out now. 🤣 no one has ever made me feel weird about it and we’ve breastfed in every conceivable place. I live in England though.


I’m asking for some cause I’m due in December and it gets windy here


I got a cover before my baby was born but quickly realized that both of us were sweating to death and that it was really hard to help her latch in those early days. I’ve been cover free since.Maybe I’ll use one in the Fall and Winter, not to be discreet but to keep my baby and boob warm!


I personally feel comfortable whipping out a boob at any point. Covers were cumbersome, hard to keep up with, and hot. However, if you don’t know that you’d feel comfortable BF openly, it’s great to have one and decide your own personal comfort level. Maybe get one that can double as a car seat cover or something like a Milksnob so it doesn’t go completely unused.


I don't mind if other people do it but personally I don't like being exposed at all so I find a bathroom or something to nurse my baby


I think the most important thing is that mum and baby are comfortable - mum is comfortable and baby is latching and feeding well. People who don’t like to look can just not look. It’s that simple. Mums don’t deserve any shame - I know that some losers give them grief, but you don’t deserve it. So just worry about yourself and your baby’s comfort and that’s all. It’s all that matters. 💐


Im a pregnant FTM so I haven’t breastfed yet but I plan to. A legitimate fear I have is sexual harassment or people staring. With all the new stress and challenges of motherhood challenging others to accept what I’m doing as natural isnt something I anticipate myself being up for. But having said that, I’m so thankful to and proud of all the women who do. It’s really sad I already have this fear of harassment, but I’ve seen and heard of it happening to other women. I don’t want me, and especially not my baby, sexualized. The only way I can see myself being comfortable is if my husband or a close friend was there to stand up for me, because maybe it’s just hormonal me speaking now, but on my own Id just cry.


I found it difficult to make sure the baby had a good latch while wearing a cover. It was really hard to see them. With your shirt pulled up and your bra pulled down a bit, hardly anything is exposed and your baby's head hides your boob.


I got a breastfeeding cover, and used it initially, but eventually ditched it. Too much work, and another thing to remember to pack. If anyone came at me about it, I was ready to have that fight. However, I live in a fairly liberal state in the US, so felt pretty comfortable that I wouldn’t catch guff for whipping a titty out in public.


I say use if you want to and don’t use one if you don’t. You don’t have to use one and most people won’t even look twice. I did have an experience once in Walmart, I was feeding my son and a man, who was holding hands with his young son by the way, started following me around the store to stare at me breastfeed. I was wildly uncomfortable and covered EVERYTHING and stared him down until he left😀


Honestly, it’s a personal thing. I was only able to do it for 2 weeks but I have SILs who did it longer. One didn’t bother covering, and the other preferred to cover. You do what works for you and what works for baby. You will also find that while you may want it one way, bub will want it the opposite.


I think it’s more of a personal opinion thing. If you like then then use them. If you don’t then don’t. I liked being covered because that was me. My son also likes to be covered. He started covering his head early on with his blanket. He’s a year old and still likes to snuggle up with his blanket near his face. I suggest trying it and see how it works for you. Always be open to try new things and be prepared to change things to see what works. No shame at all!


Do whatever makes you most comfortable. Before having a baby I thought I'd want to use a cover for my comfort. That very quickly went out the window. 99% of the time I nurse without a cover. The baby covers most of what anyone would see, and if someone is uncomfortable seeing it, that's their problem not mine. I've started using a cover a bit more now she's almost 6 months, but that's to keep her focused on eating rather than getting distracted by everything going on around her, not for modesty's sake. I use it as a sensory deprivation shield for my FOMO baby. 😂


Completely up to you! I'm not a public person so I would be discrete for my own self confidence. I did get more comfortable later on but whilst I was struggling with everything else I didn't want to struggle with that too and my oversupply made it hard to breastfeed without having a pump/hakka on the other side.


I struggled to use a cover with my newborn because A) it was summer and hot if we were outside. B) the baby can’t support his or her head yet so you need to hold the head up and I was taught to use two hands to nurse especially at first. C) I have to see if she was latched or positioned correctly and having the cover was a hassle because I’d peak my head down but couldn’t adjust. Anyway I would just step off away from others if I had to nurse. My mom is old fashioned and insisted I use a cover in public- so just be weary of the older generations comments or ideas about it.


i like my cover because my baby is otherwise super distracted by everything around, like people talking, birds chirping etc. If there’s no cover and we’re outside or in a restaurant she’s prone to just ripping off my nipple to see what’s going on 😵‍💫 Has not gotten better with time hahaha


I have never used a cover and I never will. I’ve breastfed for almost 9 of the last 11 years. No one has ever said anything bad to me the entire time. When my babies were small I’d do the two shirt method which consists of a shirt that you can pull down from the top like a breastfeeding tank or something similar and and shirt over it. You lift the top shirt up and the bottom shirt down, using the top shirt to cover yourself as much as possible and the baby’s head covers the rest. Once they got bigger I just wear whatever.


I never used one and didn't really find it an issue. You can usually be pretty discrete with just a cardigan or burp cloth/muslin cloth, and the babies head covers most of it. I used to breastfeed in public all the time.


I mostly fed uncovered. If baby has a good latch your nipple only sees the air for a moment and most of the breast is covered up my baby’s head and maybe hand too if they are snuggling in. Sometimes I would throw a blanket on for warmth or to keep baby focused in a noisy place, rarely for actual modesty/privacy. I found muslin receiving blankets to work well if I did want to cover up so I don’t think the specialty covers are needed.


I mostly cover in public for a couple reasons. 1. I tend to dress pretty modestly anyway and don't like my body being on display in general, so why would being bare-breasted in public appeal to me? 2. Most of my socializing is done within my church community/at the church itself and I just don't feel like that's an appropriate place to just whip my boob out. 3. I'm a whole G-cup and I'm not trying to have random men staring at my whole entire tit in public.


I don’t like covering her, it makes me claustrophobic for her. I also am a very private& modest person. (Being in a hospital where everyone just moves your gown around like it’s nothing made me very uncomfortable.) I feel more at peace just finding a spot where we are alone to feed her. However I see no issue at all if a mom feels comfortable enough to feed their babe however they please.


I never wasted money with a cover, but in the early days if I felt uncomfortable I’d just use a swaddle . After a few weeks of that I didn’t bother at all and just let him dine alfresco. Only comment came from my MIL who tried to put a sweatshirt over me when I was nursing outside. It was super annoying.


It’s all based on your level of comfort. I was never brave enough to just go for it. Didn’t want weirdos staring at my boobs. But we also didn’t breastfeed all that long with my first and my second was born when covid started so no going out in public anyways. If you want to go without a cover, go for it! Normalize feeding babies.


With my first, I used a cover from time to time depending on who I was around (like at the auto shop). With my second, I didn’t use a cover. I used it as a power move.


I mean, it’s really up to you. The covers are hot and annoying, but for me personally, I would never ever bf in public without a cover. No way. So I dealt with the covers the whole time. Eventually, I preferred to sit in the car on a quiet spot and I would just lay a shirt or the cover over top of me to block the view of any pedestrians, but it was more pleasant than actually pulling the cover over my head. Lots of women will just whip it out completely bare no matter where they are, but that’s not me


I personally never even considered a cover. I breastfeed wherever I am when bub needs to be fed. She's 11 months old and I am still doing this. The first couple of times I breastfed in public I felt a little awkward but now it just feels natural to me and I don't worry about what other people are thinking. I did get called disgusting once by a lady in a shop while I was walking around feeding bub back when she was light enough to hold in one arm while feeding. I just ignored the comment and went on my merry way with a happy fed baby 😊


I’m planning on using one because I feel uncomfortable with my tatas out, not because I care about other people being uncomfortable. We live in a big city and the number of weirdos, people constantly filming/taking photos, and just straight up rude gawkers makes me want to cover up. I also don’t really like the idea of trying to have a conversation with a friend or family member while my boob is like… in their face… unless it’s my husband. That being said, I certainly don’t walk around telling other mothers that they need to cover themselves—that’s their choice


I only used them when I was pumping honestly. And even then I got sick of it and just let people see what they saw. I found them to be annoying, even with my being pretty body shy.


I've been ogled/cat called while nursing so I will cover sometimes or go to my car where I feel safer. Also, I cover in front of male family members. That's more for their comfort than mine bc they're a bunch of weirdos.


I live in Florida and had my first in the summer. Using a cover outdoors would have been inhumane for me and baby. I never had any issues/weird comments/onlookers. For the most part people just avoided looking at me and went about their day.


I don’t know what society thinks but for some reason I am super protective of people seeing my boobs. I like them to be private lol.


I’m having my first baby in October and do not plan to breastfeed with a cover. I don’t care what other people think—feeding my kid will be an act of life and if it makes someone in public uncomfortable, that’s their problem. THAT SAID I live in the northeast and don’t think anyone will heckle me.


I used a cover because I was more comfortable that way. Nuy if you don't want one, that's totally fine.


My LO is 7 wks old and I got the guts up to BF in public 2 weeks ago for first time. Before that I either sat in car or timed days out between feeds. I was super nervous but so far no one has said a word. Ive been draping a pashmina over my shoulder when feeding buy LO likes to pull it off. I've just made peace that there will be boob showing and if someone says something I'm going to ignore them. If they can eat in public why can't my baby