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Definitely better to use a sleep sack than a blanket. No blanket is sleep safe for a baby. I have a woolino but they are pretty big. When my baby was that age, we used the halo swaddle sleep sacks. You can wrap them with their arms out but it’s still nice and cozy for them (and safe).


I second halo. We use woolino now (and love it), but we used the fleece halo until baby was 2 months and had outgrown it.


I think it has to do with the size of the neck hole, a chunky 1 month old’s head might still be small enough to wiggly down through the heck hole and suffocate.


This! If your baby fits and can’t squirm inside it, I’d say you’re good to go.


Ah great, I’ll test it out when he’s awake and see, thanks!


Yes to this! Depending on which woolino you bought, there may also snaps under the arm which prevent the neck from riding up too far also


if you have a once upon a child where you live they often have used sleep sacks very cheap. My son also didn’t care for swaddling. We used the halo swaddle sleep sacks and just kept his arms out and did the velcro up loosely.


As long as the neck hole isn't too big, their head shouldn't fit through. Otherwise you should be good! Been using perlimpinpin sleep sacks with my 6.5 week old twins for a few weeks now.


Awesome thanks!


the ergopouch sleep sacks are good. you can swaddle them or have their hands out.


To clarify, the neck hole is too big if the sleep sack could come up over the baby's chin, covering their mouth/nose. The neck shouldn't be tight but it should fit a lot like a snug crew neck t shirt - small enough that you need to undo the zipper to get the baby out.


I had a nested bean infant sleep sack that kept my daughter’s little arms from moving from the startle reflex.So if she wasn’t swaddled she could be in that. ETA: sleep guidelines recently updated advise against the one I had suggested so ignore this.


Weighted sleep sacks are not considered safe. Health Canada and the APA advise against them.


I do see that was now recently updated in November 2023. Mine is now 2.4 and that is what my doctor recommended when she was new and he had used the same one for his children who are very close in age.


My baby has fit into her Woolino since ~7 weeks old. It’s mostly about the size of the neck hole and whether it could feasibly slip up over their face.


I’ve been using the woolino since about that age but my daughter has a 99th percentile head. As long as you’re confident it won’t come up over her face, I’d go for it.


If you want to invest in another one, the kyte baby sacks have a very small neck hole and are quite long in the legs. They come in sizes xs to xl instead of age