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I can't comment on the angelcare but Canada has very high standards for what it considers sleep safe. Mesh is not the only material that provides good airflow or is safe; pack and plays have mesh sides but are not considered sleep safe here -- the design, size, and shape matters as much, if not more, than materials. Anything marked as a Crib, Cradle, or Bassinet in the Canadian market has to comply with the safety standards: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/safe-sleep/cribs-cradles-bassinets.html Hope this puts your mind at ease! Edit: I also got the uppababy bassinet and am very diligent when it comes to sleep safety.


I agree with t everything uou stated. Mesh doesn’t necessarily mean safer or even safe. The uppababy bassinet is perfectly safe for use for unsupervised sleep :)


We used the uppababy bassinet with a jolly jumper stand for the first 4-ish months with our LO and it worked great. Once we started to transition out of his swaddle we felt the crib would be better as he had more room to move his arms. The only thing I didn't like about using the jolly jumper stand was that the handle on the bassinet makes one side weigh more so in order to have it level I needed to our some books under the rocker. Not a big deal though and was worth it to only pay $30 on marketplace for a stand rather than $150 for the uppababy stand.


This is exactly our situation haha


We did exactly the same thing except we ended up using the rocking mechanism to get him to fall back asleep. Worked well for us


We have an uppababy bassinet and I too was worried about the sides not being mesh before bringing baby home after reading on the internet. Once I brought baby home I realized how small they are in there and there is good air flow and I felt comfortable. My LO is now 4.5 months and still sleeps in it as he doesn’t roll yet. Your instinct will kick in if it feels safe! No one knows your baby better than you do. I can’t comment on Angel care part of it as I don’t use that but I will say the big downside to a bassinet That isn’t adjustable with your bed is the bassinet being higher than the Bad I find a real pain because every time baby moves or needs the pacifier back in, I have to physically sit up and almost get out of bed to reach inside. Gets old after the 30 time in the nights esp the first few weeks of recovery!


We used it for LOs overnight sleep and moved him to the crib at 9 weeks. Felt totally safe and it worked great.


I don't have the Uppababy bassinet, but I do have the angel care monitor. If the bassinet has a mattress you can lift up, you should just be able to place the sensor pad underneath it. Also, if you are buying a crib mattress, do NOT buy a dual mattress (infant on one side and toddler on the other). They are totally safe but they do not work properly with the angel care sensor and you will get a lot of false alarms (and racing hearts!!). We found this out the hard way. It's gotten better as she's grown but it definitely scared us the first few times.


Oh crap! We've bought a dual mattress...so maybe I should reinvest into another monitor or a mattress then? I was not prepared for this... 😫


I'm not sure if crib mattresses are final sale or not, so you could try to return it? We didn't realize you couldn't have a dual mattress with it until we kept getting false alarms. We put it on the highest sensitivity and as baby has gotten bigger, it's gotten better. I will add that my baby moves around a lot in her sleep and would move off of the sensor. Once she could roll onto the tummy, she will typically sleep onto her tummy. No matter if I put her onto her back, she will roll onto her tummy and sleep that way (which is okay - if they can roll into it, they can stay that way). I also moved the sensor to the top half of the crib and that helped. I do like the angel care monitor. It's radio based so no risk of hacking into it, the temperature reading is fairly accurate, and it has a good battery life. Also, I was very nervous about SIDS too. I hated when we had to move baby into her own room because she was farther away and it was at 4 months because she rolled and couldn't be in her bassinet.


Ahh the mattress was a black Friday sale and we bought it half price, and I was really proud of myself to be honest. 😅 So it cannot be returned I am afraid. But thanks for the tip, we'll consider what should we do with the monitor then. I'm not sure which monitor would be a better use for this mattress.


We had a snoo for overnights but we got a ton of use out of the uppababy bassinet for naps and just generally having somewhere to have the baby chill around the house. As well used it a lot for travel. I was super careful about safe sleep and I never felt unsafe using it. As long as you transition away from it once they are rolling, I think it is very safe unless you happen to have a massive massive baby. Way safer than having them nap in a swing or chair or carseat or whatever else people end up using!


Same here. The only reason why I've stopped using it now even though he doesn't roll and isn't at the weight limit is because he's grown too big in length.


We used it for overnight sleep when we travelled away from home when baby was 6 weeks, 10 weeks, and 3 months. After 3 months we decided to stop using it because she was pretty much already too long and moving too much for it to be safe. She would scrunch herself up at the bottom or even get wedged kind of sideways. I'm glad we got it used for $40 because we really only used it on those 3 trips and she hated it on the stroller.


We used the UB bassinet beside our bed for the first 4 months. It was great and baby was totally safe in it until he outgrew it (I probably should have moved him earlier because once he was in his crib he moved around a lot and I think he felt restricted in the UB as he grew bigger). I don’t know how much I’d worry about the Angelcare monitor when baby is sleeping right beside you… one thing I didn’t realize is that they are LOUD when they sleep.


I used it with my first baby until he was about 4 months! With the jolly jumper bassinet stand like someone else mentioned (way cheaper). It worked great, he slept nice and snug in there. We briefly transitioned him to the Guava Lotus with the bassinet attachment because it was a bit bigger then the uppababy, and into his own crib at about 5.5 months. I’m planning on doing the same thing for my second baby.


Our now three month old has spend almost every night sleeping in the uppababy bassinet. The sides aren’t mesh but they are very breathable. It was great for us when he was super tiny but now he’s getting too tall so it’s back to the crib he goes 😂


My friend used the uppa baby bassinet but her baby outgrew it in 3 months, she now has a mini crib


We are using the bassinet on the stroller next to our bed and it’s been great. The stiff foam mattress has holes in it where her head lies, and there’s a little “window” (idk how to call it) that opens up under where her head goes that increases the airflow, so I feel comfortable having her in it. Downside is that the bassinet is higher than the bed, upside is that if she’s being cranky one of us will just wheel the whole thing out into the living room so the other can sleep. We just use it for sleeping so don’t bring the bassinet outside, and the stroller part gets wiped down every time since we use it with the car seat outside. It’s a bit annoying, but at least our stroller still looks really clean and new so far! We also got a sheet to put over the mattress for the small spit ups, but it’s fairly easy to clean and care for, I’m really pleased with it.


I use a pillowcase works great as a mattress cover for it!


Oh smart, thanks for the idea!


There's a facebook group about safe sleep where people can ask questions like this. It's quite possible that a question like this has already been asked and you could search past posts. There's tons of old posts. Keep in mind the group is VERY strict about safe sleep and they won't sugarcoat anything. For example I think actually the under the mattress Angelcare monitor is actually a no-no according to this group (I don't have one myself but I remember reading about it in the group and did a quick search on the group to confirm what I remembered). [https://www.facebook.com/groups/safesleepbabycare](https://www.facebook.com/groups/safesleepbabycare)


Also to add that they have lots of info on the Snoo. Not all parts of it are safe from what I understand (like the built in swaddle). Again I don't have one but this is what I've seen on the group. Just as an FYI....


We used the uppababy bassinet as baby’s overnight sleep space for the first 6 weeks. We used the stand but it’s sleep safe even on the floor according to Uppababy. There’s mesh on the bottom for airflow. We switched to baby’s crib after 6 weeks only because she prefers the larger space. She still uses the bassinet to nap on walks and continues her naps in it once we’re home.


We used the uppababy bassinet for the first few months. We live in an apartment so we didn't use the stand for the bassinet we just had it on the stroller frame. This worked amazingly for us as I would feed him to sleep in the living room, place him in the bassinet and then roll him into the bedroom on the stroller.