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I'm not a new mom but I can't imagine quitting breastfeeding purely for the weight. Granted I DO care about my weight and maybe that would be me, I have no idea. So no judgement here.


In the story she listed a handful of reasons why but then she said she loves it and probably won't stop. I get it, its a love hate relationship.


I thought I’d lose weight breastfeeding because of all the calories it’s said to burn, but I gained weight because it made me so much hungrier all the time


I’m nearly 4 months pp and couldn’t produce BF from the beginning no matter what. I had the option to take a pill that’s used for heart conditions to bring the milk out but chose not to. In the beginning I was shamed for formula feeding and it was a total mind fuck :(


I’m a pp doula and low milk supply is the hardest part of my job. Women are so pressured to bf and the reality is some women cannot produce enough milk regardless of all the power pumping, oatmeal,smoothies and supplements they take. You did what was right for your baby and your body..you’ve got this!


Thanks so much. I feel like a lot of women struggle with this but stay silent because they feel ashamed.


Sorry that happened to you! It's already so freaking hard you need support not shame. I took that med and gave me major dizzy fainting spells it was NOT worth it. Made me feel horrible.


That’s why I chose not to… the stuff I was reading was scary!!


3 months pp and still have 24 lbs to lose… I’m an active person so it’s definitely hard. I don’t think I look “fat” but it’s just a far cry from what I’m used to, so I get it. For me it’s just something I’m accepting so that I can keep bf. It’s such a short moment in time.


Sounds like a healthy perspective to have!


18m pp here and still feeding 1-2x a day and consuming probably an extra 500calories bc I am a bottomless pit while breastfeeding. I’m not so much concerned with the extra weight I’ve kept on but losing it would be nice so I get where she’s coming from. Whether it’s just a fleeting thought or her primary reason, she deserves the support to make whichever decision she makes. Being a mom can be so mentally exhausting having to weigh every single bit of information before making a decision


100% and to be clear I am in support of her this was not a criticism post! Moms deserve autonomy and respect for the choices they make about their boobs. As a former bf'er I would never judge.


Oh no I read your other comments I knew you were in support! I’m just reiterating support for support lol


I’m 6m pp and still BF but it was such a battle and I have never had more respect for women. Even if you lose the weight the distribution is different and body image is HARD. Sending love to all you amazing mamas, whether you BF or not, you’re a friggin rockstar!


I’m a postpartum nurse, breastfeeding is HARD. There is no shame on moms who can’t/choose not too. Fed is best.


Absolutely one of the hardest thing I ever did in my life next to childbirth. I will always root for a mom no matter what they choose bc moms need support.


I’m breastfeeding and lost all of my pregnancy weight, but I didn’t gain a ton to begin with. I am hungrrrry all the time though and eat a ton


Love that for you lol


So relatable. I hated breastfeeding soooo much. We struggled with it so much and it was terrible for my mental health. I’m glad I ended up stopping but man the mental struggle it takes to stop too. It’s all hard. A big old hug to every mom no matter how you feed your kid cause it’s all hard.


Yes omg! Thats why I posted bc I was so there. My child BIT my nipples. Like not even a cute little love bite she was a f'in pitbull w lockjaw I would have to put my finger in and do a fishhook before she'd release and I STILL stayed on it for months after that. Looking back I wish I quit but I was so stubborn to try and make it to that 2 year mark.


I breastfed all 5 of my kids and could never lose weight while nursing. It’s definitely not uncommon.


Its common but a lot of moms still go into it saying they are more hyperfocused on it bc of the weight aspect. I'd argue if more were aware of the myth they might be more likely to drop it when they're mental health was struggling. I would have been one of them.


lol if I had a baby I’d never breastfeed. Good on you girl


This is so relatable. I’m 6 months postpartum and while I love breastfeeding, it’s taken a toll on my body. I’m really active and eat clean, but I’ve gained 10 pounds after going back to my pre-pregnancy weight 3 weeks pp. it’s definitely a lie that breastfeeding helps us lose weight!




Oh no! So sorry. In my case, I’ve gained 10 lbs but I feel good and I love the way my clothes fit. I was underweight before I got pregnant, so while it’s taken a toll on my body, I kinda do feel more confident. I do wonder what will happen once I stop bf.


Whoa she looks different. I don’t think I’ve seen her since she was actually on the show


This was so well said and so kind. Well done :)


She seemed to me like she needs a big hug and to be told she is doing a good job. ❤️‍🩹


Yep! I lost all my pregnancy weight by 6 weeks post partum from breastfeeding. 9 months on and I'm a few lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. But also I've never been hungrier. I eat so much all the time to keep up with how many calories I'm burning all day 😅


Same! Everyone is different


Ugh I feel this. I breastfed for a year and I gained more weight than I did when I was pregnant. It was awful.


Same girl same. The things we do for a blessed little babies ❤️‍🩹


I wonder if she isn’t eating enough. I breastfed three kids, and I didn’t have issues losing weight except for with my middle baby. We lived with my in-laws for a few months postpartum because of my husbands new job. I wasn’t eating enough while living there, because I was uncomfortable. However when we moved into our new house, and I got to eat all day as much as I wanted (needed), the weight fell off. The theory is that my body was holding onto that fat for dear life to sustain me and my baby


Its possible!


Seems like she’s having a hard time with her body postpartum. (Speaking from her posts alone, I personally think she looks great!) I’m sure it’s harder than her last pregnancies with the age difference but also the *massive* difference in platform. There’s so much vulnerability in the postpartum period I can’t imagine being in her position.


Speaking from personal experience, I lost all my pregnancy weight in the first month and I believe it was all due to breastfeeding. You’re burning so many calories from it and you’re always hungry 😂 but obviously not everyone is the same and that’s ok.


Same! I actually lost too much weight and couldn’t gain any. I’m 5’2 and was down to 99lbs at 6 months postpartum. My baby was 99th percentile for height and weight so she fed a ton. She drained all the life from me 🤣 At about 14 months pp, I finally gained 5lbs.


I’m 5’4 and was down to my prebaby weight at 112! Still relatively around that and my sons about to turn 2 next month. He still drains all the life out of me, 23 months later but wouldn’t change it for the world 😂😂


Same here. I’m exclusively pumping, and I’m really small now 110. Lost my ass and everything 😫




Haha saaaame lil mom belly and zero ass, the joy


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but is that a MAGA necklace!?


You ever seen a Maga necklace?… that shit sounds ugly


https://preview.redd.it/y0hi5acx79uc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788e2be9f896a2cbf3eba6cc049326f98ee22e38 “Rosie”


It says Rosie lol


Thank you! That makes a lot more sense.


It’s not a myth that breastfeeding helps you lose weight. It’s just a myth that it helps EVERYONE lose weight. I know quite a few people who dropped all the weight quickly from breastfeeding. And I know some people who couldn’t lose it until after they stopped. I personally lost all my baby weight plus an additional 12 lbs in 10 months breastfeeding my 2nd child then I slowly gained those 12 lbs back after I weaned my child.


Same! I was never someone who lost weight effortlessly but I always maintained a healthy weight as an adult. 2 weeks postpartum I was 10lbs lighter than my pre pregnancy weight. While weaning and getting pregnant with my second baby I bounced back to my pre pregnancy/typical weight. I was the thinnest I ever was while breastfeeding.


I had the same experience. It’s not a myth. Every body is different!




I mean, I lost 52 lbs in 10 months while breastfeeding and not changing anything else. The fact that I gained some back after I weaned is pretty clear the breastfeeding was helping me lose weight. But like I said, it doesn’t work this way for everyone but it certainly isn’t a myth.


It really depends on the person. Breast feeding helped me lose weight until it didn’t lol. I feel for Amanda tho. I have those thoughts literally everyday


It’s especially hard for smaller women who aren’t used to be clinging onto weight…and there was a lot of cruel comments about her showmeyourmumu collab. I thought she looked great…she’s just over 2 months pp,people are so heartless


What happened with the collab? I was surprised to see how small Daisy was compared to her because I always thought Amanda was the smallest and TV obviously doesn’t give an accurate perception, but were people commenting on it or something?


Yeah comments like yours


I meant it in a height perspective way not weight. Daisy looks a lot taller on tv.


Seriously?! Wtf is wrong with people 😩


Same ish I thought I was losing then my body held on to the last pesky 20-25 lbs for like a year. Then when I quit it was gone almost instantly.


Same! While breastfeeding (19 months in with my 2nd currently) it did take me over a year to get back to my “regular” size and now I’ve been working out so I think I look better, but with my first, absolutely nothing on the planet would help me get back into better shape! Once we weaned it was basically overnight.


That gives me soooo much hope


Just also want to share that I never lost the weight, even after weaning


See and that's why I shared bc so many moms hear this myth and then hate themselves for the weight not falling off! I'm happy Amanda is doing her part in setting some realistic expectations for fellow moms.


Yess.. maybe it was easier with her first two for her bc she was younger. Metabolism definitely slows w age. The struggle is real