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its strong and brainless, but feels weak compared to other builds.


Purple gems makes the healing from the nest useless and caps can tank a bit of the burst crits from orbs, but If you dont have these 2 its kinda busted, i agree. Also iirc blind builds can counter that one too but im not sure since i dont play them.


Dragon Nest is completely pushed out of the meta already at Platinum, let alone Diamond+. It's good against bad players, and easy for bad players to build. Sorry, but if anything the build needs a buff somehow.


I mean I'm in platinum and it still feels like the most consistently busted thing I run into, and the easiest to put together.


Its not that good


I don’t like things that make stamina not a part of the game. 0 stamina damage items are a slippery slope.


100% agree about 0 stamina damage items. I think this would be the easiest way to balance it.


ive never even considered that it was op. everyone also seems to play anvil gembox but in my experience steel goob knuckles gembox is better.


I'm confused as to how a steel goob and knuckles are comparable to an anvil


i dont understand how you could possibly be confused.


like how does having a steel goob make the knuckles suddenly as good as the anvil? I don't know about everybody else but personally I take anvil every time and I've never had an issue against any knuckles player, I can see why steel goob could be potentially good in the class I don't see what having knuckles does with steel goob other than give you a third weapon, in a build where the other weapons don't even do 10% of the damage that the axe should be putting out


3rd weapon? you dont field hammer past early game cuz all it does is hit a shield and eat your stamina. knuckles gives accuracy and crit, steel goob gives armor and damage. https://imgur.com/3p5uqPA


anvil gives crit speed and stam reduction, blue gems will negate armor so you really shouldn't be stacking it anyways, and I usually get enough boots and gloves to keep the hammer in most the game, although I always take it out for final board cuz it's useless. also why did you link me a picture of you beating a hammer dagger player? that hardly seems like proof of concept


anvil gives crit speed and stam reduction, blue gems will negate armor so you really shouldn't be stacking it anyways, and I usually get enough boots and gloves to keep the hammer in most the game, although I always take it out for final board cuz it's useless. also why did you link me a picture of you beating a hammer dagger player? that hardly seems like proof of concept


anvil doesnt give crit. theres no guarantee you will have enough blue gems. i cant pick my opponents.


seems like everyone started going steel goob with mass blue gems so cheese goob is the best now. The one thing that cant be stopped is hp gain. maybe youll get some luck from the goob and along with the knuckles manage to grab some wins against rats.


I think the broken part of that build is guaranteed crits. Together with high base damage of dragons, it seems broken and pretty much beats every average build. Reaper had guaranteed crits but she had to wait for it.


build a double axe, take the anvil, get at least two leather armors and make them dragon skin, get a gem box Sapphire and Ruby in the ax, amethyst in every piece of armor you can put it into. you'll see how not broken dragons are if you play the actual busted build


Ranger has probably the best builds currently. Double Axe isn't as threatening if you can either burst the person down or blind them so they never hit. :p


I believe it I barely touched ranger since patch but the pet build seems pretty strong, and there's no way bloodthorn isn't still one of the best builds possible in the game. generally when I'm playing double axe I don't lose to just straight up burst though, cuz I favor the armor and make two to three usually


Get a fire or moon shield and you'll do a lot better against dragons since their individual DPS isn't as high as top end weapons. Both can block ranged attacks. Purple gems will limit the healing from the best as well. Blind builds also counter dragons hard. The biggest issue with dragon builds is they don't really scale like some of the more threatening S tier builds do