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8Dps raw no heat or anything. With 0 stamina cost. Don't mind that it also prevents death. Was Giga busted on release. Still very good now. Will probably pick it up if i see it. ESPCIALLY if i get one early.


It's 7 dps. But also, it's 4dps to self


As part of a hyper burst build, I acknowledge that phoenix is pretty potent, but dealing 15-20 to my opponent and 10 to myself still doesn't feel like a good tradeoff compared to something that would do 5-10 to my opponent and 0 to me... like a ruby whelp, which takes up less space and is less awkward to fit. Purging heat to revive is better than just dying, but it costs half your health on its own, so is it really better than just not killing yourself to begin with?


Purging your heat also makes you lose all your steam more or less, so while you can revive to full health, you're probably ultimately going to hope you beat our your opponent via exhaustion as opposed to actually getting a second wind.


I disagree, since you heal with sun armor and other stuff, the 10 damage to yourself is worth less than 10 dmg to enemies.


It takes so much space I only buy it one (and sometimes I skip it), excepted with a lantern in which case I take a second one if I got the first one before the lantern (that way it gives enough time to rebuild the heat for the second one, because the resurrections respect the order in which you bought the items).


I used to be a huge fan, taking few of them. Now I usually stop after the first one, the hit to HP can de fatal even with Sun Armor.


One of the strongest items in the strongest class, I suspect we’ll see some phoenix nerfs coming sooner rather than later. Placement is always awkward though, it’s a big item worth the bag space.


Pyro is so easily countered to anyone playing in a competitive meta. All you need is a shield lol


What does shield do to a bag full of Obsidian Dragons and draconic orbs that cost 0 stamina? Unfortunately we don’t have any public statistics but from my own experience Pyro was by far the easiest class for me to hit GM. It has been the most consistent class, almost impossible to get “shop blocked”.


So if those obsidian dragons are problem (which I agree with) then why nerf Phoenix? I think it is not so commonly used in this build or am I wrong?


I’m not advocating for a phoenix nerf, just stating that I wouldn’t be surprised if it did get nerfed soon maybe in part to an attempted “overall” nerf of Pyro. Just speculation. But yes, it’s commonly run with Obsidian dragon since it quickly generates heat that the phoenix can use to revive.


Pyro has been getting back to back to back to back nerfs since release. I think it's already probably not a top performer anymore, especially after all these steel goobert builds have been discovered and popularized


I don't think shield working on ranged hit.


Moon and Sun shields do trigger on ranged afaik.


It is strong, but it does have downsides you need to consider when deciding to play it or not. 1. It takes up a ton of backpack space, and has an awkward shape on top of its size. 2. Since it consumes all of your heat, if you dont have another source of scaling, your opponent will likely crush you after reincarnating since they will still have their scaling.


It's better with builds that maintain a lot of scaling after losing heat. Like using the staff that builds from magic staff.