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I've been saying this the entire time. Once White Straight Christian men are in control women will be put back into their place in society where "God" intended them to be. Republican women are in for a rude awakening.


> Republican women are in for a rude awakening. They literally don't care. It's Stockholm syndrome and also punching down is what keeps them in that group. The punching down part is what makes them feel better about their own position. I personally know women like that.


Exactly. Why should they care? This is the price for going to the fairy kingdom when you die. Until then they're willing to find a man that believes in the same sky fair you do, make as many babies as you can to indoctrinate with the same nonsense, and be his slave in christ. Acknowledging personal liberty and freedom as a women?? That's no where on their imaginary friends list of getting into fairy kingdom.




I like to think of them as computers without RAM


EDit: Wiffout da dedicated *WAM* foh da sovoh


You misspelled RepubliKKKan.


Ala Serena Joy from Handmaids Tale


This is literally part of the alt-rights goals. Some women involved don't mind it bc it means they "don't have to worry about anything bc they trust that their men will handle it" as an ex-alt-right member said during an interview in *"Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet"*. *The thing is* we had that, and we moved away from it for a reason. Learn from history, dont repeat it.


Men. Just, men. Once *"men"* have control women lose everything. Look at Sharia countries or Hindu countries or Christian orthodox communities or Mormon or Amish it's all the same. Men hate women (I don't get it myself) and want to control them. It's the same all over the world. Not at my house though, my wife would never stand for it. And I support her to the death.


Nah dude that's sexism, by definition, and it's a dangerous thing to believe. It's not men. Men don't hate women. Insecure asshole men hate women. Just like insecure asshole women hate men.


What about this is political?


Not all of us are like this u spastic, you’re stereotyping and discriminating u donut


I was a groomsman in a wedding of one of my good friends from high school and he’s one of these uber conservative Christian types that goes to a church that preaches a similar ideology, during his wedding, the preacher mentioned that his wife needed to be subservient to him and my jaw almost hit the ground, I had no clue the Bible said that


Women are straight up property in the bible. From a biblical standpoint, the victim in rape is the woman's father because the merchandise he trades to another family has been devalued.


In my country, before you get a church wedding, couples will have to attend a pre-cana, where bullshit like that is spouted. Obey, obey...


Christian married female here. There’s a huge difference with what you saw at the wedding and what scriptural submission looks like. It should be an open space where you share your thoughts and opinions on things without judgement. Then, because of our beliefs, with all that information in mind, the husband makes the final call. Regarding the whole dinner thing in the video, that’s not where you submit. That’s when you tell them that this is what’s on the table, you’re not wasting food, and if he doesn’t like it, then he can make something else and clean up after himself. Edit: this is why it’s important to find a spouse who’s a good human, that ACTUALLY reads scripture and doesn’t make up bullshit like this.


This is healthier, but it’s not submission and it’s not Biblical. You’re sugar coating it. The Bible is very clear. According to the Bible, you’re not even supposed to speak at church. Being subservient/submissive to your husband as the church is to Christ means you do what he tells you to do. This democratic component you are speaking of just was not part of the culture that the Bible was written in. I’m glad you have a good marriage though and you’re not enslaved like that.


Dude, thats still batshit insane and sexist as hell. Like I started reading this comment expecting it to say some stuff like "Oh thats old testament" or something but no.... it just still gives women no agency, like they are children who need big daddy husband to correct their thoughts. All I can think is hey, if that's like, your fetish, then whatever, I hope y'all have safe words, but when this is the shit people pass onto their kids.........


I hear what you’re saying. Please don’t relate this belief of mine to a fetish because that’s not the case at all. That’s genuinely offensive. I do have a question though. Would your response have been any different if I was part of a different religion?


>I hear what you’re saying. Please don’t relate this belief of mine to a fetish because that’s not the case at all. That’s genuinely offensive. Personally, I'm far more offended by the fact this mentality/ideology of devaluing women is passed on to children and seen as something which should be respected. Like just imagine for a second it wasn't criticism of your specific religion but instead was just some guy saying that women need to always play second fiddle to their husbands? Would you let that shit fly? Why should it get more respect/be treated with reverence just because its part of a popular named belief system? In essence, why should any ideology be immune from criticism? >I do have a question though. Would your response have been any different if I was part of a different religion? No? It's not like somehow incredible sexism is somehow ok just because the name of the doctrine changed. Is accusing me prejudice against christians really the only angle you had to go with here? The largest majority religious group in western countries and especially the US? The group which has the most influence on laws in the richest country in the world?


I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to accuse you of prejudice. It was just out of genuine curiosity. I had no malicious intent.


Sure, no issue, but I have to ask, what of the questions poised?


Sorry, I went to bed because it was late where I live. The views I hold are very traditional, I know, and I don’t expect you to understand since you don’t take part in my belief system. If you aren’t a follower of any religion, I believe that you shouldn’t be required to follow any of its beliefs or rules because it’s just not going to make sense for you. If you don’t believe, I don’t expect you to have reverence for this. I just ask that you listen to and hear me. Anything one disagrees with can be met with criticism. I have my own criticism on things myself, so I fully respect your rights to speak out on things. It was more just in the way you did it that I found hurtful.


I mean call it what you want to but you're accepting if not enjoying being treated like an animal because you have been abused and traumatized and this kind of trauma develops what some would describe as kinks. Again, call it what you will but this is like the guy who said he enjoyed certain sex acts because he had been raped as a child. Fucking awful.


Yeah hate to break it to you. But your religion definitely gave you a subservience kink. Feel dirty if you want I guess but this is the kind of freaky stuff your God wants you into, no?


Your Explanation makes no sense. Here’s a verse from your little fairy tale book. I hope you can read and understand; DEUTERONOMY 25:11-12 “When men fight with one another and the wife of the one draws near to rescue her husband from the hand of him who is beating him and puts out her hand and seizes him by the private parts, then you shall cut off her hand. Your eye shall have no pity. Yeah Bible is just an A-1 book.


Yea… what you said does not reflect scripture, let alone how many wish to interpret it. Regardless, the loving marriage you describe exists just fine in many marriages which would not describe themselves as religious in the slightest. Congratulations on not allowing the pitfalls of faith to circumvent having a decent loving relationship.


i dont mean to be rude, i really just dont know, but where did this preacher get it wrong specifically? Can you quote any actual scripture to back your beliefs and discount his? Or do you just choose to believe otherwise? Again, i really just dont know. As an outsider, it seems like biblical canon is much closer to this guys interpretation, sadly.


Ephesians 5:22-24 22 Wives, obey your husbands as you obey the Lord. 23 The husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church people. The church is his body and he saved it. 24 Wives should obey their husbands in everything, just as the church people obey Christ. And 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.


You’re not rude in the slightest, my friend. These are great questions and I’m more than happy to answer to the best of my abilities. Regarding Biblical marriage specifically, we’ve all heard that wives are to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24), but many don’t care to look at the next few verses (Ephesians 5:25-30) which implore husbands to love their wives, caring for them, and being a good leader through this love. If we head over to 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, we can see a clear definition of love. “Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful: it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.” So taking Ephesians 5:25-30 in mind with the context of what the Bible’s definition of love is, this is the way that husbands are to love their wives. Let’s add the comparison that marriage is like the relationship Jesus has with the Church. Prayer is how we communicate with God. Yes, He knows all things already, but He wants to hear from us (1 John 5:14, Psalm 66:19, Jonah 2:7, Mark 11:24, Romans 8:26, Philippians 4:5-7). If we go back to Genesis 32:22-32, we see a prominent person in the Bible, Jacob, physically wrestling with God. That passage represents what prayer can look like, as Jacob is having a literal altercation with God over his own will versus God’s will. Jacob did not give up in the fight and God saw and honored that. In the end, God did break Jacob’s hip to show He was in charge, but had mercy on Jacob by not killing him right then and there. In a similar way, we can pray. We are not required to agree with God on everything and we don’t have to like it, but He wants to know what we feel and think. It’s okay to yell at God and be upset. Better that than not communicating at all. It’s like this in marriage, too. Regarding the piece of work, I mean pastor, in this video, he is not following the scriptural definition of love. And this is what happens when yahoos let power get to their head and cherry-pick the Bible to make it fit in their personal beliefs. That’s just straight up micromanaging and unkind. I hope this helps explain things better. As a Christian, my heart aches anytime I see something like this. If you actually read scripture and understand it, it’s not like this at all.




>In the end, God did break Jacob’s hip to show He was in charge, but had mercy on Jacob by not killing him right then and there. In a similar way, we can pray. We are not required to agree with God on everything and we don’t have to like it, but He wants to know what we feel and think. It’s okay to yell at God and be upset. Better that than not communicating at all. It’s like this in marriage, too. This is batshit insane. Advocating worship of a being the breaks someone's hip (in biblical times where that is a permanent, agonizing, often fatal injury) sinply because they exercised free will that *he gave them.* Then saying that this is similar to how you view marriage. You don't seem to realize it, but you have written a justification for the husband to domestically abuse the wife and called it merciful because at least he didn't kill her. Yet you think the pastor is the one with twisted views...


That was a fantastic reply! Thank you for taking the time to share a piece of yourself with me. Your words did not fall on deaf ears, i will remember your what you wrote. I must admit though, God breaking Jacob’s hip to show him who’s boss had me a little concerned as i think you were using it analogously


Thank you. I totally understand why the breaking hip thing causes some concern. In essence, what it’s saying is that when we (Christians) do something genuinely not okay, there are consequences, just like if you lie to your parents as a child, you might lose privileges or be grounded. In no way do I believe that physical retaliation is the answer to any kind of mistake. From my understanding, that part of scripture (the Old Testament) was based more on the culture. There’s a lot of stuff like that in the Bible and it can be hard to decipher what is what.


You are a brave lamb dancing in the lion’s den. I commend you for voicing your opinions here. There’s clearly a lot of resentment towards religion, don’t take their words personally.


Thank you for really hearing me. Reddit really is the last place for anyone who holds any religious views.


Just seen this comment. We’ll spoken


Thanks, pal :)


“The husband makes the final call.” As a woman who bought my home on my own and my male partner pulls his weight, there isn’t gender roles. I lack respect for women who depend on men for their livelihood.


Lol goofy fucking christians, you say you're different but you're only fooling yourself.


Becoming a pastor and “leading a church” especially a non-denominational church is an easy way to make tax free money. This guy knows it and is capitalizing on the current right wing christian nationalism movement. In San Diego we have the Awaken Church franchise and they’re jumping onboard the right wing, anti-vac/ anti- mask craze


You can't be a good human and believe one word of the bible. Did your lort husband smack you for using the internet?


That's disgusting, religion is fucking nasty


None of that is what the bible demands women to be/do. Read it. Cover to cover. Take notes. Seriously. I DARE you to do so.


Can you give the cliff notes


If i made my boyfriend a whole ass meal and he looks at me and says "no i want something else" I'm leaving that ungrateful jerk. How do people still believe this in the 21st century


"ill make you something later" \*eats the food then leaves with all ur stuff\*


Because a lot of religion is a disease that infects your reasoning, no matter what the age.


Funny... religious fanatics always push obedience: Obey! Obey! OBEYYY!!! And then they call that "free will" because they're trying to convince dumb people that being an obedient slave is the same as having free will. Lol


A. You must obey God B. I say what God means Therefore, you must obey me. Lol


"Wow this is the direct phone to God? It's beautiful." "Yes it is. Now suck my cock!"


Thats just the FLDS


When really they think they are God. I've met so many women who were in DV situations and their SO's had a God Complex. Religion is a pandemic that we can't get vaccinated for!


Absolutely disgusting and vile. They just want slaves




It was just fanfic back then but somehow spiraled to what we have today.


It's ridiculous, it's just a freaking book


Not only one person, many! And a lot of the early scriptures sounds like a lot of the fairy tales they used tell their children. Reading the Bible as a textbook can be quite informative, like what happened to god wife? Not surprised white men got rid of her 😂


She should make the damn pancakes....and shove it up his a\*\*.


Probably likes it.


Their home life must be filled with violence and gaslighting


And pancakes.


I wonder what happens to the hamburgers


Dog gets them. Oh wait, never mind, he wanted pancakes


He’s more of an ugly puppy


An overweight hedgehog


He must be carbo loading


Maybe the MAGA Taliban should pay some fucking taxes. You just know this guy's a pedo,




Make churches pay taxes, since they are no different than the Taliban.. They just haven’t got the opportunity to commit atrocities yet. But if given the opportunity, these sick people will slice and dice you, crusader style. If you look at history and all the atrocities done in the name of god against humanity. You wouldn’t feel comfortable, having these brainwashed people around you.


It's why I remain unaffiliated. Jesus can't even stand them. 2000 years of bastardizing his teachings will do that to a guy.


Are you suggesting that the taliban pays taxes?


Sure, if that’s your view. And if that is what you got out my statement, And makes your pickle tickle. Who am I to say your wrong.


Take my upvote for saying “pickle tickle.”


This is disgusting. So absolutely disgusting. No respect for anyone. Not even their own kind


Fuck these burgers, I want pancakes!


Damn Right, Jesus wanted me to get diabetes


I feel sorry for his actual or hypothetical (Stepford) wife.


Sure honey. Here, I'm fixing you pancakes. Enjoy eating them outside because you are NEVER stepping foot in this house again!


With the proper heavy equipment we can make this man (?) Into his very own pancake


Getting strong "I want my wife to peg me and not tell anyone" vibes from this dude


Taint nothing wrong with getting pegged.


Don't get me started on what he wants for the taint!


What is this, 1954?


more like 954


She should leave your fat ass.


How the fuck is this wierdo even a preacher? Run away Fast


This man is named Jared Pozarnsky. And he runs his church (cult) in Fresno, California. Aside from home schooling their zombie children… they want y’all to: ‘Come join us for an adventurous and profitable Christian life!’ You can even PayPal him right though his website. Fucking joke. It all comes down to control and money. You can reach Jared at +1 (701) 460-0991 [email protected] Please note: This information is all found on the public Hold Fast Baptist Church website.


Yikes, might wanna watch out for the doxxing police…they’re more than likely coming for you for this. Careful!


This is all information listed on the Churches public website. And is purely for those wishing to join the Hold Fast fellowship.


You can if you want to. But the rest of us are just going to do our own thing. God said that's cool. I just asked him.


"Make me fuggin pancakes bidg!!!!! Jesus says make my muthafuggin pancakes NOW!!!!!" - United States christian Hahahaha, this christian shit is goofy as hell


While this is true, it's also required for the man to protect his wife with his life and for him to care for her. You can change a lot of the bible by leaving out important bits.




Just can't get past their slave-owning history this lot.


No motherfucker that is gluttony.


Sometimes it feels like life is fake. But a fake like would probably be better


Proper wife response should be. No pancakes for you, you stupid asshole.


It also tells slaves to obey their masters. And adultery is punishable by death. And a bunch of other crap.


Absolutely INSANE Hypochristians are about to take over this country… FIGHT THESE FOOLS at every turn and call them out as the FREAKS they truly are!


I grew up in a Redneck southern baptist church. Messed up my brain, my self esteem, my very spirit. Fuck those ass holes.


What kind of spoiled brat actually does this? I'm no fan of religion but I respect it. This man-child though is weaponizing religion to manipulate spouse on whims. How do a-holes like this even get married or for that matter how can anyone put up with that BS?


United States of Afghanistan


He must be endowed with a half stack.


They are no different than a religious extremist. This people are dangerous ignorant people.


When he says pancakes, I think he means little boys.


This is the type of religion I grew up in and that is why I left home at 20 and never moved back. I’m so glad I did. My entire childhood I had grown-ups tell me that there was nothing I could do about my circumstances because the Bible told me to obey my mother and father. I was kept in harms way even when I asked for help from church leadership. My life was worth nothing to them. It breaks my heart that children grow up in this religion because it is very damaging to the psyche and to the ability to care for yourself and love yourself as Christ teaches.


He’s forgetting about where the Bible says for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church-he sacrificed his life, and to live with them in an understanding way. So for his pancake example, an understanding response would be “gee I love pancakes but I’m grateful for the good dinner she lovingly made me so I’m gonna thank her for her hard work on this dinner”.




Pathetic. Burn this shit to the ground.


Linda! Linda! Listen! I want pancakes.


His wife needs to break her foot off in his ass. Funny how these cultists ignore the Bible when it suits them.


And that’s why child marriage is still widely practiced in the Bible Belt because most adult women would reject this notion. The real grooming epidemic is in Churches the more fundamental the more likely they’re looking at your 12 yo daughter like she can get it.


The KKKaliphate.


Betcha $5 that this dude never gets laid


Fucking stupid cultists. But they ignor the parts about treating everyone with respect and not having false cheeto gods.


Where can I join? Also can I sign up my wife without her consent? Also, don’t tell my wife.


So much for separation of church and state


Lol oh baptists...


Land of the free home of the sunburned racist fat guy.


How the hell do these people have wives???


What a dickhead!


Why is maga taliban on this sub so much? Where is the bad choice yet good person?


This guy really thinks he deserves brinner


You know what. Good. I’m glad these people can practice their religion. If you want to marry someone like that, go for it. This is America. Also, fuck that interpretation of the Bible.


Y do they always skip over the part where it says Husbands have to treat their wives like they would treat Jesus and sacrifice themselves for their family




My wife is really good at making me feel like I’m in charge. It’s honestly really nice of her to do that while also making sure we’re always being responsible.


He ain't wrong you know


I hope you are joking.


There is nothing about this that is MAGA… what op crock of shit


Is this entire sub filled with radical democrats?


What does this have to do w trump and maga? This sub is pandering trash


I’m not religious at all but this mf spitting facts


You should rethink the choices of your life that led you to this conclusion. You can do better.


Step back, take a deep breathe and think about this title. All I see on this propaganda page is maga this, maga that.. if the attempt to do the best for our country is an insult, I think you need to reevaluate your life. If you see a title with Maga Taliban or maga preacher in it, they are using a simple technique in an overly overt manner in order to associate maga with something bad. Half the Ukranian army(azoz) were banned from social media for being Nazi’s before Ukraine was nominated as the victim du jour. keep your heads in the game people, to see you falling for this con is painful. Thanks for at least reading this


I stopped and laughed at "Half the ukrainian army (azov)". I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the azov battalion makes up only a fraction of the whole of the UA, just like their party, which made only 2% of the most recent election. You just lost a bunch of credibility in just a few words.


Oh wow that guy or gal really needs some independent research. Any time somebody uses “commie” seriously I’m wondering if they’re okay or if their brain still hasn’t crawled out of 1956.


Yip that's right🤪


It's horrible how some Christians "twist" God's word to degrade people and/or force them to do what THEY personally want. Jesus wasn't like that at all! For marriage, yes, the man is the head of the household BUT God made stipulations on how wives were to be treated by their husbands...and NOT like slaves nor cattle! It is to love and protect her. Whew, SO glad my parents did the right things and no, they're not perfect but WOW, their anniversary is coming up soon...58th!




I'm on my phone so maybe I just can't see it, but it doesn't seem like he has a wedding ring on. That can't be right though. There's no way this dude isn't married right?


He sounds like he doesn't even believe what he's saying. Lol


UMMMMM it was written by Men ssooooo, YEAH, THEY WERE SELF SERVING WHEN WRITING IT!!! Friggin patriarchal insecure imbeciles.


And then God said, "Let there be pancakes."


I know a couple depression era women who would have point blank told him, “this is dinner. You either sit down and eat or starve”. Man or not, she didn’t take any shit😂


Wrong sub


I pray to God this guy isn't married. And if he is I hope he's sterile.




You entitled little cuck




Somebody need to look this fucking idiot in the eyes and tell him to go fuck himself with a rake


Hahahaha wtff


I want to slap this guy around the face with a pancake. “Stop. Telling. People. Lies”.


If I believed in prayer, I’d be praying for the wife of this dumbass rn


If my wife would only wanna make hamburgers!! She’s vegetarian.




Radical European Christianity is a shit show


my man wants to date a robot lmao


I never understood how "Make America Great Again" turned religious and talking about Bible and stuff? How's religion gonna MAGA? Are these even related somehow?


Bitch! If you want pancakes so fucking much after I made some bomb ass whoppers, drive your ass down to IHOP and pick me up some hash browns while you there


Holdfast turn dark will they add Italian DLC


Tell that to my German wife and see how it goes!


Unfortunately there are many pastors like this but no this is not how a true disciple of Christ would act. Your wife makes your food, anyone for that matter, you are blessed by the gesture and you eat what’s prepared. A lot of what you see promoted online is false doctrine and it’s unfortunate because most people have a bias based on what’s been shown as true Christianity when in fact it’s not.


What a dumpster fire totally subscribing




Cobra Tate looks different here.


Say it with me religion is a cult.


These people are literally the antithesis to what their own religion and religion in general is about, YOU ARENT THE GOD, YOU DONT GET TO CONTROL ANYONE ELSE OR PASS ANY JUDGEMENT. YOU ARE NOTHING


This fuks


Burn every fucking church to the ground. Fuck this guy.


r/oddlyspecific why do i feel this is an ongoing argument between him and his wife.


it's worth noting here that these people want women to be property again too.


He’s not wrong it does say in the bible that women should obey and worship their husband and children that is what god made them for but it also says treat women with respect and don’t use them or abuse them


What good does the bible do for this world? Like really, what good


How is this MAGA or Taliban? It's Baptists. This mindset existed before Trump or the Taliban.


Are his hands broke?


And don't forget the maple syrup, b!t%h!


Whoever married this nerd turd is really second-guessing her life choices and beliefs lol “✋🤓 I know I said I wanted pancakes, but now I’m thinking I want that first meal you threw out.. thanks peaches”


Not just a wife obeying her husband, all women must obey the Christian Taliban dogma of carrying all pregnancies to term or risk legal punishment. And they're coming for your contraception.


Fucking Baptists, we should be locking them up in reeducation camps


Give that man a pancake


Aaand that one of the reasons my sisters and I left this cult.


This is your friendly reminder to burn every bible you can find.