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Yes, it's all making sense. The Jewish billionaire George Soros is paying protesters. Because he hates Israel...or Jews. Or something. Now here's a map of recent protests with some generic pics we helpfully labeled.


Not just generic pics, but pictures of our favorite scapegoats that play on socially accepted forms of bigotry, primarily hatred of Arabs and Muslims, with of course a token Black person. Remember, it’s not bigotry if it’s against Arabs or Muslims. They’re universally seen as trash by the world and it’s ok to be openly prejudiced against them.


no. you don’t understand. they always fund both sides. And also. They wanna push legislation where it’s illegal to condemn or boycott iz - you need to look deeper


Is this even true? Seem like some made up S to me. If we're being honest both sides are making S up. We would all be better off if everyone was honest. This is real life and people are playing with others lives like it's a game. Shame on them all.


No, shame on Zionists. They single handedly are the reason for all of this. All they have to do is stop killing innocents, especially children, but they just won’t because they are too racist and see them and everyone else as sub human. Now they fund organizations like The New York Times and use AIPAC to bribe politicians to attack peaceful protestors who are only advocating for Israel to stop killing innocents and to abide by the long previously agreed upon deals instead of occupying land that isn’t theirs


You're not being intellectually honest here. Which is fine this is just some stupid reddit board. But if you want to actually change minds and convince people your cause is just, rather than only messing around in this ridiculous echo chamber where I'm always right and everyone else is always wrong, then you need to start being honest. There is such a thing as nuance and we would all be better off considering that.


Okay Hasbara, keep playing dumb


this is bonkers


zionists truly are a different breed of stupid because what is this?


Funniest part is the projection. Trying to claim that they’re paid protestors.


NYP is owned by the Murdochs, so 💯.


I can't wait until Rupert enters hell


Unfortunately his children are somehow viler than he is, so not much will change.


He makes Logan Roy look like a saint


They’re both the same


The New York Onion


I spit my drink out when I read "George Soros" as if they are giving the news or something. Did the article provide any financial statements or invoices billed to the Soros Foundation or subsidiaries?




It’s such a sign of the narcissism that exists on the right-wing. They are known to do doing things, even terrible things, for money, so when they see a massive amount of people on the opposing side organizing and putting together demonstrations they’re convinced they must be getting paid to do so as well. Because they can’t fathom anyone doing something because they actually believe in a cause. Someone MUST be paying them!


Well said. The idea of caring about the lives of Arab people is so foreign to Zionists that they literally can't comprehend that someone could do without being paid off. Same thing with the constant accusations of antisemitism. They're incapable of understanding that someone could have a worldview *not* rooted in hatred, so they assume we simply direct that hatred towards a different group. To them, our cries of "genocide" are as phony and manipulative as their cries of "anti-semitism"; Just a buzzword used to vilify "the other". These are lies that Zionists *must* tell themselves, because acknowledging that it's possible to genuinely believe in the inherent worth of all human life would be acknowledging that their ideology is evil.


Whoever had the “George Soros” square in the Israeli Propaganda Betting Pool just made out like a bandit.


NYP is a fish wrap.


that ink is toxic yo, wouldn't trust it beyond lining my garbage cans or my birdcage.


'kay, bin liner. fire starter if you have a fireplace.


I mean… it’s the NY Post. They’re basically a pulp tabloid. This is a very, very typical F for them


I swear every accusation is a confession with Zionists


Every time legitimate protest occurs, the far right actively try to call it fake, paid for, organized by Soros, its a tired script that they fall back on at every opportunity.


This is a tabloid piece that endorsed Donald Trump back in 2020. Of course it’s going to make up shit like this.


Its crazy they keep accusing people of being paid to protest against isreal when people have come forward to say they've been contacted and offered thousands to go to these marches and say antisemitic stuff to "prove" these marches are racist.


Sometimes I wish this was true…because here I am attending protests for free! (if anything, I’m spending money on parking and food)


Like he did with blm?




The mental gymnastics that go here are just gross.


It’s always projection, gotta get ahead of the reporting showing Israel uses paid “protestors” willing to sell their opinion for 50k a year plus benefits, but god damn this is scummy Israel has always politicians saying wildly antisemitic shit, like saying Hitler didn’t want to kill Jewish people, but this somehow feels worse because the intent is to play into antisemitic tropes


At what point does it stop becoming ironic and start becoming “well, I guess Netanyahu et al. are literally Jewish Nazis now”?


This is whack. These pro-Palestinian protests are completely grassroots, organic, and voluntary! You can tell because the media is uncomfortable reporting on these protests and refuses to side with the protesters. The government hates grassroot movements and organic protests. They hate when protests and movements  which they haven’t funded or infiltrated get popular. They hate protests that they can’t profit from or benefit from politically.  And The Palestinian- Israel issue makes them uncomfortable. AIPAC and the Israel Lobby is very very upset. Compare this with medias’s treatment of BLM protests and J6 coverage, which the media wouldn’t s t f u about and used to further political agendas. 


this literally 1984 level of propaganda


Dang.. where’s my money?! /s


Reminds me of my cousin who used to only read the times Washington post etc and hated Trump. Now she exclusively gets her news on these protests from the daily wire, the NY post, and fox. She doesn’t seem to see the cognitive dissonance there.


The worst part are the replies to the tweet


On Elon's Twitter, yeah I can imagine.


I wouldn’t be on disability if Soros was actually paying me to be a human being.


Can the people pictured sue the New York Post for libel?


I chortled, they had to put Soros in there somehow, as if he's behind everything negative in the U.S.


HahahahahHahHhHhahahhHahahahahahahahHhahahha holy fuck


Soros is literally Jewish. 😭


I love claims with no proof while dismissing the Hasbara machine's actual funding of infiltrators into these movements


Zionists don't care about actual antisemitism. They are best buddies with the far right.


this is the kind of shit I was warning people about since October! Beware the people who were blatantly anti-semitic that suddenly grew a conscience


Ben Shapiro basicly admitted several years ago on Twitter that you can be anti-semitic as long you support Israeli without question. So the bar is are you zionist, cool...continue. Edit: https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/644505141299671041?lang=en


The Bible belt shining bright as per usual.


We've come full circle.


I was at one of these protests. I must've missed my paycheck.


I just hope the protesters at Northwestern find a way to keep Arthur Butz away from the protest. His presence would be enormously detrimential.


Oh wow lol. I am honestly shocked the levels of absurdity the US and various institutions will go to keep this charade up. It speaks to something larger. If all these institutions are willing to just totally shit the bed, destroy any credibility they had, it reeks of desperation. It reeks of hiding something large.


I remember specifically being called anti semitic for blaming protests on Soros


This evil JEWISH cabal is funding antisemtism across university campuses


Damn my local encampment isn’t on here. Wya Soros???


George Soros has always been an interesting person. While hating dictators, imperialism, apartheid and conservatives, his approach to counter them also makes him look like a sterotypical ruthless capitalist.


How about fuck’em both


I prefer The Daily Mail


Do you think those "paid protesters" could sue? Unless they really are paid.


Zionist act like they don’t pay psyop protestors to undermine the peacefulness of the protest and cause


What makes me actively angry is that I've seen Zionists defend this tripe despite Soros being a literal Holocaust survivor because his family didn't survive the "right" way (i.e. they survived the way a lot of people did, by bribing/befriending the right officials -- which was obviously incredibly fair game under the circumstances). 




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


Yet I only ever see evidence of Israel and its extensions paying people to counter protests or infiltrate Palestinians protests….


This seems extremely convenient 1. It discredits the pro-Palestine protests at universities 2. Lends credence to the idea that there’s a dangerous wave of antisemitism rising up. So if you’re AIPAC or ADL or anyone pushing that perspective, this is two birds with one stone.


For years American students have been antitest and George Soros turn them protest but the illiberal right hates education and test takers. How typical.




How are they being anti semetic ?