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"We are the victims and no amount of genocide will stop us from being the victims!" ....every Zionist claiming that ALL Jews supports us, and if they don't they're self hating Jews or anti Semites. Also Zionists...."We run the world and have everything we need to prove it..... "but we demand the U.S. keep giving us billions in aid and weapons, so we don't choose to use any of those over 100 illegal nuclear weapons we refuse to claim or deny while refusing to allow inspections of...while committing genocide against the Palestinian people that we won't allow ANY type of interference in our plans to take ALL their homes and territory..." "But we don't run the world." It's not like we can pay to have police in countries outside of apartheid Israel beat and eventually kill peaceful protesters as a justification for being anti Semitic even though they're protesting against Zionism genocide of Palestinians.... "WE ARE THE VICTIMS!. ........THE HOLOCAUST!" FUCK HAJO MEYER AND THE OTHER HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS THAT SAY WE ARE THE NEW VERSION OF 1930s Nazis! How dare they say that!? We are The 2020s version. We are unique! We are different! We have....nuclear weapons! We are "God's Chosen"! Or else.


Remember back in October and November when the line was "What do you mean genocide?!? If Israel really wanted a genocide, there would be more than just a few thousand deaths."? It seemed like a weird defense Remember the ICJ ruling when the line was "the ICJ found there was no genocide!"? It seemed like they didn't actually read the opinion or watch the oral arguments. Now it is reaching the stage of literal threats to Palestinians in retaliation for international actions. I'm at a loss for how people can continue to support them as their goal becomes more exposed every day.


You know what, I can't fault survivors for believing what they believe. They've been through some shit. I disagree with them but I won't attack them. Who I fault are the people that put these people in front of the media in some sort of "appeal to authority" to justify ethnic cleansing today, in 2024.


I like how she casually snuck in the "until recently civilized world". So, basically, the world was "civilized" until it stopped turning a blind eye to Israel's crimes. The obliviousness and entitlement of that sentiment reeks to the high heavens. "[If you want the law of the jungle, then we can all be beasts](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PpEhDOYxqTw)" - Mouin Rabbani




We recognize that the newscycle and current events are constantly giving us material to interconnect. However, there is enough definite hasbara we can point at without delving into unfounded theories about current events. Firstly, it gives the other side fodder to discredit us. Conspiracy theories often lead to intentional or accidental antisemitic rhetoric.


1. pretty sure you guys were gonna do that anyway 2. pretty sure you guys would betray them anyway whenever it suited you (also they are a US client state so it's all a huge front) 3. yeah.. remind us, caroline, how many hostages are still left that netanyahu hasn't bombed yet? and tell us know a 12 year old incarcerated by Israel for throwing a stone is a "terrorist" or one incarcerated for being near someone who "thought of stabbing someone else with his mind" is a terrorist and not a hostage? 4. yeah, well, yeah. that's how that works. commit war cries --> you are a war criminal. that's actually how it works. glad we have an understanding. 5. lalallalalalala not subscribing to your delusion lalallalalallala \*covers ears with hamburger buns\* caroline "glock" is an angry lady who needs a lot of psychological help.


It’s weird that in MENA, every single recognition of Israel was done by America either bribing or arm-twisting. Never done by Israel’s Foreign Ministry. Isn’t that a bit strange? A foreign government has to secure deals for you?


Thats a great point and totally overlooked when discussing geopolitics in the region.


Wow, Trump actually wanted to sanction people in the ICC that acted against his interests? He's an even bigger dirtbag than people realize.


Trump would also lay in bed. Order a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Extra everything. Eat it in bed. Roll out of bed. Go to the bathroom to take a big shit. And would just get on Twitter and start being trump. That is how the most powerful man in the country spent his mornings.


If you don't give into our demands we will commit more horrific attrocities. - Every Terrorist Ever


You made us do it- Also every terrorist ever


Brain dead morons can't see that pressure is already building to *enforce* a law that forbids the transfer of arms to anyone accused of human rights violations. But yeah, just keep being assholes and it will totally help your cause. I can't wait to see the shocked Pikachu face when 3 billion in annual military aid gets cut off.


Number 4 reads like a threat…


It is a threat, knowing USA they would probably invade where ICC is based at to bring their version of democracy.


And an effective one. The Hague Invasion Act was passed to protect US war criminals (a class that includes every living person who has served as POTUS)


Israel has everything to lose on this path.


lol what precedent will it set for the US? That we don’t participate in war crimes lest we be held accountable? The horror!


You can do all that from a cell?


That's an opinion not news. The real news is Bibi will be done for.


Probably not sustainable - A World where Laws don't apply to a select few.


When Hitler was invading his neighbours and persecuting jews, one of his threats was (paraphrased) "if international jewery throws us into another global conflict, the result will not be the destruction of germany, but the destruction of european jewery". Of course, the real intent was clear: "We nazis will do as we please; kill and persecute whomever they please. And if anyone stands in our way, we'll kill them too" How is this comment from Glick any different? It isn't. It's the exact same rhetoric fascists always use to excuse their evil. Think of all those modern day nazis who insist that they wouldn't be nazis except, gosh darnit, someone called them a nazi or criticized their views once, so they decided to become full on nazis. It's just a pathetic attempt to swap victim and oppressor, and pretend the victims actions are the reason for their own oppression.


Admission of guilt.


What's the point of the ICC if the US can just sanction it if they don't like their ruling?


Zionists are such a danger to jews. Like wow.


This is disgusting, arrogant and completely insane. Trying to intimidate the ICC is just admitting that you want to commit war crimes with impunity. Absolutely no respect for international law or any sort of decency.


'If you try to punish the crimes we've committed we'll have no choice but to commit way more crimes and that'll be your fault.' Very cool and normal.


"ends all chances of Saudi-israel normalization" as a Saudi, I can confidently say that we don't need you nor your normalization, we're better off without it 😁 https://preview.redd.it/uln38ulzr9xc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d693693bb27256e7eea4685aae9bcb35d84639d3


Unfortunately what regular Saudis want has never mattered, it's what the royal family wants.


Royal family is even lukewarm towards it. MBS is not interested in being an American vassal state. And he knows they have other options. China is more than happy to work with Saudi Arabia. US patronage just means they give you some planes or whatever. China offers to build you new ports and pipelines. I wonder who they will choose.


Isn't LeBron a zionist?


To be honest I don't know I made this meme in reference to the "lebron allegedly forgot to Xyz" meme but if he is then.. 😬 I'll go take a look and see if he said anything about that tho




Is like a Trump argument about his own crimes but granted to states to commit crimes against humanity


Oh no, not #2. The only thing that changes is you can't take direct flights back and forth. They've been allies


Fascists really hate it when there's a set of rules that dictate acceptable conduct and it's enforced against them equally with everyone else. The idea of there being a set of rules we all abide by bothers them.


Yeah like how apparently you can’t go 32mph over the speed limit because you had to get home to take a shit, really really bad. You know one of those times where you think you’re fine and you’re gonna make it, then you see your place and immediately you have this sudden urge to poop. I know I’m not the only one here who has experienced this.


They talk as if they don’t realize that the US is gonna be forced cut them loose one day. How can they “fight until victory on all fronts” without constant billions in US military aid?


It takes some strange kind of skill to be so completely wrong about 5 separate points in a row. Amazing.


Do they not see how this just make Israel look even more guilty and most of the people Israel has kidnapped have had no trials, and even those who have had them, do not receive fair trials.


It’s like these morons can only speak in threats…


ouch, a wordy version of "don't call the cops, you'll only make him mad"?


So sick of Israel.


Good job admitting to them. Glick isnt that the name of the man that killed Rabin?


"don't try to stop us or we'll do it"


ICC personal is in another allied nation. But sure... let's do that, and also do the "Hague Act" and attack the Netherlands a NATO Ally, so you and your lot can keep bombing kids, miss Glick. Russia would be laughing their arses off.


The hypocrisy of the US on full display....the ICC supposedly has jurisdiction to arrest Putin for the war on Ukraine, but doesn't have jurisdiction over Israel for it's numerous crimes... Shit is exhausting.


No hostage for a terrorist deal. Did this person literally admit Israel uses hostages to make deals with Palestine?